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Nebraska proposal threatens downstream Kansas waters

Proposed Platte-Republican River Interbasin Water Transfer
- Fact Sheet from Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism -

• This project could severely impact natural resources in Kansas
• Milford and Lovewell Reservoirs are downstream and are especially threatened by this project

Why this is a problem:
The Platte and Republican Rivers are not naturally connected. Connecting the two would create a pathway for harmful fish, plants, and other species to move between the rivers. The Platte River contains species such as Asian Carp and White Perch that could swim into the Republican River system, which supplies Lovewell and Milford Reservoirs. These species and others that may inhabit the Platte River in the future could severely impact our lakes and rivers.

Asian Carp can weigh over 50lbs. and leap 10ft in the air when boats or personal watercraft pass by, posing a risk of serious injury to boaters. White Perch and Asian Carp also pose a risk to Kansas’ $210,000,000 recreationalfishing industry by leading to declines of sportfish such as bass, crappie and walleye. In other states, some lakes with Asian Carp have experienced sportfish population declines of more than 80%.

Changes to the Republican River could impact critical habitat for the Shoal Chub and Plains Minnow which are threatened species in Kansas.

Here is how to comment on this project:
Submit written comments to: Department of Natural Resources, P.O. Box 94676, Lincoln, Nebraska
68509-4676. Your written comments must be received by August 16, 2018.

Be sure to include:
1) The application number to which you are commenting on (A-19594)
2) An indication that your comment is offered under Option 1 (written comment)
3) Your name, address, and contact information
4) Your written comments
For more information on submitting your comments, see: A-19594 NOTICE.pdf at:


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