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Arkansas Fishing Report January - June
Submitted by Anglers Like You
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of your report if you'd like to receive credit for the report.
December 29, 2006 - Beaver
- G'day y'all from the Beaver Dam Store crew! - Should be good
fishing for the weekend ahead. It will be wet but the forecast
of snow has evaporated and if you can sneak in among the wind
gust the fishing could be very good.
THIS weekend 's forecast looks nice and dark, so
the fishing could be pretty good tomorrow. The wind might be
a pain but bring a heavier rod and perhaps fish some bigger flies.
Olive Woolly Buggers, Crystal Buggers and olive Baby Buggers
have been collecting plenty of fish. Try some 8s and 4s in the
buggers, white could be very good, or some zonkers, or other
big streamers.
Midges and scuds have been working well particularly Cadion Midges
in gray/silver, red and green, WD40s, traditional zebras in black
and silver and red/gold. Dry fly action this week hasn't been
too bad either. Go for cream midges, CDC parachutes, Parachute
Adams and Griffiths Gnats.
Egg patterns are consistent producers at this time of year and
could be the difference this weekend.
December 26, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture:
As of Monday, 25 December, main lake and Little River water surface
temperature ranges 45-50º, depending of course, on location
and time of day. Up-river water and oxbow's surface temps remain
warmer than the main lake surface temps by as much as 5-8ºF,
and range from 48-52ºF. Recent rains this week will most
likely change up the level and clarity again later this week,
as well as release rate at the dam. It's that time of year, folks
for continually changing water levels and clarity.
Lake level on Millwood, rose drastically again this week is approx
12 inches above normal pool as of Monday, at 260.21 feet. We
certainly expect that to change again later in the week with
the (much needed) rain in southwest Arkansas and southeast Oklahoma.
Little River's clarity as of Monday is approx 4-6" and current
is increased. The main lake clarity is approx 3-5" visibility
depending on location. Upriver oxbows remain fair to good water
clarity over the last few weeks and ranges from 2-5 feet in places,
further from river currents. Current in Little River is increased,
with release at the dam 1,162CFS as of 25 December. The tailwater
elevation below the spillway was unavailable on Monday. Discharge/
Release Rate at the spillway, is with 3 gates open 1 foot each.
USACE recently reworked all Little River markers and navigation
has been very much improved.
The activity levels of Bass and Crappie are typical winter patterns.
Feeding periods are are best during the warmest periods of the
The Details:
For the past couple weeks, the Largemouth Bass are relating strictly
to deeper water haunts, typical of winter patterns, and are slow
to fair. Best bite for Crappie and Bass has been running between
11am- 4pm, and continually changing based on winter weather patterns.
The best bite over the past week has been on jigs, 10" worms,
Carolina Rigs and Crankbaits. Depending on the area of the lake
or river and the water clarity, we are having our best success
using bulky jigs with rattles, 10" worms in black/blue or
Carolina rigging lizards in watermelon/red or chartruese pumpkin
colors depending on water clarity for the region of the lake
we are fishing at the time. Largemouth bass are still slow during
most of the day, and fair during the warmer part of the day.
Bass still are periodically feeding on shad, but the bite continues
to improve, around cypress trees, stumps and flooded timber.
The carolina rig bite has improved using watermelon-red lizards
and gitzits in pumpkinseed w/ chartruese tail.
Most of the bass' feeding periods have tapered off during all
but the warmest periods of the day, and have become shorter in
duration. War Eagle Spinnerbaits are still taking a few keeper
size bass around grass and vegetation, but the bite is entirely
random. Along the river next to stumps and deeper cypress trees,
we are having our best luck using jigs in black/ blue or pumpkinseed/chart
with rattles and an Uncle Josh 101 or Big Daddy pork chunk, with
Bang Garlic spray attractant. Carolina rigs using watermelon-red
or chartruese pumpkin lizards were taking a few bass this week
ranging from 2-3 pounds each along the stairsteps and wash cuts
along Little River.
For last few weeks, we have been throwing some crankbaits, parallel
to the river channel and in creek mouths dumping into the river
channel and having random success. Using an Excalibur Fat Free
Shad or Bandit crankbait in a crawfish pattern (brown back/orange
belly) has been working better over the past few weeks, with
the bass relating to deeper areas along Little River by deflecting
off stumps and cypress trees.
Approach Tip: Use a good, sharp treble hook like the XCalibur
rotating treble hook and a flexible rod with Crankbaits. These
Largemouths have a lot of fight in them! A sharp hook like the
XCalibur rotating treble hook will make all the difference in
the world when that trophy decides to bite. Too stiff a rod will
rip the treble hooks out of and away from the bass. A more flexible
rod will give you a shock absorber when he makes those
last two power surges at the edge of the boat. We learned the
hard way. Don't let a monster play you up, fake a gime' , then
powersurge, and get the last word in on you after you fight him
all the way to the boat. A flexible rod will allow you to beat
him at his game.
The jig bite continues to improve. Over the last couple weeks
with the water reduction in temperature, these bass were relating
to deep water drops and wintering areas. Stumps and cypress trees,
along Little River, especially near creek mouths, in the 8-12
foot depth range, have been holding some decent Largemouths ranging
in the 3-5 pound class. We have been using a Booyah swim'n jig
in black/blue or black/ chartruese jigs with rattles. Working
the jig next to stumps, cypress trees, cypress knees, and any
remaining vegetation, along deeper water of Little River and
especially within 100 yards of any creek dumping into the river.
Again, the Bang Garlic is helping the fish to find the jig in
any heavily stained or muddy water, and allowing a little extra
hook-set time. Jig bite has been soft, or completely mushy, and
at various times, very little line movement detected.
Approach Tip: Use a strong hook jig like the Booyah Swim'n
Jig, with rattles and Bang Garlic spray in the rising muddy or
stained off-color water. The rattles will draw in a curious bass
to investigate, and the Bang Garlic will entice a slow bite and
allow him to hold or swim off with the jig with a good taste.
The best soft plastic bite began to shift last week. With the
recent high water rise in lake elevation and muddy current, bass
have shown a preference for large jigs with bulky trailers for
a slow fall, or 10" bulky worms. We changed up a few tactics
and have had some random success over the past 2 weeks with a
10" beefy, bulky, worm in black, pumpkinseed/chartreuse
tail, or blue fleck colors.
No report for White Bass.
Crappie were doing better prior to the 12" rise last week,
and have now shut almost completely off again, with the recent
muddy 1-foot rise.
Channel Cats remain good with the continual current along outer
river bends of Little River. Trot lines were taking nice size
channel cats in the last few days using chicken liver, cut shad
and homemade blood bait. Lines set in the current, between 10-15
feet, have continually been taking some nice channel cats ranging
from 8-10 pounds.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Little River's clarity as of Monday 25 December
is improved from last week, with the lake approx 2.5" above
normal, and river clarity is approx4-6 "; & main lake
clarity likewise, approx 3-5" visibility. Upriver oxbows
remain fair to good water clarity over the last week and ranges
from 2-4 feet in places. As of Monday 12/18, the lake level approx
12.5 inches above normal pool, at 260.21 feet and falling. Current
in Little River on Monday increased, with release at the dam
1,162 CFS as of 25 December. The tailwater elevation below the
spillway was still unavailable on Monday. Discharge/ Release
Rate at the spillway, is with 3 gates open 1 foot each. USACE
recently reworked all Little River markers, and navigation much
Water surface temperatures stablized this week. As of Monday,
25 December, main lake and Little River water surface temperatures
actually climbed a bit from last week, and currently are ranging
45-50º, depending of course, on location and time of day.
Up-river water and oxbow's surface temps remain warmer than the
main lake surface temps by as much as 5-8ºF, and range from
December 23, 2006 - Beaver
- G'day y'all from the Beaver Dam Store crew! - IF you're the
organised type, this should be a good weekend to fish with all
the rest of us still hunting up those last Christmas presents.
We will be open all weekend whether you are fishing or shopping.
We will be closed on Christmas Day.
Fishing reports this week have been patchy. We would recommend
trying small size 20 midges like WD40s in olive, chocolate and
gray, red and brown zebra midges and of course the Cadion Midge
(formerly the TDM).
If you are really struggling check your depth, the rise in water
level in the tailwater means you must go deeper between your
indicator and your fly. Perhaps also a switch to 7x flourocarbon
might do the trick.
Egg patterns and Y2Ks have been doing well in recent weeks, as
have tan and olive Hunchback scuds, tan sowbugs and the Trout
Olive Woolly Buggers, Crystal Buggers and olive Baby Buggers
have been collecting plenty of fish, or try a Zonker in White,
natural or olive.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
December 20, 2006 - Greers
Ferry Lake - Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service - The water
level at greers is at 460.59
The temp ranges from 49-53 on cloudy days and 53-58
on sunny days
Some walleye and catfish are being caught on jugs
fished as shallow as 10 feet with live bream for bait
The rest of the walleye are pretty shallow on cloudy
days and feeding pretty good on crallers and minnows as well
as shad raps and wally divers and when it is sunny try fishing
about 34 feet trolling wally divers and shad raps as well as
spoonbill rebels
The bass, some big ones are right on the bank feedinf
on jigs and jighead worms as well as rattle traps, and the deeper
fish , a lot are suspended in 30-35 feet of water and are pretty
hard to catch the rest are on the bottom in 40-70 feet of water
and can be caught with c-rigs and football heads, as well as
some of the suspenders can be caught in the cedars and pole timber
with jerkbaits and spiunnerbaits
The crappie are running on the big size you may
not catch a lot but the ones you do are big and are biting in
12-25 feet of water on jigs and minnows in the creekbends suspended
in the pole timber and over homemade brush piles
The catfish as stated above are biting some what
on jugs from 10 -25 feet of water on live bream
The whites and hybrids are being caught up the
rivers as well as the last main points at the mouth of rivers
and some are being caught real shallow throwing and swimming
a curily tail grub in less than 5 feet of water the rest are
suspended from 15-40 feet of water, again look for shad and you
will find the whites and hybrids as well as a few other species
mixed in also
Tommy Cauley
December 19, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture:
As of Monday, 18 December, main lake and Little River water surface
temperature ranges 49-52º, depending of course, on location
and time of day. Up-river water and oxbow's surface temps remain
warmer than the main lake surface temps by as much as 5-8ºF,
and range from 50-55ºF. Recent rains this week will most
likely change up the level and clarity again later this week,
as well as release rate at the dam. It's that time of year, folks
for continually changing water levels and clarity.
Lake level on Millwood, almost returned to normal early this
week and is approx 2.5 inches above normal pool as of Monday,
at 259.41 feet and falling. We certainly expect that to change
again later in the week with the (much needed) rain in southwest
Arkansas and southeast Oklahoma. Little River's clarity as of
Monday is improved from last week, at approx 6-8" and current
is reduced. The main lake clarity is improved at approx 5-6"
visibility depending on location. Upriver oxbows remain fair
to good water clarity over the last few weeks and ranges from
2-5 feet in places, further from river currents. Current in Little
River is reduced, with release at the dam 1,162CFS as of 18 December.
The tailwater elevation below the spillway was unavailable on
Monday. Discharge/ Release Rate at the spillway, is with 3 gates
open 1 foot each. USACE recently reworked all Little River markers
and navigation has been very much improved.
The activity levels of Bass and Crappie are typical winter patterns.
Feeding periods are are best during the warmest periods of the
The Details:
For the past couple weeks, the Largemouth Bass are relating strictly
to deeper water haunts, typical of winter patterns, and are slow,
for the most part. Best bite of the day has been running between
11am- 3pm, and continually changing based on winter weather patterns.
The best bite over the past week has been on jigs, 10" worms,
and Yum Dingers. Depending on the area of the lake or river and
the water clarity, we are having our best success using bulky
jigs with rattles, 10" worms in black/blue or Yum Dingers
in watermelon/red or smoke colors depending on water clarity
for the region of the lake we are fishing at the time. With the
past week returning to almost normal level and improved water
clarity, the Largemouth bass are still slow and periodically
feeding on shad, but bite has improved, around cypress trees,
stumps and flooded timber. Further up river where you can find
more clear water areas, we had several great days this past week
using the Yum Dingers in watermelon red and smoke colors rigging
them wacky style on a very light 2/0 hook and dead sticking as
long as we can stand it around any remaining vegetation, then
barely twitch retrieve slowly.
Most of the bass' feeding periods have tapered off during all
but the warmest periods of the day, and for the most part, have
become shorter in duration. Spinnerbaits are still taking a few
keeper size bass around grass and vegetation, but the bite is
picky at best. Along the river next to stumps and deeper cypress
trees, we are having our best luck using jigs in black/ blue
or pumpkinseed/chart with rattles and Bang Garlic spray attractant.
Carolina rigs using blue fleck or black and blue lizards were
taking a few bass this week ranging from 2-3 pounds each along
the stairsteps and wash cuts along Little River.
For last few weeks, we have been throwing some crankbaits, parallel
to the river channel and in creek mouths dumping into the river
channel and having random success. Using a shad pattern Cordell
Big O or an Excalibur Fat Free Shad in a crawfish pattern (brown
back/orange belly), this has been working better over the past
few weeks, with the bass relating to deeper areas along Little
River by deflecting off stumps and cypress trees. With the return
of the lake to almost normal level after the 12" rise from
last week, the bass are again relating to the stumps and creek
mouths in the river. The return of the clarity to near-normal
ranges has improved both the bass and crappie's dispositions.
Approach Tip: Use a good, sharp treble hook like the XCalibur
rotating treble hook and a flexible rod with Crankbaits. These
Largemouths have a lot of fight in them! A sharp hook like the
XCalibur rotating treble hook will make all the difference in
the world when that trophy decides to bite. Too stiff a rod will
rip the treble hooks out of and away from the bass. A more flexible
rod will give you a shock absorber when he makes those
last two power surges at the edge of the boat. We learned the
hard way. Don't let a monster play you up, fake a gime' , then
powersurge, and get the last word in on you after you fight him
all the way to the boat. A flexible rod will allow you to beat
him at his game.
The jig bite continues to improve. Over the last couple weeks
with the water reduction in temperature, these bass were relating
to deep water drops and wintering areas. Stumps and cypress trees,
along Little River, especially near creek mouths, have been holding
some decent Largemouths ranging in the 3-5 pound class. We have
been using a Booyah swim'n jig in black/blue or black/ chartruese
jigs with rattles. Working the jig next to stumps, cypress trees,
cypress knees, and any remaining vegetation, along deeper water
of Little River and especially within 100 yards of any creek
dumping into the river. Again, the Bang Garlic is helping the
fish to find the jig in any heavily stained or muddy water, and
allowing a little extra hook-set time. Jig bite has been soft,
or completely mushy, and at various times, very little line movement
Approach Tip: Use a strong hook jig like the Booyah Swim'n
Jig, with rattles and Bang Garlic spray in the rising muddy or
stained off-color water. The rattles will draw in a curious bass
to investigate, and the Bang Garlic will entice a slow bite and
allow him to hold or swim off with the jig with a good taste.
The best soft plastic bite began to shift last week. With the
recent high water rise in lake elevation and muddy current; then
return to almost normal level and better water clarity this week,
bass have shown a preference for large bulky worms. We changed
up a few tactics and have had some random success over the past
2 weeks with a 10" beefy, bulky, worm in black, pumpkinseed/chartreuse
tail, or blue fleck colors.
No report for White Bass.
Crappie which shut almost completely off with the recent muddy
1-foot rise, are improving again on shiners and jigs, however,
still rather scattered at various depths from 18-22 feet around
planted brush piles.
Channel Cats remain good with the continual current along outer
river bends of Little River. Trot lines were taking nice size
channel cats in the last few days using chicken liver, cut shad
and homemade blood bait. Lines set in the current, deeper this
week, between 12-20 feet, have continually been taking some nice
channel cats ranging from 8-10 pounds.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Little River's clarity as of Monday 18 December
is improved from last week, with the lake approx 2.5" above
normal, and river clarity is approx 6-8"; & main lake
clarity likewise, approx 5-6" visibility. Upriver oxbows
remain fair to good water clarity over the last week and ranges
from 2-4 feet in places. As of Monday 12/18, the lake level has
almost returned back to normal from the past week, approx 2.5
inches above normal pool, at 259.41 feet and falling. Current
in Little River on Monday reduced, with release at the dam 1,162
CFS as of 18 December. The tailwater elevation below the spillway
was still unavailable on Monday. Discharge/ Release Rate at the
spillway, is with 3 gates open 1 foot each. USACE recently reworked
all Little River markers, and navigation much improved.
Water surface temperatures stablized this week. As of Monday,
18 December, main lake and Little River water surface temperatures
actually climbed a bit from last week, and currently are ranging
49-52º, depending of course, on location and time of day.
Up-river water and oxbow's surface temps remain warmer than the
main lake surface temps by as much as 5-8ºF, and range from
December 16, 2006 - Beaver
- G'day y'all from the Beaver Dam Store crew! - What
a beautiful morning here at the Dam Store. Hard to believe its
December 16, we have dragged out our summer weight shirts. Plenty
of cloud around too. The wind may be a factor later but right
now its perfect. And a south wind will ruffle the surface, aid
your drift, and give your flies a little "life".
Yes wind makes casting a little tricky, but as
our guides tell their clients, if the gusts are knocking your
cast down there is one simple answer _ wait until between the
With the faster drift caused by the wind there
are a few tactics you can adopt to get your presentations acting
a little more naturally. Longer drops between your fly and the
indicator allow the fly to get down and stay there, you may also
have to run a small weight on your leader, we often look for
tungsten beadheads over brass beads. Heavier flies like woolly
buggers can be very effective. The "noisy" chop, particularly
on overcast days, can also make it decent for fishing heavier
streamers, big buggers, leeches, sculpins, zonkers, Zoo Cougars,
and Gummy Minnows.
Work the angles too. If you are a right hander,
fish off the far bank ( so the wind is blowing left to right),
makes casting easier. If you can get the wind blowing from behind
you, even slightly, then try roll casts, aimed high _ you will
amazed how far the wind will send that fat loop.
THIS weekend will be a great one to drag out the 6wt and toss
some big streamers. We had great reports from one customer this
week fishing olive zonkers. The white version is pretty good
at this time of year too.
Bryce and Steve waded from the top end of the Trophy area to
Parker Bend, midmorningTuesday as the water receded. Pale pink
egg patterns did very well early for Bryce, but Steve struggled
with a sucession of midges, until the water hit normal low water
The best flies were size 20 midges on this bright sunny day,
Olive WD40s, Tung Rainbow Warriors, Red and Black Zebras plus
the blue Dun Cadion's Midge.
The strong wind whisked off the midge hatch, but we have been
hearing plenty good reports on soft hackles like the Partridge
and Orange and Red Ass.
Steve also picked off several afternoon fish on the surface,
but none were taken while drifting the fly, the dry had to land
a foot or two above a riser and in the direction the fish was
Olive Woolly Buggers, Crystal Buggers and olive Baby Buggers
have been collecting plenty of fish. Scuds in tan and olive have
been working well, particularly with a Trout Crack on a dropper.
December 13, 2006 - Greers
Ferry Lake - Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service - The level
at greeers ferry is at 460.77 and the temp ranges from 48-52
With the water getting stable , getting cold and
not jumping up and down a lot and staying about this temp with
warm days the fishing should improve some what., we usually have
good fishing after this happens until it gets real cold, and
if the shad start dying earily the hybrids will go wild . we
will see.
The hybrids are biting some what on points and
the outside of the big main creeks pockets and in some ditches
if shad are present , the biggest deal are the shad right now
for sure they will not be fro from them , in-line spinners ,
jigging spoons , and this time of year the bigger swim baits
work real well, as well as hair jigs and grubs.
The walleye should bite a little better with the
stable water and temp warming also, try trolling shad raps ,
wally divers and spoonbill rebels , 15-43 feet deep
Some bass are on the banks and some will move up
on vertical banks when the sun is high to sun and can be caught
pretty easy with spinnerbaits, but most have went deeper and
are being caught up to 60 feet deep on dropshots and c-rigs.
The crappie are still on the bends and will be
all winter and susped in the pole timber 15 feet if sunny and
down to 40 if not over 60 feet of water
Bream are deep right now in the guts of main lake
The is no report on the catfish, but have heard
tales of them biting pretty well in 35 feet of water
Tommy Cauley
December 12, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture:
As of Monday, 11 December, main lake and Little River water surface
temperature ranges 49-56º, depending of course, on location
and time of day. Up-river water and oxbow's surface temps remain
warmer than the main lake surface temps by as much as 5-8ºF,
and range from 50-62ºF. Recent rains this week will most
likely change up the level and clarity again later this week,
as well as release rate at the dam. It's that time of year, folks
for continually changing water levels and clarity.
Lake level on Millwood, almost returned to normal early this
week and is approx 3 inches above normal pool as of Monday, at
259.44 feet and falling. We certainly expect that to change again
later in the week with all the (much needed) rain in southwest
Arkansas and northeast Texas. Little River's clarity as of Monday
is improved from last week, at approx 6-8" and current is
reduced. The main lake clarity likewise reduced, approx 3-5"
visibility depending on location. Upriver oxbows remain fair
to good water clarity over the last few weeks and ranges from
1-3 feet in places, further from river currents. Current in Little
River is reduced, with release at the dam 5,099CFS as of 11 December.
The tailwater elevation below the spillway was unavailable on
Monday. Discharge/ Release Rate at the spillway, is with all
13 gates open 1 foot each. USACE recently reworked all Little
River markers and navigation has been very much improved.
The activity levels of Bass and Crappie are typical winter patterns.
Feeding periods are are best during the warmest periods of the
The Details:
For the past couple weeks, the Largemouth Bass are relating strictly
to deeper water haunts, typical of winter patterns, and are slow,
for the most part. Best bite of the day has been running between
11am- 3pm, and best bite has been on jigs or 10" to 12"
worms. Bass are fair to good on larger 3/4 oz Rat-L-Traps in
white, red coach dog, or red chrome colors, depending on the
area of the lake or river and the water clarity. The recent rise
of the lake level to almost a full foot above normal last week
disrupted the improved bite from previous week since that rise
had resulted in muddy conditions, mostly lake wide. With the
past week returning to almost normal level and improved water
clarity, the Largemouth bass are still slow and periodically
feeding on shad, but bite has improved, around cypress trees,
stumps and flooded timber. Further up river where you can find
more clear water areas, Pro-Traps and small Spin Traps (with
tail spinners) were working by vertical jigging in schools of
bass and crappie.
Bass feeding periods have tapered off during all but the warmest
periods of the day, and for the most part, have become shorter
in duration, on Rat-L-Traps, War Eagle spinnerbaits and Bass
Assassin Charms. Best Rat-L-Trap bite over the past week with
the improvement in water clarity and return to almost normal
lake level, has been the red coach dog or red chrome and white
colors in 3/4 oz size. Traps in the 1/2 oz sizes continue taking
lots of adolescent size bass (1-2lbs each) around creek mouths
and in the various creek channels, themselves, however, the larger,
3/4 oz size Trap will allow you to get down to where the larger
bass are holding, and fish more thoroughly, especially in deeper
water along the river next to stumps and deeper cypress trees.
For last few weeks, we have been throwing some crankbaits, parallel
to the river channel and in creek mouths dumping into the river
channel and having random success. Using a shad pattern Big O
or an Excalibur Fat Free Shad in a crawfish pattern (brown back/orange
belly), this has been working better over the past few weeks,
with the bass relating to deeper areas along Little River by
deflecting off stumps and cypress trees. We had to increase our
size of the War Eagle spinnerbaits over the past couple weeks,
and went to a 3/4 oz size to reach the fish. Best colors this
past week have been the white/chartruese or spot remover color
combinations with the recent muddy water rise.
Approach Tip: Use a good, sharp treble hook and a flexible
rod with Traps and Cranks. These Largemouths have a lot of fight
in them! Too stiff a rod will rip the treble hooks out of and
away from the bass. A more flexible rod will give you a shock
absorber when he makes those last two power surges at the
edge of the boat. We learned the hard way. Don't let a monster
play you up, fake a gime' , then powersurge, and get the last
word in on you after you fight him all the way to the boat. A
flexible rod will allow you to beat him at his game.
The jig bite continues to improve. Over the last couple weeks
with the water reduction in temperature, these bass were relating
to deep water drops and wintering areas. Stumps and cypress trees,
along Little River, especially near creek mouths, have been holding
some decent Largemouths. We have been using a Booyah swim'n jig
in black/blue or black/ chartruese jigs with rattles combined
with the business end of a Bass Assassin Eager Beaver trailer
in black/blue tail or green pumpkin. Working the jig next to
stumps, cypress trees and cypress knees, along deeper water of
Little River and especially within 100 yards of any creek dumping
into the river. Again, the Bang Garlic is helping the fish to
find the jig in any heavily stained or muddy water, and allowing
a little extra hook-set time. Jig bite has been soft, or completely
mushy, and at various times, very little line movement detected.
Approach Tip: Use a strong hook jig, with rattles and
Bang Garlic spray in the rising muddy or stained off-color water.
The rattles will draw in a curious bass to investigate, and the
Bang Garlic will entice a slow bite and allow him to hold or
swim off with the jig with a good taste.
The best soft plastic bite has shifted again over the past week.
With the recent high water rise in lake elevation and muddy current
then return to almost normal level and better water clarity this
week, bass have shown a preference for large bulky worms. We
changed up a few tactics and have had some random success over
the past week with a 10-12" beefy, bulky, worm in black,
pumpkinseed/chartreuse tail, or blue fleck colors.
No report for White Bass.
Crappie which shut almost completely off with the recent muddy
1-foot rise, are improving again on shiners and jigs, however,
still rather scattered at various depths from 16-25 feet around
planted brush piles.
Channel Cats remain good with the continaul increase in current
along outer river bends of Little River. Trot lines were taking
nice size channel cats in the last few days using chicken liver,
cut shad and homemade blood bait. Lines set in the current, deeper
this week, between 14-17 feet, have continually been taking some
nice channel cats ranging from 8-11 pounds.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Little River's clarity as of Monday 11December
is improved from last week, with the lake approx 3" above
normal, and river clarity is approx 6-8"; & main lake
clarity likewise, approx 3-5" visibility. Upriver oxbows
remain fair to good water clarity over the last week and ranges
from 2-4 feet in places. As of Monday 12/11, the lake level has
almost returned back to normal from the past week, approx 3 inches
above normal pool, at 259.44 feet and falling. Current in Little
River on Monday reduced, with release at the dam 5,099 CFS as
of 11 December. The tailwater elevation below the spillway was
still unavailable on Monday. Discharge/ Release Rate at the spillway,
is with all 13 gates open 1 foot each. USACE recently reworked
all Little River markers, and navigation much improved.
Water surface temperatures stablized this week. As of Monday,
11 December, main lake and Little River water surface temperatures
actually climbed a bit from last week, and currently are ranging
49-56º, depending of course, on location and time of day.
Up-river water and oxbow's surface temps remain warmer than the
main lake surface temps by as much as 5-8ºF, and range from
December 9, 2006 - Beaver
- G'day y'all from the Beaver Dam Store crew! - -WATCHING
The weather forecast this morning it seems like we can skip the
triple layer winter woollies for a few days. This morning was
a little cold, but there has been some hardy types out on the
river this week and reporting some very very good fishing. You
will notice the river looks a little different. Last week's storm
bounced Table Rock Lake up almost 4' and Beaver by almost 5'.
The extra water in Table Rock has flooded over a lot of gravel
bars, particularly below Spider Creek, where we were wading only
a few weeks ago.
With Beaver Lake now only a couple of feet below
the top of the power pool, and the cold morning temperature,
has meant a return to our almost forgotten winter generation
schedules. Look for generation first thing in the morning and
of a late afternoon, expecially on cold days. Call 417-336-5083.
If they are aim to hit the river between 9am-10am and fish through
until you are done.
Beaver Tailwater: This is defiantely one weekened where you can
break the shack nasties, drop the honey-do list and get among
some fish. Bryce and Steve both snuck out this week at different
times and picked up some fish, Bryce getting a 17" brown
high in the trophy zone while Steve was lower down and caught
a porky 15" bow. One good thing about tyhe generation is
that is has cleaned out that nasty algae which was coating flies
and sticking to your tippet knots.
Red based midges likes Bryce's TDM, Jujubee Midges,
Humpbak Midges, and Zebra Midges continue to work well. Bryce's
TDM in silver/gray is a must have. The WD40 in Olive or Dorsey's
Top Secret Midge are also fishing well if the action slows. Tan
scuds continue to slay fish. Try McLellans' Hunchback in tan
or on dark days switch to the olive or gray. Try the Trout Crack
on the flats at Parker Bend.
We contineu to get good soft hackle reports, the
Patridge and Orange in particular was a winner for John S. during
the week on falling water. The dry fly efforts on the hatches
have been a little inconsistent, with the strong breezzes and
the patchy weather, but should settle soon.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce
December 6, 2006 -
Beaver - Submitted by Jason Piper - JT Crappie Guide Service -
As of Tuesday, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reports
the lake's elevation at 1,118.21 feet MSL.
J.T. Crappie Guide Services said the lake is near pool and has
come up with the rains. The river arms are still muddy from runoff.
Crappie are biting well on minnows and Shinneee Hinneee jigs
in brush piles from 8 to 14 feet of water. Bass are fair on drop-shot
rigs and CC spoons fished deep. Stripers are biting very well
on Roadrunners and whole shad fished 20 feet deep.
December 6, 2006 - Greers
Ferry Lake - Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service - The lake
level has increased to 460.90 at the present time and the devils
fork area is closed to boat traffic from hill creek on up from
dec. 4th-8th and the week of 11th- the 15th to put a water line
on the lake floor.
The bass fishing has been better than normal for
the black bass and kentuckies, the smallmouth have been slower
, they can be caught off the drops on jigs and spinnerbaits as
well as jighead worms and a few are schooling but are small.
The crappie are still biting well in 15-20 feet
in the river and creek bends in ploe timber suspended over 40
feet of water.
No report on the bream at this time
The catfishing has slowed pretty much to nothing
at this time as they are moving to their deeper holes.
The walleye are biting off and on in 27-43 feet
of water shallower if cloudy and deeper if sunny wally divers
and other cranks are working as well as jigging spoons.
The hybrid and white bass are on their pre staging
areas also and are biting pretty finiky and at times eating it
up in 25 to 43 feet of water after the weather gets steady the
fishing will improve as well after the lake gets settled down
after the rains.
Tommy Cauley
Fishing Guide
December 3, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture:
As of Monday, 04 December, main lake and Little River water surface
temperature ranges 48-53º, depending of course, on location
and time of day. Up-river water and oxbow's surface temps remain
warmer than the main lake surface temps by as much as 5-8ºF.
Lake level on Millwood, had drastic rise this week and is approx
12 inches above normal pool. With high daytime ambient temps
in the 40 to low 50º range, water temps have dropped again.
Little River's clarity as of Monday is reduced, approx 3-6"
and current is dramatically increased. The main lake clarity
likewise reduced, approx 3-4" visibility depending on location.
Upriver oxbows remain fair to good water clarity over the last
few weeks and ranges from 1-3 feet in places, further from river
currents. As of Monday 12/04, the lake level is approx 12 inches
above normal pool, at 260.20 feet and falling. Current in Little
River is increased, with release at the dam 7,794CFS as of 04
December. The tailwater elevation below the spillway was unavailable
on Monday. Discharge/ Release Rate at the spillway, is with 7
gates open 1 foot each and 6 gates open at two feet each. USACE
recently reworked all Little River markers and navigation has
been very much improved.
The activity levels of Bass and Crappie are typical winter patterns.
Feeding periods are are best during the warmest periods of the
The Details:
During the heat of the day over the past week, the larger bass
are relating strictly to deeper water haunts, typical of winter
patterns, and are fair on larger Rat-L-Traps in fire tiger, white,
and red coach dog colors with the reduction in water clarity.
The recent rise of the lake level to almost a full foot above
normal has disrupted the improved bite from last week since the
rise has resulted in muddy conditions, mostly lake wide. Largemouth
bass are still feeding on shad, but closer and in deeper water
relative to deep drops, around grass beds and vegetation. Further
up river where you can find more clear water areas, Pro-Traps
and small Spin Traps (with tail spinners) were working by vertical
jigging in schools of bass and crappie.
Bass feeding periods have tapered off during all but the warmest
periods of the day, and are becoming shorter in duration, on
Rat-L-Traps, War Eagle spinnerbaits and Bass Assassin Charms.
Best Rat-L-Trap bite over the past week with the off-colored
water and recent rise in lake level, has been the fire tiger
or red coach dog color in 3/4 oz size. Traps in the 1/2 oz sizes
continue taking lots of adolescent size bass (1-2lbs each) around
creek mouths and in the creek channel, itself, however, the larger,
3/4 oz size Trap will allow you to get down to where the larger
bass are holding, especially in deeper water.
For last few weeks, we have been throwing Cordell Big O's, Xcalibur
Fat Free Shad crankbaits, parallel to the river channel and in
creek mouths dumping into the river channel. Using a shad pattern
Big O or an Excalibur Fat Free Shad in a crawfish pattern, has
been working better over the past few weeks, with the bass relating
to deeper areas along Little River. We have had to increase our
size of the War Eagle spinnerbaits, and go to a 3/4 oz size to
reach the fish. Best colors have been the white/chartruese or
fire tiger color combinations with the recent muddy water rise.
Approach Tip: Use a good, sharp treble hook and a flexible
rod with Traps and Cranks. These Largemouths have a lot of fight
in them! Too stiff a rod will rip the treble hooks out of and
away from the bass. A more flexible rod will give you a shock
absorber when he makes those last two power surges at the
edge of the boat. We learned the hard way. Don't let a monster
play you up, fake a gime' , then powersurge, and get the last
word in on you after you fight him all the way to the boat. A
flexible rod will allow you to beat him at his game.
The jig bite continues to improve. Over the last couple weeks
with the water reduction in temperature, these bass were relating
to deep water drops and wintering areas. Black and blue jig or
black and chartruese jigs with rattles, and the business end
of a Bass Assassin Eager Beaver trailer in black/blue tail or
green pumpkin, remain the best colors for the past week, working
next to stumps along deeper water in Little River cuts. Again,
the Bang Garlic is helping the fish to find the jig in the muddy
water, and allowing a little extra hook-set time.
Approach Tip: Use a strong hook jig, with rattles and
Bang Garlic spray in the rising muddy or stained off-color water.
The rattles will draw in a curious bass to investigate, and the
Bang Garlic will entice a slow bite and allow him to hold or
swim off with the jig with a good taste.
The best soft plastic bite has been shifting over the past week.
With the recent high water rise in lake elevation and muddy current,
fish were suspended in the 6-10 feet depths. We changed up a
few tactics and have had limited success with Carolina Rigs in
that depth range using a Bass Assassin Charm Assassin in silver
ghost or white. We shortened our leaders to only 10-12"
on our Carolina Rigs and got more fish to the boat.
No report for White Bass.
Crappie which had improved over the past week, shut off with
the recent muddy 1-foot rise.
Channel Cats have dramatically improved with the recent muddy
rise and increase in current along outer river bends of Little
River. Trot lines were taking nice size channel cats in the last
few days using chicken liver, cut shad and homemade blood bait.
Lines set in the current between 8-14 feet, were taking some
nice channel cats in the 7-10 pound class.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Little River's clarity as of Monday 04 December
is drastically reduced with the lake rising to almost an entire
foot above normal, and river clarity is approx 3-6"; &
main lake clarity likewise, approx 3-4" visibility. Upriver
oxbows remain fair to good water clarity over the last week and
ranges from 2-4 feet in places. As of Monday 12/04, the lake
level rose over the past week, approx 12 inches above normal
pool, at 260.20 feet and falling. Current in Little River on
Monday dramatically increased, with release at the dam 7,794
CFS as of 04 December. The tailwater elevation below the spillway
was still unavailable on Monday. Discharge/ Release Rate at the
spillway, is with 7 gates open 1 foot each, and 6 gates open
at 2 feet each. USACE recently reworked all Little River markers
and navigation much improved.
Water surface temperatures stablized this week. As of Monday,
04 December, main lake and Little River water surface temperature
ranges 48-53º, depending of course, on location and time
of day. Up-river water and oxbow's surface temps remain warmer
than the main lake surface temps by as much as 5-8ºF.
December 2, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew! -WELL we hope you all enjoyed
our first taste of winter weather, it was pretty grim here on
Thursday _ we think Steve was the only one lunatic enough to
go fishing _ he said it was very good. But Friday was a beautiful
day, and the snow cover and ice was simply stunning. By Friday
afternoon the roads were clearing nicely, although you could
still find patches of ice in the shaded areas. If your planning
coming in this weekend, rug up in your winter warms and drive
safe. Even start a little later, the best of the fishing should
come when the sun warms the river a little. Oh and bring a camera,
the waterfalls and icicles along the far bank should be spectacular.
If you want a preview of how it looked around here this morning
check out the pictures here <>
Beaver Tailwater: What amazing weather we have been having and
the rain/sleet/snow and ice should help out our overall water
levels. Beaver Lake rose three feet and Thursday morning at Spider
Creek the river looked like one unit was running _ and that was
just from the runoff. The Upper part of the river should remain
pretty clear, though its can be worth prospecting color changes
at the mouths of feeder screeks with bright patterns, like eggs
or San Juan worms. Don't be timid in your color choices in these
conditions and you can probably step up from the standard 6x
Red based midges likes Bryce's TDM, Jujubee Midges, Humpbak Midges,
and Zebra Midges should be good in the Upper section. Bryce's
TDM in silver/gray continues to be the most consistent fly our
guides use as well as the red wire TDM. The WD40 in Olive is
also fishing well if the action slows. Tan scuds continue to
slay fish. Try McLellans' Hunchback in tan or on dark days switch
to the olive or gray. Try the Trout Crack on the flats at Parker
Bend. We have full stocks of new the tan rainbow and copper Hunchback
Scuds back in stock.
WE let our guides, Steve and Bryce, off the leash for a few hours
last Sunday to go and check out the Winter catch and release
season at Roaring River. The Missouri Trout Park is open Friday
to Monday, usually the store days for the boys, but it pays to
have them clued into the fishing. The spring-fed river is stocked
with the hatchery brood stock at this time of year, on top of
some of the monsters there year round, and it a great place for
some winter fun
Well Steve went on a pig hunt sticking a 20" and a 22"
rainbow, both fat deep ex-hatchery fish, and lost a fish that
was WAY bigger. Bryce was dabbling with dries picking off a lot
of very nice trout. Usually its the other way round with these
two but it shows the fun you can have on a day at the Park. Hunt
for the big fish for part of the day them switch over to a light
dry fly rod, and throw small midge patterns (sometimes some winter
mayflies _ Blue Wing Olives). The crowds have been relatively
light this year, but Friday and Mondays are even better than
the weekends.
If you haven't visited the Trout Park, a Missouri Trout Stamp
is required, book one of the guys for a full or half day trip.
They have a very good idea where these big fish are and how to
catch them, and how to have a blast with some eager dry fly eaters.
Oh Yes would would have had pics of Steve's trout but the 22"
drowned his digital camera.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce
November 29, 2006 - Greers
Ferry Lake - Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service - The lake
level at greers ferry is at 457.71 and staying pretty steady
at present we have had inch of rain so for and more expected
to come so the lake should rise some , the temp is between 55
degrees to 64 degrees
The catish are still biting well on cut bait and
prepared as well as live bait in about 26 feet of water at present
The walleye have been a little slow sine the hot
weather but should do better with the front approaching the area
and should be tried with deep diving rebels as well as wally
divers and rogues with line clips fished anywhere from 18 to
49 feet of water in the early staging areas
The hybrids and whites are hit and miss and the
big fish are not showing up at all with a lot of littler fish
being caught with jigging spoons as well as well as the ever
so good buckshot lure anywhere from 20 feet to 60 feet at present
, but after the front goes through and things get settled down
some we sure should start seeing the winter big fish bite pick
up some of the best days here are when you get ice in your line
The smallmouth, Kentucky's and largemouth all seem
to be hanging out in 20 feet of water with some scattered shallow
fish avaible as always, the deeper fish can be caught with c-riggs
and right bite jigs and the shallow fish with top waters , jighead
worms crankbaits and spinnerbaits
The crappie are fair in channel bends in 15-20
feet of water in pole timber using minnows and jigs with the
best being a right bite jig tipped with a minnow in the spring
flash color
Tommy Cauley
November 28, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture:
As of Monday, 27 November, main lake and Little River water surface
temperature ranges 55-58º, depending of course, on location
and time of day. Up-river water and oxbow's surface temps remain
warmer than the main lake surface temps by as much as 5-8ºF.
Lake level on Millwood, has almost returned to normal this week,
and with high daytime ambient temps in the upper 60 to low 70º
range, water temps have stablized. Little River's clarity as
of Monday is improved, approx 10-12" and current is consistent
w/last week. The main lake clarity likewise improved, approx
8-10" visibility depending on location. Upriver oxbows remain
fair to good water clarity over the last few weeks and ranges
from 1-3 feet in places, further from river currents. As of Monday
11/27, the lake level is approx 2.5 inches above normal pool,
at 259.39 feet and falling. Current in Little River Monday as
last week, with release at the dam 1,538CFS as of 27 November.
The tailwater elevation below the spillway was unavailable on
Monday. Discharge/ Release Rate at the spillway, is with 4 gates
open 1 foot each. USACE recently reworked all Little River markers
and navigation has been very much improved.
The activity levels of Bass and Crappie have improved with the
weather patterns stablizing over the past week. Feeding periods
are are fair to good during early and late periods of the day,
with the best feeding periods during the warmest periods of the
The Details:
During the heat of the day over the past week, the larger bass
are still venturing shallow, and are good on Bass Assassin Shads
in Baby Bass and gizzard shad colors, Rat-L-Traps in silver,
white, and diamond dust colors. The return of the lake level
to normal has improved most activity levels, as has the clarity
improvements, lake wide. Largemouth bass are still feeding on
shad in relatively shallow water close to deep drops, around
grass beds and vegetation.
Bass continue hitting well, but feeding periods are becoming
shorter in duration, on Rat-L-Traps, War Eagle spinnerbaits and
Bass Assassin Charms. The best Rat-L-Trap bite over the past
week has been the diamond dust or clear Hologram color in the
1/2 to 3/4 oz sizes. Traps in the 1/2 oz sizes continue taking
lots of adolescent size bass (1-2lbs each) around creek mouths
and in the creek channel, itself. The larger, 3/4 oz size Trap
will allow you to get down to where the larger bass are holding,
and if you work it slowly and methodically, deflecting around
stumps with repeated casts to the same target, you may "get
your arm broke"......
For last few weeks, we have been throwing Cordell Big O's, Xcalibur
Fat Free Shad crankbaits, parallel to the river channel and in
creek mouths dumping into the river channel for the last couple
weeks. Using a shad pattern Big O or an Excalibur Fat Free Shad
in a crawfish pattern, has been working better over the past
few days, with the weather patterns somewhat stablized. The War
Eagle spinnerbaits in spot remover, aurora, or mouse/chart color
combinations are still working very well around the grass beds
where bait is feeding.
Approach Tip: Use a good, sharp treble hook and a flexible
rod with Traps and Cranks, like the Xcalibur rotating hook. These
Largemouths have a lot of fight in them! Too stiff a rod will
rip the treble hooks out of and away from the bass. A more flexible
rod will give you a shock absorber when he makes those
last two power surges at the edge of the boat. We learned the
hard way. Don't let a monster play you up, fake a gime' , then
powersurge, and get the last word in on you after you fight him
all the way to the boat. A flexible rod will allow you to beat
him at his game.
The best soft plastic bite remains on the Bass Assassin Charm
Assassin in crystal shad or silver ghost colors, with Bang Garlic
spray. The Bang Garlic spray, we believe, are helping these bass
locate the lure in any off-colored water over the past few weeks.
These bass were taken along almost any entrance to any larger
creek channel dumping into Little River. Our best method of presentation
is wacky rigging, using a small 2/0 RigN-Hook for a slow fall.
The jig bite continues to improve in the past couple weeks. These
bass were relating to the base of cypress knees and trees. Black
and blue jig or black and chartruese jigs with rattles, are best
colors for the past week, working next to creek channels and
on cypress trees. Again, the Bang Garlic is helping the fish
to find the jig in any off-colored water, and allowing a little
extra hook-set time.
Approach Tip: Use a strong hook jig, with rattles and
Bang Garlic spray in the rising muddy or stained off-color water.
The rattles will draw in a curious bass to investigate, and the
Bang Garlic will entice a slow bite and allow him to hold or
swim off with the jig with a good taste.
No report for White Bass.
Crappie have improved over the past week on shiners approx 17-25
feet in deep river holes w/ planted brush piles along Little
No report for Channel Cats.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Little River's clarity as of Monday 27 November
is improved with lake level returning to slightly just above
normal, and river clarity is approx 10-12"; & main lake
clarity likewise, approx 8-10" visibility. Upriver oxbows
remain fair to good water clarity over the last week and ranges
from 2-4 feet in places. As of Monday 11/27, the lake level is
returning to normal, and is approx 2.5 inches above normal pool,
at 259.39 feet and falling. Current in Little River on Monday
same as last week, with release at the dam 1,538 CFS as of 27
November. The tailwater elevation below the spillway was still
unavailable on Monday. Discharge/ Release Rate at the spillway,
is with 4 gates open 1 foot each. USACE recently reworked all
Little River markers and navigation much improved.
Water surface temperatures stablized this week. As of Monday,
27 November, main lake and Little River water surface temperature
ranges 55-58º, depending of course, on location and time
of day. Up-river water and oxbow's surface temps remain warmer
than the main lake surface temps by as much as 5-8ºF.
USACE reworked entire Little River marker buoys of recent, and
have replaced all damaged or missing markers. Little River navigation
in excellent condition. However, floaters and logs have become
jammed and stuck on old river channel hardwood stumps, along
the Little River in several locations, just at surface level.
Use caution in low light navigations, especially on Little River!
Several examples are between Snake Creek and Pugh Slough;
Pugh Slough and Jack's Isle, and between Mud Lake and Hurricane
Creek. Use caution and watch for these obstructions just at surface,
during normal level or low light, conditions.
""""""Good Fishin'! <º)))><{""""""""""""
November 24, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew! -WELL hope you all had a great
Thanksgiving, we managed a turkey fuelled snooze during the afternoon
so we must have had a good time. Would have been DAM pretty on
the river too, as we drove over the da, we did spot a few lucky
souls out enjoyed a Turkey Day fish. And it should be a great
weekend too so come and hit the river.
Beaver Tailwater: Weird weather we are having, but the fishing
has been pretty DAM good. The sunny days have been a little trying,
perhaps the high pressure systems have been slowing the bite
a little. But the dull colored days have been very good.
Now its not as if fish haven't been caught on the sunny days
this past week, just not to the same oustanding levels of recent
weeks. But we did see some very nice fish fall to olive, purple
and black crystal buggers this week.
Any of those fish who are done spawning will be HUNGRY! Its a
good time to fish some real food.
Red based midges likes Bryces TDM, Jujubee Midges, Humpbak Midges,
and Zebra Midges are doing very very well. Bryce TDM in silver/gray
is probably the most consistent fly our guides use and it continues
to excel. The WD40 in Olive is algo a good bet when thinmgs slow
down. Try it on 7x
Tan scuds continue to slay fish. Try McLellans' Hunchback in
tan or on dark days switch to the olive or gray. Try the Trout
Crack on the flats at Parker Bend. We also have new stock in
of the popular new copper Hunchback Scud
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce
November 23, 2006
- Beaver - Submitted by Jason Piper - JT Crappie Guide Service -
Beaver Lake: As of Tuesday, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
reports the lake's elevation at 1,113.06 feet MSL.
J.T. Crappie Guide Services said the water is up and is muddy
in the river arms of the lake. Crappie are deep and biting fairly
well on chartreuse/black tube jigs and minnows fished around
mid-lake. Bass are fair around 30 feet deep and deeper on large
jigs, spoons and drop-shot rigs. Catfish are poor. Stripers are
biting well around mid-lake on large Road Runners and brood minnows.
November 22, 2006 - Greers
Ferry Lake - Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service - The water
level at greers ferry is at 458.37 and rising and the temp is
at 50-62 degrees
The walleye fishing is improving somewhat and they
are starting their earily pre-stging efforts in and arounf bridge
pilings and the main mouths of major creeks, use deep diving
spoonbill rebels and walleye divers with line weights to get
down to the fish in about 50 feet of water
The bass are still scattered out but are starting
to get grouped up in schools and can be caught with spinnerbaits
jigs and crankbaits shallow on certain days and others deep and
there is always a jigging spoon bite as well as a c-rig bite
going on
The crappie are biting in the creekbends suspended
in pole timber in about 15-20 feet of water over 40 feet
The bream action is some what good at about 40
The hybrid and white bass action is getting better
now that the water has gotten settled somewhat and some can be
caught now in these sareas on jigging spoons and in line spinners
, the rock pile in the ditches of cove creek and also the ditches
in salt creek as well as around the head of the narrows and mill
creek and point 14 as well as piney point in about 43 feet of
Tommy Cauley
November 20, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture:
As of Monday, 20 November, main lake and Little River water surface
temperature ranges 50-55º, depending of course, on location
and time of day. Up-river water and oxbow's surface temps remain
warmer than the main lake surface temps by as much as 5-8ºF.
Lake level on Millwood, has almost returned to normal this week,
and with high daytime ambient temps in the upper 50 to low 60º
range, water temps have stablized. Little River's clarity as
of Monday is improved, approx 4-5" and greatly reduced current.
The main lake clarity likewise improved, approx 5-7" visibility
depending on location. Upriver oxbows remain fair to good water
clarity over the last few weeks and ranges from 1-3 feet in places,
further from river currents. As of Monday 11/20, the lake level
is approx 3.5 inches above normal pool, at 259.48 feet and falling.
Current in Little River Monday reduced from last week, with release
at the dam 1,538CFS as of 20 November. The tailwater elevation
below the spillway was unavailable on Monday. Discharge/ Release
Rate at the spillway, is with 4 gates open 1 foot each. USACE
recently reworked all Little River markers and navigation has
been very much improved.
The activity levels of Bass and Crappie have improved with the
weather patterns stablizing over the past week. Feeding periods
are are fair to good during early and late periods of the day,
with the best feeding periods during the warmest periods of the
The Details:
During the heat of the day over the past week, the larger bass
are still venturing shallow, and are fair to good on jerk baits
like the Smithwick Rouge in clown color, Redfins in gold, and
Bass Assassin Shads in Baby Bass colors. The return of the lake
level to normal has improved most activity levels, as has the
clarity improvements, lake wide. Largemouth bass are still feeding
on shad in relatively shallow water close to deep drops, around
grass beds and vegetation.
Bass continue hitting well, but feeding periods are becoming
shorter in duration, on Rat-L-Traps, War Eagle spinnerbaits and
Bass Assassin Charms. The best Rat-L-Trap bite over the past
week has been the Tenn Shad, Gold Tenn Shad, or Diamond Dust
colors in the 1/2 to 3/4 oz sizes. Back in some of the clearer
area's oxbow lakes, the clear Hologram or diamond dust color
patterns, in 1/2 oz sizes are still working. Traps in the 1/2
oz sizes continue taking lots of adolescent size bass (1-2lbs
each) around creek mouths and in the creek channel, itself. The
larger, 3/4 oz size Trap will allow you to get down to where
the larger bass are holding, and if you work it slowly and methodically,
deflecting around stumps with repeated casts to the same target,
you may "get your arm broke"......
We have been throwing Cordell Big O's and Xcalibur Fat Free Shad
crankbaits, parallel to the river channel and in creek mouths
dumping into the river channel for the last couple weeks. Using
a shad pattern Big O or an Excalibur Fat Free Shad in a crawfish
pattern, has been working better over the past few days, with
the weather patterns somewhat stablized. The War Eagle spinnerbaits
in spot remover or white/chart color combinations are still working
very well around the grass beds where bait is feeding.
Approach Tip: Use a good, sharp treble hook and a flexible
rod with Traps and Cranks, like the Xcalibur rotating hook. These
Largemouths have a lot of fight in them! Too stiff a rod will
rip the treble hooks out of and away from the bass. A more flexible
rod will give you a shock absorber when he makes those
last two power surges at the edge of the boat. We learned the
hard way. Don't let a monster play you up, fake a gime' , then
powersurge, and get the last word in on you after you fight him
all the way to the boat. A flexible rod will allow you to beat
him at his game.
The best soft plastic bite remains on the Bass Assassin Charm
Assassin in crystal shad or silver ghost colors, with Bang Garlic
spray. The Bang Garlic spray, we believe, are helping these bass
locate the lure in any off-colored water over the past few weeks.
These bass were taken along almost any entrance to any larger
creek channel dumping into Little River. Our best method of presentation
is dead sticking on a slack line, using a small 2/0 RigN-Hook
for a slow fall.
The jig bite continues to improve in the past couple weeks. These
bass were relating to stumps, slightly deeper, and 6-10 feet
away from base of cypress trees. Black and blue jig or black
and chartruese jigs with rattles, are best colors for the past
week, working next to creek channels and on cypress trees. Again,
the Bang Garlic is helping the fish to find the jig in any off-colored
water, and allowing a little extra hook-set time.
Approach Tip: Use a strong hook jig, with rattles and
Bang Garlic spray in the rising muddy or stained off-color water.
The rattles will draw in a curious bass to investigate, and the
Bang Garlic will entice a slow bite and allow him to hold or
swim off with the jig with a good taste.
White Bass have dissappeared, or gone deep, with the muddy water.
Crappie, likewise, have almost entirely shut down in the last
10 days, with the high muddy rise, although with the level returning
to normal, it has begun improving. Best bet for Crappie this
week has been on shiners in planted brush piles along Little
River from 15-22 feet.
Channel Cats remain very good this week, on trot lines in Little
River, any location in the current, and yo-yos from cypress trees
in 8-12 feet. Trot lines set in Little River current (outside
bends) between 12-14 feet depths, using chicken livers, cut shad,
homemade blood baits, and Catfish Charlie have been working well,
anywhere you have current carrying scent and blood trails.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Little River's clarity as of Monday 20 November
is improved with lake level returning to slightly just above
normal, and clarity is approx 3-5"; & main lake clarity
likewise, approx 3-5" visibility. Upriver oxbows remain
fair to good water clarity over the last week and ranges from
2-4 feet in places. As of Monday 11/20, the lake level is returning
to normal, and is approx 3.5 inches above normal pool, at 259.48
feet and falling. Current in Little River on Monday decreased,
with release at the dam 1,538 CFS as of 20 November. The tailwater
elevation below the spillway was still unavailable on Monday.
Discharge/ Release Rate at the spillway, is with 4 gates open
1 foot each. USACE recently reworked all Little River markers
and navigation much improved.
Water surface temperatures stablized this week. As of Monday,
20 November, main lake and Little River water surface temperature
ranges 50-55º, depending of course, on location and time
of day. Up-river water and oxbow's surface temps remain warmer
than the main lake surface temps by as much as 5-8ºF.
November 17, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew! -WELL its been a very exciting
and busy couple of weeks what with the One Fly, bunches of guide
trips, new products arriving in the store and this little fellow
up above . We have been finding fish like this all season, pretty
little 'bows with the distinctive blotches, "parr marks"
of a juvenile fish. And what is cool about that? Well it means
this fish was born and reared on the Beaver Tailwater, a wild
We, and others, had been telling AGFC about this
all season, and in the Commission's fall sampling they discovered
significant number of both wild rainbow and wild brown trout.
Even more interesting was the discovery of 3 different year classes
of fish _ some of the 3-year-old browns were also spawning this
year. For fly fishers this is further evidence that those full-finned
beauties around the 10" mark, and which have been fighting
well over their weight, are not slow growing stockers but indeed
wild trout. Another reason to be excited about the future of
the tailwater and something special to be found on outings.
Cold mornings and a little rain back into the system
has triggered some winter schedule generation over the past couple
of days. So far a couple of hours in the morning and the same
in the evening has been all that has been run. Which is no problem,
sleep in and fish the warmest part of the day. Remember to check
the telephone hotline 417 336 5083.
Beaver Tailwater: Weird weather we are having, but the fishing
has been pretty DAM good. The sunny days have been a little trying,
perhaps the high pressure systems have been slowing the bite
a little. But the dull colored days have been very good.
Now its not as if fish haven't been caught on the sunny days
this past week, just not to the same oustanding levels of recent
weeks. But we did see some very nice fish fall to olive, purple
and black crystal buggers this week.
Any of those fish who are done spawning will be HUNGRY! Its a
good time to fish some real food.
Red based midges likes Bryces TDM, Jujubee Midges, Humpbak Midges,
and Zebra Midges are doing very very well. Bryce TDM in silver/gray
is probably the most consistent fly our guides use and it continues
to excel.
Tan scuds continue to slay fish. Try McLellans' Hunchback in
tan or on dark days switch to the olive or gray. Try the Trout
Crack on the flats at Parker Bend. We also have new stock in
of the popular new copper Hunchback Scud
ONE FLY 2006
If you missed One Fly 2006 you missed a great day's fun, beautiful
conditions and some fun fishing. Andy Nichol's continued his
run of success, confirming his mastery of fall technique, with
his third successive win, and his 4th win in 5 years. Andy's
16" winning fish fell to a size 14 Olive sowbug of his own
Andy also suprised his fellow competitors passing one the Sage
Z-Axis fly rod and reel prize to the second place getters, all
who caught and released 15" fish, with Josh Yarborough from
Norman Ok, winning the draw.
It was great to see a bunch of familiar faces, and plenty of
new ones among the 76 competitors. Of course, being a One Fly
there were hard luck stories. Two 18" were caught, the fly
fishers involved already having chosen a smaller fish as their
One Fly entry, not willing to risk losing their fly and being
There were flies popped off on fish, cast off into the trees
and dropped on the bank, and I daresay a bunch of frantic searches.
But most people seemed to do well, with a goodly number of 14"
fish (the winning length 3 years ago) coming to hand. All entrants,
particularly those returning to the tailwater after an absence,
were remarking on the size and condition of the trout they were
Lunch this year was a treat held under the trees at the Spider
Creek Resort, thanks to Peter Godfrey (owner of the Store and
Resort) for the invitation. His shrimp was spectacular. Thanks
also to Buddy from Smoking Bud's Restaurant, another of our neighbours,
for handling the catering. It was very pleasant to sit yarning
on the reost's table and chairs, and a great way to cap off the
We also have to thank all our sponsors for our giveaway bags
and door prizes including Spirit River, Ross, Fishpond, Rio,
Budweiser of course.
And lastly, and very importantly Cary Marcus our Sage rep, for
his support and friendship for this little Dam Store and its
One Fly since its inception. Plus, as One Fly attendees know,
he's good fun to have around. Thanks, mate!
Check out the One Fly Photos on our Fly Fishing Gallery 2006
Last winter provided some superb dry fly action for those in
the know and it looks like we could be in for some more action
this year. We have been having plenty of reports of people having
success on a range of dries, yellow caddis, big and small Parachute
Adams, Griffiths Gnats, a range of midge patterns. We are getting
several different midges coming off the tailwater current throughout
the day. Its sems though as if there trout are liking the size
18 gray and size 20 olive.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce
November 16, 2006
- Beaver - Submitted by Jason Piper - JT Crappie Guide Service -
As of Tuesday, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reports
the lake's elevation at 1,111.96 feet MSL.
J.T. Crappie Guide Services said the water is low and clear.
Bream are biting decently on red worms and crickets. Crappie
are fair on minnows and tube jigs in 8 to 18 feet of water around
planted brush piles. Bass are fair on spinnerbaits, crankbaits
and spoons fished on the edges of main lake points and bluffs.
Stripers are fair on 12-ounce to 1-ounce Roostertails.
November 15, 2006 - Greers
Ferry Lake - Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service - The water
temp is between 58 & 62 degrees and the level is at 455.65
and falling and rising both on the same day.
The bass are scattered from 6 inches to 60 feet
deep and can be caught on crankbaits and spinnerbaits, jigs and
jighead worms shallow, and c-rigs , jigs dropshots and whacky
rigged cinkos out deep, judt find the bait and you will find
the fish, up shallow try river and creekbends and some wind and
the fish will be their.
The walleye are fair on trolled crankbaits anywhere
from 15 feet to 60 feet deep, they are starting their pre-spawn
stage and should get more predictable soon
No report on catfish but rumor is they are still
biting well
The crappie are biting in the creek and riverbends
also suspended in the pole timber about 15 feet deep and will
bite jigs tipped with minnows best
The hybrids and white bass fishing is a constant
battle with all the pressure on them , but do stay with the bait
and you can catch a few everyday and some days you can catch
a lot.
November 13, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture:
As of Monday, 13 November, main lake and Little River water surface
temperature ranges 54-60º, depending of course, on location
and time of day. Up-river water and oxbow's surface temps remain
warmer than the main lake surface temps by as much as 5-8ºF.
Millwood somewhat stabilized from cold fronts, this past week
with high daytime temps in the upper 60-70º range, however,
the clarity and rise of the lake is a different story altogether.
Little River's clarity as of Monday is drastically reduced and
muddy, approx 2-4" with tremendous current due to incoming
water and release at the dam. The main lake clarity likewise,
approx 3-5" visibility depending on location. Upriver oxbows
remain fair to good water clarity over the last week and ranges
from 1-3 feet in places, further from river currents. As of Monday
11/13, the lake level has risen again from last week, and is
approx 11 inches above normal pool, at 260.11 feet and falling.
Current in Little River Monday increased from last week, with
release at the dam 6,171CFS as of 13 November, although this
may change mid-week with the recent rains. The tailwater elevation
below the spillway was unavailable on Monday. Discharge/ Release
Rate at the spillway, is with all 13 gates open 1 foot each.
USACE recently reworked all Little River markers and navigation
has been very much improved.
The activity levels of Bass and Crappie have stablized, and improved
with the decrease in cold fronts and steady water temps, within
the past week. Feeding periods are are fair to good during early
and late periods of the day, with good to very good feeding periods
during the warmest periods of the day. Large schools of White
Bass continue roaming the River and main lake, over the past
few weeks with the cooler surface temperatures, and the Black
Bass continue to venture shallow for a good bite this week with
the warmer air temps.
The Details:
During the heat of the day over the past week, the larger bass
are still venturing shallow, and are fair to good on buzz baits
if wind conditions will cooperate. The muddy rise over the past
5 days has had most of the bass relating to shallow stumps and
flooded bushes, grass beds and vegetation that are typically
out of the normal lake level reach of the water.
Largemouth Bass are still actively feeding on Rat-L-Traps, Bass
Assassin Shads, and Crankbaits. The best Rat-L-Trap bite over
the past week with the muddy water rise, has been the fire tiger,
the Bleeding Chartreuse or Lemon Shad, or Honey Bee. Back in
some of the clearer area's oxbow lakes, the clear Hologram or
diamond shad color patterns, in 1/2 to 3/4 oz sizes are still
working. Traps in the 1/2 oz sizes are taking lots of adolescent
size bass (1-2lbs each) around creek mouths and in the creek
channel, itself. The larger, 3/4 oz size Trap will allow you
to get down to where the larger bass are holding, and if you
work it slowly and methodically, deflecting around stumps with
repeated casts to the same target, you may "get your arm
We were throwing a few Crankbaits this week along rip and rock,
deflecting around and off the riprap and rocks and stumps, and
landed some nice size keeper bass. We were working Cordell Big
O's and Xcalibur Fat Free Shads, parallel to the river channel
and in creek mouths dumping into the river channel. Using a shad
pattern Big O or an Excalibur Fat Free Shad in a crawfish pattern,
has been working better over the past few days, with the weather
patterns somewhat stablized. Bass are still willing to bust buzz
baits again, in blue glimmer, or hologram shad color pattern
colors, out on the main lake around grass beds. Certain areas
of the main lake have fair water clarity ranging from 5-10",
depending on wind, and location. The War Eagle spinnerbaits in
Aurora or firecracker colors are working very well around the
same areas as buzz baits where baitfish are hiding in the grass
Approach Tip: Use a good, sharp treble hook and a flexible
rod with Traps and Cranks, like the Xcalibur rotating hook. These
Largemouths have a lot of fight in them! Too stiff a rod will
rip the treble hooks out of and away from the bass. A more flexible
rod will give you a shock absorber when he makes those
last two power surges at the edge of the boat. We learned the
hard way. Don't let a monster play you up, fake a gime' , then
powersurge, and get the last word in on you after you fight him
all the way to the boat. A flexible rod will allow you to beat
him at his game.
The best soft plastic bite remains on the Bass Assassin Charm
Assassin in crystal shad or silver ghost colors, with Bang Garlic
spray. The Bang Garlic spray, we believe, are helping these bass
locate the lure in any off-colored water over the past week.
These bass were taken along almost any entrance to any larger
creek channel dumping into Little River. Our best method of presentation
is dead sticking on a slack line, using a small 2/0 RigN-Hook
for a slow fall.
The jig bite improved over the past week with the recent high
muddy water. These bass were relating to stumps, extremely shallow,
and a pumpkinseed/chart or black and blue jig with rattles, were
taking some 5-7lb class bass in very shallow flats next to creek
channels and on cypress trees.
Approach Tip: Use a strong hook jig, with rattles and
Bang Garlic spray in the rising muddy or heavy stained water.
The rattles will draw in a curious bass to investigate, and the
Bang Garlic will entice a slow bite and allow him to hold or
swim off with the jig with a good taste.
White Bass have dissappeared, or gone deep, with the muddy water.
Crappie, likewise, have almost entirely shut down in the last
few days, with the high muddy rise.
Channel Cats are very good this week, on trot lines in Little
River, any location in the current, and yo-yos from cypress trees.
Trot lines set in Little River current (outside bends) between
9-14 feet depths, and yo-yos set approx 6-8 feet deep using chicken
livers, cut shad, homemade blood baits, and Catfish Charlie have
been working well, anywhere you have current carrying scent and
blood trails.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Little River's clarity as of Monday 13 November
is reduced with all the fresh incoming water and is approx 2-4";
& main lake clarity likewise, approx 3-5" visibility.
Upriver oxbows remain fair to good water clarity over the last
week and ranges from 2-4 feet in places. As of Monday 11/13,
the lake level has risen from last week, and is approx 11 inches
above normal pool, at 260.11 feet and falling. Current in Little
River Monday increased, with release at the dam 6,171 CFS as
of Monday, 13 November, although this may change mid-week with
the recent rains. The tailwater elevation below the spillway
was still unavailable on Monday. Discharge/ Release Rate at the
spillway, is with 13 gates open 1 foot each. USACE recently reworked
all Little River markers and navigation much improved.
Water surface temperatures stablized this week with a last few
"dog days" of warmer days and nights, and a few less
cold frontal passages. As of Monday, 13 November, main lake and
Little River water surface temperature ranges 54-60º, depending
of course, on location and time of day. Up-river water and oxbow's
surface temps remain warmer than the main lake surface temps
by as much as 5-8ºF.
USACE reworked entire Little River marker buoys of recent, and
have replaced all damaged or missing markers. Little River navigation
in excellent condition. However, floaters and logs have become
jammed and stuck on old river channel hardwood stumps, along
the Little River in several locations, just at surface level.
Use caution in low light navigations, especially on Little River!
Several examples are between Snake Creek and Pugh Slough;
Pugh Slough and Jack's Isle, and between Mud Lake and Hurricane
Creek. Use caution and watch for these obstructions just at surface,
during normal level or low light, conditions.
November 8, 2006 - Greers Ferry Lake -
Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service - The water
level at greers ferry is at 455.25 it has came up about 1 foot
due to recent rains and the temp is between 60 and 63 degrees
and will warm some with the warmer days
The over all bite is not the best in the world
right now as the lake is still seeming to try and get finished
stratifying with the north end being finished and it is slowily
working its way down the lake and it stirs all the muck up and
scatteres the fish real bad and when it gets finished the fishing
will really improve.
The hybrid fishing is slow right now due to the
turn over but if ya stay on bait you can catch some jigging a
spoon and reeling a buckshot lure through them real fast and
will be able to catch some as they are scattered real bad right
All species of bass are scattered from 6 inches
to 45 feet of water now and can be caught with c-riggs , right
bites new jighead and you can also pick some up on wind blown
banks with spinnerbaits and rattle traps
No report on the catfish
Bream action has slowed down also
Crappie some can be caught in the standing pole
timber fishing vertical with jigs and minnows in about 12-15
feet of water
Walleye are scattered as well but should start
their winter staging soon and be more predictable
Tommy Cauley
Fishing Guide
November 6, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture:
As of Monday, 06 November, main lake and Little River water surface
temperature ranges 56-63º, depending of course, on location
and time of day. Up-river water and oxbow's surface temps remain
warmer than the main lake surface temps by as much as 5-8ºF.
Millwood somewhat stabilized from cold fronts, this past week
with high daytime temps in the upper 60-70º range. Little
River's clarity as of Monday is improved at approx 20-24";
& main lake clarity likewise, approx 12-16" visibility.
Upriver oxbows remain fair to good water clarity over the last
week and ranges from 2-4 feet in places. As of Monday 11/06,
the lake level has stablized from last week, and is approx 5.8
inches above normal pool, at 259.68 feet and falling. Current
in Little River Monday reduced from last week, with release at
the dam 387CFS as of 06 November, although this may change mid-week
with the recent rains. The tailwater elevation below the spillway
was unavailable on Monday. Discharge/ Release Rate at the spillway,
is with 1 gate open 1 foot. USACE recently reworked all Little
River markers and navigation has been very much improved.
The activity levels of Bass and Crappie have stablized, and improved
with the decrease in cold fronts and steady water temps, within
the past week. Feeding periods are are fair to good during early
and late periods of the day, with good to very good feeding periods
during the warmest periods of the day. Large schools of White
Bass continue roaming the River and main lake, over the past
few weeks with the cooler surface temperatures, and the Black
Bass continue to venture shallow for a good bite this week with
the warmer air temps.
The Details:
Clarity was improved, this week, on main lake structure and in
Little River. Water surface temps stablized in the past several
days. During the heat of the day this past week, the larger bass
are still venturing shallow, and are fair to good on topwater
lures like Baby Torpedos and buzz baits if wind conditions will
cooperater, and are just right.
Largemouth Bass are still actively feeding over the past week
on Millwood. Rat-L-Traps, and Crankbaits are a sure bet for a
good bite, but requires more patience and persistance, of late.
The best Rat-L-Trap bite over the past week with the improvement
in water clarity, has been the clear Hologram, smokey joe, or
diamond shad color patterns, in 1/2 to 3/4 oz sizes. Traps in
the 1/2 oz sizes are taking lots of adolescent size bass (1-2lbs
each) around creek mouths and in the creek channel, itself. The
larger, 3/4 oz size Trap will allow you to get down to where
the larger bass are holding, and if you work it slowly and methodically,
deflecting around stumps with repeated casts to the same target,
you may "get your arm broke"......
We were throwing a few Crankbaits this week along rip and rock,
deflecting around and off the riprap and rocks and stumps, and
landed some nice size keeper bass. We were working Cordell Big
O's and Xcalibur Fat Free Shads, parallel to the river channel
and in creek mouths dumping into the river channel. Using a shad
pattern Big O or an Excalibur Fat Free Shad in a crawfish pattern,
has been working better over the past few days, with the weather
patterns somewhat stablized. Bass are still willing to bust buzz
baits again, in blue glimmer, or hologram shad color pattern
colors, out on the main lake around grass beds. War Eagle spinnerbaits
in spot remover, firecracker, or smoke mouse colors are working
very well around the same areas as buzz baits where baitfish
are hiding in the grass beds.
Approach Tip: Use a good, sharp treble hook and a flexible
rod with Traps and Cranks, like the Xcalibur rotating hook. These
Largemouths have a lot of fight in them! Too stiff a rod will
rip the treble hooks out of and away from the bass. A more flexible
rod will give you a shock absorber when he makes those
last two power surges at the edge of the boat. We learned the
hard way. Don't let a monster play you up, fake a gime' , then
powersurge, and get the last word in on you after you fight him
all the way to the boat. A flexible rod will allow you to beat
him at his game.
The best soft plastic bite has been on the Bass Assassin Charm
Assassin in crystal shad or silver ghost colors, with Bang Garlic
spray. The Bang Garlic spray, we believe, are helping these bass
locate the lure in any off-colored water over the past week.
These bass were taken along almost any entrance to any larger
creek channel dumping into Little River. Our best method of presentation
is dead sticking on a slack line, using a small 2/0 RigN-Hook
for a slow fall.
The carolina rig bite is fair. Bass began roaming shallow again,
with the stable weather and sun, and warmer days, and have not
been as suspended in the past few days as the week before. Charm
Bass Assassins in crystal shad colors are working best, along
steep stairstep wash-outs of the river in the 4-6 feet depth
White Bass are continuing roaming Little River in fair numbers
and large schools. The Whites are still biting with some frequency,
throughout the day on 1/4 to 1/2oz chrome or white Rat-L-Traps,
Rocket Shads, Little Cleos, and Rooster Tails, at various locations
along Little River this week. Once you connect with a single
fish, know that there is a large school down there too. Large
schools of Whites have been located in on the main lake between
the 1 and the 3 mile marker on Little River; and around the areas
of Pugh Slough, & Hwy 71bridge. Stay quick throwing a Rat-L-Trap
or a tail spinner like the Rooster Tails or Rocket Shads, when
you see surface activity. The fishin's pretty easy to find a
bunch of whites. We have noted lots of folks out trolling up
and down Little River, and are continuing to find some nice battles
out there with whites ranging from 2 to 3.5 pounds.
Crappie fishermen continue venturing out, over the past few weeks
due to improved weather. The Crappie bite improved again this
week, and were positioning in planted brush piles all along Little
River in 17-20 feet depths. Sizes are fair, ranging from 10-15"
in length (1 to 2.5lbs each), and have remained in slightly deeper
this week, best on jigs and shiners last few days. The Crappie
will not come out of the brush to hit the shiner or jig. Contact
with the brush, inside the brush, is necessary to coax a Crappie
Channel Cats are fair to good this week, on trot lines and yo-yos
from cypress trees. Trot lines set in Little River current (outside
bends) between 14-20 feet depths, and yo-yos set approx 8-12
feet deep using chicken livers, cut shad, homemade blood baits,
and Catfish Charlie have been working well, anywhere you have
current carrying scent and blood trails.
Longnose gar continue surfacing along Little River, and offer
an extremely good opportunity for bow fishermen to take out some
really nice sized gar up to 30 pounds each.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Little River's clarity as of Monday 06 November
is improved at approx 20-24"; & main lake clarity likewise,
approx 12-16" visibility. Upriver oxbows remain fair to
good water clarity over the last week and ranges from 2-4 feet
in places. As of Monday 11/06, the lake level has stablized from
last week, and is approx 5.8 inches above normal pool, at 259.68
feet and falling. Current in Little River Monday reduced from
last week, with release at the dam 387 CFS as of 06 November,
although this may change mid-week with the recent rains. The
tailwater elevation below the spillway was still unavailable
on Monday. Discharge/ Release Rate at the spillway, is with 1
gate open 1 foot. USACE recently reworked all Little River markers
and navigation much improved.
Water surface temperatures stablized this week with a last few
"dog days" of warmer days and nights, and a few less
cold frontal passages. As of Monday, 06 November, main lake and
Little River water surface temperature ranges 56-63º, depending
of course, on location and time of day. Up-river water and oxbow's
surface temps remain warmer than the main lake surface temps
by as much as 5-8ºF.
October 30, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture:
As of Monday, 30 October, main lake and Little River water surface
temperature ranges 58-65º, depending of course, on location
and time of day. Up-river water and oxbow's surface temps remain
warmer than the main lake surface temps by as much as 5-8ºF.
Millwood underwent dramatic changes again, this past week with
repeated cold frontal passages, high winds, and (much needed)
rainfall. Little River's clarity as of Monday is improved at
approx 18-24"; & main lake clarity likewise, approx
15-20" visibility. Upriver oxbows remain fair to good water
clarity over the last week and ranges from 2-4 feet in places.
As of Monday 10/30, the lake level has fallen from last week,
and is approx 5.5 inches above normal pool, at 259.66 feet and
falling. Current in Little River Monday at parity from last week,
with release at the dam 1,562CFS as of 30 October. The tailwater
elevation below the spillway was unavailable on Monday. Discharge/
Release Rate at the spillway, is with 4 gates open 1 foot each.
USACE recently reworked all Little River markers and navigation
much improved.
The activity levels of Bass and Crappie have tapered off within
the past week with the repeated cold fronts passing through the
region. Feeding periods are are fair to good during warmer periods
of the day, but slower than the past few weeks. Juvenile and
yearling Black Bass continue randomly schooling, but have diminished.
Large schools of White Bass continue roaming the River and main
lake, over the past few weeks with the cooler surface temperatures.
The Details:
Clarity was improved, this week, on main lake structure and in
Little River. Water surface temps dropped again, by as much as
5-6 degrees in the past several days. The repeated cold fronts
have pushed the larger bass deeper, and positioned them with
the river's current on the downside of large stumps, tree trunks
in the river, and moved them into a true fall pattern, we had
not seen yet this year, until the recent past few days. However,
during the heat of the day, the larger bass are still venturing
shallow, and will bust a topwater lure if conditions are just
Largemouth Bass are purposely more selective on feeding over
the past week on Millwood. Rat-L-Traps, and Crankbaits are a
sure bet for a good bite, but requires more patience and persistance,
of late. The best Rat-L-Trap bite over the past week with the
improvement in water clarity, has been the clear Hologram, smokey
joe, or diamond shad color patterns, in 1/2 to 3/4 oz sizes.
Working Traps deeper to approx 12-14 feet, or deflecting off
stumps and standing timber has been the key over the past 2 weeks.
The 3/4 oz size Trap will allow you to get down to where the
fish are holding quicker, and coax a bite, if you work it slowly
and methodically, deflecting around stumps. Repeated casts to
the same target, are normally required to coax a good hit from
a keeper size Largemouth this week.
Crankbaits worked parallel to the river channel are beginning
to pick up a few more fish over the past couple weeks, but are
having mostly the same presentation as the Traps. Using a shad
pattern Little N Norman crank or an Excalibur Fat Free Shad in
a bream or shad pattern has been randomly working. Cordell Big-O
cranks produced a few good bass as well, using a smokey-joe or
shad pattern, but bite was slow and deliberate. Over the past
few days, with the weather patterns somewhat stable, we were
able to find bass willing to bust buzz baits again, in white,
blue glimmer, or shad pattern colors, out on the main lake around
grass beds. War Eagle spinnerbaits in spot remover, firecracker,
or smoke mouse colors are working very well around the same areas
as buzz baits where baitfish are hiding in the grass beds.
Approach Tip: Use a good, sharp treble hook and a flexible
rod with Traps and Cranks. These Largemouths have a lot of fight
in them! Too stiff a rod will rip the treble hooks out of and
away from the bass. A more flexible rod will give you a shock
absorber when he makes those last two power surges at the
edge of the boat. We learned the hard way. Don't let a monster
play you up, fake a gime' , then powersurge, and get the last
word in on you after you fight him all the way to the boat. A
flexible rod will allow you to beat him at his game.
The best soft plastic bite has been on the Eager Beaver the last
few days, in pumpkinseed/ chart tail, watermelon-red, or the
red shad/green glitter colors, texas rigged with a 3/8 oz slip
sinker and clicker bead and Bang Garlic spray. The Bang Garlic
spray, we believe, are helping these bass locate the lure in
the off-colored water over the past week. These bass were on
large stumps along the river, in 10-12 feet depths, out of current,
and on cypress trees, tight to cover. Repeated pitches and flips
were required to coax a bite on several occasions over the last
few days. It was a tough bite, early in the week with the drop
in surface temperatures so drastic and quickly, and literally,
all but shut down, if not for persistance.
The carolina rig bite is improving as well over the past few
days. Southern Pro fatbutt tubes, lizards, and Charm Bass Assassins
in pumpkin-chartreuse, castaic shad, or white-ice colors are
working along steep stairstep wash-outs of the river in the 9-12
feet depth ranges.
White Bass are continuing roaming Little River in fair numbers
and large schools. The Whites are still biting with some frequency,
throughout the day on chrome or white Rat-L-Traps, Rocket Shads,
Little Cleos, and Rooster Tails, at various locations along Little
River this week. Once you connect with a single fish, know that
there is a large school down there too. Large schools have been
located in Little River around the areas of Pugh Slough, Jack's
Isle, and between McGuire Lake & Hwy 71 bridge. Stay quick
throwing a Rat-L-Trap or a tail spinner like the Rooster Tails
or Rocket Shads, when you see surface activity. The fishin's
pretty easy to find a bunch of whites. We have noted lots of
folks out trolling up and down Little River, and are finding
some nice battles out there with whites ranging from 2 to 3.5
Crappie fishermen continue venturing out, over the past few weeks
due to improved weather. The Crappie bite improved this week,
we believe in part to cooler weather, and positioning the Crappie
in planted brush piles. Sizes are fair, ranging from 10-15"
in length (1 to 2.5lbs each), and have remained in slightly deeper
this week, best on jigs and shiners last few days. Best bite
this week was on jigs, between 16-19 feet deep, remaining buried
up thick in brush. The Crappie will not come out of the brush
to hit the shiner or jig. Contact with the brush, inside the
brush, is necessary to coax a Crappie bite.
Channel Cats improved this week with the increase in river current,
on trot lines and yo-yos from cypress trees. Trot lines set in
Little River current (outside bends) between 18-26 feet depths,
and yo-yos set approx 12-15 feet deep using chicken livers, cut
shad, homemade blood baits, and Catfish Charlie have been working
well, anywhere you have current carrying scent and blood trails.
Longnose gar continue surfacing along Little River, and offer
an extremely good opportunity for bow fishermen to take out some
really nice sized gar up to 30 pounds each.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity in upriver oxbows improved, at approx
2-4 feet, depending on location, and improving. As of Monday,
Little River clarity improved and is approx 18-24 inches, depending
on location. Main lake clarity is approx 15-20". As of Monday,
30 October, the lake level is approx 5.5 inches above normal
pool, at 259.66 feet and falling. Discharge at the dam and current
in Little River as of Monday, is consistent w/ last week at 1,562CFS.
The tailwater level below the dam was unavailable as of Monday,
30 October. The water surface temperature dropped again over
the past week from cold fronts passing through the region, currently
ranging from 58º- 65º, depending of course, on location
and time of day.
October 27, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew! -
Beaver Tailwater: Grab your fleece, gloves and warm headgear
and head to the river for fall fishing. It was nice to layer
up this week, curling up into a warm collar braving some cool
conditions and picking off some trout.
Fish soft hackles early and late, Midges or scuds
during the day. If its dull and overcast go with buggers and
perhaps big streamers for a trophy.
Try something different like our dead Drift Crayfish,
fish a sculpin, fish at night _ Just Fish It!
This is the time of the year to fish hard. We like
Orange and Patridge, or Partridge and Pheasant soft hackles at
this time of year. If your in a deep or slightly swifter moving
section try the new Guide's Secret Hares Ear.
Tan scuds continue to slay fish. Try McLellans'
Hunchback in tan or on dark days switch to the olive or gray.
Try the Trout Crack on the flats at Parker Bend
Red mIdges are very effective like our Razorback Midge, red zebra
midges, Jujubee Midges, red Humpback Midges or the red 2488H
Copper John. Bryce has also been fishing Craven's Poison Tung
hard and doing very well.
Fall is definately the time for buggers, olive
being the traditional choice. We have had decent reports on brown
and black buggers in recent weeks. We also have several great
yellow streamers, including yellow crystal buggers in several
sizes, yellow Conehead Muddlers and yellow Zooo Cougars.
It's One Fly weekend and we look to have great
weather forecast and a great crew in to take advantage of it.
But still its a One Fly so don't forget your gloves, warm head
gear and a coat. It almost wouldn't be a One Fly without a little
cold and damp.
The fishing has been good as well, with plenty
of big fish moving up the river. And while everyone is hunting
big browns there have been some very very handy rainbows, in
the 17"-19" range taken over the past week. Anyone
of these would have won most of the recent One Fly events.
We have also been packaging up our giveaways, sorting
through the door prizes, and of course lusting after the main
prize, and we have to thank all our sponsors, Sage, Rio, Spirit
River, Pacific Fly, Fishpond, Community Coffee and of course
the best place to stay on the river, and our sister business
the Spider Creek Resort <> .
Above all have fun!!
Well the fishing conditions all week havce been pretty overcast
and dull, so its going to be a change to be fishing under bright
and warm conditions on Sunday. We would expect the activity to
slow so your first stops are likely be the best bests _ but we
have been wrong before.
Speaking of which, our big tip for One Fly first timers is _
get in your wading gear before the draw_ you will start off on
the wrong foot with experienced partners if the 7am fishing hooter
goes off and your still dawdling around putting on gear.
We would be crazy to pick against a woolly bugger as the winning
fly (and yes we have plenty in the store) but tan scuds and red
midges have been doing very well. But these have been generally
for the smaller fish, though dark days bigger scuds have pulled
some nice browns.
Selecting tippet size is where everyone gets to gamble, 6x flourocarbon
has a pretty fine margin of error, but 5x produces less fish
particularly in bright conditions. But if you feel confident
with your rod skills, a 3wt or 4wt would help, we'd be inclined
to even try 7x late in the event, if your still hunting a big
We've also been asked a bunch, where to find the big fish. As
we mentioned we have seen a goodly number of big fish heading
up through the spawning shoals at Parker Bend, but they don't
appear to be holding consistently, therefore we can suggest they
have headed upstream.
Both the bigger browns and rainbows can often be found in the
deeper holes through the Trophy area, at Spider Creek or downstream
towards the 62 bridge. Though unless you can see these fish actively
feeding they can be very hard to tempt during the day. The fish
you spot hunkered down on the bottom are almost impossible. On
the other hand if anyone finds a big brown chasing sculpins out
of the gravel beds, as we did a couple of weeks back, then a
fast strip just under the surface should see you connected.
The are simple:
Only One fly may be used during the contest. Lose the fly to
a tree or a trout and your contest fishing is done. We encourage
people to keep fishing and have fun.
Flies only (No jigs) - Longest trout wins Catch
and Release all fish.
You must turn in the fly used for your winning
fish to the judges.
Egg patterns are banned for ,06-07-08 events. Winning
flies are banned for three years to encourage innovation and
to ensure the competition is fair and even.
Participants will fish in pairs in order to verify
fish length measurements.
Wade fishing only, no boats.
Partners will be drawn 30 minutes before start
You must be present at drawing to enter. (Be there
6.30 am_ 6.00 to register).
Fishing starts 7am. No entrants to leave the store
before 7am
Arkansas Fishing license and trout permit required.
Earliest entry decides tie coin toss for second
You and partner must return to store by 12-noon
or forfeit first prize.
No fishing zone over the spawning beds at Parker
Bend. Officials will be present.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce
October 23, 2006 - Millwood Lake - Submitted
by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture:
As of Monday, 23 October, main lake and Little River water surface
temperature ranges 65-70º, depending of course, on location
and time of day. Up-river water and oxbow's surface temps remain
warmer than the main lake surface temps by as much as 5-8ºF.
Millwood underwent dramatic changes in the past week with repeated
cold frontal passages, high winds, and (much needed) rainfall.
Little River's clarity as of Monday is drastically reduced at
approx 8-12"; & main lake clarity likewise, approx 3-8"
visibility. Upriver oxbows remain fair to good water clarity
over the last week and ranges from 1-3 feet in places. USACE
recently reworked all Little River markers and navigation much
improved. As of Monday 10/23, the lake has risen from last week,
and is approx 6 inches above normal pool, at 259.70 feet and
falling. Current in Little River Monday increased from last week,
with release at the dam 1,587CFS as of 23 October. The tailwater
elevation below the spillway was unavailable on Monday. Discharge/
Release Rate at the spillway, is with 4 gates open 1 foot each.
The activity levels of Bass and Crappie have tapered off within
the past week with the repeated cold fronts passing through the
region. Feeding periods are are fair to good during warmer periods
of the day, but slower than the past few weeks. Juvenile and
yearling Black Bass continue randomly schooling, but have diminished.
Large schools of White Bass continue roaming the River and main
lake, over the past few weeks with the cooler surface temperatures.
The Details:
Clarity and surface temp was dramatically changed and reduced,
this week, with the recent (and much needed) rainfall, high wind
and run-off of fresh water. Water surface temps dropped by as
much as 5-6 degrees in the past 5 days. The repeated cold fronts
have pushed the larger bass, for the most part deeper, and positioned
them with the current on the downside of large stumps, tree trunks
in the river, and moved them into a true fall pattern, we had
not seen yet this year, until the recent past few days.
Largemouth Bass have become more finiky, and purposely selective
on feeding over the past week on Millwood. Rat-L-Traps, and Crankbaits
are a sure bet for a good bite, but requires more patience and
persistance, of late. The best Rat-L-Trap bite over the past
week with the reduction in water clarity, has been the Honey
Bee, Bleeding Shad Lemon, or Chartreuse Shiner color patterns,
in 1/2 to 3/4 oz sizes. Working Traps deeper to approx 12-14
feet, or deflecting off stumps and standing timber has been the
key over the past few days. The 3/4 oz size Trap will allow you
to get down to where the fish are holding quicker, and coax a
bite, if you work it slowly and methodically, deflecting around
stumps. Repeated casts to the same target, are normally required
to coax a good hit from a keeper size Largemouth this week.
Crankbaits worked parallel to the river channel are beginning
to pick up a few more fish in the past week but are having mostly
the same presentation as the Traps. Using a shad pattern Little
N Norman crank or an Excalibur Fat Free Shad in a bream or shad
pattern has been randomly working. Cordell Big-O cranks produced
a few good bass as well, using a smokey-joe or shad pattern,
but bite was slow and deliberate.
Approach Tip: Use a good, sharp treble hook and a flexible
rod with Traps and Cranks. These Largemouths have a lot of fight
in them! Too stiff a rod will rip the treble hooks out of and
away from the bass. A more flexible rod will give you a shock
absorber when he makes those last two power surges at the
edge of the boat. We learned the hard way. Don't let a monster
play you up, fake a gime' , then powersurge, and get the last
word in on you after you fight him all the way to the boat. A
flexible rod will allow you to beat him at his game.
The best soft plastic bite for us changed over the past week.
We are catching some averaged mid-sized 2-3 lb bass on the Eager
Beaver, in pumpkinseed/chart tail, black/blue tail, or the red
shad/green glitter colors, texas rigged with a 3/8 oz slip sinker
and clicker bead and Bang Garlic spray. The Bang Garlic spray,
we believe, are helping these bass locate the lure in the off-colored
water over the past week. These bass were on large stumps along
the river, in 10-12 feet depths, out of current, and on cypress
trees, tight to cover. Repeated pitches and flips were required
to coax a bite on several occasions over the last few days. It
was a tough bite, early in the week with the drop in surface
temperatures so drastic and quickly, and literally, all but shut
down, if not for persistance.
The jig bite improved over the past week, with the bass holding
tight to cover, and using a 1/2 oz rattling jig in black/blue
or pumpkinseed/chartreuse, both or either one using Bang Garlic
Spray and a Hog Craw trailer in Black (on the black/blue jig)
or Green Pumpkin (on the pumpkinseed jig).
White Bass are continuing roaming Little River in fair numbers
and large schools. The Whites are still biting with some frequency,
throughout the day on chrome or white Rat-L-Traps, Rocket Shads,
Little Cleos, and Rooster Tails, at various locations along Little
River this week. Once you connect with a single fish, know that
there is a large school down there too. Large schools have been
located in Little River around the areas of Pugh Slough, Jack's
Isle, and between McGuire Lake & Hwy 71 bridge. Stay quick
throwing a Rat-L-Trap or a tail spinner like the Rooster Tails
or Rocket Shads, when you see surface activity. The fishin's
pretty easy to find a bunch of whites. We have noted lots of
folks out trolling up and down Little River, and are finding
some nice battles out there with whites ranging from 2 to 3.5
Crappie fishermen continue venturing out, over the past few weeks
due to improved weather. The Crappie bite over the past week
all but faded, with the river and lake clarity worsened, and
the best bite was truly inconsistent. Sizes are fair, ranging
from 10-15" in length (1 to 2.5lbs each), and have remained
in slightly deeper this week, best on jigs and shiners last few
days. Best bite last week was on shiners, between 14-18 feet
deep, remaining buried up thick in brush. The Crappie will not
come out of the brush to hit the shiner or jig. Contact with
the brush, inside the brush, is necessary to coax a Crappie bite.
Channel Cats improved this week with the increase in river current,
on trot lines and yo-yos from cypress trees. Trot lines set in
Little River current (outside bends) between 18-26 feet depths,
and yo-yos set approx 12-15 feet deep using chicken livers, cut
shad, homemade blood baits, and Catfish Charlie have been working
well, anywhere you have current carrying scent and blood trails.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity in upriver oxbows reduced, at approx
1-3 feet, depending on location, and improving. As of Monday,
Little River clarity reduced and is approx 8-12 inches, depending
on location. Main lake clarity is approx 3-8". As of Monday,
23 October, the lake level is approx 6 inches above normal pool,
at 259.70 feet and falling. Discharge at the dam and current
in Little River as of Monday, is drastically increased at 1,587CFS.
The tailwater level below the dam was unavailable as of Monday,
23 October. The water surface temperature currently ranges from
65º- 70º, depending of course, on location and time
of day.
USACE reworked entire Little River marker buoys of recent, and
have replaced all damaged or missing markers. Little River navigation
in excellent condition. However, floaters and logs have become
jammed and stuck on old river channel hardwood stumps, along
the Little River in several locations, just at surface level.
Use caution in low light navigations, especially on Little River!
Several examples are between Snake Creek and Pugh Slough;
Pugh Slough and Jack's Isle, and between Mud Lake and Hurricane
Creek. Use caution and watch for these obstructions just at surface,
during normal level or low light, conditions.
Fishin'! <º)))><{""""""""""""
October 21, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew! -
Beaver Tailwater: Its been a long time since we fished in temperatures
under 50 degrees. It was nice to layer up this week, curling
up into a warm collar braving some cool conditions and picking
off some trout. Add some 7x flourocarbon to your tippet selections.
It can really make a difference during the sunny portions of
the day, just watch your hooksets Egg patterns are coming into
their own, we love the Unreal Egg, particularly in Gold Nugget,
smaller Flashtail Eggs for when fish are picky and flourescent
orange Veiled Eggs as a deep or fast water pattern.
Red midges have been superb in the past couple
of weeks, including Red Zebra's, Bryce TDM, Poison Tungs, 2488H
Copper Johns, Humpbak Midges. Scuds continue to work well try
McLellans' Hunchback in tan or on dark days switch to the olive
or gray. Try the Trout Crack on the flats at Parker Bend Fall
is definately the time for buggers, olive being the traditional
choice. We have had decent reports on brown and black buggers
in recent weeks. We also have several great yellow streamers,
including yellow crystal buggers in several sizes, yellow Conehead
Muddlers and yellow Zoo Cougars.
THE 10th annual Beaver Dam Store is almost here and the bigger
fish are moving upstream on cue. We have been spotting browns
staging up for the spawn and finding some very thickbodied rainbows.
It certainly looks like the Parker Bend spawning areas will be
ruled offlimits this year. The fishing should be fantastic for
the next few weeks.
Take a camera to record the fish, you really do have a chance
of landing the biggest fish of your life here at this time of
year, be wary of spawning browns in the shallows, fish the deeper
pools hard!
Make sure you layer up, with warm fleece close to your skin,
a warm hat, windstopper gloves and a windproof top layer will
make sure your toasty warm
Come along for the whole weekend's festivities. Cary Marcus'
casting clinic at 2pm Saturday, check your skills on the casting
analyzer, play with his collection of new Sage's, and meet new
folks on the river and find your spot for the Sunday 29th contest.
If you are planning on registering on the morning of the contest
come early 6am. We will start drawing pairs at 6.30am, to be
ready for the event's start at 7am. One tip for newcomers is
be in your waders, and have your rod strung ready for the 7am
Early registrations are appreciated so we can get a good ideas
of the catering requirements _ and the lunch will be a highlight.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce
October 18, 2006 -
Beaver - Submitted by Jason Piper - JT Crappie Guide Service -
As of Tuesday, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reports
the lake's elevation at 1,110.68 feet MSL.
J.T. Crappie Guide Services said rainy weather has kept many
anglers off the lake. Crappie are fair on minnows and tube jigs
fished 8 to 12 feet deep around brush and laydowns. Bass are
fair on spinnerbaits, crankbaits and topwaters fished in the
backs of the creeks. White bass are schooling and biting extremely
well on white or silver Rooster Tails. Bluegill are holding on
woody cover around 4 to 10 feet deep and biting fair on small
in-line spinners.
October 17, 2006 - Greers
Ferry Lake - Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service - The water
level at greers ferry is at 454.60 and rising it was at 454.28
before the rain and the south fork was at 3.90 and running at
12 cfs and now it is at 5,16 and running at 232 cfs, the middle
fork was at 5.33 and running 12 cfs and now is at 9.88 and running
at 1364 cfs and now the water has gotten to the lake it will
rise probably 2 feet
The shad balls as big as your house are starting
to come out of deep water after the rain we really needed it
to re-oxygenate the lake and the lake has also been turning over
and another few days and the fishing will explode to say the
Hybrids are still hit and miss, the rain drove
the shad that were up down and the fish also, it always does
after a dry spell and the mud will not help them , get away from
the mud on the south end of the lake and look for shad on your
graph and things will happen their sooner or later in the general
area that day at some point and time , drop jigging spoons and
buchshots in-line spinners to catch them when they are down and
top waters and rinky dinks or sweet girls when they are
on top.
The bass fishing is pretty well , the smallmouth
are on brushpiles and are biting jigs and c-rigs in 8-15 feet
of water , the blackbass and kentuckies are in the standing timber
and will spoons , buzzbaits and spinnerbaits, there are blacks
up in 6 inches to 4 feet of water on stumps and lay downs that
will bite jigs and spinners baits as well as crankbaits and jighead
worms, be careful as not to get to close and scare them.
The crappie are biting in the channel bends in
about 15 feet of water on minnows and jigs and grubs.
The catfish are biting cut bait in 17 feet of water
on jugs and trotlines around the creek channels.
The bream are up shallow and eating crickets and
night crawlers.
October 16, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture:
As of Monday, 16 October, water surface temperature ranges 69-73º,
depending of course, on location and time of day. Up river water
and oxbows are warmer than the main lake surface temps by as
much as 5-7ºF.
Little River's clarity as of Monday is approx 18-22"; &
main lake clarity is stained but improved, approx 12-14"
visibility. Upriver oxbows remain fair to good water clarity
over the last week and ranges from 3-5 feet in places. USACE
recently reworked all Little River markers and navigation much
improved. As of Monday 10/16, the lake has fallen from last week,
and is approx 4 inches above normal pool, at 259.50 feet and
steady. Current in Little River Monday increased from last week,
with release at the dam 782CFS as of 16 October. The tailwater
elevation below the spillway is 224.00 and steady. Discharge
is with 2 gates open 1 foot each.
The activity levels of Bass are excellent with the cooler water
temps. Feeding periods are generally good to very good during
most periods through out the day. Juvenile and yearling Black
Bass continue randomly schooling, and are chasing bait along
the edges and into lily pads, and in the oxbows all along Little
River. Large schools continue breaking topwater early and totally
at random part of all day, over the past few weeks with the cooler
temperatures. A few of these schools are being found to contain
a small population of young adult bass ranging from 2-4 pounds
in addition to the juveniles. Take a kid fishing!
The Details:
For the most part, lake clarity improved within the past week.
However, we expect clarity to change by mid week this week, with
the recent (and much needed) rainfall and influx of fresh water.
With the recent rise in elevation of a few inches, it's pushing
the larger bass much shallower the past few weeks. The continued
cooler weather has drastically improved the bass' attitude. The
bass continue to respond well over deep water or in shallow water
and especially on points. Three 3 set-ups will catch you all
the bass you care to fight, all day long.
Largemouth Bass continue with more abandon and aggression, for
the most part of all day, having sporadic feeding periods at
various and random times during the day. Rat-L-Traps, Bass Assassin
Shads (or twitch worms) and a War Eagle Spinnerbait or Rocket
Shad tail spinner is all you need to know and throw for the last
few weeks, to catch fish. The best Rat-L-Trap bites remain with
the Clear- Hologram Shad, Diamond Shad, or chrome/blue patterns
in 1/4 to 1/2 oz sizes. Several schools of Largemouths continue
yielding 3 to 5 pound young adults. Throwing Traps beyond the
school, and letting the Trap countdown sink to approx 8-12 feet,
then ripping back through the lower quadrant of the school seems
to be the best method for finding the larger fish. However, if
you can throw and wind a baitcaster, and tie on a Rat-L-Trap,
you will catch bass. If you can work your Trap shallow and thread
it through the vegetation and lily pads (hint, drop down from
the 1/2 oz to the 1/4oz and it's much easier), there are some
good bass shallow that will try to take it from you. Experimenting
with a crankbait yielded some nice size bass over the past week
along the vegetation and lily pad lines parallel to the river
channel. Using a suncraw pattern DLN Norman crank gave us a few
nice keepers, as well as a Excalibur Fat Free Shad in a brown
back/orange belly crawfish pattern. Cordell Big-O cranks produced
a few good bass as well, using a smokey- joe pattern.
Approach Tip: Use a good, sharp treble hook and a flexible
rod with Traps and Cranks. These Largemouths have a lot of fight
in them! Too stiff a rod will rip the treble hooks out of and
away from the bass. A more flexible rod will give you a shock
absorber when he makes those last two power surges at the
edge of the boat. We learned the hard way. Don't let a monster
play you up, fake a gime' , then powersurge, and get the last
word in on you after you fight him all the way to the boat. A
flexible rod will allow you to beat him at his game.
The best soft plastic bite for us remains the 5" Bass Assassin
Shads in salt & pepper silver phantom or baby bass colors;
Charm Assassins-wacky rigged (small 2/0 Owner Rig-n Hook=slow
fall) in silver ghost color, in thicker vegetation where you
can't work a Rat-L-Trap or treble hook through the density of
the vegetation. These fish remain in depths of 3 to 9 feet, remaining
in the vegetation, moving in and out, shallow, throughout the
day. Transparent colors and shades of white, "ice",
or clear glitter patterns in the Shad Assassins and Charms have
been producing literally dozens of bass/day for last several
The adult size bass (ranging 3-5lbs each) continue blow-ups in
lily pads are eating these Bass Assassin Shads with a vengence,
in locations you just cannot work any other bait. We have caught
several in the past few weeks between 5-7 pounds in the pads
along Little River. Several schools in the past week are busting
bait way back into the lily pad fields. Weedless rigged, 5"
Shad Assassins are about the only way to hoss them out, and that's
with braided line, or 25lb test mono.
White Bass are continuing roaming Little River in fair numbers
and large schools. The Whites will bite with some frequency,
chrome or white Rat-L-Traps, Rocket Shads, Little Cleos, and
Rooster Tails, at various locations along Little River this week.
Once you connect with a single fish, know that there is a large
school down there too. Large schools have been located in Little
River around the areas of Hurricane and between White Cliffs
and Hwy 71 bridge. Stay quick throwing a clear or bone Rat-L-Trap
or clear Baby Torpedo or a tail spinner like the Rooster Tails
or Rocket Shads, when you see surface activity. Catches are common
of 20-40 fish, from different schools, in just a few hours, on
numerous occasions. Back to back, repetitive catches are and
have been, very common lately, on whites. They are a blast to
battle. The kids love it!! Find yourself a kid and take them.
The fishin's pretty easy to find a bunch of whites. We have noted
lots of folks out trolling up and down Little River, and are
finding some nice battles out there with whites ranging from
2 to 3.5 pounds.
Crappie fishermen continue venturing out, over the past few weeks
due to improved weather. The Crappie catches are decent size
ranging from 12-16" in length (1 to 2.5lbs each), and have
returned to slightly deeper this week, best on jigs and shiners
last few days. Best bite last week was Southern Pro Tiny Tubes
in red/white or smoke/chartruese colors, and on shiners, between
15-22 feet deep in brush. The Crappie this week will not come
out of the brush to hit the shiner or jig. Contact with the brush,
inside the brush, is necessary to coax a Crappie bite.
Lots of Longnose Gar are making another great opportunity for
bow fishermen. Several in the 15-40 pound class are surfacing
repetitively and very frequently all day along Little River in
front of Mud Lake, Horseshoe Lake and around Hurricane Creek.
Go get'em, is all we can say, because they are there most all
day long, shallow easy targets, and they are huge.
Channel Cats improved this week with the increase in river current,
on trot lines and yo-yos from cypress trees. Trot lines set in
Little River current (outside bends) between 12-17 feet depths,
and yo-yos set approx 9-12 feet deep using chicken livers, cut
shad and Charlie have been working well.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity in upriver oxbows approx 3-5 feet,
depending on location, and improving. As of Monday, Little River
stain improved and is approx 18-24 inches, depending on location.
Main lake clarity is approx 10-14". As of Monday, 16 October,
the lake level is approx 4 inches above normal pool, at 259.50
feet and steady. Discharge at the dam as of Monday, is 782CFS.
The tailwater level below the dam is 224.00, as of Monday 10/16.
The water surface temperature currently ranges from 69º-
73º, depending of course, on location and time of day.
USACE reworked entire Little River marker buoys of recent, and
have replaced all damaged or missing markers. Little River navigation
in excellent condition. However, floaters and logs have become
jammed and stuck on old river channel hardwood stumps, along
the Little River in several locations, just at surface level.
Use caution in low light navigations, especially on Little River!
Several examples are between Snake Creek and Pugh Slough;
Pugh Slough and Jack's Isle, and between Mud Lake and Hurricane
Creek. Use caution and watch for these obstructions just at surface,
during normal level or low light, conditions.
All the best, and as always,
October 14, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew! - Another great weekend of fly
fishing fun ahead, with a great forecast and some very nice fish
in the river. Some of our regulars are hitting some very nice
fish up and down the tailwater. If your hunting bigger fish this
is the time of year to move around, especially with more and
more river opening up as Table Rock Lake drops.
Beaver Tailwater: Grab your fleece, gloves and warm headgear
and head to the river for fall fishing. It was nice to layer
up this week, curling up into a warm collar braving some cool
conditions and picking off some trout.
Fish soft hackles early and late, Midges or scuds
during the day. If its dull and overcast go with buggers and
perhaps big streamers for a trophy.
This is the time of the year to fish hard. We like
Orange and Patridge, or Partridge and Pheasant soft hackles at
this time of year. If your in a deep or slightly swifter moving
section try the new Guide's Secret Hares Ear.
Tan scuds continue to slay fish. Try McLellans'
Hunchback in tan or on dark days switch to the olive or gray.
Try the Trout Crack on the flats at Parker Bend
Red mIdges are very effective like our Razorback Midge, red zebra
midges, Jujubee Midges, red Humpback Midges or the red 2488H
Copper John. Bryce has also been fishing Craven's Poison Tung
hard and doing very well.
Fall is definately the time for buggers, olive
being the traditional choice. We have had decent reports on brown
and black buggers in recent weeks. We also have several great
yellow streamers, including yellow crystal buggers in several
sizes, yellow Conehead Muddlers and yellow Zooo Cougars.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce
October 11, 2006 - Greers Ferry Lake -
Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service -
The water level at greers ferry is at 454.50 at present and
temp ranges from 69-74 degrees and the level is still dropping
The hybrids are real good some days , some of the
biggest schools of shad are coming out of deep water and when
on the move the hybrids are right behind them and are catchable
with a lot of different baits and the cold front should really
help out , follow the shad and make due
The bass are so so, and again the cold front will
help get them shallow better after a few days after it has passed
try crank baits and spinnerbaits as well as c-riggs and jighead
worms , the fish will be on the wood after this front moves through
The crappie are doing pretty well in about 15 feet
of water on jigs and minnows , they are suspended over 40 feet
of water in the pole timber
Bream fishing is reporabily real good right now
around docks and suspended over brush piles in 15 feet of water
Walleye can be taken trolling shad and gold colored
crankbaits in about 12 feet in water about 35 feet deep
Catfishing is great with cut bait and bream on
trotlines in 12-15 feet of water
Tommy Cauley
Fishing Guide
October 9, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture:
As of Monday, 09 October, water surface temperature currently
ranging 70-74º, depending of course, on location and time
of day. Up river water and oxbows are warmer for the most part,
than the main lake surface temps by as much as 5-7ºF.
Little River's clarity improved again this week, and as of Monday
is approx 18-22"; & main lake clarity is stained but
improved as well, approx 12-14" visibility. Upriver oxbows
remain fair to good water clarity over the last week and ranges
from 3-5 feet in places. USACE recently reworked all Little River
markers and navigation much improved. As of Monday 10/9, the
lake has risen from last week, and is approx 6 inches above normal
pool, at 259.69 feet and steady. Current in Little River Monday
increased from last week, with release at the dam 161CFS as of
9 October. The tailwater elevation below the spillway is 223.98
and steady. Discharge remains gate #12 open 0.39 feet.
The activity levels of Bass are excellent with the cooler water
temps. Best feeding periods still remain early and late in the
day, but are generally good to very good during the periods around
mid-day. Juvenile and yearling Black Bass continue randomly schooling,
and are chasing bait along the edges and into lily pads, and
in the oxbows all along Little River. Large schools continue
breaking topwater early and totally at random part of all day,
over the past few weeks with the cooler temperatures. A few of
these schools are being found to contain a small population of
young adult bass ranging from 2-4 pounds in addition to the juveniles.
Take a kid fishing!
The Details:
The water, for the most part improved in clarity with a little
less stain the past week. That's ok too, because it's given us
a chance to see some really nice size bass feeding shallow over
the past week. With the recent rise in elevation of a few inches,
it's pushing the larger bass much shallower the past few weeks.
With polarized glasses, and a clearer rising water, the bass
are chasing and busting shad around points that you can see the
bass feeding. Millwood, has some nice sized Largemouths, and
they have been voraciously feeding on the baitfish and shad for
the last several weeks. Only with the recent improved color and
clarity in the past week to 10 days have we been able to see
the fish before they broke the surface, or even if they didnt
break surface; as long as they were ravishing these bait schools,
shallow on points. The continued cooler weather has drastically
improved the bass' attitude. The bass continue to respond well
over deep water or in shallow water and especially on points.
Three 3 set-ups will catch you all the bass you care to fight,
all day long.
Largemouth Bass continue with more abandon and aggression, off
and on, for the most part of all day, having sporadic feeding
periods. Rat-L-Traps, Bass Assassin Shads (or twitch worms) and
a War Eagle Spinnerbait or Rocket Shad tail spinner is all you
need to know and throw for the last few weeks, to catch fish.
The best Rat-L-Trap bites are on the Clear- Hologram Shad, Diamond
Shad, or chrome/blue patterns in 1/4 to 1/2 oz sizes. Several
schools of Largemouths have yielded 3 to 5 pound young adults.
Throwing Traps beyond the school, and letting the Trap countdown
sink to approx 8-12 feet, then ripping back through the lower
quadrant of the school seems to be the best method for finding
the larger fish. However, if you can throw and wind a baitcaster,
and tie on a Rat-L-Trap, you will catch bass. If you can work
your Trap shallow and thread it through the vegetation and lily
pads (hint, drop down from the 1/2 oz to the 1/4oz and it's much
easier), there are some good bass shallow that will try to take
it from you.
Approach Tip: Use a good, sharp treble hook and a flexible
rod with Traps and Cranks. These Largemouths have a lot of fight
in them! Too stiff a rod will rip the treble hooks out of and
away from the bass. A more flexible rod will give you a shock
absorber when he makes those last two power surges at the
edge of the boat. We learned the hard way. Don't let a monster
play you up, fake a gime' , then powersurge, and get the last
word in on you after you fight him all the way to the boat. A
flexible rod will allow you to beat him at his game.
The best soft plastic bite for us remains the 5" Bass Assassin
Shads in salt & pepper silver phantom color, or Charm Assassins-wacky
rigged (small 2/0 Owner Rig-n Hook=slow fall) in silver ghost
color, in thicker vegetation where you can't work a Rat-L-Trap
or treble hook through the density of the vegetation. These fish
remain in depths of 3 to 9 feet, remaining in the vegetation,
moving in and out, shallow, throughout the day. Transparent or
shades of white, ice, or clear glitter patterns in the Shad Assassins
and Charms have been producing literally dozens of bass/day for
last several weeks.
The adult size bass (ranging 3-5lbs each) blowing up in lily
pads are eating these Bass Assassin Shads with a vengence, in
locations you just cannot work any other bait. We have caught
several in the past few weeks between 5-7 pounds in the pads
along Little River. Several schools in the past week are busting
bait way back into the lily pad fields. Weedless rigged, 5"
Shad Assassins are about the only way to hoss them out, and that's
with braided line, or 25lb test mono.
White Bass are continuing roaming Little River in fair numbers
and large schools. The Whites will bite with some frequency,
chrome or white Rat-L-Traps, Rocket Shads, Little Cleos, and
Rooster Tails, at various locations along Little River this week.
Once you connect with a single fish, know that there is a large
school down there too. Large schools have been located in Little
River around the areas of Hurricane and between White Cliffs
and Hwy 71 bridge. Stay quick throwing a clear or bone Rat-L-Trap
or clear Baby Torpedo or a tail spinner like the Rooster Tails
or Rocket Shads, when you see surface activity. Catches are common
of 20-40 fish, from different schools, in just a few hours, on
numerous occasions. Back to back, repetitive catches are and
have been, very common lately, on whites. They are a blast to
battle. The kids love it!! Find yourself a kid and take them.
The fishin's pretty easy to find a bunch of whites. We have noted
lots of folks out trolling up and down Little River, and are
finding some nice battles out there with whites ranging from
2 to 3.5 pounds.
Crappie fishermen continue venturing out, over the past few weeks
due to improved weather. The Crappie catches are decent size
ranging from 12-16" in length (1 to 2.5lbs each), and have
also remained slightly shallower the past few weeks, best on
shiners last few days. Best bite last week was Southern Pro Tiny
Tubes in white or smoke colors and shiners, between 7-10 feet
Lots of Longnose Gar are making another great opportunity for
bow fishermen. Several in the 15-40 pound class are surfacing
repetitively and very frequently all day along Little River in
front of Mud Lake, Horseshoe Lake and around Hurricane Creek.
Go get'em, is all we can say, because they are there most all
day long, shallow easy targets, and they are huge.
No report for Channel Cats this week.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity in upriver oxbows approx 3-5 feet,
depending on location, and improving. As of Monday, Little River
stain improved and is approx 18-24 inches, depending on location.
Main lake clarity is approx 10-14". As of Monday, 9 October,
the lake level is approx 6 inches above normal pool, at 259.69
feet and steady. Discharge at the dam as of Monday, is 161 CFS.
The tailwater level below the dam is 223.98, as of Monday 10/9.
The water surface temperature currently ranges from 70º-
74º, depending of course, on location and time of day.
USACE reworked entire Little River marker buoys of recent, and
have replaced all damaged or missing markers. Little River navigation
in excellent condition. However, floaters and logs have become
jammed and stuck on old river channel hardwood stumps, along
the Little River in several locations, just at surface level.
Use caution in low light navigations, especially on Little River!
Several examples are between Snake Creek and Pugh Slough;
Pugh Slough and Jack's Isle, and between Mud Lake and Hurricane
Creek. Use caution and watch for these obstructions just at surface,
during normal level or low light, conditions.
All the best,
October 4, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew! - Another great weekend of fly
fishing fun ahead, with a great forecast and some very nice fish
in the river. Some of our regulars are hitting some very nice
fish up and down the tailwater. If your hunting bigger fish this
is the time of year to move around, especially
Last week we told you about Steve's 22" brown from Beaver
and we have had a bunch of reports over the weekend of some nice
fish being caught and released.
Our inked-up buddy Brodie, whose look tends to intimidate some
on the river _ just say gday he spends about as much time on
the river as Steve and Bryce _ caught several fish outside the
slot over the weekend, the best around 20" falling to the
Dead Drift Crayfish.
Chris Davis slipped over to Mountain Home for a spot of night
fishing and caught his first brown of 20" as well. WE have
heard good things on yellow colored micro-jigs, so its worth
looking at yellow woolly buggers, and bigger fare like yellow
conehead Kiwi Muddlers and Zoo Cougers on dark days.
WE'd have the photos but both the boys, who incidentally learnt
their fly fishing with us, were using camera phones, and as yet
we haven't received the images
Beaver Tailwater: Oh its GOOOD! Lots of good reports of yellow
now starting to come to the fore as the fall fishing picks up,
and yellow is a great trigger color for fall browns.
Fish soft hackles early and late, Midges or scuds during the
day. If its dull and overcast go with buggers and perhaps big
streamers for a trophy.
Try something different like our dead Drift Crayfish, fish a
sculpin, fish at night _ Just Fish It!
This is the time of the year to fish hard. We like Orange and
Patridge, or Partridge and Pheasant soft hackles at this time
of year. If your in a deep or slightly swifter moving section
try the new Guide's Secret Hares Ear.
Tan scuds sontinue to slay fish. Try McLellans' Hunchback in
tan or on dark days switch to the olive or gray. Try the Trout
Crack on the flats at Parker bend
Red mIdges are very effective like our Razorback Midge (we'll
be tying more tomorrow am) red zebra midges, Jujubee Midges,
red Humpback Midges or the red 2488H Copper John. Bryce has also
been fishing Craven's Poison Tung hard and doing very well.
Fall is definately the time for buggers, olive being the traditional
choice. We have had decent reports on brown and black buggers
in recent weeks. We also have several great yellow streamers,
including yellow crystal buggers in several sizes, yellow Conehead
Muddlers and yellow Zooo Cougars.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce
October 4, 2006 - Greers
Ferry Lake - Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service -The water
level at greers ferry is at 454.81 , 6.22 feet low and falling
every day and will continue to do so if the hot weather persists
The bass are schooling some and can be caught with
a lot of different plugs while on top , top waters , jigging
spoons, grubs and inline spinners , as well as hornets and rinky
dinks and when not schooling they can be taken in 15-20 feet
of water on c-rigged lizards in the main lake and in the creeks
on spinners baits and crankbaits
The hybrid fishing is the best it can be one day
and the next it is not worth a flip if the weater will get steady
and cool off some more lookout----the same old baits will work
and the trick is now to find and stay with the bait 43 feet is
still the magic number in depth if they are not on top
The catfishing is still good usuing cut and live
bait in about 17 feet of water
The crappie and bream have slowed some what do
to the up and downs of the weather-it needs to cool off more
The walleye have been biting more than usual in
15 feet of water suspended over 45 feet
we find em you catch em
Tommy Cauley
October 3, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture:
As of Monday, 02 October, the water surface temperature cooled
again over the past week, and currently ranges from 70-75º,
depending of course, on location and time of day. Much needed
rain has continued over the past week again, & the cloudy
days and cool nights have dropped surface temps, again this week
in many locations. Up river water, is warmer for the most part,
than the main lake surface temps by several degrees F.
Little River's clarity improved over the past week, and as of
Monday is approx 14-17"; & main lake clarity is stained
but improved as well, approx 5-8" visibility. Upriver oxbows
remain fair to good water clarity over the last week and ranges
from 3-5 feet in places. USACE recently reworked all Little River
markers and navigation much improved. As of Monday 10/2, the
lake has maintained level from last week, and is approx 2 inches
above normal pool, at 259.36 feet and steady. Current in Little
River Monday unchanged, with release at the dam 159CFS as of
2 October. The tailwater elevation below the spillway is 223.98
and steady. Discharge remains one gate open 0.37 feet.
The activity levels of Bass are excellent with the cooler water
temps. Best feeding periods still remain early and late in the
day, but are generally good and continually improving during
the slower periods of mid-day. Juvenile and yearling Black Bass
continue randomly schooling, and are chasing bait along the edges
and into lily pads, and in the oxbows all along Little River.
Several large schools continue breaking topwater early and for
the most part of all day, over the past few weeks with the cooler
temperatures. A few of these schools are being found to contain
a small population of young adult bass ranging from 2-4 pounds
in addition to the juveniles. Take a kid fishing!
The Details:
The colored water and rise in elevation are pushing the larger
bass much shallower the past few weeks. Main lake has drastically
improved in color, surface temps, and clarity in the past week.
The continued cooler weather remained in the region over the
past couple of weeks as well, and continues improving water conditions,
water temperatures, as well as the attitude of a few larger fish.
The cooler weather nights, and cloudy days helped keep the surface
temps down in many locations as much as 8 or 10 degrees, compared
to only a few weeks ago. The bass continue to respond well in
shallow water. You only need to carry 3 rods, or set ups, out
for the last few weeks to catch all the bass you want. Rod #1
is a 5" Bass Assassin Shad. Rod #2 is a 1/4oz to 1/2oz Rat-L-Trap,
and Rod #3 is a spinnerbait or Rocket Shad tail spinner. Those
3 set-ups will catch you all the bass you care to fight all day
Largemouth Bass are responding to the cooler water temps very
well with more abandon and aggression during the mid-day typical
late-summer non-feeding period. Rat-L-Traps, Bass Assassin Shads
and a War Eagle Spinnerbait or Rocket Shad tail spinner is all
you need to know and throw for the last few weeks, to catch fish.
The best Rat-L-Trap bite we have been on for the last couple
weeks is the Clear Hologram Shad, bone white, or chrome/blue
patterns in 1/4 to 1/2 oz sizes. Several schools of smaller fish,
have continuted to yield some 2 to 4 pound young adults. Throwing
Traps beyond the school, and letting the Trap countdown sink
to approx 8-12 feet, then ripping back through the lower quadrant
of the school seems to be the best method for finding the larger
fish. However, if you can throw and wind a baitcaster, and tie
on a Rat-L-Trap, you will catch bass. If you can work your Trap
shallow and thread it through the vegetation and lily pads (hint,
drop down from the 1/2 oz to the 1/4oz and it's much easier),
there are some good bass shallow that will try to take it from
you, as well, ranging around 3-5 pounds each. Tip: Use a good,
sharp treble hook! The bass remain best along and in any vegetation
lines, along Little River's deep channel swings.
The best soft plastic bite for us remains the 5" Bass Assassin
Shads in salt & pepper silver phantom color, baby bass, or
their Charm Assassins-wacky rigged, in silver ghost color, in
thicker vegetation where you can't work a Rat-L-Trap or treble
hook through the density of the vegetation. These fish remain
in depths of 2 to 6 feet, remaining in the vegetation, moving
in and out, shallow, throughout the day. Transparent or shades
of white or clear glitter patterns in the Bass Assassin Shads
have been producing dozens of bass/day for last several weeks.
The adult size bass (ranging 3-5lbs each) blowing up in lily
pads are eating these Bass Assassin Shads with a vengence, in
locations you just cannot work any other bait. We have caught
several in the past few weeks between 5-7 pounds in the pads
along Little River. Several schools in the past week are busting
bait way back into the lily pad fields. Weedless rigged, 5"
Shad Assassins are about the only way to hoss them out, and that's
with braided line, or 25lb test mono.
White Bass are continuing roaming Little River in fair numbers
and large schools. The Whites will bite with some frequency,
chrome or white Rat-L-Traps at various locations along Little
River this week. Once you connect with a single fish, know that
there is a large school down there too. Large schools have been
located in Little River around the areas of Jack's Isle, Hurricane
Creek and Horseshoe Lake past few weeks. Perhaps the semi-annual
migration down to the main has begun. Stay quick throwing a clear
or bone Rat-L-Trap or clear Baby Torpedo with a tail spinner,
when you see surface activity. Catches are common of 20-40 fish,
from different schools, in just a few hours, on numerous occasions.
Back to back, repetitive catches are and have been, very common
lately, on whites. They are a blast to battle. The kids love
it!! Find yourself a kid and take them.
Crappie fishermen continue venturing out, over the past few weeks
due to improved weather. The Crappie catches are decent size
ranging from 12-16" in length (1 to 2.5lbs each), and have
also remained slightly shallower the past few weeks, best on
shiners last few days. Try underneath Cypress trees too in 4-9
feet depths with your shiners.
Blue Cats and Channel Cats this week are fair on trotlines, using
Charlie blood bait and cut shad, along the outside bends of Little
River. 2 fishermen reported to us they caught several nice Appaloussa
Cats this week over 8 pounds each in Horseshoe Oxbow of Little
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity in upriver oxbows approx 3-5 feet,
depending on location, and improving. As of Monday, Little River
stain improved and is approx 14-17 inches, depending on location.
Main lake clarity is approx 5-8". As of Monday, 2 October,
the lake level is approx 2 inches above normal pool, at 259.36
feet and steady. Discharge at the dam as of Monday, is 159 CFS.
The tailwater level below the dam is 223.98, as of Monday 10/2.
The water surface temperature currently ranges from 70º-
74º, depending of course, on location and time of day.
USACE reworked entire Little River marker buoys of recent, and
have replaced all damaged or missing markers. Little River navigation
in excellent condition. However, floaters and logs have become
jammed and stuck on old river channel hardwood stumps, along
the Little River in several locations, just at surface level.
Use caution in low light navigations, especially on Little River!
Several examples are between Snake Creek and Pugh Slough;
Pugh Slough and Jack's Isle, and between Mud Lake and Hurricane
Creek. Use caution and watch for these obstructions just at surface,
during normal level or low light, conditions.
All the best,
September 29, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew! - It might have been a little
chilly chasing this fish, but those big fall browns go along
way to warming you up. Steve caught and released this deep bodied
22" brown on the tailwater on Thursday night. One of his
clients hooked and lost a bigger brown Tuesday afternoon. The
pair spotted several big browns actively feeding and a few monster
rainbows laid up on the bottom.
The big fall fish are moving up the tailwater as the cool nights
trigger reproductive urges, and more importantly for fly fishers,
an aggressive hunger to fatten up ahead of the rigors of the
spawn. If you want a trophy brown October-November is the season
to be spending lots of time on the water. You have to earn these
big fish too!
Night fishing is one popular way to target the bigger browns,
particularly on Taneycomo, where the lights give a modicum of
light, but its also popular on Bull Shoals and Norfolk, and productive
on Beaver _ except here you won't have any competition.Night
fishing does allow you to step up your leader size, and use larger
than normal patterns, like our array of size 4 & 6 Woolly
Buggers, leeches, sculpins, crawdads and other streamers. Black
is always a good first choice.
High water offers another good big fish option
for those with water transport, particularly on dull overcast
days. Throw streamers on sink tip or full sink fly lines, tight
to the banks where the trout will hold awaiting an easy meal
washing past. Don't strip slow but move it fast to encourage
aggressive takes.
On low water sightfishing is our preference with
downsized fly patterns. Scuds, eggs San Juan Worms and even midges
can trigger takes. Downsize your leader to 6x, keep your casting
to a minimum and pay particular attention to your drift, keeping
your line mends as far upstream as you can manage.
If you want to experience some of this fishing
learn some new techniques, catch some fish and generally have
a great day on Beaver, or any of the White tailwaters give us
a call at the Store, or email us here for a trip with our guides.
Beaver Tailwater: Oh its GOOOD! Soft Hackles early and late,
Midges or scuds during the day. If its dull and overcast go with
buggers and perhaps big streamers for a trophy.
Try something different like our dead Drift Crayfish,
fish a sculpin, fish at night _ Just Fish It!
This is the time of the year to fish hard. We like
Orange and Patridge, or Partridge and Pheasant soft hackles at
this time of year. If your in a deep or slightly swifter moving
section try the new Guide's Secret Hares Ear.
Tan scuds sontinue to slay fish. Try McLellans'
Hunchback in tan or on dark days switch to the olive or gray.
Try the Trout Crack on the flats at Parker bend
Red mIdges are very effective like our Razorback
Midge (we'll be tying more tomorrow am) red zebra midges, Jujubee
Midges, red Humpback Midges or the red 2488H Copper John
Fall is definately the time for buggers, olive
being the traditional choice. We have had decent reports on brown
and black buggers in recent weeks. But try something different.
Yellow is a an aggression/food trigger for browns at this time
of year and we have several great yelloew streamers, including
yellow crystal buggers in several sizes, yellow Conehead Muddlers
and yellow Zooo Cougars.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce
September 29, 2006
- Beaver - Submitted by Jason Piper - JT Crappie Guide Service -As
of Tuesday, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reports the lake's
elevation at 1,110.89 feet MSL.
J.T. Crappie Guide Services said the lake is going
through a transition right now. Bream are poor because of muddy
conditions from the recent rains. Crappie have moved to brush
piles in 5 to 15 feet of water and are biting well on minnows.
If you're after a bass bite, find some deep drops to timber and
fish a spoon. Catfishing is very good on live shad and nightcrawlers.
September 27, 2006 - Greers
Ferry Lake - Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service -The lake level
at greers ferry is at 455.16 and the temp is running anywhere
from 69-76 degrees
The hybrid fishing is great one day and not so
good the next you can still catch them when they go down , it
is on the verge of being fantastic, but they have not got in
big groups yet, these fronts have hampered them also , if ya
do not find them schooling and catch them on top with topwaters
, when they go down look in ditches in about 43 feet of water
usuing the buchshot spinner with all the vibration it puts out
they can not stand it and you can catch some like that and the
best is still yet to come , when the weather gets steady it will
be on.
The bass fishing is good in about 15 feet with
c-rigs, crankbaits , also try topwaters and buzzbaits earily
and late and if it is cloudy throw them all day, also the stump
flats are good for the blacks using a crankbait and a jighead
worm , some are still deep and can be caught with a football
head or a drop shot, alost are schooling all over the lake
The crappie have improved , they are still in the
pole timber suspended in about 15 feet over 40-60 feet of water
and can be caught on jigs and minnows
The catfishing continues to be good using cut and
live bait in about 17 feet of water
Walleye, a few are being caught with the schooling
fish and the others are being caught with a shad rap trolled
in about 15 feet of water , they are suspended over 40.
The bream have slowed some what.
we find em you catch em
Tommy Cauley
September 25, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture:
As of Monday, 25 September, the water surface temperature cooled
again over the past week, and currently ranges from 72-79º,
depending of course, on location and time of day. Much needed
rain has continued over the past week again, & the cloudy
days and cool nights have dropped surface temps, again this week
in many locations.
Due to high wind and incoming rain, Little River's clarity diminished
over the past week, and as of Monday is approx 8-14"; &
main lake clarity is heavy stain, and approx 3-5" visibility.
With the much needed rain and incoming water, this is changing
daily. Upriver oxbows remain fair to good water clarity over
the last week and ranges from 2-3 feet in places. USACE recently
reworked all Little River markers and navigation much improved.
As of Monday 9/25, the lake level has risen from last week, and
is approx 2 inches above normal pool, at 259.36 feet and rising.
Current in Little River Monday unchanged, with release at the
dam 159CFS as of 25 September. The tailwater elevation below
the spillway is 224.03 and steady. Discharge remains one gate
open 0.37 feet.
The activity levels of Bass continue improving w/ the cooler
water temps. Best feeding periods still remain early and late
in the day, but are generally good and continually improving
during the slower periods of mid-day. Juvenile and yearling Black
Bass continue randomly schooling, and are chasing bait along
the edges and into lily pads, and in the oxbows all along Little
River. Several large schools continue breaking topwater early
and for the most part of all day, over the past few weeks with
the cooler temperatures. A few of these schools are being found
to contain a small population of young adult bass ranging from
2-4 pounds in addition to the juveniles. Take a kid fishing!
The Details:
Well it finally happened, AGAIN. It RAINED! Much needed rain
has stained up most of Millwood, but what a welcome site to see
it! The colored water and rise in elevation are pushing the larger
bass much shallower the past few weeks. Main lake has been downgraded
to just a shade less than muddy, with the recent high winds and
thunderstorms. The continued cooler weather remained in the region
over the past couple of weeks as well, and continues improving
water conditions, water temperatures, as well as the attitude
of a few larger fish. The cooler weather nights, rains and cloudy
days helped keep the surface temps down in many locations as
much as 8 or 10 degrees, and helped to increase surface dissolved
oxygen contents, compared to only a few weeks ago. The recent
1-2" rain accumulation, over the past several days, has
given fresh meaning to the words, "stained water and oxygen
content". The bass continue to respond well in shallow water,
with a variety of topwater lures, frogs and chasing Rat-L-Traps
and buzz baits.
Largemouth Bass are responding to the cooler water temps as well
with more abandon and aggression during the mid-day typical late-summer
non-feeding period. Of course, the highest feeding periods still
remain early and late in the day, but the past few weeks have
indicated they are willing to bite almost all day long with some
repeating frequency on Rat-L-Traps, Bass Assassins and twitch
worms. The best Trap bite we have been on for the last couple
weeks is the Clear Hologram Shad or bone white, or smoky joe
patterns in 1/4 to 1/2 oz sizes. Several schools of smaller fish,
have continuted to yield some 2 to 4 pound young adults. Throwing
Traps beyond the school, and letting the Trap countdown sink
to approx 8-12 feet, then ripping back through the lower quadrant
of the school seems to be the best method for finding the larger
fish. However, if you can throw and wind a baitcaster, and tie
on a Rat-L-Trap, you will catch bass. If you can work your Trap
shallow and thread it through the vegetation and lily pads (hint,
drop down from the 1/2 oz to the 1/4oz and it's much easier),
there are some good bass shallow that will try to take it from
you, as well, ranging around 3-5 pounds each. Tip: Use a good,
sharp treble hook! The bass remain best along and in any vegetation
lines, along Little River's deep channel swings.
The best soft plastic bite for us remains Bass Assassin Shads
in salt & pepper silver phantom color, or Charm Assassins-wacky
rigged, in silver ghost color, or Plastic Toads, in thicker vegetation
where you can't work a Rat-L-Trap through. These fish range in
depths of 2 to 5 feet, remaining in the vegetation, moving shallow,
throughout the day. Transparent or bone colors and shades of
white for Traps, and natural light white or clear shad patterns
in the Bass Assassin Shads have been producing for last several
Folks, there are some really nice size bass blowing up in lily
pads and vegetation eating these Bass Assassin Shads, where you
can't work any other bait. We have caught several in the past
few weeks between 3-7 pounds in the pads along Little River.
With the incoming fresh water and higher amount of stain, this
is changing daily. Several schools in the past week are busting
bait way back into the lily pad fields. Weedless rigged, 5"
Shad Assassins are about the only way to hoss them out, and that's
with braided line, or 25lb monofilament.
White Bass are beginning to surface and bite chrome or white
Rat-L-Traps at various locations along Little River this week.
Large schools have been located in Little River around the areas
of Jack's Isle, Hurricane Creek and Horseshoe Lake this week.
Perhaps the semi annual migration down to the main has begun.
Stay quick throwing a clear or bone Rat-L-Trap or clear Baby
Torpedo with a tail spinner, when you see surface activity. Catches
are common of 20-40 fish, from different schools, in just a few
hours, on numerous occasions. Back to back, repetitive catches
are and have been, very common lately, on whites. They are a
blast to battle. The kids love it!! Find yourself a kid and take
Crappie fishermen continue venturing out, over the past few weeks
due to improved weather. The Crappie catches are decent size
ranging from 12-16" in length (1 to 2.5lbs each), and have
also remained slightly shallower the past few weeks at 6-9 feet
depths on smoke colored Cordell paddle tail grubs using a 1/8oz
jig head, and shiners. Try underneath Cypress trees too in 3-6
feet depths with your shiners.
Blue Cats and Channel Cats this week are good on trotlines, with
the increase in River current, using Catfish Charlie blood bait
and cut shad, along the outside bends of Little River.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity in upriver oxbows approx 2-3 feet,
depending on location, but changing daily. As of Monday, with
the much needed rain, Little River stained up quickly, and is
approx 8-14 inches, depending on location. Main lake clarity
is approx 3-5". As of Monday, 25 September, the lake level
is approx 2 inches above normal pool, at 259.36 feet and rising.
Discharge at the dam as of Monday, at 159 CFS. The tailwater
level below the dam is 224.03, as of Monday 9/25. The water surface
temperature currently ranges from 73º- 78º, depending
of course, on location and time of day.
USACE reworked entire Little River marker buoys of recent, and
have replaced all damaged or missing markers. Little River navigation
in excellent condition. However, floaters and logs have become
jammed and stuck on old river channel hardwood stumps, along
the Little River in several locations, just at surface level.
Use caution in low light navigations, especially on Little River!
Several examples are between Snake Creek and Pugh Slough;
Pugh Slough and Jack's Isle, and between Mud Lake and Hurricane
Creek. Use caution and watch for these obstructions just at surface,
during normal level or low light, conditions.
All the best,
September 22, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew! -Well fall's arriving and we have
some almost spring kind of conditions with thunderstorms, tornado
watches and that wet stuff that falls from the sky _ oh yeh rain
been a long time since we have seen so much.
Time to also start your fly testing ahead of the
10th annual Beaver Dam Store One Fly event on October 29. Please
don't hesitate to give us a call with any questions or to sign
up for the event. Get your entry form here
One thing you can guarantee about our fly fishing crew is they
love trying new things to fool trout. If you ever watch Steve
fish you might wonder why he changes flies so often, if the bite
is on he's trying to find stuff that won't work, always trying
new flies or ones passed from favor which might give our clients
or customers an edge over the trout.
We were pondering Tim's Haddon's Dead-Drift Crayfish, one of
a bunch of great new patterns from Umpqua, at the Denver Fly
Tackle Dealer Show last month. Conventional wisdom would see
this as a superb smallmouth pattern _ tied with small bead chain
eyes its designed to be drifted rather than stripped.
Well Steve grabbed one with a different thought in mind _ big
brown trout. And he's happy to admit he was wrong. This fly appeals
to all trout. He's been chunking it under a bigger than normal
indicator to both the educated trout of the Trophy area, dumb
stockers at Bertrand Landing and some of the bigger fish downstream.
Beaver Tailwater: Everyone we know is hanging onto the tail of
summer and we want a cold night or two. The fish are definitely
HUNGY now and the fishing has been hot. Soft Hackles have been
doing well early and late. Red Ass, and Steve slayed fish on
the new Guides Special Hares Ear last week. Now have have been
seeing a little light tan caddis hatch on some sections of the
river this week. Try Fontaine,s legendary Sparkle Pupa in Ginger
or tan
Scuds remains very popular and with good reason
_ can you pass up a juicy shrimp?? The trout love them. Hunchback
Scuds in Tan, Tan Rainbow, Copper and Olive have been the best.
Sowbugs too are worth swimming.
Bryce,s TDM in green, red and gray/silver are always
productive. Or you might try a bright Y2K Bug or a stripped woolly
bugger to try and distract one of the midge feeders
Takes have been subtle, don,t wait for the indicator
to dive under the water and swim upstream. Looks for quivers,
dips, bobs and sideways movement, anything which goes against
the natural drift downstream. Oh, then strike.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce
September 18, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture:
As of Monday, 18 September, the water surface temperature currently
ranges from 78º-85º, depending of course, on location
and time of day. Much needed rain, cloudy days and cool nights
have dropped surface temps, again this week in many locations.
Little River's clarity was improved, until Monday, it was approx
24-36"; & main lake clarity was approx 18-20" visibility.
With the much needed rain (apprx 1.5 inches Sunday and Monday)
this is changing daily. Monday, the clarity had stained up to
approx 6". Upriver oxbows remain fair to good water clarity
over the last week and ranges from 2-3 feet in places. USACE
recently reworked all Little River markers and navigation much
improved. As of Monday 9/18, the lake level has risen from last
week, and is approx 1.5 inch above normal pool, at 259.32 feet
and rising. Current in Little River Monday unchanged, with release
at the dam 159CFS as of 18 September. The tailwater elevation
below the spillway is 224.03 and rising. Discharge remains one
gate open 0.37 feet Monday, however, gate change is expected
by mid-week depending on how much rain received in Oklahoma and
further upstream, hits Little River.
The activity levels of Bass continue improving w/ the cooler
water temps. Best feeding periods still remain early and late
in the day, but are generally fair to good during the slower
periods of mid-day. Juvenile and yearling Black Bass continue
randomly schooling, and are chasing bait along the edges and
into lily pads, and in the oxbows all along Little River. Several
large schools were breaking topwater early and up in the day
until 11am in schooling activities over the past several weeks.
A few of these schools are being found to contain a small population
of young adult bass ranging from 2-4 pounds in addition to the
juveniles. Take a kid fishing!
The Details:
Well it finally happened. It RAINED! Much needed rain has stained
up most of Millwood, but what a welcome site to see it! The colored
water and rise in elevation are pushing the larger bass much
shallower this week. The continued cooler weather remained in
the region over the past couple of weeks as well, and continues
improving water conditions, water temperatures, as well as the
attitude of a few larger fish. The cooler weather nights, rains
and cloudy days helped keep the surface temps down in many locations
as much as 8 or 10 degrees, compared to only a few weeks ago.
The recent 1-2" rain accumulation, over the past several
days, has given fresh meaning to the words, "stained water
and oxygen content". The bass continue to respond well in
shallow water, with a variety of topwater lures, frogs and chasing
Rat-L-Traps and buzz baits.
Largemouth Bass are responding to the cooler water temps as well
with more abandon and aggression during the mid-day typical summer
non-feeding period. Of course, the highest feeding periods still
remain early and late in the day, but this past week showed they
were willing to bite almost all day long with some repeating
frequency on Rat-L-Traps and twitch worms. The best Trap bite
we have been on for the last couple weeks is the Clear Hologram
Shad pattern in 1/4 to 1/2 oz sizes. Several schools of smaller
fish, have continuted to yield some 2 to 4 pound young adults.
Throwing Traps beyond the school, and letting the Trap countdown
sink to approx 8-12 feet, then ripping back through the lower
quadrant of the school seems to be the best method for finding
the larger fish. If you can work your Trap shallow and thread
it through the vegetation and lily pads (hint, drop down from
the 1/2 oz to the 1/4oz and it's much easier), there are some
good bass shallow that will try to take it from you, as well,
ranging around 3-5 pounds each. Tip: Use a good, sharp treble
hook! The bass remain best from about daylight until 11am then
again after 4pm, in any vegetation along Little River's deep
channel swings.
The best soft plastic bite for us remains Bass Assassin Shads
in salt & pepper silver phantom color, or Charm Assassins-wacky
rigged, in silver ghost color, or Plastic Toads, in thicker vegetation
where you can't work a Rat-L-Trap through. These fish range in
depths of 2 to 5 feet, remaining in the vegetation, moving shallow,
throughout the day. Transparent or bone colors and shades, and
natural very light blues, or shad patterns have been producing
on Traps and crankbaits for last several weeks. With the incoming
fresh water and higher amount of stain, this is changing daily.
We are having success on bone or white or Spring Bream colored
Rat-L-Traps where the water clarity is diminished. Several schools
in the past week are busting bait way back into the lily pad
fields. Weedless Shad Assassins are about the only way to hoss
them out, and that's with braided line, or 25lb monofilament.
Buzz bait bite, w/ bent-cupped oversized blades, where we could
retrieve as slow as possible using a 1/4 oz head, and a blue
glimmer skirt with white pearl holographic tinnsel is still working
sporadically around open pockets and along the River.
Fattbut tubes in pumpkin/chartruese, are taking a few keepers
around shallow Cypress Trees in 2-5' depths.
White Bass remained up Little River this week, however a very
large school was located in front of Jack's Isle along the River
last week. Perhaps the have begun their migration down to the
main lake already. Stay quick throwing a clear or bone Rat-L-Trap
or Baby Torpedo, when you see surface activity. However, several
anglers were successfully trolling for the Whites this week between
Hurricane Creek and White Cliffs, and also between Jack's Isle
and Mud Lake using spoons with bucktails, and Traps. Catches
are common of 20-40 fish, from different schools, in just a few
hours, on numerous occasions. Back to back, repetitive catches
are and have been, very common lately, on whites. They are a
blast to battle. The kids love it!! Find yourself a kid and take
Crappie fishermen continue venturing out, over the past few weeks
due to improved weather. The Crappie catches are decent size
ranging from 12-16" in length (1 to 2.5lbs each), and have
also moved slightly shallower this week at 7-8 feet depths on
smoke colored Cordell paddle tail grubs using a 1/8oz jig head,
and shiners. Try underneath Cypress trees too in 3-6 feet depths
with your shiners.
Blue Cats and Channel Cats this week are improved on trotlines,
with the increase in River current, using Catfish Charlie blood
bait, hot dogs and dough balls, along the outside bends of Little
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity in upriver oxbows approx 2-4 feet,
depending on location. As of Monday, with the much needed rain,
Little River stained up quickly, and is approx 6-10 inches, depending
on location. Main lake clarity is approx 6-7". As of Monday,
18 September, the lake level is approx 1.5 inches above normal
pool, at 259.32 feet and rising. Discharge at the dam as of Monday,
at 159 CFS. The tailwater level below the dam is 224.03, as of
Monday 9/18. The water surface temperature currently ranges from
78º- 85º, depending of course, on location and time
of day.
USACE reworked entire Little River marker buoys of recent, and
have replaced all damaged or missing markers. Little River navigation
in excellent condition. However, floaters and logs have become
jammed and stuck on old river channel hardwood stumps, along
the Little River in several locations, just at surface level.
Use caution in low light navigations, especially on Little River!
Several examples are between Snake Creek and Pugh Slough;
Pugh Slough and Jack's Isle, and between Mud Lake and Hurricane
Creek. Use caution and watch for these obstructions just at surface,
during normal level or low light, conditions.
Let us know if we can help you, be of assistance,
or provide seasonal information, on your next trip to Millwood
Lake in gorgeous southwest Arkansas! The lake, which some biologists
believe, is currently the home of the next potential Arkansas
State Record Largemouth Bass, alive and swimming there right
All the best,
September 16, 2006 - Answer
to Florida Bass question - Hello. I read your question
about how to catch those bass you are seeing. I am a florida
native and have been fishing central florida for over 30 years
and i can tell you that if you put a live golden shiner in front
of those fish you will indeed connect with them. If you need
more information on how to fish with this kind of bait let me
know and i will send to you a link to all the info you need.
I have a few places where i catch my own golden shiners and keep
them in a tank to use when i want to go fishing. This is another
complete subject i know but once you start catching bass with
shiners you won't want to stop. If you buy them they run from
$16.00 to $20.00 a dozen, this is to much for me to pay so i
catch my own. Catching the bait is almost as much fun as catching
the bass! Jeff Morrow, Sarasota, Fla
September 15, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew! -Definately kinda chilly this
morning _ which is great news for big trout hunters. Fall is
crawling closer. Thankfully the afternoons still are nice and
warm, but its time to find your fleece, maybe dig out a jacket,
some toasty warm socks and get ready for the cooler weather.
Beaver Tailwater: The fishing just gets better and better. Scuds
are still our go to pattern on the tailwater, particularly McLellan's
Hunchback Scud in tan, tan rainbow and copper. But wer are also
hearing some good things off the gray and olive patterns. Size
seems to of a lesser importance currents.
Trout are stacked in prime locations and eating readily. If you
have nothing else throw a scud. You will wear yourself out.
Bryce's TDM in blue dun/silver has been lethal in the bright
conditions, as have Blue Poison Tungs, Tungsten Rainbow Warriors
and Lightning Bugs. Hump-Bak Midges have also been very good,
but particularly when the mist is still present on the water.
McLellan's Woven V-Rib sowbug has been producing fish, as have
egg patterns, and Y2K Bugs _ we have stocks now in from Umpqua
in 14s (very nice) and 10.
This is terrestrial time too bringing out ants and beetles into
the trees and hoppers on the banks. Don't forget your woolly
buggers, black 6 Flash-A-Buggers of an evening, and olives, brown
and black during the day.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce
September 13, 2006
- Beaver - Submitted by Jason Piper - JT Crappie Guide Service -
As of Tuesday, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
reports the lake's elevation at 1,110.28 feet MSL.
Crappie fishing is good on minnows and jigs, with fish moving
towards cover in 5 to 15 feet of water. Trolling for the crappie
is not producing as well as jigging and using slip-corks now.
Catfishing is fair drifting live goldfish near the river channel.
White bass and hybrids are biting very well on vertically jigged
spoons in white or silver. Black bass are in brush piles around
points and biting well on vertically jigged spoons, drop-shot
rigs and shaky heads with finesse worms.
September 13, 2006 - Greers
Ferry Lake - Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service -
The hybrid fishing is great some days and lackluster
the next if you can stay on the bait you can usually catch them
with the bucksot spinner or a top water or a spoon or sometimes
swim a grub if not on top they are staying in about 43 feet the
thermaclin is receding at present and the first gulls have arrived
and the fishing will be fantastic real soon, watch your electronics
The bass fishing has improved also with the cooler
nights , some can be caught shallow with spinnerbaits and crankbaits
as well as a jighead worm, the better fish shallow are coming
on the rightbite frog in the sparkle shad color, the deeper fish
can be caught with a dropshot if suspended or a c-rig if on the
bottom in 20-45 feet of water
The crappie fishing is good at night usuing light
in pole timber over 60 feet of water suspended in about 15 feet
The bream are still guarding their beds and are
hard to catch but some can be caught around docks and over brushpiles
in about 15 feet of water
The catfishing continues to be good in about 17
feet of water on trotlines and jugs live or cut bait which ever
you prefer
The walleye have picked up in some spots dragging
night crawlers in about 31 feet on the bottom in rocky areas
or trolling a gold shad rap in 7 or 8 feet of water over 15 feet
Tommy Cauley
Fishing Guide
September 11, 2006 - Millwood Lake -
Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture:
As of Monday, 11 September, the water surface temperature currently
ranges from 80º-85º, depending of course, on location
and time of day. Cloudy days and cool nights have dropped surface
temps, again this week in many locations. Little River's clarity
improved, at approx 24-36"; & main lake clarity approx
18-20" visibility. Upriver oxbows remain very good water
clarity over the last week and varies from 4-6 feet in places.
USACE recently reworked all Little River markers and navigation
much improved. As of Monday 9/11, the lake level has fallen from
last week, and is approx 1 inch above normal pool, at 259.28
feet. Current in Little River slightly decreased, with release
at the dam 159CFS as of Monday, 11 September. The tailwater elevation
below the spillway is 224.01 Discharge is one gate open 0.37
The activity levels of Bass are improving w/ the cooler water
temps. Best feeding periods still remain early and late in the
day, but are generally improving during the slower periods. Juvenile
and yearling Black Bass continue randomly schooling, and are
chasing shad and baitfish in Little River along the edges of
lily pads, and in the oxbows all along Little River. Take a kid
fishing! Several large schools were breaking topwater in schooling
activities again in Mud and Horseshoe oxbow lakes over the past
several weeks. A few of these schools are being found to contain
a small population of young adult bass ranging from 2-4 pounds
in addition to the juveniles.
The Details:
Much cooler weather remained in the region over the past couple
of weeks, and has much improved conditions, and water temperatures,
as well as the attitude of a few larger fish. The taste of fall
is truly a nice break from this past hot mid summer months! The
cooler weather nights, light rains and cloudy days helped keep
the surface temps down in many locations as much as 8 or 10 degrees,
compared to only a couple weeks ago.
Largemouth Bass are liking the cooler water temps as well with
more abandon and aggression during the mid-day typical summer
non-feeding period. Of course, the highest feeding periods still
remain early and late in the day, or at night, but this past
week showed they were willing to bite almost all day long with
some repeating frequency on Rat-L-Traps and twitch worms. In
addition, the schooling bass that have been roaming Little River
for the past 2+ months and breaking, are showing signs of a larger
fish population contained therein, as several schools this week
of smaller fish, yielded some 2.5 to 3.75 pound young adults.
Throwing Traps beyond the school, and letting the Trap countdown
sink to approx 8-12 feet, then ripping back through the lower
quadrant of the school seems to be the best method for finding
the larger fish. The bass remain very good from about daylight
until 11am then again after 7pm, in any vegetation along Little
Rivers deep channel swings. The best bite for us lately remains
Bass Assassin Shads in salt & pepper silver phantom; crystal
shad; or gizzard shad colors, and also Charm Assassins-wacky
rigged, in silver ghost color. For reaching schools busting just
out of reach with a Bass Assassin, we have been literally wearing
them out on 1/4oz to 1/2 oz Rat-L-Traps using the Transparent
Hologram color (clear/ shad pattern). These fish range in depths
of 2 - 7 feet, remaining close parallel to the vegetation, early
and late in the day. Transparent or bone colors and shades, and
natural very light blues, or shad patterns have been producing
on Traps and crankbaits lately. Clear has been a good choice
for topwater Baby Torpedos too.
For approximately the past few weeks, we have lost the buzz bait
bite, or cant seem to appease these fish with one, no matter
what we did to change up the buzz bait. Slow, fast, nothing mattered
as they would not hit us. We recently began experimenting w/
our buzz baits, and bent the blades where we could retrieve it
even S - L - O - W - E - R and dropped in size from a 1/2 oz
buzz to a 1/4 oz buzz head, oversized the blade, and put on a
blue glimmer skirt with some Christmas pearl holographic tinnsel.
VaBAMMM!!! We have had these 2 to 2.5 pound bass nocking
the bark off this buzz bait last few days out! I guess it really
does matter about color and size, most especially when the bass
have a choice of diet menu items in mid to late summer..........but
these silly rascals have been hitting it way up in the middle
of the day.....granted, it works best with lower light direction,
early and late.
Eager Beavers in watermelon red are catching bass from 2-3lbs,
around cypress trees. The best bite on the Eager Beaver has been
on cypress tree knees (5-6 feet off the base of the tree) in
8-10 feet of water. Best color the past couple weeks for texas
rigging soft plastics, seem to be smoke/black/red flake, watermelon-red
or appleseed.
Carolina rig and jig bite is improved, perhaps with that overall
bite improvement, and texas craw color on jigs with a green pumpkin
craw trailer. Carolina rig bite was fair this week, we caught
between 7 and 10 bass around 2-4 pounds each, using a blackberry
lizard on a 12" leader one afternoon along the river. We
caught 3 decent, fairly chunky, keepers around 16-17" long
each, down the first pass of the channel wall drop-off from the
6 - 8 feet shelf down to between the 13-18 foot shelf. We liked
what we saw in the span of about an hour, so we turned around
and went back down the same channel wall, going the other direction
the second time down it. We caught around 5 or 6 the second pass
we made, and the best bass out of that 2-pass run, down a steep
channel wall of Little River, weighed about 3.9 on our digital
scales. We would have most likely, and honestly, weighed about
9.5 pounds w/ our best 3 keepers from that stretch.
White Bass remained schooling up Little River this week. Stay
quick throwing a clear Rat-L-Trap or Baby Torpedo, when you see
the top water frenzy start. Action is only short-lived, and lasts
for 2-3 minutes at a time, but catches are common of 20-40 fish,
from different schools, in just a few hours, on numerous occasions.
Back to back, repetitive catches are and have been, very common
lately, on whites. They are a blast to battle.
A few more Crappie fishermen are venturing out again, over the
past few days due to improved weather. They have been telling
us their catches are decent size ranging from 12-14" in
length, at 10-18 feet depths on jigs in white or smoke, and on
smoke Cordell paddle tail grubs using a 1/8oz jig head, in contact
w/ planted brush piles.
Blue Cats and Channel Cats this week are fair on yo-yos and trotlines
using chicken livers and Charlie blood bait hung from cypress
tree limbs in 8-12 feet depths, and along the outside bends of
Little River w/ their trotlines.
We heard Channel Cats and Bream fishing, both, were good on catalpa
worms, and crickets around the Millwood State Park and up Little
River at Jack's Isle.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity in upriver oxbows approx 4-6 feet,
depending on location. Little River stain & clarity is approx
24-36 inches, depending on location. Main lake clarity is approx
18-20". As of Monday, 11 September, the lake level is approx
1 inch above normal pool, at 259.28 feet. Discharge at the dam
as of Monday, at 159 CFS. The tailwater level below the dam is
224.01, as of Monday 9/11. The water surface temperature currently
ranges from 80º- 85º, depending of course, on location
and time of day.
USACE reworked entire Little River marker buoys as late as past
Monday and have replaced all damaged or missing markers. Little
River navigation in excellent condition as of recent. However,
floaters and logs have become jammed and stuck on old river channel
hardwood stumps, along the Little River in several locations,
just at surface level. Use caution in low light navigations,
especially on Little River! Several examples are between Snake
Creek and Pugh Slough; Pugh Slough and Jack's Isle, and between
Mud Lake and Hurricane Creek. Use caution and watch for these
obstructions just at surface, during normal level or low light,
All the best,
September 8, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew! -The weather is looking great
and we are actually enjoying some hot dry fly action around the
place. We had been slipping over to Roaring River after work
this week with a few Dam Store regulars and getting plenty of
giggles. These fish are on a hopper frenzy, and its time to join
Don't be afraid to pull a hopper out of your box
on Beaver either. If there is a fish consistent rising in the
one spot during the afternoon float a hopper over his nose and
chances are he will take it.
This week we go into more detail on hopper fishing,
and of course the fly fishing report.
SOMEHOW we get all baggy pants and 80s rap going
at this time of year, giddy with the end of summer dry fly fishing.
The hoppers are on and our eyeballs light up, and the adrenaline
kicks in. Roaring River trout, have lit up on the big bugs, we
have had several trips out there this week and caught so many
fish its silly. And there is nothing liked a hopper crazed trout
crashing your fly. Steve also picked off a few trout midweek
on a little evening tailwater foray, and we had reports of hundreds
of hoppers on the water down towards Table Rock, unfortunately
too low down for trout. If you have been wandering any grassy
fields you will notice how thick the hoppers are this season.
Roaring River is a great bet at this time of year for a midweek
foray. Our favorite patterns feature a yellow body, the all foam
Club Sandwich, and Dave Whitlock's superb Dave's Hopper. Pickier
trout might warrant the excellent Henry's Fork Hopper. Joe's
Hopper and Turk's Turantula can also work extremely well. A 10
or a 12 is the most common sizes in fly boxes but somedays the
tiny 14s are easier to swallow, and others huge 6s are worth
the effort. Try your own patterns they are fun to tie. Foam patterns
can make the job very easy, but if you prefer natural materials,
bullet-headed hoppers are way easier than packing deer hair.
We can show you how.
When fishing hoppers you can forget everything you learnt about
setting down dry fly patterns quietly. Smack that fly (not the
line) down on the surface. If you use the double haul, try an
extra haul right as the fly is turning over for a better splat
on long leaders. Throw the fly in likely lies around boulders,
close to the bank, and in front of feeding fish. Drifting hoppers
down feeding lanes is also rewarding.
NB: If you are fishing on Bull Shoals or Taneycomo in high water
at this time of year it often pays to check out eddies for rising
fish _ these can be a suckers for a large hopper pattern.
Now we had heard a little about this technique _ twitching hoppers
to make them look alive is fairly common somedays the fish want
them still others kicking. But we hadn't actually heard too much
about ripping them across the surface, like a bass popper, trout
chasing them down and repeatedly slashing at the surface. Now
we aren't about to say this technique works everywhere or all
the time, but it was red hot this week.
Beaver Tailwater: Mike McLellan's Hunchback Scud is our favorite
scud pattern of all and not just because he's a good friend and
nice bloke. The tan, olive and gray versions are White River
staples we, our guide clients and customers, have caught bunches
of trout on.
So when Umpqua introduced two new colors from Mike's fertile
brain this fall, well we were excited. And we weren't kidding
when we thought they would work. We tested the Copper color first,
it got gnawed on by a bunch of trout, then this week in the hands
of a novice fly fisher the Tan Rainbow was the number one pattern,
even over those thrown bny more experienced colleagues.
Hell we don't know which one to tie on first.Try these out anywhere
on the White River system.
Trout are stacked in prime locations and eating readily. If you
have nothing else throw a scud. You will wear yourself out. .
Bryce's TDM in blue dun/silver has been lethal in the bright
conditions, as have Blue Poison Tungs, Tungsten Rainbow Warriors
and Lightning Bugs. Hump-Bak Midges have also been very good,
but particularly when the mist is still present on the water.
McLellan's Woven V-Rib sowbug has been producing fish, as have
egg patterns, and Y2K Bugs _ we have stocks now in from Umpqua
in 14s (very nice) and 10.
This is terrestrial time too bringing out ants and beetles into
the trees and hoppers on the banks. Don't forget your woolly
buggers, black 6 Flash-A-Buggers of an evening, and olives, brown
and black during the day.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce
September 6, 2006 - Greers
Ferry Lake - Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service -
The water level at greers ferry is at 455.70 ,
that is 51/2 feet below normal pool and falling maybe the rain
they are calling for next week will at least level it out, the
the mean temp is 83.5 and falling it was the air temp was 53
here last-nite and that will help on getting it on down and everyday
the bite will improve
The hybrid fishing is great right now using the
buckshot bait , all ya have to do is drop it down in the shad
and get bit, stay around the shad and and use the in-line spinner
the bucksot thumper and reel it as fast back up through the bait
and the vibration from it will make even the most lethargic fish
react and bite and the active fish will bite a right bite grub
swam through them and of course the jigging spoon will take some
as well as some topwater lures , try the mouth of shilo and cove
creek as well as dave creek and mill creek-into higden bay, also
the whites and some walleye and a few bass are mixed in with
The crappie are biting in the pole timber in about
15 feet of water suspended over 40 feet on minnows and rite bite
crappie jigs in the chartruse and red colors
The bream are making their beds as the moon comes
up and can be caught around docks and up shallow
The catfishing is good using cut bait on jugs in
about 17 feet of water
Walleye are fair but scattered on flats in about
43 feet of water and biting crawlers
The bass are scattered right now some can be caught
in 20 feet on a texas rig or c-rig and some are on the bank chasing
bream and can be caught with a small crank bait or a jighead
worm and some are folling the bait fish up the creeks, use a
small crank bait or texas rig,or jighead worm for them and all
can be caught at certain times of the day with top water plugs
Tommy Cauley
September 4, 2006 - Millwood Lake - Submitted
by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture:
As of Monday, 4 September, the water surface temperature currently
ranges from 83º-85º, depending of course, on location
and time of day. Cooler/cloudy days have dropped surface temps
in many locations. Little River's clarity and main lake improved
from last week, river at approx 24-36" and main lake's clarity,
at approx 18-20" visibility. Upriver oxbows remain very
good water clarity over the last week and varies from 4-6 feet
in places. USACE as recently as Monday reworked all Little River
markers and are much improved. As of Monday 9/4, the lake level
has fallen from last week, and is approx 2 inches above normal
pool, at 259.42 feet. Current in Little River slightly increased
as of Monday, with release at the dam 782CFS as of Monday, 4
September. The tailwater elevation below the spillway was unavailable
on Monday.
The activity levels of Bass continue in typical summer patterns
with best feeding periods early and late in the day. Best bite
remains from daylight to 10am, 5pm to 9pm. Juvenile and yearling
Black Bass continue randomly schooling, and are chasing shad
and baitfish in Little River along the edges of lily pads, and
in the oxbows all along Little River, breaking topwater in a
feeding frenzy. It's a great time to take a kid fishing! Get
a kid and get out there early!! Best locations to find these
schooling bass have been noted along Little River between Pugh
Slough and Jack's Isle; Mud Lake and Hurricane Creek and in Horseshoe
Lake. Several large schools were breaking topwater in schooling
activities again in Mud and Horseshoe oxbow lakes over the past
several weeks.
The Details:
Much cooler weather moved into the region over the past week,
and has much improved conditions, and water temperatures. Fall
is just around the corner! The cooler weather and light rains
and cloudy days helped drop the surface temp in many locations
as much as 8 degrees.
Largemouth Bass remain in full blown summer patterns, with the
continued highest feeding periods early and late in the day,
and at night. Bass remain good early and late, in grass, pads
and vegetation, on Bass Assassin Shads in salt & pepper silver
phantom or crystal shad colors, Bass Assassin Charms and trick
worms in silver ghost color, Pop R's, 1/2 oz Rat-L-Traps in Transparent
Hologram color (clear/ shad pattern) and War Eagle Spinnerbaits
in firecracker, or gold shiner colors. Depths of 2-6 feet remain
best close to and in the vegetation, early and late in the day.
Due to much improved water clarity over the past couple weeks,
choose your colors to reflect surrounding conditions, or transparent
hues, and natural appearing colors. Clear has been a good choice,
of late.
For approximately the past 6-7 weeks, between 6-10am, adolescent
and juvenile Black Bass, mixed with the White Bass are schooling,
chasing and busting the surface, running the shad and bait, in
vegetation and lily pads all along Little River and have moved
into the oxbow lakes all along Little River with their schooling
activities. Bass Assassin Shads, trick worms, and Charms, rigged
weedless, Rocket Shads, 1/4 oz to 1/2 oz size Rat-L-Traps, and
Little Georges continue to catch these fish.
These same nomadic schools continue schooling and busting huge
shad and bait schools in the river, from Yarborough Landing to
Highway 71 bridge. White Bass were also schooling up Little River
this week. Be quick with a Chuk-n-Spin, Shad Assassin, or Rat-L-Trap
when you see the top water frenzy start. The wild action only
lasts for 3-4 minutes at a time, but catches are common of 20-40
fish, from different schools, in just a few hours, on numerous
occasions. Get your kids up early one day, get out there, and
get those kids hooked on fishing while the action is HOT! They
will be hooked for life with these schooling bass!
Later in the day, once the sun gets up and more direct, Eager
Beavers in watermelon red or black/blue, are taking keepers around
cypress trees. The best bite on the Eager Beaver has been on
cypress tree knees (5-6 feet off the base of the tree) in 8-10
feet of water. Fattbutt Gitzits are working sporadically around
same stumps and cypress knees. Best color the past couple weeks
for gitzits seem to be smoke/black/red flake, appleseed or green
pumpkin. Watermelon red lizards and baby brush hogs are taking
a few keepers.
Few more Crappie fishermen out over the past few days due to
improved weather. Crappie fishermen tell us their catches are
fair to good in 9-12 feet depths on jigs in white or smoke and
on smoke Cordell paddle tail (spaded tail) grubs, in planted
brush piles.
Blue Cats and Channel Cats this week are improved on yo-yos using
shiners hung from cypress tree limbs in 8-12 feet depths.
White Bass remain trying to school with the Black Bass in the
mornings in the last few weeks in lily pads, along Little River,
especially between White Cliffs and highway 71 bridge. If you
can find these large schools of Whites chasing bait and shad
along the outside edges of the pads, they will hammer a Rocket
Shad or Chuck-n-Spins in white and chartruese colors, as well
as Rat-L-Traps in Transparent Hologram or chrome/blue colors,
or Little Cleos and Rooster Tails.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity in upriver oxbows approx 4-6 feet,
depending on location. Little River stain & clarity is approx
24-36 inches, depending on location. Main lake clarity is approx
18-20". As of Monday, 4 September, the lake level is approx
2 inches above normal pool, at 259.42 feet. Discharge at the
dam as of Monday, at 782 CFS. The tailwater level below the dam
was unavailable, as of Monday 9/4. The water surface temperature
currently ranges from 83º- 85º, depending of course,
on location and time of day.
USACE reworked entire Little River marker buoys as late as Monday
(today) and have replaced all damaged or missing markers. Little
River navigational buoys in excellent position and condition
as of recent. However, floaters and logs have become jammed and
stuck on old river hardwood stumps, in the river in several locations
just at surface level. Use caution in low light navigations,
especially on Little River! Several examples are between Pugh
Slough and Jack's Isle and between Mud Lake and Hurricane Creek.
Use caution and watch for these obstructions just at surface,
during normal level conditions.
September 1, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew! -
September is here already? Man it only seems like
yesterday that we were having snow and awaiting spring. Now we
are watching the evening temperatures drop nicely and looking
forward to fall. As we keep saying if the fishing is good now,
how good is fall going to be.
Steve and Bryce took out Channel 5 Outdoors' Fred
McClure during the week to film a segment on the Beaver Dam Store,
Spider Creek Resort guiding operations, and particularly on the
things we are noticing in the river since the management changes
went into effect. Things like tougher fighting fish _ some of
the 9" fish are actually pulling line!!!! A lot of fish
in and just under the slot are starting to carry some weight,
getting bellies and shoulders which shows that the food resource
is getting back in balance with the stocking numbers. What that
means is bigger, fatter fish in the longer term, exactly what
the management changes were hoping to achieve. Obviously it is
early days yet but the signs are good. Now how good would this
place be with a hatchery in place!!!!!!!!!!
Beaver Tailwater: We keep saying it but the fishing is very very
good right now. Tie on a scud or one of Bryce's TDM's and you
can't go wrong. There are ebbs and flows during the course of
the day but stick with it and you will catch a bunch of fish.
The Trophy area has been superb but Bryce and Steve
went exploring midweek after filming closed and were reporting
seeing a lot of browns between Bertrand and Parker Bend. These
fish were stacked in specific locations, and very wary but the
right time of day and the right presentation could be rewarded.
Incidentally if you get to watch the show you may also see the
boys go silly spotting a HUGE brown in the trophy area. Steve
had one half chance but swears a smaller 'bow dashed in and ate
his scud just before the brown did _ yeh right!
Trout are stacked in prime locations and feeding
hard. If you have nothing else throw a tan scud. You will wear
yourself out. McLellan's Hunchback Scud in tan (16s and 14s)
has been the go to pattern, but most tan scud patterns will work
almost as well. One of our guide clients this week tested out
the new Copper version of this scud and we can report it holds
up well to repeatedly being eaten. Too good infact we haven't
had a chance to test the Tan Rainbow version.
Bryce's TDM in blue dun/silver has been lethal
in the bright conditions, as have Blue Poison Tungs, Tungsten
Rainbow Warriors and Lightning Bugs. Hump-Bak Midges have also
been very good, but particularly when the mist is still present
on the water.
McLellan's Woven V-Rib sowbug has been producing
fish, as have egg patterns, and Y2K Bugs _ we have stocks now
in from Umpqua in 14s (very nice) and 10.
This is terrestrial time too bringing out ants
and beetles into the trees and hoppers on the banks. One of our
regulars was "complaining" with a big grin on his face
that he had run out of ant patterns so he was going to have to
switch to a scud. Schroeders Parachute Ant is one of our favorite
terrestrials as is Lawson,s Foam Beetle and the new Rubber Rivergod
is a winner too. Fish these downstream on long fine 6x or 7x
leaders and on windy afternoons, tight to the windward shore,
where trout will be mopping up all the food caught in the slack
Don't forget your woolly buggers, black 6 Flash-A-Buggers of
an evening, and olives, brown and black during the day.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce
August 31, 2006 -
Beaver - Submitted by Jason Piper - JT Crappie Guide Service -
As of Tuesday, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reports
the lake's elevation at 1,110.66 feet MSL.
J.T. Crappie Guide Services said the water level is up since
the last rain, but it is still low. River areas of the lake are
pretty muddy right now. Crappie are poor to fair, with a few
being taken on jigs fished around deep brush piles. Catfishing
is good on chicken livers, small bream and goldfish. Bass fishing
has been fairly slow, with the best bite coming at night. Dark-colored
jigs, spinnerbaits and large soft-plastics are working in shallow
water during the evening. During the daytime, it's a finesse
bite with Shaky head worms being the go-to bait.
August 29, 2006 - Greers
Ferry Lake - Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service - The water
level at greers ferry is at 456.25 it is 4.78 feet low and falling
The temp has fell some after the rains
The hybrid and white bass fishing is spotty at
best but the cooler weather and the rain we have had the fish
are really on the move and when ya find them you can catch a
lot but ya have to find them and they can be caught swimming
grubs , rinky dinks and on jigging spoons , or super spook jr.'s
if on top or the ole hawg sticks.
The crappie and bream are on the move also and
when they get settled back into a grove can be caught over brush
tops in about 15 feet of water and around docks also on minnows
and worms.
The catfishing is good on jugs and trotlines baited
with cut bait , liver and bream in about 17 feet of water , most
anywhere on the lake .
The walleye are fair but are scattered and moving
also and can be caught on crawlers in about 23-43 feet and also
on spoons under the hybrids and whites , a lot are being caught
by bass fisherman on c-rigs with lizaqrds also.
The bass are on the move also with their break-up
from deeper water , some are schooling and some are in 6 inches
and some out to 45 feet and some in-between , they can be caught
on top waters , rinky dinks , spoons and texas rigged and c-rigged
worms as well as jig-head worms , after you find what depth the
most of them are using that day you can pretty much pattern them
, wether it is cloudy or sunny.
we find em you catch em
Tommy Cauley
Fishing Guide
August 28, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture:
As of Monday, 28 August, the water surface temperature currently
ranges from 85º-89º, depending of course, on location
and time of day. Recent rains and slightly cooler/cloudy days
have dropped surface temps in mamy locations. Little River's
clarity and main lake approximately same as last week, river
at approx 12-18" and main lake's clarity, at approx 6-10"
visibility. Upriver oxbows remain very good water clarity over
the last week and varies from 4-6 feet in places. Several River
markers remain missing and/or out of place on the main lake,
and Little River. As of Monday 8/28, the lake level has risen
from last week, and is approx 4 inches above normal pool, at
259.57 feet. Current in Little River slow as of Monday, with
1 gate open 0.39 feet, the same as last week, with release at
the dam 158CFS as of Monday, 28August. The tailwater elevation
below the spillway is 224.08 feet.
The activity levels of Bass continue in typical summer patterns
with best feeding periods early and late in the day. Best bite
remains from daylight to 9am, 5pm to 9pm. Juvenile and yearling
Black Bass continue schooling, and are chasing shad and baitfish
in Little River along the edges of lily pads, and in the oxbows
all along Little River, breaking topwater in a feeding frenzy.
It's a great time to take a kid fishing! Get a kid and get out
there early!! Best locations to find these schooling bass have
been noted along Little River between Pugh Slough and Jack's
Isle; Mud Lake and Hurricane Creek and in Horseshoe Lake. Several
large schools were breaking topwater in schooling activities
again in Mud and Horseshoe oxbow lakes over the past several
The Details:
Much is unchanged over the last few weeks other than water clarity
and improved lake conditions. It's still HOT ! Get up and get
out early, or go late. Best bass bite is pretty much done by
10-11am, or after 5pm to 9pm. Recent rains didnt muddy up the
lake too bad, but the temperature was drastically improved lake
wide. The cooler light rains and cloudy days helped drop the
surface temp in many locations as much as 5-7 degrees.
Largemouth Bass remain in full blown summer patterns, with the
continued highest feeding periods early and late in the day,
and at night. Bass remain good early and late, in grass, pads
and vegetation, on Bass Assassin Shads in salt & pepper silver
phantom or crystal shad colors, Bass Assassin Charms in silver
ghost color, Johnson spoons (gold seems to be best on cloudy
days) with white grub trailers in the lily pads, and War Eagle
Spinnerbaits in firecracker, or gold shiner colors. Depths of
2-6 feet remain best close to and in the vegetation, early and
late in the day.
For approximately the past 6-7 weeks, between 6-10am, adolescent
and juvenile Black Bass, mixed with the White Bass are schooling,
chasing and busting the surface, running the shad and bait, in
vegetation and lily pads all along Little River and have moved
into the oxbow lakes all along Little River with their schooling
activities. Johnson spoons, soft plastic Bass Assassin Shads
and Charms, rigged weedless, Rocket Shads, 1/4 oz to 1/2 oz size
Rat-L-Traps, and Little Georges continuie to catch these fish.
These same nomadic schools are also schooling and busting huge
shad and bait schools in the river, from Yarborough Landing to
Highway 71 bridge. White Bass were also schooling up Little River
this week. Be quick with a Chuk-n-Spin, Shad Assassin, or Rat-L-Trap
when you see the top water frenzy start. The wild action only
lasts for 3-4 minutes at a time, but catches are common of 20-40
fish, from different schools, in just a few hours, on numerous
occasions. Get your kids up early one day, get out there, and
get those kids hooked on fishing while the action is HOT! They
will be hooked for life with these schooling bass!
Later in the day, once the sun gets up and more direct, Eager
Beavers in watermelon red or black/blue, are taking keepers around
cypress trees. The best bite on the Eager Beaver has been on
cypress tree knees (5-6 feet off the base of the tree) in 8-10
feet of water. Fattbutt Gitzits are working sporadically around
same stumps and cypress knees. Best color the past couple weeks
for gitzits seem to be appleseed or butterscotch.
Not many Crappie fishermen out due to heat, however a few Crappie
fishermen reported fair catches in 14-17 feet depths on shiners
in planted brush piles.
Blue Cats and Channel Cats this week were fair on yo-yos using
shiners and chicken livers.
White Bass remain trying to school with the Black Bass in the
mornings in the last few weeks in lily pads, along Little River,
especially between White Cliffs and highway 71 bridge. If you
can find these large schools of Whites chasing bait and shad
along the outside edges of the pads, they will hammer a Rocket
Shad or Chuck-n-Spins in white and chartruese colors, as well
as Rat-L-Traps in chrome/black and chrome/green backs, or Little
Cleos and Rooster Tails.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity in upriver oxbows approx 4-6 feet,
depending on location. Little River stain & clarity is approx
12-18 inches, depending on location. Main lake clarity is approx
6-10". As of Monday, 28 August, the lake level is approx
4 inches above normal pool, at 259.57 feet. Discharge at the
dam as of Monday this week slow, at 158CFS with 1 gate open at
0.39 feet. The tailwater level below the dam is 224.08, as of
Monday 8/28. The water surface temperature currently ranges from
85º- 89º, depending of course, on location and time
of day.
Several river marker buoys remain missing and/or out of place
on the main lake, and Little River. Use caution in low light
navigations, especially on Little River!
All the best,
August 23, 2006 - Millwood Lake - Submitted
by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture: As of Monday, 21 August,
the water surface temperature currently ranges from 88º-93º,
depending of course, on location and time of day. Little River's
clarity and main lake approximately same as last week, river
at approx 12-18" and main lake's clarity, at approx 6-10"
visibility. Upriver oxbows remain very good water clarity over
the last week and varies from 4-6 feet in places. Several River
markers remain missing and/or out of place on the main lake,
and Little River. As of Monday 8/21, the lake level has risen
from last week, and is approx 3 inches above normal pool, at
259.45 feet. Current in Little River slow, with 1 gate open 0.39
feet, the same as last week, with release at the dam 158CFS as
of Monday, 21August. The tailwater elevation below the spillway
is 224.07 feet.
The activity levels of Bass are typical summer patterns with
best feeding periods early and late in the day. Best bite remains
from daylight to 9am, 5pm to 9pm. Juvenile and yearling Black
Bass continue schooling over the past 4-6 weeks, and are chasing
shad and baitfish in Little River along the edges of lily pads,
and in the oxbows all along Little River, breaking topwater in
a fast feeding frenzy. It's a great time to take a kid fishing!
Get a kid and get out there early!! Best locations to find these
schooling bass have been noted along Little River between Snake
Creek and Pugh Slough, between Jack's Isle and Mud Lake and between
Hurricane Creek and Horseshoe Lake. Several large schools were
again in Mud and Horseshoe oxbow lakes this week.
The Details: Much is unchanged over the
last few weeks other than water clarity and improved lake conditions.
It's HOT out there people! Get up and get out early, or go late.
Best bass bite is pretty much done by 10-11am, or after 5pm to
9pm. Recent thunderstorms fizzled out, and didnt really muddy
the lake up to bad. There were some high winds, but diminished
in relatively short time frame, which preserved the recent improvements
to lake and river clarity levels.
Largemouth Bass are in full blown summer patterns, with the highest
feeding periods early and late in the day, and at night. Bass
remain good early and late, in grass, pads and vegetation, on
Bass Assassin Shads in salt & pepper silver phantom or gizzard
shad colors, Bass Assassin Charms in silver ghost color, Johnson
spoons (gold seems to be best on cloudy days, silver on bright
days), with white grub trailers in the lily pads, and War Eagle
Spinnerbaits in firecracker, cole slaw, or gold shiner colors.
Try the inside grass and pad lines where you see openings in
the back of the lily pads and grass intersections, yet depths
of 2-6 feet remain, early and late in the day. A few fish are
still busting buzz baits, but a slower presentation has evolved
over the last 2 weeks, and the bass are being a little more finiky
and choosy about menu and presentation, excluding of course,
the schooling bass.
Bass Assassin Charm Assassins in silver ghost colors, wacky rigged,
are still taking chunky Millwood Bass by dead sticking. Allowing
the Charm to fall along pad edges to approx 7-10 feet, watch
your line. Any slight movement or jump of the line, set the hook.
Sometimes they will hit the Charm on the fall, and not move with
it. Other times they will just start swimming off with it. Any
line movement on the fall indicates he has it. Dont wait and
ask. Set on him. It could be an 8 or 11 pounder as easily as
a 2 or 3 pounder.
As per last few week's report, for the past 6 weeks, between
6-10am, juvenile Black Bass, mixed with the White Bass are schooling,
chasing and busting the surface, running the shad and bait, in
vegetation and lily pads all along Little River and have moved
into the oxbow lakes all along Little River with their schooling
activities. Johnson spoons, soft plastic Bass Assassin Shads
and Charms, rigged weedless, Rocket Shads, 1/4 oz to 1/2 oz size
Rat-L-Traps, and Little Georges continuie to catch these fish.
These same nomadic schools are also schooling and busting huge
shad and bait schools in the river, from Yarborough Landing to
Highway 71 bridge. White Bass were also schooling up Little River
this week. Be quick with a Chuk-n-Spin, Shad Assassin, or Rat-L-Trap
when you see the top water frenzy start. The wild action only
lasts for 3-4 minutes at a time, but catches are common of 20-40
fish, from different schools, in just a few hours, on numerous
occasions. Get your kids up early one day, get out there, and
get those kids hooked on fishing while the action is HOT! They
will be hooked for life with these schooling bass!
Later in the day, once the sun gets up and more direct, Eager
Beavers in watermelon red or black/blue, are taking keepers around
cypress trees. The best bite on the Eager Beaver has been on
cypress tree knees (5-6 feet off the base of the tree) in 8-10
feet of water. Slow fall of the bait seems to be a trigger to
bite. Fattbutt Gitzits are working sporadically around same stumps
and cypress knees. Best color the past couple weeks for gitzits
seem to be appleseed or butterscotch.
No report for Crappie this week, not many Crappie fishermen out
due to heat.
Blue Cats and Channel Cats this week were fair on yo-yos and
trot lines using cut shad, homemade stink baits, and shiners.
White Bass remain trying to school with the Black Bass in the
mornings in the last few weeks in lily pads, along Little River,
especially between White Cliffs and highway 71 bridge. If you
can find these large schools of Whites chasing bait and shad
along the outside edges of the pads, they will hammer a Rocket
Shad or Chuck-n-Spins in white and chartruese colors, as well
as Rat-L-Traps in chrome/black and chrome/green backs, or Little
Cleos and Rooster Tails.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity in upriver oxbows approx 4-6 feet,
depending on location. Little River stain & clarity is approx
12-18 inches, depending on location. Main lake clarity is approx
6-10". As of Monday, 21 August, the lake level is approx
3 inches above normal pool, at 259.45 feet. Discharge at the
dam as of Monday this week slow, at 158CFS with 1 gate open at
0.39 feet. The tailwater level below the dam is 224.07, as of
Monday. The water surface temperature currently ranges from 88º-
93º, depending of course, on location and time of day.
Several river marker buoys remain missing and/or out of place
on the main lake, and Little River. Use caution in low light
navigations, especially on Little River!
All the best,
August 18, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew! - So it's August, traditionally
the worst month for Ozark fly fishing, but the fishing is soo
good its almost silly. We have been having great guide trips
over the past few weeks. Scud patterns have taken over as the
prime pattern to be throwing and the fish have been eager. But
its still a matter of finding the fish and delivering a good
presentation. Abd the takes have been somewhat soft so watch
those indicators.
Beaver Tailwater: We
have to say the fishing has been very very very good the past
two weeks. If your wondering why there was no report last week
its due to the fishing. Trout are stacked in prime locations
and feeding hard. If you have nothing else throw a tan scud.
You will wear yourself out. McLellan's Hunchback Scud
in tan (16s and 14s) has been the go to pattern, but most tan
scud patterns will work almost as well.
We have barely trod out of the Trophy Zone,
its fishing very reliably, but more water is opening up downstream
offering fly fishers the chance to get away from crowds.
Bryce's TDM in blue dun/silver has been
lethal in the bright conditions, as have Blue Poison Tungs, Tungsten
Rainbow Warriors and Lightning Bugs. Hump-Bak Midges have also
been very good, but particularly when the mist is still present
on the water.
McLellan's Woven V-Rib sowbug has
been producing fish, as have egg patterns, and Y2K Bugs
Hot windy days are also bringing
out ants and beetles into the trees (and we should be seeing
some early hoppers too). We have had some good reports
on people willing to take a chance on fishing dries rather than
the traditional nymphs. Schroeders Parachute Ant is one
of our favorites as is Lawsonís Foam Beetle. Fish these
downstream on long fine 6x or 7x leaders and on windy afternoons,
tight to the windward shore, where trout will be mopping up all
the food caught in the slack water.
Don't forget your woolly buggers, black 6 Flash-A-Buggers of
an evening, and olives, brown and black during the day.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce
August 16, 2006 - Greers
Ferry Lake - Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service - The water
level at greers ferry is at 457.09
The catfish are biting real good on bream and cut bait / with
jugs and a 15-17 foot leader and also on trotlines
The hybrid fishing is spotty and some can be caught schooling
earily and late if you are in the right spot, and jigging spoons
in 43 feet of water on bends of creeks
Some bass are schooling earily and late in the day up all river
arms , some are being caught in the bends and ledges, the bite
has picked up with the cool down and some can still be caught
The bream bite has slowed after the last spawn
Crappie are slow also
The walleye fishing should pick up soon with the cool down
The water temp has fell about 2 degrees and the fishing will
get better real soom we will have an earily fall
August 7, 2006 - Millwood Lake - Submitted
by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture:
The water surface temperature currently ranges from 86º-90º,
depending of course, on location and time of day. Little River's
clarity and main lake is much improved from last week, river
at approx 10-14" and main lake's clarity, at approx 7-9"
visibility. Upriver oxbows remain very good water clarity over
the last week and varies from 3-5 feet in places. Several River
markers remain missing and/or out of place on the main lake,
and Little River. As of Monday 8/07, the lake level is approx
2.9 inches above normal pool, at 259.44 feet. Current in Little
River slow, with 1 gate open 0.38 feet, the release at the dam
158CFS as of Monday. The tailwater elevation below the spillway
is 224.08 feet.
The activity levels of Bass are typical summer patterns with
best feeding periods early and late in the day. Best bite remains
from daylight to 11am, 5pm to 9pm. Numbers of bass in the 2-5
lb are class being caught, with an occasional fish in the 7-9
lb class in the past several weeks. Yearling and juvenile Black
Bass continue schooling over the past 4 weeks, and are chasing
shad and baitfish in Little River along the edges of lily pads,
and in the oxbows all along Little River, breaking topwater in
a fast feeding frenzy. Schooling activites have been noted earlier
this year than years past, and are taking place all along Little
River, up and into the vegetation along river edges. It's a great
time to take a kid fishing! Get a kid and get out there early!!
Best locations to find these schooling bass have been noted along
Little River between Snake Creek and Pugh Slough, between Jack's
Isle and Mud Lake and between Hurricane Creek and Horseshoe Lake.
Several large schools were noted in Mud and Horseshoe oxbow lakes
this week.
The Details:
Much is unchanged over the last few weeks other than water clarity
and improved lake conditions. It's HOT out there people! Get
up and get out early, or go late. Best bass bite is pretty much
done by 10-11am, or after 5pm to 9pm.
Largemouth Bass are in full blown summer patterns, with the highest
feeding periods early and late in the day, and at night. Bass
are good early and late, in grass, pads and vegetation, on Bass
Assassin Shads in salt & pepper silver phantom, Bass Assassin
Charms in silver ghost (wacky rigged), Johnson spoons, with white
grub trailers in the lily pads and War Eagle Spinnerbaits in
aurora or firecracker colors. Early mornings, with low wind and
calm surface, try the Bass Assassin Shads in pumpkinseed, Ken
Pops in gold/black, and Baby Torpedos in a natural frog or chrome
shad pattern. Those baits remain taking savage strikes along
the edges of hydrilla, coontail, and lily pads along Little River.
Try the inside grass and pad lines where you see openings in
the back of the lily pads and grass intersections, yet depths
of 2-6 feet remain, early and late in the day. A few fish are
still busting buzz baits, but a slower presentation is emerging,
and the bass are being a little more finiky and choosy about
menu and presentation, excluding of course, the schooling bass.
Bass Assassin Charm Assassins in crystal shad and silver ghost
colors, wacky rigged, are still taking chunky Millwood Bass by
dead sticking. Allowing the Charm to fall along pad edges to
approx 4-6 feet, watch your line. Any slight movement or jump
of the line, set the hook. Sometimes they will hit the Charm
on the fall, and not move with it. Other times they will just
start swimming off with it. Any line movement on the fall indicates
he has it. Dont wait and ask. Set on him. It could be an 8 or
11 pounder as easily as a 2 or 3 pounder.
As per last few week's report, for about the last month, between
6-11am, Black Bass are schooling, chasing and busting the surface,
running the shad and bait, in vegetation and lily pads all along
Little River and have moved into the oxbow lakes all along Little
River with their schooling activities. Johnson spoons, soft plastic
Bass Assassin Shads and Charms, rigged weedless, Rocket Shads,
1/4 oz to 1/2 oz size Rat-L-Traps, and Little Georges are catching
these fish.
These same nomadic schools are also schooling and busting huge
shad and bait schools in the river, from Yarborough Landing to
Highway 71 bridge. White Bass were also schooling up Little River
this week. Be ready with a Little Cleo, Shad Assassin, or Rat-L-Trap
when you see the top water frenzy start. The wild action only
lasts for 3-5 minutes at a time, but catches are common of 50-60
fish, from 2-4 different schools, in just a few hours, on numerous
occasions. Get your kids up early one day, get out there, and
get those kids hooked on fishing while the action is HOT! They
will be hooked for life with these schooling bass!
Later in the day, once the sun gets up and more direct, 4"
worm in tequila sunrise or red shad and Eager Beavers in watermelon
red or green pumpkin, are taking keepers around cypress trees.
We are not pegging the Eager Beaver and using only a 1/8 oz sinker
with a slip bead on a 6-6 MH Lamiglass Rod. The best bite on
the Eager Beaver has been on cypress tree knees about 5-6 feet
off the base of the tree in 7-9 feet of water. Slow fall of the
bait seems to be a trigger to bite. Fattbutt Gitzits are working
sporadically around same stumps and cypress knees.
Carolina rig bite: Improved over the past few weeks along steep
wash-outs/cut-outs in Little River. Areas that appear to be working
the best this week along Little River, is between Lost Lake and
Pugh Slough, and between Mud Lake and Hurricane Creek. The best
color over the past few days has shifted back to pumpkinseed/chartruese
tail lizards on the carolina rig. Bass Assassin Charms in crystal
shad colors are also taking keepers on carolina rigs.
The jig bite: Over the past few weeks to a month, we have toggled
back and forth from the standard Millwood-proven Texas Craw color
to white jigs, then switched to watermelon reds and green pumpkins.
We have gone back to a black/blue/purple jig with some success.
A pumpkinseed/chartruese jig with black trailer or black/blue
& purple seems to be the best combination in recent days.
Crappie are still hitting shiners and minnows, and moved back
into the lily pads, where they were located in past couple weeks,
in less than 9 feet of water along Little River and in the oxbows.
Not a lot of Crappie fishermen on the lake in the past few days
due to heat after 9am, and bite is pretty much done by 10am.
Blues or Channel Cats this week were fair on yo-yos and trot
lines using cut shad, shiners and hot dogs. Cottonseed Mill cakes
were taking some nice chunky Channel Cats in last few days.
White Bass remain trying to school with the Black Bass in the
mornings in the last few weeks in lily pads, along Little River,
especially between White Cliffs and highway 71 bridge. If you
can find these large schools of Whites chasing bait and shad
along the outside edges of the pads, they will hammer a Rocket
Shad in white and chartruese colors, as well as Rat-L-Traps in
chrome/black and chrome/green backs, or Little Cleos and Rooster
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity in upriver oxbows approx 3-5 feet,
depending on location. Little River stain & clarity is approx
10-14 inches, depending on location. Main lake clarity is approx
7-9". As of Monday, the lake level is approx 2.9 inches
above normal pool, at 259.44 feet. Discharge at the dam as of
Monday this week slow, at 158CFS with 1 gate open at 0.38 feet.
The tailwater level below the dam is 224.08, as of Monday. The
water surface temperature currently ranges from 86º- 90º,
depending of course, on location and time of day.
Several river marker buoys remain missing and/or out of place
on the main lake, and Little River. Use caution in low light
navigations, especially on Little River!
All the best,
August 4, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew! - Beaver Tailwater: The weather
has been hot and bright, what you would normally say is some
of the toughest conditions on Beaver but the fishing has been
very, very good. Early morning fishing, with the mist on the
water has been fair. But we have had our best fishing once the
sun has fully hit the tailwater. Bryce's TDM in blue dun/silver
has been lethal in the bright conditions, as have Blue Poison
Tungs, Tungsten Rainbow Warriors and Lightning Bugs. Hump-Bak
Midges have also been very good, but particularly when the mist
is still present..
Tan and light brown scuds are also productive as well as McLellan's
V-Rib Sowbug and Hares Ears.
Hot windy days are also bringing out ants and beetles into the
trees (and we should be seeing some early hoppers too). We have
had some good reports on people willing to take a chance on fishing
dries rather than the traditional nymphs. Schroeders Parachute
Ant is one of our favorites as is Lawson,s Foam Beetle. Fish
these downstream on long fine 6x or 7x leaders and on windy afternoons,
tight to the windward shore, where trout will be mopping up all
the food caught in the slack water.
Don't forget your woolly buggers, black 6 Flash-A-Buggers of
an evening, and olives, brown and black during the day.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce
August 3, 2006 - Beaver - Submitted by Jason Piper - JT Crappie Guide Service -
As of Tuesday, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reports the lake's
elevation at 1,111.47 feet MSL.
J.T. Crappie Guide Services said bream are biting on worms and
crickets. Crappie are biting fairly well in deep water. Try trolling
with small Bandits or Hot N' Tots. Bass are biting fairly well
at night around brush piles on dark-colored, 10-inch plastic
worms. Catfish are biting well on jugs with live bait.
August 1, 2006 - Greers
Ferry Lake - Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service -The water
levelat greers ferry is at 458.27, it's a little above 3 feet
low , the rain did little for it and it is hot, but the new planted
vegetation is doing great.
The hybrids are hit and miss if ya leave then schooling
in one place in the afternoon you can go back and catch some
first thing in the mornings but after that they may disappear
for 2 days and cannot find them or a bite, some days are just
better than others , stay on the water and sooner or later if
ya find the bait you'll get into the fish
The bass fishing has been tough as well , with
the smallmouth biting pretty well at night , most of the fish
have been suspended and are hard to catch, try a dropshot and
swim a grub and also a jigging spoon is working also.alot of
the blacks have been up shallow chasing the spawning bream and
that has been one reason most have not been catching them, but
they are headed out deep now.
The crappie are suspended over deep brush piles
in about 25 feet of water if ya know where brush is that deep
you can catch a few on minnows
The bream have finished their last spawn up and
are headed back to deep water again they will be aroud 25 feet
The walleye fishing ahs been hit or miss also
Catfishing is good using just about any bait ya
want, just according to what species ya want to catch anywhere
from 5 feet to 40 feet deep
we find em you catch em
Tommy Cauley
July 31, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture:
The water surface temperature currently ranges from 84º-91º,
depending of course, on location and time of day. Little River's
clarity is reduced from recent (much needed) rain and high winds,
approx 4-8". Main lake's clarity, likewise, at approx 3-5"
visibility. Upriver oxbows remain very good water clarity over
the last week and varies from 2-4 feet in places. Several River
markers remain missing and/or out of place on the main lake,
and Little River.
As of Monday 7/31, lake level approx 2.9 inches above normal
pool, at 259.44 feet. Current in Little River slow, with 1 gate
open 0.39 feet, the release at the dam 158CFS as of Monday. The
tailwater elevation below the spillway is 224.11 feet. The activity
levels of Bass are typical summer patterns with best feeding
periods early and late in the day. Best bite remains from daylight
to 10am, 6pm to 9pm. Numbers of bass in the 2-5 lb are class
being caught, with an occasional fish in the 7-9 lb class in
the past several weeks. Yearling and juvenile Black Bass continue
schooling over the past 4 weeks, and are chasing shad and baitfish
in Little River along the edges of lily pads, breaking topwater
in a fast feeding frenzy. Schooling activites have been noted
earlier this year than years past, and are taking place all along
Little River, up and into the vegetation along river edges. It's
a great time to take a kid fishing! Get a kid and get out there
The Details:
Largemouth Bass are in full blown summer patterns, with the highest
feeding periods early and late in the day, and at night. Bass
remain good to excellent early and late, in grass, pads and vegetation,
on War Eagle Spinnerbaits in aurora or firecracker colors, Bass
Assassin Shads in salt & pepper silver phantom, buzz baits
in bubblegum/blue, and Johnson spoons, with white grub trailers
in the lily pads. Early morning on calm surface, Bass Assassin
Shads, Ken Pops, Pop-R's and Zara Puppies are taking savage strikes
along the edges of hydrilla, coontail, and lily pads along Little
River. Try the inside grass and pad lines where you see openings
in the back of the lily pads and grass intersections, for example
Pugh Slough, early and late in the day.
Bass Assassin Charm Assassins in crystal shad and silver ghost
colors, wacky rigged, are still taking chunky Millwood Bass by
dead sticking. Allowing the Charm to fall along pad edges to
approx 4-6 feet, watch your line. Any slight movement or jump
of the line, set the hook. Sometimes they will hit the Charm
on the fall, and not move with it. Other times they will just
start swimming off with it. Any line movement on the fall indicates
he has it. Dont wait and ask. Set on him. It could be an 8 or
11 pounder as easily as a 2 or 3 pounder.
As per last week's report, for about the last month, between
6-11am, Black Bass are schooling, chasing and busting the surface,
running the shad and bait, in vegetation and lily pads all along
Little River. The Johnson spoons, soft plastic Bass Assassin
Shads and Charms, rigged weedless, Rocket Shads and Little Georges
are catching these fish.
These same nomadic schools are also schooling and busting huge
shad and bait schools in the river, from Yarborough Landing to
Highway 71 bridge. White Bass were trying to school with the
black bass further up Little River this week. Be ready with a
Little Cleo, Shad Assassin, or Rat-L-Trap when you see the top
water frenzy start. The wild action only lasts for 2-3 minutes
at a time, but catches are common of 50-60 fish, from 2-4 different
schools, in just a few hours, on numerous occasions. Get your
kids up early one day, get out there, and get those kids hooked
on fishing while the action is HOT! They will be hooked for life
with these schooling bass eating anything and everything as fast
as they possibly can!
Later in the day, once the sun gets up and more direct, Eager
Beavers in watermelon red or green pumpkin, are taking keepers
around cypress trees. We are not pegging the Eager Beaver and
using only a 1/8 oz sinker with a slip bead on a 6-6 MH Lamiglass
Rod. The best bite on the Eager Beaver has been on cypress tree
knees about 5-6 feet off the base of the tree in 7-9 feet of
water. Slow fall of the bait seems to be a trigger to bite.
Carolina rig bite: Improved over the past few weeks along steep
wash-outs/cut-outs in Little River. Areas that appear to be working
the best this week along Little River, is between Lost Lake and
Pugh Slough, and between Mud Lake and Hurricane Creek. The best
color over the past few days has shifted back to pumpkinseed/chartruese
tail lizards on the carolina rig. Bass Assassin Charms in crystal
shad colors are also taking keepers on carolina rigs.
The jig bite: Over the past few weeks to a month, we have toggled
back and forth from the standard Millwood-proven Texas Craw color
to white jigs, then switched to watermelon reds and green pumpkins.
With the incoming stained water and high winds muddying up several
of the good jig-bite areas this week, we have gone back to a
black/blue/purple jig with some success. A pumpkinseed/chartruese
jig with black trailer or black/blue & purple seems to be
the best combination in recent days.
Crappie are still hitting shiners and minnows, but moved out
of the lily pads, where they were located in past couple weeks,
in less than 9 feet of water along Little River and in the oxbows.
Not a lot of Crappie fishermen on the lake in the past few days
due to heat after 9am, and bite is pretty much done by 10am.
Crappie were caught in the last 5 days back in the depths of
the river between 13-17 feet deep in planted brush piles.
No report for Blues or Channel Cats this week.
White Bass remain trying to school with the Black Bass in the
mornings in the last few weeks in lily pads, along Little River,
especially between White Cliffs and highway 71 bridge. If you
can find these large schools of Whites chasing bait and shad
along the outside edges of the pads, they will hammer a Rocket
Shad in white and chartruese colors, as well as Rat-L-Traps in
chrome/black and chrome/green backs, or Little Cleos and Rooster
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity in upriver oxbows approx 3-4 feet,
depending on location. Little River stain & clarity is approx
4-8 inches, depending on location. Main lake is approx 3-5".
As of Monday, the lake level is approx 2.9 inches above normal
pool, at 259.44 feet. Discharge at the dam as of Monday this
week slow, at 158CFS with 1 gate open at 0.39 feet. The tailwater
level below the dam is 224.11, as of Monday. The water surface
temperature currently ranges from 84º- 91º, depending
of course, on location and time of day.
Several river marker buoys remain missing and/or out of place
on the main lake, and Little River. Use caution in low light
navigations, especially on Little River!
Use caution navigating Little River in low light
conditions, and SLOW DOWN! Careful watch for floaters and debris
in Little River's current, and wearing your PFD is a requirement!!
All the best,
July 28, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew! -
Well the fishing has been seriously good the past
couple of weeks and given today's cloudy weather we have had
a hard time penning this report. Hey we would rather be fishing
too. We have had some reports of very nice trout coming to flies
both in the upper end of the slot and well over.
Our well-inked mate, Brody, nailed a 20" brown
in the trophy area last weekend and a rainbow almost as big and
a couple of other friends caught some bows in the 18" range
not too far away. The morning fishing has been very good and
its been even better once the sun is on the water. It appears
that the regular water releases are holding the fish up
Beaver Tailwater: Fly fishing has been the method to fish for
the past couple of weeks on the tailwater. Once the light hits
the water the keys have been long drifts, 6x tippets and good
presentations. But some days even that hasn't mattered as long
as you got the fly in front of the fish.
Spirit River's Hump-Bak Midge in olive, though we also caught
fish on the red, brown and black versions maintains its position
at the head of the list. And a couple of times we have taken
it off our leader to see whether we were feeding it to particularly
stupid fish.
Bryce's TDM in blue dun/silver has also been lethal in the bright
conditions, as have Blue Poison Tungs, Tungsten Rainbow Warriors
and Lightning Bugs..
Tan and light brown scuds are also productive as well as McLellan's
V-Rib Sowbug and Hares Ears.
Hot windy days are also bringing out ants and beetles into the
trees (and we should be seeing some early hoppers too). Schroeders
Parachute Ant is one of our favorites as is Lawson,s Foam Beetle.
Fish these downstream on long fine 6x or 7x leaders and on windy
afternoons, tight to the windward shore, where trout will be
mopping up all the food caught in the slack water.
Don't forget your woolly buggers, black 6 Flash-A-Buggers of
an evening, and olives, brown and black during the day.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce
July 24, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture:
The water surface temperature currently ranges from 86º-93º,
depending of course, on location and time of day. Little River's
clarity is approx 10-18". Main lake's clarity, improved
this week, at approx 12-15" visibility. Upriver oxbows have
very good water clarity over the last week and varies from 4-6
feet in places. Several River markers remain missing and/or out
of place on the main lake, and Little River.
As of Monday 7/24, lake level approx 3 inches below normal pool,
at 258.96. Current in Little River slow, with 1 gate open 0.39
feet, the release at the dam 158CFS as of Monday. The tailwater
elevation is 224.04 feet. The activity levels of Bass are typical
summer patterns with best feeding periods early and late in the
day. Best bite is from daylight to 9am, 6pm to 8pm. Numbers of
bass in the 2-5 lb are class being caught, with an occasional
fish in the 7-9 lb class in the past 3 weeks. Yearling and juvenile
Black Bass continue schooling over the past 4 weeks, and are
chasing shad and baitfish in the lily pads over the past few
days breaking topwater in a fast feeding frenzy. Schooling activites
have been noted earlier this year than years past, and are taking
place all along Little River, up and into the vegetation along
river edges. It's a great time to take a kid fishing! Get a kid
and get out there early!!
The Details:
Largemouth Bass are in full blown summer patterns, with the highest
feeding periods early and late in the day, and at night. Bass
remain good to excellent early and late, in grass, pads and vegetation,
on War Eagle Spinnerbaits in aurora color, Bass Assassin Shads
in salt & pepper silver phantom, buzz baits in blue glimmer,
and Johnson spoons, with white grub trailers in the lily pads.
Early morning on calm surface, the Bass Assassin Shads are taking
savage strikes along the edges of hydrilla, coontail, and lily
pads along Little River.
Bass Assassin Charm Assassins in salt & pepper silver phantom,
crystal shad and silver ghost colors, wacky rigged, are still
taking chunky Millwood Bass by dead sticking. Allowing the Charm
to fall along pad edges to approx 4-6 feet, watch your line.
Any slight movement or jump of the line, set the hook. Sometimes
they will hit the Charm on the fall, and not move with it. Other
times they will just start swimming off with it. Any line movement
on the fall indicates he has it. Dont wait and ask. Set on him.
It could be an 8 or 11 pounder as easily as a 2 or 3 pounder.
For about the last month, between 6-11am, Black Bass have been
schooling, chasing and busting the surface, running the shad
and bait, in vegetation and lily pads all along Little River.
The Johnson spoons, soft plastic Bass Assassin Shads and Charms,
rigged weedless, Rocket Shads and Little Georges are catching
these fish.
These same nomadic schools are also schooling and busting huge
shad and bait schools in the river, from Yarborough Landing to
Highway 71 bridge. White Bass were trying to school with the
black bass further up Little River this week. Be ready with a
Little Cleo, Shad Assassin, or Rat-L-Trap when you see the top
water frenzy start. The wild action only lasts for 2-3 minutes
at a time, but catches are common of 50-60 fish, from 4 different
schools, in approx 3 hours this week, on numerous occasions.
Get your kids up early one day, get out there, and get those
kids hooked on fishing while the action is HOT! They will be
hooked for life with these schooling bass eating anything and
everything as fast as they possibly can!
Later in the day, once the sun gets up and more direct, Eager
Beavers in watermelon red or green pumpkin, Snag Proof frogs
(with rattles inside) in white, are drawing strikes and blow-ups
around shaded cover overhead. We are not pegging the Eager Beaver
and using only a 1/8 oz sinker with a slip bead on a 6-6 MH Lamiglass
Rod. The best bite on the Eager Beaver has been on cypress tree
knees about 5-6 feet off the base of the tree in 7-9 feet of
water. Due to recent water clarity we have dropped line size
from 20 to 17 lb and 14 lb test in recent weeks. We have also
gotten broke off several times due to heavy cover.
Carolina rig bite: Improved over the past few weeks along steep
wash-outs/cut-outs in Little River. Areas that appear to be working
the best this week along Little River, is between Lost Lake and
Pugh Slough, and between Mud Lake and Hurricane Creek. The carolina
rig is working well, with lizards in green pumpkin or watermelon-red
colors or Bass Assassin Charms in crystal shad colors.
The jig bite: Several weeks ago, we switched from a Texas Craw
color (black/pumpkin/ chart) to a white jig with a white plastic
chunk trailer, and had better results than the previous weeks.
Due to recent water clarity improvements, we have gone to a watermelon/red
or green pumpkin jig with some better bites. A pumpkinseed or
amber trailer seems to be the best combination in recent days.
Crappie are still hitting shiners and minnows, in the lily pads,
in less than 9 feet or water along Little River and in the oxbows.
Not a lot of Crappie fishermen on the lake in the past few days
due to heat after 9am, and bite is pretty much done by 10am.
Blue Cats are fair to good, at night and early morning, on trot
lines baited with cut shad, dog food and hot dogs. Shiners baited
on yo-yos under cypress trees in 7-10 feet depths have been catching
a few Blues at night around Jack's Isle and Mud Lake.
White Bass remain trying to school with the Black Bass in the
mornings in the last few weeks in lily pads, along Little River,
especially between White Cliffs and highway 71 bridge. If you
can find these large schools of Whites chasing bait and shad
along the outside edges of the pads, they will hammer a Rocket
Shad in white and chartruese colors, as well as Rat-L-Traps in
chrome/black and chrome/green backs, or Little Cleos and Rooster
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity in upriver oxbows approx 4-7 feet,
depending on location. Little River stain & clarity is approx
10-18 inches, depending on location. Main lake is approx 12-15".
As of Monday, the lake level is approx 3 inch below normal pool,
at 258.96 feet. Discharge at the dam as of Monday this week slow,
at 158CFS with 1 gate open at 0.39 feet. The tailwater level
below the dam is 224.04, as of Monday. The water surface temperature
currently ranges from 86º- 93º, depending of course,
on location and time of day.
Several river marker buoys remain missing and/or out of place
on the main lake, and Little River. Use caution in low light
navigations, especially on Little River!
July 23, 2006 - Greers
Ferry Lake - Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service -The water
level at greers ferry is 459.24 today
The bass are in their summer time patterns for
sure , but since the cold from they have been shut down with
the change in the pressure and temp , it was so drastic they
have not recovered as of yet , they are out on the drops and
bends of creeks and rivers , with some top water action earily
and late in the day and some schooling activiety and some flowing
the hybrids around and eating their left overs
The crappie are about in the same way as the rest
of the fish , they are suspended in the pole timber and over
brush piles in about 20 feet of water and can be caught with
minnows or jigs and or jigs tipped with minnows
The walleye are back to being pretty fair but are
pretty scattered in about 33 feet of water and can be caught
tight linning a minnow or with bottom bounchers with night crawlers
The bream are going pretty good some shallow but
most in about 20 feet on the bottom and can be caught tight linning
a crawler or slip bobbing a cricket
The whites and hybrids are hit and miss look for
the shad and jig a spoon or reel an in-line spinner through them
the hammered blade spinner that bucksot is making here is doing
the trick it is has so muck more vibration , because the fish
are feeding in about 43 feet right now, some are schooling earily
and late but you have to be right on top of them, they are drawing
water starting around 3 p.m. and the action will heat up durning
that time if you are in the right spot , look in the cemetery
, the jungle around sugarloaf area and point 6 and in cove creel
as well as kidney cove and point 1
Tommy Cauley
July 21, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew! -
Whew, a little relief from the heatwave is coming.
And there has been no better place to get cool this week than
standing in the tailwaters. The fish have been helpful to pass
the time while you cool off as well. The heatwave prompted the
first real wide open generation in a long time. The White was
rolling hard Thursday afternoon and we would expect the same
Beaver Tailwater: Fishing has been good this week right throughout
the heat. The key has been good long drifts, the fliy has seemed
to matter less as long as its a beadhead midge 16-20. But our
favorite this week was Spirit River's Hump-Bak Midge in olive,
though we also caught fish on the red, brown and black versions.
If nothing else this very cool little fly with the off centre
bead is different, and the extra flash is appealing in these
bright conditions. Fly tyers note, we should have stocks of the
beads in this weekend.
Bryce's silver TDM, standard black or red Zebra
Midges, Hot Wire Princes and Rojo Midges have been working well
once the surface activity quietens. Long leaders and small indicators
are essential. Tan and light brown scuds are also productive
as well as McLellan's V-Rib Sowbug.
Hot windy days are also bringing out ants and beetles
into the trees (and we should be seeing some early hoppers too).
Schroeders Parachute Ant is one of our favorites as is Lawson,s
Foam Beetle. Fish these downstream on long fine 6x or 7x leaders
and on windy afternoons, tight to the windward shore, where trout
will be mopping up all the food caught in the slack water.
Don't forget your woolly buggers, black 6 Flash-A-Buggers of
an evening, and olives and black during the day.
Heatwave conditions brough back something we haven't seen in
a while, Beaver Tailwater up high and flowing hard. The heat
is forecast to abate over the weekend before climbing back into
the 90s midweek, so we thought it apt to rerun our generation
prediction primer from last month.
Well predicting water generation, at least in Arkansas is a black
art, best practised with tea leaves, crystals or chicken entrails.
All are about as accurate as the power authorities official generation
calendar and we don't suggest you use any of them. Funnily enough
if you lived in Tennessee and fished their waters their power
generation authority is required to publish accurate generation
start and finish times, at least a couple of days in advance.
Must be something in the water here!
Since we are all at the mercy of SWPA, we thought we would fill
you in on our methods for predicting water releases during the
year. Firstly Beaver is a little more predictable than say Norfolk
since the power station supplies peak power demand. That means
Beaver gets used in summer time on hot afternoons when people
crank the air conditioning up. In winter its in reverse, mornings
and evenings are the peak period when people are getting ready
for, or coming home from, work and the heaters go on.
We also use the Corp of Engineers graphing page which tracks
generation levels and lake heights here. Watching generation
patterns, in conjunction with weather forecasts here <>
, over the past few days can give you a pretty good idea of what
is going to happen in the next few days. Just remember Thursday
and Fridays often have a higher power demand.
The only truly accurate method of finding out if they are generating
or not is having a look at the river or you can also telephone
417 336 5083 for a recorded message on whether the water is on
or off at that current time. You will hear a message for Table
Rock first and Beaver second.
Currently we are getting afternoon generation, usually only a
couple of hours, and not much water either unless the temperatures
are very high, perfect for floating and fishing.
For your information we have links to the Corp graph pages for
other tailwaters below
Bull Shoals <>
Table Rock <>
Norfolk <>
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce
July 21, 2006 - Beaver - Submitted by Jason Piper - JT Crappie Guide Service -
As of Tuesday, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reports the lake's
elevation at 1,112.66 feet MSL.
J.T. Crappie Guide Services said bream are biting well on crickets
fished 6 to 10 feet deep in the smaller lakes around Beaver Lake.
On the lake, crappie are biting well on trolled crankbaits fished
around flats. Bass are biting fairly well on spinnerbaits and
worms slowly fished 10 to 20 feet deep at night. Striped bass
are poor. White bass are schooling early and late in the day
at the north end of the lake and biting well on small top-water
baits and CC Spoons. Catfish are beginning to spawn and are biting
well on worms, stinkbait and liver.
July 18, 2006 - Millwood Lake - Submitted
by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture:
The water surface temperature currently ranges from 82º-92º,
depending of course, on location and time of day. Little River's
clarity is approx 6-10". Main lake's clarity, improved this
week, at approx 4-6" visibility. Upriver oxbows have very
good water clarity over the last week and varies from 3-6 feet
in places. Several River markers remain missing and/or out of
place on the main lake, and Little River.
As of Monday 7/17, lake level has risen from last week, and is
approx one-half inch above normal pool, at 259.24. Current in
Little River slow, with 1 gate open 0.37 feet, the release at
the dam 156CFS as of Monday. The tailwater elevation is 223.97
feet. The activity levels of Bass are typical summer patterns
with high feeding periods early and late in the day. Best bite
is from daylight to 9am, 6pm to 8pm. Numbers of bass in the 2-5
lb are class being caught, with an occasional fish in the 7-9
lb class. Yearling and juvenile Black Bass continue schooling
over the past 3 weeks, and are chasing shad and baitfish in the
lily pads over the past few days breaking topwater in a fast
feeding frenzy. Schooling activites are earlier this year than
years past, and are taking place all along Little River and up
and into the vegetation along river edges. It's a great time
to take a kid fishing!
The Details:
Largemouth Bass are in full blown summer patterns, with the highest
feeding periods early and late in the day, and at night. Bass
remain good in grass, pads and vegetation, on War Eagle Spinnerbaits
in firecracker or aurora colors, buzz baits in blue glimmer or
Tenneessee shad colors, and Johnson spoons, with white grub trailers
in the lily pads. A white Moss Boss with a spilt milk - split
tail plastic trailer in the pads will take chunky bass blowing
up on shad. Early morning on calm lake surface, Zara Spook Jr's
and Heddon Baby Torpedos in chrome/black, leopard frog, and gold
pumpkinseed are drawing strikes.
Bass Assassin Shads and Charm Assassins in salt & pepper
silver phantom, crystal shad and silver ghost colors, wacky rigged,
are still taking chunky Millwood Bass. Buzz baits are working
early and then again late, blue glimmer or Tenn Shad colors working
best for skirt choices. Over the past 3 weeks, between 7-10am,
Black Bass have been schooling, chasing and busting the surface,
running the shad and bait, in vegetation and lily pads. The Johnson
spoons, Moss Boss and soft plastic Bass Assassin Shads and Charms,
rigged weedless, are catching these fish.
These same nomadic schools are also schooling and busting huge
shad and bait schools in the river between Snake Creek and Jack's
Isle and further up Little River between Hurricane Creek and
second entrance to Horseshoe Lake. Be ready with a Little Cleo,
Little George, Roadrunner, Rocket Shad or Rat-L-Trap that you
can set sail when you see the top water frenzy start. The wild
action only lasts for 2-3 minutes at a time, but 2 fishermen
caught and released between 15-25 fish on 4 different schools,
in approx 15 minutes this week, on 3 different occasions. Get
your kids up early one day, get out there, and get those kids
hooked on fishing while the action is HOT! They will be hooked
for life with these schooling bass eating anything and everything
as fast as they possibly can!
Later in the day, once the sun gets up and more direct, Zoom
Horney Toads in watermelon pearl, Snag Proof frogs (with rattles
inside) in white, and Heddon Zara Mouses in chartruese colors,
are drawing savage strikes and blow-ups around shaded cover overhead.
Carolina rig bite: Improved over the past few weeks along steep
wash-outs/cut-outs in Little River. Areas that appear to be working
the best this week are between 5-6 mile marker along Little River,
on the northeast side of the river, and between Mud Lake and
Hurricane Creek. The carolina rig is working well, with lizards
in green pumpkin or watermelon-red colors or Bass Assassin Shads
in salt & pepper silver phantom colors. Southern Pro fatbutt
tubes in camo, butterscotch and black/blue tail colors are still
catching fish on cypress trees and knees in 8-12 feet depths
and along Little River on points where stumps are present.
The jig bite: We switched from a Texas Craw color (black/pumpkin/chart)
to a white jig with a white plastic chunk trailer, several weeks
ago, and are having better results than the previous weeks. We
are "swimming" the jig around grass, lily pads, and
coontail over the last few weeks. We are having much more success
with this technique than the standard pig & jig hopping approach,
around wood.
Crappie are still hitting shiners and minnows, in the lily pads,
in less than 6-8 feet depths of water along Little River and
in the oxbows. Not a lot of Crappie fishermen on the lake in
the past few days due to heat after 9am, and bite is pretty much
done by 10am.
Channel Cat and Blue Cats were improved over the past week, as
depth of Little River is returning to normal level. Trot lines
baited with cut shad, chicken livers dog food and hot dogs, have
been taking some nice Channel cats. Shiners baited on yo-yos
under cypress trees in 7-10 feet depths were catching a few Blues
at night around Jack's Isle.
White Bass remain trying to school with the Black Bass in the
mornings in the last few weeks in lily pads, along Little River.
If you can find these large schools of Whites chasing bait and
shad along the outside edges of the pads, they will hammer a
Rocket Shad in white and chartruese colors, as well as Rat-L-Traps
in chrome/black and chrome/green backs.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity in upriver oxbows approx 3-6 feet,
depending on location. Little River stain & clarity is approx
8 inches, depending on location. Main lake is approx 6".
As of Monday, the lake level is approx 1/2 inch above the normal
pool, at 259.24 feet. Discharge at the dam as of Monday this
week slow, at 156CFS with 1 gate open at 0.37 feet. The tailwater
level below the dam is 223.97, as of Monday. The water surface
temperature currently ranges from 82º- 93º, depending
of course, on location and time of day.
Several river marker buoys remain missing and/or out of place
on the main lake, and Little River. Use caution in low light
navigations, especially on Little River!
All the best,
July 16, 2006 - Beaver
- Went to Beaver Lake in N.W. Arkansas and it was
awesome. Wife caught the biggest 28 lb. Striper. We are mounting
that one. At one time we had (5) huge Stripers on at once. I'm
still shaking from that trip. Mark.
July 14, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew! -
Well it's hotter than a monkey's bum to quote our
Upside Down colleague. So there is no better place to spend your
time than the cool waters of an Ozark tailwater. Tnakfully the
water releases are keeping the temperatures still good for trout
otherwise we'd be heading for air conditioning. Come to think
of it hanging out in the Dam store is a pretty good way to recover
a bit white you wait for the mid-afternoon water releases to
Beaver Tailwater: Its funny how all of us get into a particular
mode of fishing for a while sticking with it because it works.
But sometimes its good to break out of the comfort zone. We have
a bunch of favorite scud and sowbug patterns, many tied by our
good friend Mike McLellan, but over the past few months haven't
been adding them to our leader that often on Beaver. On Taneycomo
they are essential.
But the prevailing summer conditions have had us returning to
our favorites mostly Mike's Woven V-Rib Sowbug and Hunchback
Scud and Kaufmann's scud. Fish these down deep up and down the
tailwater. Try tan and olive in the Hunchback scuds and both
sizes of the Sowbug.
Soft hackles remain our early morning go to fly. Bryce's TDM,
Zebra Midges, Hump-Bak Midges, Hot Wire Princes and Rojo Midges
have been working well once the surface activity quietens. Long
leaders and small indicators are essential.
Hot windy days are also bringing out ants and beetles into the
trees (and we should be seeing some early hoppers too). This
week there were squadrons of cinnamon ants, floating downstream.
Most were in the 28s and 20s range but every so often a flight
commander or two, size 16, were visible. Schroeders Parachute
Ant is one of our favorites as is Lawson,s Foam Beetle. Fish
these downstream on long fine 6x or 7x leaders and on windy afternoons,
tight to the windward shore, where trout will be mopping up all
the food caught in the slack water.
Don't forget your woolly buggers, black 6 Flash-A-Buggers of
an evening, and olives and black during the day.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce
July 5, 2006 - Greers
Ferry Lake - Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service -
The water level is at 460.42 and falling
The crappie have just quit biting for some reason
you can catch 1 or 2 and that is about it
The bream are still on beds and will be each full
moon the rest of summer and will bit crickets and worms pretty
The hybrids and whites are slow at times and at
times you can catch all ya want and even the night fishing ahs
not been good for them we need some hot weather so the thermicline
will develpoe good if not the lake may turn over soon, and the
full moon is not helping at all
The bass fishing has been spotty at best you can
catch 1 here and 1 there the best bet is on drops with a texas
rigged worm and fish it real slow
A few walleye are being caught and 1 was a 7 lbs
you can catch a few under the hybrids but they are not ganged
up like they should be
Tommy Cauley
July 4, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture:
The water surface temperature currently ranges from 80º-91º,
depending of course, on location and time of day. Little River's
clarity is approx 6-10". Main lake's clarity, improved this
week, at approx 5-7" visibility. Upriver oxbows have very
good water clarity over the last week and varies from 3-6 feet
in places. Several River markers remain missing and/or out of
place on the main lake, and Little River.
As of Monday 7/10, lake level has risen a few inches from last
week, but still is approx 2.04 inches below normal pool, at 259.03.
Current in Little River slow, with 1 gate open 0.37 feet, the
release at the dam 156CFS as of Monday. The activity levels of
Bass are typical summer patterns with high feeding periods early
and late in the day. Numbers of bass in the 2-5 lb are class
being caught, with an occasional fish in the 7-9 lb class. Yearling
and juvenile Black Bass have been schooling over the past 2 weeks,
and are chasing shad and baitfish in the lily pads over the past
few days breaking topwater in a fast feeding frenzy.
The Details:
Largemouth Bass are in full time summer patterns, with the higher
feeding periods early and late in the day, and at night. Bass
remain good in grass, pads and vegetation, on War Eagle Spinnerbaits
in aurora, copper peach, or firecracker colors, Johnson silver
spoons on sunny days, and Johnson gold spoons on cloudy days;
either one and both, with white grub trailers. A white Moss Boss
with a spilt milk - split tail plastic trailer in the pads will
take chunky bass blowing up on shad. Be sure to use a braided
line or heavy gear to hoss them out! Bass are still fair to good
on Z-Nails and Salty Rat Tails in watermelon red or green pumpkin
Bass Assassin Shads and Charm Assassins in salt & pepper
silver phantom, crystal shad and silver ghost colors, wacky rigged,
are still taking chunky Millwood Bass. Buzz baits are working
early and then again late, in bubblegum/white or blue glimmer
colors. Over the past 2 weeks, between 9-11am, Black Bass have
been schooling, chasing and busting the surface, running the
shad and bait, in vegetation and lily pads. The Johnson spoons,
Moss Boss and soft plastic Bass Assassin Shads and Charms, rigged
weedless, are catching these fish.
Later in the day, once the sun gets up and more direct, Zoom
Horney Toads, Snag Proof (hollow) frogs (with rattles inside)
and Heddon Zara Mouses (the ones with built-in, internal rattles)
in white or leopard frog pattern colors, are taking keeper fish
in the backs of the pad fields where any hydrilla or grass intersect
pads, and are offering bass some shaded cover overhead.
Carolina rig bite continues to improve over the last couple weeks
along steep wash-outs/cut-outs in Little River. Areas that appear
to be working the best this week are between 2-4 mile marker
along Little River, on the northeast side of the river, and between
Horseshoe Lake and the White Cliffs area boat ramp. The carolina
rig is working very well, with lizards in green pumpkin or watermelon-red
colors or Bass Assassin Shads in salt & pepper silver phantom
colors. Southern Pro fatbutt tubes in camo or appleseed colors
are still catching fish on cypress trees and knees in 8-12 feet
depths and along Little River on points where stumps are present.
The jig bite: Three weeks ago, we switched from a Texas Craw
color (black / pumpkin / chart) to a white jig with a white plastic
chunk trailer, and are having better results than the previous
weeks with the Texas Craw color. We are "swimming"
the jig around grass, lily pads, and coontail over the last few
weeks. We are having much more success with this technique than
the standard pig & jig hopping approach, around wood.
Crappie this week are hitting shiners and minnows, in the lily
pads, in less than 9 feet depths of water.
Very large, Spotted or Longnose Gar remain shallow again this
week, presenting very good opportunities for bow fishermen to
take out some really large female Gar. We continue to note Gar
in excess of 10 pounds each, surfacing in water depths of less
than 3 feet, in Mud Lake, McGuire Lake and Horseshoe Lake oxbows
of Little River.
Channel Cat and Blue Cats were slow to fair again over the past
week, as not much current in Little River is carrying bait's
scent very far. Trot lines baited with stink bait, cut shad and
spoiled chicken livers were working sporadically. Shiners baited
on yo-yos under cypress trees in 8-9 feet depths were catching
a few Blues at night around Jack's Isle and also in Mud Lake.
White Bass remain trying to school with the Black Bass in the
mornings in the last few weeks in lily pads, along Little River.
If you can find these large schools of Whites chasing bait and
shad along the outside edges of the pads, they will hammer a
Rocket Shad in white and chartruese colors, as well as Rat-L-Traps
in chrome/black and chrome/green backs. This was the case this
week and last week, in front of Mud Lake, in Hurricane Creek,
the first entrance to Horseshoe, and in the first 200 yards of
Lick Creek.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity in upriver oxbows improved over the
past week, at approx 3-6 feet, depending on location. Little
River stain & clarity is approx 8 inches, depending on location.
Main lake is also improved this week to approx 6". As of
Monday, the lake level is approx 2 inches below the normal pool,
at 259.03 feet. Discharge at the dam as of Monday this week slow,
at 156CFS with 1 gate open at 0.37 feet. The water surface temperature
currently ranges from 80º- 91º, depending of course,
on location and time of day.
Several river marker buoys remain missing and/or out of place
on the main lake, and Little River. Use caution in low light
navigations, especially on Little River!
Wear that Life Jacket!! If you are thrown from your boat, it
could be your only chance of survival.
""""""Good Fishin'! <º)))><{""""""""""""
July 7, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew! -Fishy, Fishy, Fishy! That's the
forecast from the Dam Store brains trust. Mild weather and partly
cloudy days will give the fly fishers a little respite from the
blazing sun, and a great chance to get their rods bent. The July
4 crowds have eased a little and its tightlines time.
This morning's fishing reports were excellent.
The midge hatches were strong and don't be surprised if cinnamon
ant patterns are working.
Beaver Tailwater: Fishing should be great this weekend. A bunch
of trout were stocked Friday if your after something easy and
relaxed. There are some trickier fish up on the surface early
eating teeny, tiny midges. Soft Hackles swung on the current,
particularly in yellow or pheasant tail are a good bet. be paitients
and try not to work the fly too much.
Bryce's TDM, Zebra Midges, Hump-Bak Midges, Hot Wire Princes
and Rojo Midges have been working well once the surface activity
quietens. Long leaders and small indicators are essential.
Hot windy days are also bringing out ants and beetles into the
trees (and we should be seeing some early hoppers too). This
week there were squadrons of cinammon ants, floating downstream.
Most were in the 28s and 20s range but every so often a flight
commander or two, size 16, were visible. Schroeders Parachute
Ant is one of our favorites as is Lawson,s Foam Beetle. Fish
these downstream on long fine 6x or 7x leaders and on windy afternoons,
tight to the windward shore, where trout will be mopping up all
the food caught in the slack water.
Don't forget your woolly buggers, black 6 Flash-A-Buggers of
an evening, and olives and black during the day.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce
July 5, 2006 - Greers
Ferry Lake - Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service -
The water level is at 460.81 and falling
The walleye fishing has not been that good this
week they have seemed to have moved or quite biting with all
the boat traffic.
The bass can still be caught out on the ledges
in 20-45 feet deep
The hybrids are spotty find the shad
The catfishing is still good
The crappie have slowed down also
Bream are biting pretty good
Tommy Cauley
Fishing Guide
July 4, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture:
The water surface temperature currently ranges from 80º-88º,
depending of course, on location and time of day. Little River's
clarity is improved, at approx 7-9". Main lake's clarity,
likewise improved this week, at approx 6-7" visibility.
Upriver oxbows have very good water clarity over the last week
and varies from 5-6 feet in places. Several River markers remain
missing and/or out of place on the main lake, and Little River.
Upriver missing river buoy locations are between Pugh Slough
and Jack's Isle; Mud Lake and Hurricane Creek. Downriver missing
river buoy locations are between Yarborough point and Bee Lake;
Outlaw Trail and Paraloma Trail; #1 and #5 mile marker.
As of Monday 7/03, lake level is approx 4.3 inches below normal
pool, at 258.84. Current in Little River reduced from last week,
with release at the dam 155CFS as of Monday. The activity levels
of Bass are typical summer patterns with high feeding periods
early and late in the day. Numbers of bass in the 3-6 lb are
class being caught, with an occasional fish in the 6-7 lb class.
Black and White Bass were attempting to school and chase shad
in the lily pads over the past few days breaking topwater in
a fast feeding frenzy.
The Details:
Largemouth Bass are in full time summer patterns, with the higher
feeding periods early and late in the day, and at night. Bass
remain good in grass, pads and vegetation, on War Eagle Spinnerbaits
in spot remover, smokey mouse, or gold shiner colors, and fair
to good on Salty Rat Tails or Z-Nails in watermelon red or green
pumpkin colors. Bass Assassin Shads and Charm Assassins in salt
& pepper silver phantom, crystal shad and silver ghost colors,
wacky rigged, are taking chunky Millwood Bass. Buzz baits in
bubblegum & white are catching keeper Bass. Over the past
few days, between 9-11am, Black and White Bass were attempting
to school, chasing and busting the surface, running the shad
and bait, in vegetation and lily pads. The soft plastic Bass
Assassin Shads and Charms, rigged weedless, are catching these
fish. Small chrome, hammered spoons with white bucktails, are
also working, but get hung up in the lily pads more frequently.
Later in the day, once the sun gets up and more direct, Zoom
Horney Toads and Heddon Zara Mouses are taking keeper fish in
the backs of the pad fields where any hydrilla or grass intersect
pads, offering shade.
Carolina rig bite continues to improve over the last couple weeks
along steep wash-outs/cut-outs in Little River. Between Pugh
Slough and Jack's Isle, the carolina rig is working very well,
with several fish in the 3-5lb class being caught and released.
Lizards in green pumpkin or watermelon-red colors are working
well. Southern Pro fatbutt tubes in camo, appleseed, or butterscotch
colors are catching fish on cypress trees and knees in 8-12 feet
The jig bite: Two weeks ago, we switched from a Texas Craw color
(black/pumpkin/chart) to a white jig with a white plastic chunk
trailer, and are having better results than the previous weeks
with the Texas Craw color. We are casting this white jig, and
white split tail plastic chunk, and "swimming" the
jig around grass, lily pads, and coontail over the last two weeks.
We are having much more success "swimming" the jig
around grass, than slow hopping around wood.
Crappie are into their summer patterns, and are fair along Little
River approx 18-20 feet deep in planted tree tops and are best
on shiners.
Very large, Spotted or Longnose Gar are noted very shallow again
this week, presenting very good opportunities for bow fishermen
to take out some really large female Gar. We have noted Gar in
excess of 10-15 pounds each, in water depths of less than 3 feet,
in Mud Lake, McGuire Lake and Horseshoe Lake oxbows of Little
Channel Cat and Blue Cats were slow to fair over the past week,
as not much current in Little River is carrying bait's scent
very far. Trot lines baited with stink bait, cut shad and spoiled
chicken livers were working sporadically. Shiners baited on yo-yos
under cypress trees in 8-9 feet depths were catching a few Blues
at night around Jack's Isle.
White Bass were trying to school with the Black Bass in the mornings
in the last few days in lily pads, along Little River. If you
can find these large schools of Whites chasing bait and shad
along the outside edges of the pads, they will hammer a Rocket
Shad in white and chartruese colors, as well as Rat-L-Traps in
chrome/black and chrome/green backs.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity in upriver oxbows improved over the
past week, at approx 5-6 feet, depending on location. Little
River stain & clarity is approx 8 inches, depending on location.
Main lake is also improved this week to approx 6". As of
Monday, the lake level is approx 4 inches below the normal pool,
at 258.84 feet. Discharge at the dam as of Monday this week reduced,
at 155CFS with 1 gate open at 0.4 feet. The water surface temperature
currently ranges from 80º-88º, depending of course,
on location and time of day.
Several river marker buoys remain missing and/or out of place
on the main lake, and Little River. Upriver missing river buoy
locations are between Pugh Slough and Jack's Isle; Mud Lake and
Hurricane Creek. Downriver missing river buoy locations are between
Yarborough point and Bee Lake; Outlaw Trail and Paraloma Trail;
#1 and #5 mile marker. Use caution in low light navigations,
especially on Little River!
Fishin'! <º)))><{""""""""""""
June 30, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew! We'll the July 4 weekend is here
again, the weather forecast is great and the river is fishing
well. We are looking forward to seeing a whole bunch of old friends
ove the next week and meeting many new ones. Just stay safe amongst
the traffic, have a great time whether your here or anywhere
chasing fish and tight lines!!
Beaver Tailwater: Well for all the battles people had last weekend,
Monday showed that Beaver isn't "fished out", "too
hard" or a bad place to fish. Long leaders, 9' plus 3' of
flourocarbon 6x tippet, and the right drifting techniques will
score fish and lots of them. Steve had two clients on Monday
_ Bud could fish well and finished with 40-odd fish, his wife
Patty was a first timer and after going through Steve's intro
fly casting lesson finished up with around 10 _ and could have
had as many more.
Steve's Cooee soft hackles (now back in stock after we chained
him to the tying desk mid-week) tore up those usually tricky
early morning risers. When the sun hit the water the fish went
deep as usual and were keen to grab tungsten Hot Wire Prince
nymphs in red/blue or red/yellow. Those three patterns were enough
to account for 60-odd fish in about six person-hours of fishing
Its also worth adding some tan Hunchback scuds, in 16 and 14
to drift through the mid-to lower part of the trophy area, Brassies
(with or without bead) and Copper Johns in 14s, 16s and 18s are
also doing well.
Hot windy days are also bringing out ants and beetles into the
trees (and we should be seeing some early hoppers too). Schroeders
Parachute Ant is one of our favorites as is Lawson,s Foam Beetle.
Fish these downstream on long fine 6x or 7x leaders and on windy
afternoons, tight to the windward shore, where trout will be
mopping up all the food caught against the shore.
If you have ever had anything to do with an Arkansas tailwater
you know the following scenario. Beautiful day, feeding fish,
rig up your new/favorite rod, hand-tie the perfect leader without
clipping the leader rathe tthan the tag end, your newly tied/purchased
killer fly is hanging on the pointy end. You wader repair had
worked, the water feels good around your legs and your upper
body is enjoying the sun, you start to work out line for your
first cast _ and the horn sounds. A great day done _ maybe not.
Beaver power station is only running a couple of hours mid-to
late afternoon at present so its worth hanging around.
Since we are a helpful bunch of folks here at the Dam store here's
our list of things to do when they are generating on the tailwater
this summer:
Go swimming in Beaver Lake. The water temperatures are beautiful
Be nice to your wife/partner/significant other.
Rent a canoe or kayak and float the river, fish as much or as
little as you want to.
Test cast all the rods in the Beaver Dam Store. Steve won't mind
a bit.
Find a shady spot under a tree and mediate on new ways to fool
trout. Closing your eyes helps the process.
Reorganise your fly boxes. Your collection would look even nicer
and be more organised in our Big Cliff, Cliff's Bugger Barn or
C&F boxes.
Set up a small mobile fly tying kit to fill in time. You can
never have too many Zebra's, TDMs, or soft hackles and the materials
don't take up much space.
Go panfishing on the lake.
Panfishing is Dam good fun on a fly rod. Piddling around the
lake edges with a popper, hopper or even prospecting with a woolly
bugger is way more fun than driving home cursing at fate or SWPA.
Climb out of your waders, slip on your sandlas and enjoy the
feeling of warm water on your legs.
No fancy leader set-ups not need for delicate casts, just splat
that bug down on the surface and watch as its hammered. A lot
of times they will miss, but you will keep grinning. Adding a
Hares Ear or similar nondescript nymph on a dropper can be productive
as well. Light rods are the best, 4s, 3, or for some serious
fun try our "smile-making" 6' 2wt TFO Series One. Even
the price is fun at $89.95.
Now you don't need to throw 8wt sized poppers like Bubba here
at the left ate, but you can try Club Sandwhich or Charlie Boy
hoppers, Panfish Agitators, Dinks, and Micro Poppers. Buggers
are also a good bet, or mix it up with some crawdad patterns
for those hungry smallies.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce
June 27, 2006 - Greers Ferry - the
water level at greers ferry is 463.34 and falling at present
the walleye are fair in 28-32 feet of water on crawler harness
rigged on bottom bouncers
the whites and hybrids are hit or miss with the good fishing
at night underlights and earily morning and late evenings and
also some of the best is in the middle of the day if you can
sand the heat, after all the anglers goo in for the day and the
boat action gets quite then tehy have been schooling some in
the heat of the day, with your regular stand by baits working
the crappie have slowed some with the cooler nights but will
get more predictible as it heats back up and get suspended in
the brush piles and the standing pole timber
the bream are biting pretty good aropund docks and up shallow
earily and late in the day crickets seems to be the best
the catfishing is hot right now on the lake with allspecies biting
good on just about anything you want to use for bait from soap
on down to livers , with live bream being the best for flatheads
the bass are in their summer mode and have bit pretty well in
the cooler weather , they feel good also, but the best bet is
on the channel swings and points and drops with texas rigged
or c-rigged worms or lizards and the shakey hookers are taking
afew when they come up schooling
June 27, 2006 - Millwood Lake - Submitted
by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture:
The surface water temperatures range from 78º-92º,
depending of course, on location and time of day. Little River's
clarity is improved, at approx 5-6". Main lake's clarity,
likewise improved this week, at approx 5" visibility. Several
River markers remain missing and/or out of place on the main
lake, and Little River. As of Monday 6/26, lake level is approx
4 inches above normal pool, at 259.55. Current in Little River
reduced from last week, with release at the dam 390CFS as of
Monday. The activity levels of Bass are typical summer patterns
with high feeding periods early and late in the day. Numbers
of bass in the 3-6 lb are class being caught, with an occasional
fish in the 6-7 lb class. Over the past 3 weeks, the AG&FC
have released approx 147,000 Florida Strain Bass into Millwood
ranging in size from 2" to 4" fingerlings, and "bull
size" (3"-4") bass, to fully grown 3-6 pound adult
Florida strain brood stock; some with flourescent tags, into
Millwood. If you are fortunate enough to catch one of these tagged
fish with its own unique ID number, you will get a 1-year free
fishing license from the State of Arkansas!
The Details:
Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, over the past 3 weeks, have
released approx 147,000 fingerlings and adult brood stock, Florida
Strain Bass in Millwood, bringing the 2006 total Florida Strain
Bass additions number to approximately 147,008 from the AG&FC
hatchery. This brings the total number of Florida Bass stocked
into Millwood since their trophy management plan began, to just
under 2,000,000!! The adult Florida Strain Bass released 2 weeks
ago, were in the 6 pound class, and 3 of the 8 were tagged with
flourescent tags, each fish with its own unique ID number. Some
lucky fisherman who catches one of these tagged Bass, will earn
a 1-year fishing license from the State of Arkansas, FREE!!!
It seems that the Hulsey Hatchery folks did a fantastic job of
raising fish this year and they had bumper crops of Florida bass!
SW Arkansas District Biologists continue working hard to ensure
the future generations of hard fighting and behemoth bass for
Millwood. We all hope to continue to see success in the Florida
Bass chromosomal improvements to Millwood Lake's native Northern
Largemouth population in the F1 and F2 generations, as we have
over the past few years. Great stuff. Keep up the great work
AG&FC Hulsey Hatchery and Southwest District Offices fisheries
Largemouth Bass are in full time summer patterns,
with the higher feeding periods early and late in the day, and
at night. Bass remain good on War Eagle Spinnerbaits in gold
shiner, cole slaw, or firetiger colors (especially in the heavier
stained water clarity areas) and fair to good on Salty Rat Tails,
Z-Nails in watermelon red, black/blue flake or green pumpkin
colors. Bass Assassin Shads and Charm Assassins in salt &
pepper phantom/ chartruese or crystal shad and silver ghost colors,
wacky rigged, are taking chunky Millwood Bass. Buzz baits in
bubblegum/white are catching keeper Bass.
Later in the day, once the sun gets up and more direct, Zoom
Horney Toads and Heddon Zara Mouses are taking keeper fish in
the backs of the pad fields where any hydrilla or grass intersect
pads, offering shade.
Carolina rig bite is improving over the last couple weeks along
steep wash-outs/cut-outs in Little River. Between Pugh Slough
and Jack's Isle, the carolina rig is working very well, with
several fish in the 4-6lb class being caught and released in
the last few days. Lizards in green pumpkin or pumpkinseed/chart
colors are working well. Southern Pro fatbutt tubes in pumpkin
/ chartruese tail, or black neon colors remain catching fish
on cypress trees and stumps along the Little River.
Trick/twitch/Charm Assassins in crystal shad or silver ghost,
are working best around grass mats in 2-4 feet of water, up Little
River close to deeper water. Stay close to the river, but early
and late dont hesitate to throw a blue glimmer or black buzz
bait or a gold shiner War Eagle spinnerbait in the grass in shallow
sloughs immediately off the river, or on points tapering out
into 14 feet depths. The jig bite seems to have improved again
in the last 2 weeks. We switched over to throwing a white jig
with a white plastic chunk trailer, and are having better results
than the previous weeks with our standard black/blue or Texas
Craw color. We are casting this white jig, and white split tail
plastic chunk, and "swimming" the jig around grass,
lily pads, and coontail over the last two weeks. We are having
much more success "swimming" the jig around grass,
than slow hopping around wood. 10-12" Berkley Power worms,
in blue fleck or june bug colors are still working well around
stumps, especially on points, in vegetation and grass.
Crappie are also into their summer patterns and remain stacked
up in Little River approx 15-19 feet deep in planted tree tops
and are best on shiners. Jigs occasionally will buy a few bites,
but the shiners remain taking the better size fish.
Very large, Spotted or Longnose Gar are noted very shallow again
this week, presenting very good opportunities for bow fishermen
to take out some really large female Gar. We have noted Gar in
excess of 10-15 pounds each, in water depths of less than 3 feet,
in Mud Lake, McGuire Lake and Horseshoe Lake oxbows of Little
No report this week for Channel Cat or Blue Cats.
White Bass were trying to school with the cooler mornings in
the last few days in Horseshoe and McGuire Lake oxbows off Little
River, and were hammering Rocket Shads in white and chartruese
colors, as well as Rat-L-Traps in chrome/black and chrome/green
The water temperatures all across the various sections of the
lake currently range approx 78-92º.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity in upriver oxbows improved over the
past week, at approx 3 feet, depending on location. Little River
stain & clarity is approx 5-6 inches, depending on location.
Main lake is also improved this week to approx 5". As of
Monday, the lake level is approx 4 inches above the normal pool,
at 259.55 feet. Discharge at the dam as of Monday this week reduced
at 390CFS with 1 gate open at 1 foot. Some floating vegetation
and debris, grass mats, logs, etc. noted in the river over the
past week from recent rise. Use caution in low light navigations,
especially on Little River!
Water temps climbed a few degrees over the past week. The increase
of surface temps over the last 2 weeks, have put most all the
bass and crappie into their summer routine patterns, typical
for this time of year, with highest activity feeding periods,
early, late in the day or at night.
All the best,
""""""Good Fishin'! <º)))><{""""""""""""
June 23, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew!
This weekend should be a beauty, with temperatures
in the 80s and beautiful days. Great to get on the river and
float. You can rent canoes, kayaks and jon boats at Spider Creek
Resort <> . Give them a call
at 1 800 272 6034, particularly if you want an early start its
wise to book ahead.
Or you could relax and toss some little floater
for pan fish. We have had great reports from White Bass Cove
to the Dam. We have some hot patterns too.
Beaver Tailwater: Get out of bed or stay out late. That's the
best bet for tackling Beaver at the moment. And by early we mean
really early. Its light enough to fish from about 5.30am. The
mist will usually be thick enough to make dead drifting small
midge emergers or even small indicators somewhat of a pain, your
drifts get shortened up by the sheer lack of visibility. If there
has been any rain during the day it can be a real peasouper down
So our favorite tactic for the very early period is either soft
hackles swung across the current or woolly buggers stripped or
swung. And swung or stripped slowly _ often the best pace is
merely to hold your line tight
By the time the mist burns off and the sun hits the water the
fish are heading deep. Copper-ribbed zebra midges are very good,
as are Bryce's TDM, regular zebras and the Blue Poison Tung.
Y2Ks and Woolly Buggers can also produce some fish. But generally
the middle of the day is going to be hard work.
Hot windy days are also bringing out ants and beetles into the
trees (and we should be seeing some early hoppers too). Schroeders
Parachute Ant is one of our favorites as is Lawson,s Foam Beetle.
Fish these downstream on long fine 6x or 7x leaders and on windy
afternoons, tight to the windward shore, where trout will be
mopping up all the food caught against the shore.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce
Of all the queries we get "are they running water"
is probably the most common. Its usually followed by a second
question "well how do you find out?"
Well predicting water generation, at least in Arkansas is a black
art, best practised with tea leaves, crystals or chicken entrails.
All are about as accurate as the power authorities official generation
calendar and we don't suggest you use any of them. Funnily enough
if you lived in Tennessee and fished their waters their power
generation authority is required to and does publish accurate
generation start and finish times, at least a couple of days
in advance. Must be something in the water here!
Since we are all at the mercy of SWPA, we thought we would fill
you in on our methods for predicting water releases during the
year. Firstly Beaver is a little more predictable than say Norfolk
since the power station supplies peak power demand. That means
Beaver gets used in summer time on hot afternoons when people
crank the air conditioning up. In winter its in reverse, mornings
and evenings are the peak period when people are getting ready
for, or coming home from, work and the heaters go on. .
We also use the Corp of Engineers graphing page which tracks
generation levels and lake heights here <>
. Watching generation patterns, in conjunction with temperature,
over the past few days can giev you a pretty good idea of what
is going to happen in the coming days. Just remember Thursday
and Fridays often have a higher power demand.
The only truly accurate method of finding out if they are generating
or not is having a look at the river or you can also telephone
417 336 5083 for a recorded message on whether the water is on
or off at that current time. You will hear a message for Table
Rock first and Beaver second.
Currently we are getting afternoon generation, usually only a
couple of hours, and not much water either unless the temperatures
are very high, perfect for floating and fishing.
For your information we have links to the Corp graph pages for
other tailwaters below
Bull Shoals <>
Table Rock <>
Norfolk <>
June 21, 2006 - Beaver - Submitted by Jason Piper - JT Crappie Guide Service -
As of Tuesday, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reports the lake's
elevation at 1,113.61 feet MSL.
J.T. Crappie Guide Services said bream aren't biting
much. Crappie and whites are biting fairly well on minnows and
small shad at night under lights. Whites are also biting on Hot-N-Tots
around bluff lines 10 to 15 feet deep. Bass are in their summer
pattern and are biting fairly well during the day on finesse
worms and small baits. At night, bass are biting on big worms
and black spinnerbaits in brush piles 20 to 25 feet deep. Stripers
are in deep waters. Catfish are biting well on goldfish, live
baits, trotlines and jugs.
June 21, 2006 - Greers
Ferry Lake - Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service - the water
level at greers is 461.69 and falling
the whites and hybrid bass can be caught at night
as they are in their summer patterns now for sure and earily
and late in the day schooling some but you have to be around
alot of bait fish and if they move water durning the day they
can be caught also -on the new bandit in-line spinner and top
waters and spoons
the crappie are suspended in the pole timber and
also over deeper brush piles 15-25 feet deep
bream are biting well around docks and brush piles
15-25 feet deep also.
the catfishing is good all around the lake and
can be caught several different ways jugs trotlines and noodles
as well as rod and reel with any of your favorite baits
the bass are up shallow earily and late and on
the ledges the rest of the time in river bends and the sides
of points as well as being buried in deeper brushpiles when the
sun is high and can be caught with texas rigged worms in grasshopper
and red with gold flake worms and the crabapple is working well
also , along with c-rigged finesse worms some fish are being
reported being caught with dropshot worms and also with football
heads from 15 feet to 45 feet deep
Tommy Cauley
June 20, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture:
The surface water temperatures range from 80º-90º,
depending of course, on location and time of day. River's water
clarity diminished from recent rains, and is approx 4-5".
Main lake's clarity, likewise diminshed this week, at approx
3-5" visibility. Several River markers remain missing and/or
out of place on the main lake, and Little River. As of Tuesday
6/20, the lake level is approx 3.4 inches above normal level
and slowly falling. Current in Little River remains as last week,
with release at the dam 790CFS as of Tuesday. The activity levels
of Bass & Crappie are typical summer patterns with high feeding
periods early and late in the day. Numbers of bass in the 3-6
lb are class being caught, with an occasional fish in the 7-9
lb class. Over the past 2 weeks, the AG&FC have released
approx 147,000 Florida Bass into Millwood ranging in size from
2" to 4" fingerlings and "bull size" bass
to fully grown 3-6 pound adult Florida strain brood stock. Last
week another crop of adult Florida strain bass were released,
some with flourescent tags, into Millwood. If you are fortunate
enough to catch one of these tagged fish with its own unique
ID number, you will get a 1-year free fishing license from the
State of Arkansas!
The Details:
Arkansas Game and Fish Commission released 8 adult brood stock,
purebred Florida Bass in Millwood last Wednesday, and another
approx 147,000 fingerlings over the past 2 weeks bringing the
2006 total Florida Bass number to approximately 147,008 including
the brood adults from the AG&FC hatchery. This brings the
total number of Florida Bass stocked into Millwood since approximately
1988 or 1990, to just under 2,000,000!! The adult Florida strain
bass released last week were in the 6 pound class, and 3 of the
8 were tagged with flourescent tags, each fish with its own unique
ID number. Some lucky fisherman who catches one of these tagged
Bass, will earn a 1-year fishing license from the State of Arkansas,
It seems that the Hulsey Hatchery folks did a fantastic job of
raising fish this year and they had bumper crops of Florida bass!
SW Arkansas District Biologists continue working hard to ensure
the future generations of hard fighting and behemoth bass for
Millwood. We all hope to continue to see success in the Florida
Bass chromosomal improvements to Millwood Lake's native Northern
Largemouth population, as we have over the past few years. Great
stuff. Keep up the great work AG&FC Hulsey Hatchery and Southwestern
District Offices!
Largemouth Bass are in full swing summer patterns,
with the higher feeding periods early and late in the day. Bass
remain good on Ken Pops in chrome/purple back, Salty Rat Tails,
Senkos, & Z-Nails in watermelon red, black/blue flake or
green pumpkin colors. Bass Assassin Shads in crystal shad colors
and War Eagle Spinnerbaits in gold shiner, cole slaw, or firetiger
colors are taking chunky Millwood Bass. Bass Assassin twitch
worms and wacky rigs are still catching keeper Bass.
Later in the day, once the sun gets up and more direct, Zoom
Horney Toads and Heddon Zara Mouses are taking keeper fish in
the backs of the pad fields where any hydrilla or grass intersect
pads, offering shade. Zoom baby brush hogs in june bug or lizards
in cotton candy colors are working well. Southern Pro fatbutt
tubes in pumpkin / chartruese tail, or black neon colors are
catching fish on cypress. The Bass Assassin shads in Texas Red,
Tennessee Shad, or bubble gum colors, the trick worms in bait
fish blue/gray colors, continue working over the last few weeks,
around vegetation in creek channels.
Senkos or Trick worms in black/blue fleck, watermelon-red, purple
fleck and white ice, are working best around grass mats in 2-4
feet of water, up Little River close to deeper water. Stay close
to the river, but early and late dont hesitate to throw a buzz
bait or spinnerbait in the grass in shallow sloughs immedieately
off the river, or on points tapering out into 14 feet depths.
The jig bite seems to have improved in the last week, however,
we have switched over to throwing a white jig with a Zoom spilt
milk double curly tail trailer. We are throwing this white jig,
and swimming it around grass, lily pads, and coontail over the
last few days. We are having much more success swimming the jig
around grass, than slow hopping around wood. 10-12" Berkley
Power worms, in blue fleck or june bug colors are still working
well around stumps, especially on points, in vegetation and grass.
Crappie are also into their summer patterns and remain stacked
up in Little River approx 15-19 feet deep in planted tree tops
and are best on shiners. Jigs occasionally will buy a few bites,
but the shiners remain taking the better size fish.
Very large, Spotted or Longnose Gar are noted very shallow again
this week, presenting very good opportunities for bow fishermen
to take out some really large female Gar. We have noted Gar in
excess of 20 pounds each, in water depths of less than 3 feet,
in McGuire and Horseshoe Lake oxbows of Little River.
Channel and Blue Cats continue hitting cut shad, chicken livers
and Catfish Charlie on trot lines in 17-20 feet depth in Little
River current. At night, yo-yos are working around Jack's Isle
and in Mud Lake under cypress trees, baited with chicken livers
or Catfish Charlie and homemade blood bait, hung from tree limbs
in 7-11 foot depths.
The water temperatures all across the various sections of the
lake currently range approx 80-90º.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity in upriver oxbows diminished over
the past week's rain, at approx 1-3 feet, depending on location.
Little River stain & clarity is approx 4-5 inches, depending
on location. Main lake is also reduced this week to approx 3-5".
As of Tuesday, the lake level is approx 3.4 inches above the
normal pool, at 259.49 feet and slowly falling. Discharge at
the dam as of Tuesday this week remains at 790CFS with 2 gates
are open at 1 foot each. Some floating vegetation and debris,
grass mats, logs, etc. noted in the river over the past week
from recent rise. Use caution in low light navigations, especially
on Little River!
Water temps climbed a few degrees over the past week. The increase
of surface temps over the last 2 weeks, have put most all the
bass and crappie into their summer routine patterns, typical
for this time of year.
Wear that Life Jacket!! If you are thrown from your boat, it
could be your only chance of survival.
June 16, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew!
This weekend is shaping as a pretty decent fishing weekend, as
long as you don't mind a little rain. But the grey skies, cloud
cover should be fund to fish. If your really keen, work on floating
the river during generation and throw some big streams, you could
find this is a great way to hit a big brown.
We have has some conventional tackle reports of
browns being targetted this way in the past few weeks. Call in
and we can fill you in on the flies and gear to use.
Beaver Tailwater: Midday fishing remains tricky on the tailwater
with some very spooky fish. So get out of bed or stay out late
And by early we mean really early. Its light enough to fish from
about 5.30am. The mist will usually be thick enough to make deas
drifting small midge emergers or even small indicators somewhat
of a pain, your drifts get shortened up by the sheer lack of
visibility. So our favorite tactic for the very early period
is either soft hackles swung across the current or woolly buggers
stripped or swung. And swung or stripped slowly _ often the best
pace is merely to hold your line tight. Srteve went out to test
drive some new patterns on Wednesday and finished off with three
rainbows landed, two lost off five casts of his Green and Yellow
Cooee Soft Hackle.
By the time the mist burns off and the sun hits the water the
fish are heading deep. Copper-ribbed zebra midges are very good,
as are Bryce's TDM, regular zebras and the Blue Poison Tung.
Y2Ks and Woolly Buggers can also produce some fish. But generally
the middle of the day is going to be hard work.
Hot windy days are also bringing out ants and beetles into the
trees (and we should be seeing some early hoppers too). Schroeders
Parachute Ant is one of our favorites as is Lawson,s Foam Beetle.
Fish these downstream on long fine 6x or 7x leaders and on windy
afternoons, tight to the windward shore, where trout will be
mopping up all the food caught against the shore.
Summer fly fishing in the Ozarks means escaping the heat in the
soothing cool of the White River, lazy evenings and misty mornings.
Swinging soft hackles at dawn and big streamers, or a mouse on
warm evenings. Bass bugs on the lakes and crawdads in the streams.
And hopper, beetles and ants eveywhere.
Tossing terrestrials is one of our favorite activities during
the summer months. If your not familiar with the term terrestrials
are all those normally land based bugs which end up in the water.
The wider family can include leafhoppers, crickets, cicadas,
inchworms but the most common varieties around these parts are
ants, beetles and hoppers. Fish love them all and can provide
some of the best dry fly fishing of the year.
Warm windy afternoons are usually pretty good for this type of
fishing. Lots of bugs blown out of the trees, bushes and grass
along the banks. Look underneath and downstream of overhanging
trees (there are a couple of obvious ones in Beaver). Often the
most likely area to start looking for terrestrial feeders is
the windward bank. But taller trees, higher winds can have the
food landing further out from the bank. And don't forget the
lee shore. After a couple of hours of wind the breeze will have
pushed a nice supply of bugs over to the far bank, where you
will often find a trout or two slurping down the feast.
Usually generation kills off any thoughts of dry flies on Ozark
tailwaters, but not when bigger terrestrials are out. Tossing
hoppers or ants into decent sized eddies and back waters, can
be lethal at times. Risers are easier to see in the smooth flat
parts of the eddy but look hard at the seams where the eddy and
the main brush rub shoulders. Taneycomo, Bull Shoals and Beaver
have several of these types of locations, where risers seems
to almost feed at will.
Some of our favorite terrestrial patterns:
Hoppers: Club Sandwich, Dave's Hopper (from the Southern master
Dave Whitlock), Charlie Boy Hoppers.
Ants: Schroeder's Parachute Ant.
Beetles: Lawson's Foam Beetle, Renegade, Red Tag (ask Steve about
this easy tie Aussie standard), Hi-Vis Foam Beetle.
General Attractors: Stimulator (ok its a stonefly but it works);
Chernobyl Ant; Turks Tarantula.
Don't forget most of the foam patterns above can slay panfish,
smallmouth and even largemouth as well
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce
June 13, 2006 - Greers Ferry Lake - Submitted
by Fish Finders Fish Service - the water
level at greers ferry is at 462.05 and falling
most all the black basses are out on their summer ledges now
and will be their except durin g brief earily morning and late
evening feeding on top, and can be caught with top waters and
buzz baits earily and late and texas rigged worms and c-rigged
worms and lizards from 15 to 35 feet deep, some bass are schooling
durning the day on bends and the tops of the ledges at different
times of the day and on different parts of the lake
some hybrids and whits are schooling some and the rest of the
time can be caught out in the creek channels
the walleye are fair dragging bottom bouncers in
27 feet of water with a crawler harness
the crappie are suspended over 20 feet brush piles and also in
pole timber in 15- 20 feet of water over 60 feet
the bream are fair around docks and over brush plies any where
from 6 inches to 27 feet
the catfishing is good all around the lake on jugs and trot lines
baited with cut bait, bream and or prepared bait in depths from
15-17 feet deep and the flatheads are spawning now also
Tommy Cauley
June 12, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture:
The surface water temperatures range from 84º-92º,
depending of course, on location and time of day. River's water
clarity approx 6-8". Main lake's clarity approx 4-7"
visibility. Several River markers remain missing and/or out of
place on the main lake, and Little River. As of Mondday 6/12,
the lake level is approx 6.7 inches above normal level and slowly
Current in Little River is same as last week, and release at
the dam is 790CFS as of Monday. The activity levels of Bass &
Crappie are typical summer patterns with high feeding periods
early and late in the day. Numbers of bass in the 3-6 lb are
class being caught, with an occasional fish in the 7-9 lb class.
AG&FC released 125,000 Florida Bass into Millwood last week
and another approximately 22,000 this past week, bringing the
total to approximately 147,000 Florida Bass released into Millwood
this calendar year.
The Details:
Arkansas Game and Fish Commission released approx 125,000 purebred
Florida Bass in Millwood Wednesday before last, and another approx
22,000 this past week bringing the 2006 total Florida Bass number
to approximately 147,000 including some brood adults from the
AG&FC hatchery. This brings the total number of Florida Bass
stocked into Millwood since approximately 1988 or 1990, to just
under 2,000,000!!
AG&FC staged out of Yarborough and spread them out by boats
in several different directions, such that the bass could migrate
into various areas and regions, to relocate and hide in the many
vegetation species, for protection from predation.
The bass released just this week ranged in size from from 2"
to 4&1/2" ("Bull Size Bass") in length, as
well as brood stock adults from the hatchery in Hot Springs.
There is a possibility of even more Florida Bass for Millwood
this year. We certainly all hope so!
It seems that the Hulsey Hatchery folks did a fantastic job of
raising fish this year and they had bumper crops of Florida bass!
SW Arkansas District Biologists continue working hard to ensure
the future generations of hard fighting and behemoth bass for
Millwood. We all hope to continue to see success in the Florida
Bass chromosomal improvements to Millwood Lake's native Northern
Largemouth population, as we have over the past few years. Great
stuff. Keep up the great work AG&FC Southwestern District!
Largemouth Bass are in full swing summer patterns,
with the higher feeding periods early and late in the day. Bass
remain good on Buzz Baits in shad or blue glimmer colors, Ken
Pops in chrome/black or chrome/purple back, Salty Rat Tails &
Z-Nails in watermelon red, blue fleck or green pumpkin colors.
Bass Assassin Shads in baby bass or crystal shad colors and War
Eagle Spinnerbaits in spot remover or aurora colors are still
taking chunky Millwood Bass. Bass Assassin twitch worms and wacky
rigs are still catching keeper Bass.
Later in the day, once the sun gets up and more direct, Zoom
Horney Toads and Heddon Zara Mouses are taking keeper fish in
the backs of the pad fields where any hydrilla or grass intersect
pads, offering shade. Zoom baby brush hogs in june bug or lizards
in cotton candy colors are working well. Southern Pro fatbutt
tubes in appleseed or pumpkin / chartruese colors are catching
fish on cypress. The Bass Assassin shads in baby bass or translucent
huges and colors, the trick worms in bait fish blue/gray colors,
continue working over the last few weeks, around vegetation in
creek channels.
Crankbaits like the Fat Free Shads or Norman DLN, in brown/orange
craw or chrome/blue colors are taking keeper bass on stumps in
Little River, fished slow and deflecting on stumps.
Senkos or Trick worms in black/blue fleck, watermelon-red, purple
fleck or white ice, are working best around grass mats in 2-4
feet of water, up Little River close to deeper water. Stay close
to the river, but early and late dont hesitate to throw a buzz
bait or spinnerbait in the grass in shallow sloughs immedieately
off the river, or on points tapering out into 14 feet depths.
The jig bite continues improving also, in Texas Craw (pumpkin/black/chartruese).
We are using a Larew Hog Craw Trailer in green pumpkin over the
last few days. 10-12" Berkley Power worms, in blue fleck
or june bug colors are still working well in approx 8-14 feet
of water along stumps, especially on points, in vegetation and
Crappie are also into their summer patterns and stacked up in
Little River approx 14-17 feet deep in planted tree tops and
are best on shiners. Jigs occasionally will buy a few bites,
but the shiners are taking the better size fish.
Very large, Spotted or Longnose Gar and Carp remain noted very
shallow again this week, presenting very good opportunities for
bow fishermen to take out some really large female Carp or Gar.
We have noted both Gar and Carp in excess of 30 pounds each,
in water depths of less than 3 feet, in McGuire and Horseshoe
Lake oxbows of Little River.
Channel and Blue Cats continue hitting cut shad, chicken livers
and Catfish Charlie on trot lines in 17-20 feet depth in Little
River current. At night, yo-yos are working around Jack's Isle
and north along the river, baited with chicken livers or Catfish
Charlie and homemade blood bait, hung from cypress tree limbs
in 9-12 foot depths.
The water temperatures all across the various sections of the
lake have warmed this week. Currently surface temps are ranging
from approx 84-92º.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity in upriver oxbows good, and improved
at approx 3-5 feet, depending on location. Little River stain
& clarity is approx 6-8 inches, depending on location. Main
lake is improved again this week to approx 4-6". As of Tuesday,
the lake level is approx 6.7 inches above the normal pool, at
259.76 feet and slowly falling. Discharge at the dam as of Monday
this week at 790CFS with 2 gates are open at 1 foot each. Some
floating vegetation and debris, grass mats, logs, etc. noted
in the river over the past week from recent rise. Use caution
in low light navigations, especially on Little River!
Water temps climbed a few degrees over the past week. The increase
of surface temps over the last 2 weeks, have put most all the
bass and crappie into their summer routine patterns, typical
for this time of year.
All the best,
June 9, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew!
This weekend is free fishing weekend so we hope
everyone takes the opportunity to bring along a friend and introduce
them to the tailwater. Fish early or late, and maybe swim on
the lake, eat some food or just laze on a gravel bar during the
heat of the day.
Beaver Tailwater: Get out of bed or stay out late. That's the
best bet for tackling Beaver at the moment. And by early we mean
really early. Its light enough to fish from about 5.30am. The
mist will usually be thick enough to make deas drifting small
midge emergers or even small indicators somewhat of a pain, your
drifts get shortened up by the sheer lack of visibility.
So our favorite tactic for the very early period is either soft
hackles swung across the current or woolly buggers stripped or
swung. And swung or stripped slowly _ often the best pace is
merely to hold your line tight
By the time the mist burns off and the sun hits the water the
fish are heading deep. Copper-ribbed zebra midges are very good,
as are Bryce's TDM, regular zebras and the Blue Poison Tung.
Y2Ks and Woolly Buggers can also produce some fish. But generally
the middle of the day is going to be hard work.
Hot windy days are also bringing out ants and beetles into the
trees (and we should be seeing some early hoppers too). Schroeders
Parachute Ant is one of our favorites as is Lawson,s Foam Beetle.
Fish these downstream on long fine 6x or 7x leaders and on windy
afternoons, tight to the windward shore, where trout will be
mopping up all the food caught against the shore.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce
June 7, 2006 - Greers
Ferry Lake - Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service - the water
level at greers ferry is 462.37 and falling with generation and
evaporation normal pool is 461.03
the bass are still scattered from 6 inches to 25 feet and some
are roaming with the whites and hybrids , you can catch them
on a right bite buzzing frog in the bushes and top water baits
also and a c-rig out deeper with a lizard or a texas rig worm
in brush piles or on ledges
the crappie have been biting , suspended in the trees over 40-60
feet of water in about 15 feet and shallower if cloudy and scattered
and over brush piles in 21-25 feet of water
the catfish are going strong , all species are being caught good
on trotlines and jugs or noodles, 1 foot of leader on the trotlines
and 17-23 feet on the jugs or noodles
the bream are biting well also around boat docks and in and around
brush piles
the walleye have been slow
the whites and hybrids are schooling on cloudy days around choctaw
and point 1 and all in between find the bait and the fish will
be their sooner or later, if it is cloudy they will pretty much
do it all day if it is sunny then earily morning and late evening
are the best
Tommy Cauley
June 6, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture:
The surface water temperatures range from 82º-90º,
depending of course, on location and time of day. River's water
clarity improved approx 8-10". Main lake's clarity improved
this week to approx 6-7" visibility. Several River markers
remain missing and/or out of place on the main lake, and Little
River. As of Tuesday 6/06, the lake level is approx 7.3 inches
above normal level and slowly rising. Current in Little River
is increased from last week, and release at the dam is 790CFS
as of Tuesday. The activity levels of Bass & Crappie are
typical summer patterns with high feeding periods early and late
in the day. Numbers of bass in the 3-6 lb are class being caught,
with an occasional fish in the 7-9 lb class. AG&FC released
another 125,000 Florida Bass into Millwood this past week.
The Details:
Arkansas Game and Fish Commission released another 125,000 purebred
Florida Bass in Millwood last Wednesday. AG&FC staged out
of Yarborough and spread them out by boat in several different
directions, such that the bass could migrate into various areas
and regions, to relocate and hide in the many vegetation species,
for protection from predation. The bass were fingerling size,
and ranged in size from 1-1/2" to 2" in length. There
is a possibility of even more Florida Bass for Millwood this
year. We certainly all hope so!
There may be even more, possibly a few thousand more, Florida
bass fingerlings stocked this year, according to AG&FC. It
seems that the Hulsey Hatchery folks did a fantastic job of raising
fish this year and they had bumper crops of Florida bass! SW
Arkansas District Biologists and Ichthyologists (*sp) are working
hard to ensure the future generations of hard fighting and behemoth
bass for Millwood, and we all hope to continue to see success
in the Florida Bass chromosomal improvements to Millwood Lake's
native Northern Largemouth population, as we have over the past
few years. Great stuff. Keep up the great work AF&FC SW District!
Largemouth Bass are in full swing summer patterns,
with the higher feeding periods early and late in the day. These
Bass remain good on Heddon Spit'n Images in threadfin shad colors,
Baby Torpedos in leopard frog colors, Crazy Shads in chrome/black,
buzz baits in tenneessee shad or blue glimmer, Salty Rat Tails
& Z-Nails in watermelon red, blue fleck or green pumpkin
colors. Bass Assassin Shads in gizzard shad or alewife colors
and War Eagle Spinnerbaits in spot remover or mouse/chartreuse
colors are still taking nice chunky Millwood Bass. Bass Assassin
twitch worms and wacky rigs are still catching keeper Bass.
Zoom Horney Toads are taking keeper fish in the backs of the
pad fields where any hydrilla or grass intersect pads. Zoom lizards
and worms in june bug or cotton candy colors are working well.
Southern Pro fatbutt tubes in black/blue tail or appleseed colors
are catching fish on cypress. The continued improvment in water
clarity over the past week are requiring a more natural colors,
and the more translucents like cotton candy, watermelon-red,
or blues and green pumpkin colors appear to work better. The
Bass Assassin shads in shad or baby bass color patterns and trick
worms in bait fish colors, continue working better over the last
few weeks, around vegetation in creek channels.
Cordell Redfins in gold, Heddon Spitin' Images in threadfin shad,
and Baby Torpedos or Cordell Crazy Shads in frog or chrome/black
colors, are still taking fish. Crankbaits like the Fat Free Shads
or Norman DLN, in brown/orange craw colors are taking keeper
bass on stumps in Little River, fished slow and deflecting on
Senkos or Trick worms in black/blue fleck, watermelon-red, purple
fleck or white ice, and War Eagle spinnerbaits in aurora or copper
peach colors are working best around grass mats in 2-4 feet of
water, close to deeper water or Little River. Stay close to the
river, but early and late dont hesitate to throw a buzz bait
or spinnerbait in the grass in shallow sloughs immedieately off
the river, or on points tapering out into 14 feet depths. The
jig bite continues improving also, in Texas Craw, or black colors.
We are using a Larew Hog Craw Trailer or Uncle Josh #1, black
with blue fleck, no matter which jig color we are throwing. 10-12"
Berkley Power worms, in blue fleck, june bug and tequila sunrise
colors remain working well in approx 8-14 feet of water along
stumps, especially on points, in vegetation and grass.
Crappie are also into their summer patterns and stacked up in
Little River approx 15-19 feet deep in planted tree tops and
are best on shiners. Jigs occasionally will buy a few bites,
but the shiners are taking the better size fish.
Very large, Spotted or Longnose Gar and Carp remain noted very
shallow again this week, presenting very good opportunities for
bow fishermen to take out some really large female Carp or Gar.
We have noted both Gar and Carp in excess of 30 pounds each,
in water depths of less than 3 feet, in McGuire and Horseshoe
Lake oxbows of Little River.
Channel Cats continue hitting cut shad, chicken livers and Catfish
Charlie on trot lines in 12-18 feet depth in Little River current.
At night, yo-yos are working around Jack's Isle and north along
the river, baited with chicken livers or Catfish Charlie and
homemade blood bait, hung from cypress tree limbs in 9-12 foot
The water temperatures all across the various sections of the
lake have warmed this week. Currently surface temps are ranging
from approx 82-90º.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity in upriver oxbows good, and improved
at approx 4-6 feet, depending on location. Little River stain
& clarity is improved at approx 8-10 inches, again, depending
on location. Main lake is improved again this week to approx
6-7". As of Tuesday, the lake level is approx 7.3 inches
above the normal pool, at 259.81 feet and slowly rising. Discharge
at the dam is increased this week at 790CFS with 2 gates are
open at 1 foot each. Some floating vegetation and debris, grass
mats, logs, etc. noted in the river over the past week from recent
rise. Use caution in low light navigations, especially on Little
Water temps climbed a few degrees over the past week. Increases
of surface temps have been noted later in the day, depending
on area of the lake and wind and sun, and are averaging in the
upper 70 to mid 80º range. The increase of surface temps
over the last 2 weeks, have put most all the bass and crappie
into their summer routine patterns, typical for this time of
June 2, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew!
Another weekend is upon us and we have been fishing and playing
hard. The Eureka Springs Bluesfest is on and for blues lovers
this a great time to visit our area. Shake off the post party
headaches with some time on the water, floating fishing or funning
Beaver Tailwater: Early morning mist across the Tailwater is
punctuated by trout slurping some of the smallest midges of the
year. These little bugs are ridiculously small and the trout
are eating them both as adults and emergers. You can try some
teeny dries like Razor Midges, size 26-20 Cream Midges, or our
Adult Midge Light. This is probably some of the most challenging
fishing of the year.
Soft hackles can be a better bet, but don,t expect a fish on
every cast _ even though you will see more fish up on the surface
than at any other time. Cooee Soft Hackle, Red Ass, Patridge
and Yellow and Partridge and Orange are good bets. The hatch
even slows up the subsurface action until the mist burns off.
Bruce,s TDM in green, red and gray/silver are always
productive. Or you might try a bright Y2K Bug or a stripped woolly
bugger to try and distract one of the midge feeders
Daytime fishing is still productive during the
morning hours. Bryce,s TDM, Charlotte,s Redneck Midge, Razorback
Midge, Tungsten Rainbow Warriors, Lightning Bug,s and Craven,s
blue Poison Tung are all working very well. By lunchtime the
action slows a little.
Hot windy days are also bringing out ants and beetles into the
trees (and we should be seeing some early hoppers too). Schroeders
Parachute Ant is one of our favorites as is Lawson,s Foam Beetle.
Fish these downstream on long fine 6x or 7x leaders and on windy
afternoons, tight to the windward shore, where trout will be
mopping up all the food caught against the shore.
Bull Shoals Tailwater: We have just started running trips below
Bull Shoal Dam and we mean right below. The "flats"
above the first shoal is fishing superbly with some big big fish
in shallow gin clear water. This is some of the most challenging
fishing going, and Steve rates it as much fun as the tough wade
polaroiding of his native Tasmanian lakes and streams.
Try small black midge patterns, like black beauties and rojo
midges fished shallow on long fine leaders under small indicators.
Soft hackles, beadless woolies and Woven V-Rib sowbugs are also
working well. Don't be afraid to try dries too in this shallows
attractors like Stimulators, or smaller imitative midge emergers.
Further down on the shoal try sowbugs, worm brown San Juans,
zebra midges and other Arkansas standards are pulling some nice
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce
June 2, 2006 - Beaver - Submitted by Jason Piper - JT Crappie Guide Service -
Beaver Lake 1114.0' above sea level, still 6' low.
Black Bass: Conditions- Water level is stable, color green
and clearing : Fish moving deeper. Crank bait bite good.
Deep main lake points. Early and late top water bite some days.
Worm and jig fishing slow.
Crappie: Crappie bite tough. Most fish being caught along
drop-off in 6 to 15 feet of water. "Spider Riggers"
are having better luck in open water at the mouth of coves. Best
fishing within "brush piles". Many new brush piles
starting to produce. Big Hickory, Eden Bluff, Mouth of War Eagle
popular. Use your electronics. Many good reports from using Shinee
Night fishing under lights is picking up. Eden Bluff popular.
Water intake good also.
White Bass: Concentrations hard to find. Fish scattered.
Night fishing under lights with minnows producing large numbers.
Mouth of Piney Creek, Eden Bluff good spots to try.
Catfish: Jugs and trot lines producing. Best bait Bream
cut or live.
Bream: Moving shallower; some starting to spawn. Look
in the shallows in coves.
June 1, 2006 - Greers
Ferry Lake - Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service - the water
level at greers ferry is at 462.60 and the temp is right at 75
the catfish are biting real well as the blues are trying to spawn
and the flats heads are getting ready to on the moon in june,
you can catch them with cut bait, live or prepared bait on trotlines
with about a 1 foot leader and on jugs or noodles with a 17-23
feet leaderclose to or over deep water.
the walleye got more grouped up as of late with the hot bright
sun but have scattered again with the cooler cloud cover and
rain so you just have to drag bottom bounchers with crawlers
around or floating jigheads with crawlers and or crank baits
until you figure them out in 27-32 feet of water
the whites and hybrids are few and far between other than earily
and late in the day with artificals or the middle of the day
or at night with live bait
the bass are scattered all over they are trying to get in their
summer patterns but the cool fronts have kept some shallow and
all species call be caught on an assortment of baits all over
the lake from 6 inches to 25 feet of water on any of your favorite
crappie some are still shallow at this time and like the bass
are still scattered everywhere in 6 inches to 25 feet also
the bream are still spawing and are shallow and around docks
Tommy Cauley
May 28, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture: The water temps continue
to increase, and now range from 79º-88º,
depending of course, on location and time of day. The water
clarity has also improved. The activity levels of
Bass are typical summer patterns with high feeding periods early
and late in the day. Lake level near normal. The
main lake clarity improved this week to approx 4-6"
visibility. Several River markers remain missing and / or out
of place on the main lake, and Little River. As of
Monday 5/28, the lake level is approx 2 inches
above normal level and falling slowly. Current in Little
River is drastically reduced from last week, and release
at the dam is 244CFS as of Monday. Numbers of bass
in the 3-6 lb are class being caught, with an occasional
fish in the 7-9 lb class.
The Details:
Largemouth Bass are in full swing summer patterns,
with the higher feeding periods early and late in the day. These
Bass are good on buzz baits in tenneessee shad, blue
glimmer, white and chartruese colors, Salty Rat Tails & Z-Nails
in watermelon red, blue fleck or green pumpkin colors and
Bass Assassin Shads in gizzard shad or alewife
colors and War Eagle Spinnerbaits in spot remover,
aurora, or mouse/chartreuse colors. Bass Assassin
twitch worms and wacky rigs are still catching keeper Bass. Horney
Toads are taking keeper fish in the backs of the pad fields
with hydrilla. Zoom lizards in watermelon
red, june bug, or black neon colors are still working
well. Southern Pro fatbutt tubes are catching fish on cypress
trees in black neon or black/blue tail colors The improved
water clarity over the past few days are requiring
a more natural appearing colors in soft plastics and the
more translucents like cotton candy, watermelon-red, or
blue flash colors appear to work better in the
past week. The Bass Assassin shads in shad color patterns and
trick worms in bait fish colors, are working better
in the last few days, around vegetation on flats in close
proximity to deeper water or creek channels.
Cordell Redfins in gold, Heddon Spitin' Images in threadfin
shad, and Baby Torpedos in frog or chrome/black colors, are
still taking fish. Crankbaits like the Fat Free
Shads or Norman DLN, in brown/orange craw colors are taking keeper
bass on stumps in Little River, fished slow and deflecting on
Texas rigged Horney Toads are also still taking bass
on stumps along the river in same areas as the cranks. The
Senkos, Trick worms, and War Eagle spinnerbaits are working
best around grass mats in 2-4 feet of water, close
to deeper water or Little River. The jig bite is improving
also, in Texas Craw, black/blue or black colors. We
are using a Larew Hog Craw Trailer or Uncle Josh #1, black with
blue fleck, no matter which jig color we are throwing. 10-12"
Berkley Power worms, in blue fleck, june bug and tequila
sunrise colors are working in approx 6-10 feet of water
along vegetation and grass lines.
Crappie are also into their summer patterns and stacked
up in Little River approx 11-15 feet deep in planted tree
tops and are best on shiners.
Very large, Spotted or Longnose Gar and Carp remain noted
very shallow again this week, presenting very good
opportunities for bow fishermen to take out some really large
female Carp or Gar. We have noted both Gar and Carp in
excess of 30 pounds each, in water depths of less than 3 feet,
in McGuire and Horseshoe Lake oxbows of Little River.
Channel Cats are hitting cut shad on trot lines
in 14-16 feet depth in Little River current, and at
night, on yo-yos with chicken livers or catfish charlie, hung
from cypress tree limbs in 7-8 foot depths.
The water temperatures all across the various sections of the
lake have warmed this week. Currently surface
temps are ranging from approx 79-88º.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity in upriver oxbows good, and improved at
approx 4-6 feet, depending on location. Little River stain &
clarity is improved at approx 6-9 inches,
depending on location. Main lake is improved
again this week to approx 6". As of Monday, the lake
level is approx 2 inches above the normal
pool, at 259.38 feet and falling. Discharge at the
dam is decreased again this week at 244CFS. Some floating
vegetation and debris, grass mats, logs, etc. noted in
the river over the past week from recent rise. Use caution
in low light navigations, especially on Little River!
Water temps climbed a few degrees over the past week. Increases
of surface temps have been noted later in the day, depending
on area of the lake and wind and sun, and are averaging in the
mid 70 range. The increase of surface temps over the last
2 weeks, have put most all the bass and crappie into their summer
routine patterns, typical for this time of year.
All the best,
May 26, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew!
Woohooo, summer is here and in more ways than one. School,s out,
the Memorial Day weekend is upon us and the weather,s been superb.
Oh and the fishing,s been pretty Dam good too.
It should be a great weekend. If you haven,t been
able to decide what to do for the weekend, well its not too late
to get some accommodation. We were told late this week that there
is stull a range of accommodation in the area available from
cabins to motel rooms. You can call us for some information and
we,ll pass on the details If your planning on driving up to the
Tailwater or the Lake this weekend please drive safely, traffic
will be heavy and make sure to buckle up your seat belts.
Beaver Tailwater:
Early morning mist across the Tailwater is punctuated
by trout slurping some of the smallest midges of the year. These
little bugs are ridiculously small and the trout are eating them
both as adults and emergers. You can try some teeny dries like
Razor Midges, size 26-20 Cream Midges, or our Adult Midge Light.
This is probably some of the most challenging fishing of the
Soft hackles can be a better bet, but don,t expect
a fish on every cast _ even though you will see more fish up
on the surface than at any other time. Cooee Soft Hackle, Red
Ass, Patridge and Yellow and Partridge and Orange are good bets.
The hatch even slows up the subsurface action until the mist
burns off.
Bruce,s TDM in green, red and gray/silver are always
productive. Or you might try a bright Y2K Bug or a stripped woolly
bugger to try and distract one of the midge feeders
Daytime fishing is still productive during the
morning hours. Bryce,s TDM, Charlotte,s Redneck Midge, Razorback
Midge, Tungsten Rainbow Warriors, Lightning Bug,s and Craven,s
blue Poison Tung are all working.Hot windy days are also bringing
out ants and beetles into the trees (and we should be seeing
some early hoppers too). Schroeders Parachute Ant is one of our
favorites as is Lawson,s Foam Beetle. Fish these downstream on
long fine 6x or 7x leaders and on windy afternoons, tight to
the windward shore, where trout will be mopping up all the food
caught against the shore.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce.
May 23, 2006 - Millwood Lake - Submitted
by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture: The water temps have increased over
the last few days, and are now ranging from 73º-79º,
depending of course, on location and time of day. The water clarity
dramatically improved. The activity levels of Bass and Crappie
continue improving. Lake level has returned to near normal levels.
The main lake is still muddy from high wind. Several River markers
remain missing and / or out of place on the main lake, and Little
River. As of Monday 5/22, the lake level is approx 2 inches above
normal level and falling slowly. Current in Little River is drastically
reduced from last week, and release at the dam is 1,159CFS as
of Monday. A gate change reduction in discharge, at the dam is
expected by mid-week. Bass and Crappie have again improved activity
levels within the last week. Large Bass are beginning to feed
again with some regularity. Numbers of bass in the 3-6 lb class
being caught, with an occasional 7-9 lb class in last couple,
recent weeks. A 10.23 lb bass won a big bass tournament 2 weeks
ago on Millwood.
The Details:
Largemouth Bass, over the last 2 weeks are back
and feeding good, and the post spawn blues are pretty much gone.
These Bass are good on Senkos, Salty Rat Tails, Z-Nails and Bass
Assassin Shads in watermelon, baby bass, or purple fleck colors
and Zoom trick worms in white ice or bubble gum colors. Bass
Assassin twitch worms and wacky rigs are still catching keeper
Bass. The Horney Toads are taking a few keeper fish around new
pad growth. Zoom Magnum Lizards in big texan, watermelon red,
and camo colors are still working well. The heavier stained water
clarity over the past week are requiring a little more chartruese
color soft plastic and the pumpkinseed/chart tail, chartruese
pepper, or watermelon-red/chart tail are working in those areas
of off-color water. The Bass Assassin shads and trick worms are
working better in the last few days, around vegetation in close
proximity to deeper water or creek channels, during feeding periods,
especially if you find some of the more clear water in the back
of the oxbows.
There were numerous Bass weighed in between 4-6 pounds each,
in a tournament this past week, and the larger Bass are biting
again. The key, to the best bite, is slow on any swimming hard
bait or spinnerbaits. None of the Bass have wanted to chase anything
very far. When you think you have slowed the swimming baits enouth,
slow down again, and deflect off stumps. Cordell Redfins, Heddon
Spitin' Images, and Baby Torpedos in frog colors, and gold, are
taking some 15-18" bass when worked slow and left in the
strike zone for long periods with no movements. Crankbaits like
the Fat Free Shads or Norman DLN, in brown/orange craw colors
are taking keeper bass on stumps in Little River, fished slow
and deflecting on stumps.
Texas rigged Horney Toads are also still taking bass on stumps
along the river in same areas as the cranks. War Eagle Spinnerbaits
in spot remover or white/ chartruese colors, depending on water
clarity and area of the lake or Little River, are still taking
a few keepers around new grass 6-8 foot water. The Senkos and
Trick worms remain best deadsticking weightless, around grass
mats in 6-9 feet of water, close to deeper water. The jig bite
is improving also, in Texas Craw, black/blue or black colors.
We are using a Larew Hog Craw Trailer or Uncle Josh #1, black
with blue fleck, no matter which jig color we are throwing. 10"
Berkley Power worms, in black/blue or blue fleck, approx 8-12
feet of water around stumps, are working. Buzzbaits in white/bubble
gum or Tennessee shad colors are catching fish early and late
in the day of timber and stumps along Little River and its feeder
creeks dumping into Little River.
The water temperatures all across the various sections of the
lake have warmed this week. Currently surface temps are ranging
from lower 70ºs to upper 70ºs (approx 73-78º).
Crappie are beginning to stack up again in Little River approx
13-17 feet deep in planted tree tops and are best on white/pink
or white/chart mini-tubes and shiners.
Very large, Spotted or Longnose Gar and Carp remain noted very
shallow again this week, presenting very good opportunities for
bow fishermen to take out some really large female Carp or Gar.
We have noted both Gar and Carp in excess of 30 pounds each,
in water depths of less than 3 feet, in McGuire and Horseshoe
Lake oxbows of Little River.
Channel Cats are hitting cut shad on trot lines in 13-18 feet
depth in Little River current, and on yo-yos with chicken livers,
hung from cypress tree limbs in 9 foot depths.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity in upriver oxbows good, and improved
at approx 2-5 feet, depending on location. Little River stain
& clarity is improved at approx 5-8 inches, depending on
location. Main lake is muddy from high wind. As of Monday, the
lake level is approx 2 inches above the normal pool, at 259.34
feet and falling. Discharge at the dam is decreased this week
at 1,159CFS. Some floating vegetation and debris, grass mats,
logs, etc. noted in the river over the past week from recent
rise. Use caution in low light navigations, especially on Little
The upriver oxbows on Little River, have best water visibility,
estimated at approx 2-5 feet in places and further up Little
River, for the most part, better quality and clarity noted. Water
temps climbed a few degrees in early morning over the last few
days due to cold frontal passages and cool rain, currently ranging
between 73º-78º, most locations. Increases of surface
temps have been noted later in the day, depending on area of
the lake and wind and sun.
Wear that Life Jacket!! If you are thrown from your boat, it
could be your only chance of survival.
May 22, 2006 - Answer to Florida Bass question
- You might try some garlic sent found at most tackle
shops. It covers a lot of smells and bass seem to like
Bill Rose
Lincoln NE
May 19, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew!
Beaver Tailwater: Well we have a whole bunch more water back
in the river now. Wading is pretty limited downstream of Spider
Creek island. SWPA continues to run short bursts of afternoon/evening
generation as "trout water".
The good thing about this generation is you can generally slip
in some falling water fishing high on the tailwater. The air
temperature is cool, the river largely vacant and usually the
water fall stimulates a great midge hatch and some hard feeding,
from the boat ramp down through the top end of the trophy area.
Try Razor Midges, Parachute Adams, (our secret _Parachute Ants),
and other emerger patterns. Cooee Soft Hackles or standard soft
hackles like the Red Ass or the Olive Submarine soft hackle will
all work very well swung across the current.
Midges, nymphs and woolly buggers rule the rest of the day. Bryce's
TDM in silver, red and green have been hot _ it pays to carry
all colors in your box _ if one isn't working the others usually
will. Black and silver Zebras, Brown and Red Zebras have all
be working well, as have flashback pheasant tails, gold lightning
Bugs, Charlotte's Redneck and Razorback Midges.
Kings River: Steve floated the Kings River during the week at
a perfect water level for the drift boat with our mate and great
guide Ken Richards. Ken is recovering from his battle with cancer
and it was good to see him with his hands on the oars and a flyrod
as well. Crawdads were the order of the day, fished on sinking
lines, though we have had good reports on large fox squirrel
nymphs under an indicator.
One of our absolute pet hates on this river is monofilament draped
in trees, across rocks all, over the place. Bryce and Steve came
back _ after floating the river on Tuesday in the drift boat
_ with enough mono to knit some pretty decent scarves. Yep, we
know fly fisher's aren't the worst offenders, but even the small
pieces we discard contribute to the general mess. And we'd encourage
everyone to help police up the mess of others.
Another ugly sight is plastic fly cups _ which is why we send
flies out the door in the biodegradable and recycled boxes we
sell our flies in. You can also find plenty of lost indicators,
beer cans, plastic bags and all the other detritus of modern
living. If you carry a plastic shopping bag in your vest they
don't take up much room, will keep your vest clean and you can
help keep the river beautiful.
Now small clippings of mono or fluorocarbon (which doesn't degrade
like mono) tippet are pretty hard to keep track of. Stick them
in your vest pockets and they jam zippers, leap out and go about
their way. Then we stumbled across this little gadget. Bryce
swears by his.
The Line Tidy is small, light and a neat was to hold neatly those
unsightly bits of tippet, used leaders and what have you. You
just wind the line through the central groove, and its held there
by o-ring pressure until your ready to dump it out. At $6.50
its a pretty cheap way to help keep your river tidy.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce.
May 12, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew!
Beaver Tailwater: Woolly Bugger continue to work exceptionally
well. Try our "improved" white Crystal Bugger or olive
Crystal Buggers in 12s during high sun hours. Black woollies
were also extremely effective yesterday. BDS olive woollies,
copper brown Crystal Buggers, Spirit River Baby Buggers and Flash-A-Buggers
are all doing well. The secret seems to be short darting strips
with plenty of pauses in between to mimic the movement of the
abundant small sculpins. Fish these hard up and down the tailwater
The midge hatches remain thick and a reliable means of catching
trout. Bryce's TDM in red and green have been hot as usual, smaller
Pheasant Tails or Quasimodos, Charlotte's Redneck Midge and Razorback
Midges have all been doing very well. Cooee Soft Hackles and
Red Asses have also been pulling fish when they are taking emergers,
if you are outside the no bait zone run the wire bodies Cooee
ahead of a Red Ass or Dark Olive Soft Hackle. Razor Midges continue
to do well and WD40s or Biot Midges rigged below a teeny micro
indicator, are good fly choices. Parachute Adams and Cream Midges
are also worth a try for those feeding on top.
Beaver Lake: The lake level is up, and some areas are distinctly
colored calling for brighter fly colors than normal. Surface
action is still patchy but improving for striped bass and hybrids.
Look for bait congregations off rocky points at dawn and dusk.
Water temperature into the high 60s is a definite plus. The bait
is small 3"-4" so fish accordingly, particularly subsurface,
with sinking lines, Gummy Minnows, Whitlock's Shad, Pacific Fly
Shad, and Crease Flies.
Try for gar on our Wundergar flies, carp on crawdad and woolly
bugger patterns.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce
May 10, 2006 - Greers
Ferry Lake - Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service - the lake
level has now got to normal pool even .07 tenths over at 461.73
as of now
the water is on the rise and will probabily get to about 2 or
2 1/2 feet over pool by the time the rains are done this week
the black basses are scattered and are biting spinnerbaits the
right bite shakey hooker as well as floating worms and top waters
up around the bushesas the water gets settled some , some of
the fish will get back set up on the secondary and main lake
points as well as brush piles out in about 15-25 feet of water
and can be caught with c-rigged lizards and texas rigged
well their is also a few fish spawning.
the crappie have moved shallow also and the last
of them are finishing their spawn in the bushes.
the catfish bite has really picked up with alot
of flatheads and all other species showing up also and can be
caught on rod and reel in creek mouths as well as jugs and trotlines
the walleye have scattered some what with the rising water and
some have went to the bushes also but alsot are scattered right
now in 25-32 feet of water biting night crawlers on jig heads
and bottom bouncers and light c-riges.
the bream action is good up shallow on crawlers and crickets
and some better ones can be caught in about 27 feet of water.
the hybrids and white bass are just about anywhere you can find
the shad and are subject to come up schooling anywhere at anytime
, but the bite is better earily and late in the day.
Tommy Cauley
May 16, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service - The Overall Picture:
The water temps have cooled slightly over the last week with
several cold frontal passages, and are now ranging from 67º-77º,
depending of course on location and time of day. The water clarity
has greatly diminished due to recent high wind and more much
needed rain and influx of water from Tri-Lakes and Oklahoma.
The activity levels of Bass and Crappie are improving daily.
Rising lake level has much current in Little River with debris.
Exercise caution during low light navigation. The main lake is
still muddy from high wind. Several River markers remain missing
and / or out of place on the main lake, and Little River. As
of Tuesday 5/16, the lake level is approx 4 inches above normal
level and falling. Current in Little River is increased, and
release at the dam is 5,820CFS. Bass and Crappie have again improved
activity levels within the last week. Female Bass are beginning
to feed again with some regularity. A beautiful 10.2 pound bass
won a benefit tournament over the past weekend.
The Details:
Largemouth Bass activity levels have again improved
dramatically over the last 2 weeks. Nice, female Bass are venturing
back into more shallow water during early and late feeding periods
of the day, and feeding on shad and newly hatched fry. These
Bass are good on Senkos, Salty Rat Tails, and Bass Assassin Shads
in watermelon, baby bass, or purple fleck colors and Zoom trick
worms in white ice or bannana colors. Bass Assassin twitch worms
and wack rigs are taking keeper 16" Bass. The Bass Assassin
shads and Horney Toads are taking a few keeper fish around new
pad growth. Zoom Magnum Lizards in big texan, watermelon red,
cherryseed or blackberry are working. The heavier stained water
clarity over the past week are requiring a little more chartruese
color soft plastic and the pumpkinseed/chart tail, chartruese
pepper, or watermelon-red/chart tail are working in those areas
of off-color water. The Bass Assassin shads and trick worms are
working better in the last few days, around vegetation in close
proximity to deeper water or creek channels, during feeding periods,
especially if you find some of the more clear water in the back
of the oxbows.
Weightless Horney Toads are still drawing a few solid strikes,
but mainly still just big blow-ups in lily pads, not taking solid
hook-ups. Texas rigged Horney Toads are taking a few better size
fish on stumps along the river. War Eagle Spinnerbaits in spot
remover or white/ chartruese colors, depending on water clarity
and area of the lake or Little River, are still taking a few
keepers around new grass 7-10 foot water. The Senkos and Trick
worms remain best deadsticking weightless, around grass mats
in 8-10 feet of water, close to deeper water. The jig bite is
improving also, in Texas Craw, black/blue/purple, or black colors.
We are using a Larew Hog Craw Trailer or Uncle Josh #1, black
with blue fleck, no matter which jig color we are throwing. 10"
Berkley Power worms, in black/blue or blue fleck, approx 8-12
feet of water around stumps, are working.
The water temperatures all across the various sections of the
lake have slightly cooled this week with the passage of several
cold fronts, and are currently ranging from upper 60ºs to
mid 70ºs (approx 67-76º). The larger females are starting
to feed again with some regularity, and with the water temperatures
averaging in the mid-70s, the bite is good. There were several
large female Bass weighed in between 6 and 10 pounds each, in
a tournament this past week, and the larger Bass are biting again.
The key, to the best bite, is slow on any swimming hard bait
or spinnerbaits. None of the Bass have wanted to chase anything
very far. When you think you have slowed the swimming baits enouth,
slow down again, and deflect off stumps. Cordell Redfins, Smithwick
Rouges, Heddon Spitin' Images, Zara Spook Jr's, and Baby Torpedos
are still taking some 14-17" bass when worked slow and left
in the strike zone for long periods with no movements.
Crappie are beginning to stack up again in Little River approx
13-17 feet deep in planted tree tops and are best on white/pink
or white/chart mini-tubes and shiners.
Very large Spotted or Longnose gar remain noted very shallow
again this week, presenting very good opportunities for bow fishermen
to take out some really large female gar. We have noted Gar in
excess of 30 pounds each, in water depths of less than 3 feet,
in McGuire Lake oxbow of Little River.
Blue Cats are still biting fair on cut shad on trot lines in
17-20 feet depth in Little River's increased current, and on
yo-yos with blood bait, hung from cypress tree limbs in 7 foot
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity in upriver oxbows fair, but improved
at approx 2-4 feet, depending on location. Little River stain
& clarity is approx 2-4 inches, from recent one foot rise,
of course, depending on location. Main lake is muddy from high
wind. As of Tuesday, the lake level is approx 4 inches above
the normal pool, at 259.54 feet and falling. Discharge at the
dam is decreased this week at 5,820CFS. Some floating vegetation
and debris, grass mats, logs, etc. noted in the river over the
past week from recent rise. Use caution in low light navigations!
The upriver oxbows on Little River, have better water visibility,
estimated at approx 2-4 feet in places and further up Little
River, for the most part, better quality and clarity noted. Water
temps dropped a few degrees in early morning over the last few
days due to cold frontal passages and cool rain, currently ranging
between 67º-77º, most locations. We have noticed the
water temps remain much warmer, further up Little River and away
from current, than the main lake body. Differences of up to 3-4
degrees warmer water can be found up river, and back in the oxbows,
as compared to the main lake. Increases of surface temps have
been noted later in the day, depending on area of the lake and
wind and sun.
All the best,
May 9, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
The Overall Picture:
The water temps have remained fairly constant over the last week
and range from 68º-80º, depending of course on location,
water clarity diminished. The activity levels of Bass and Crappie
remain postspawn but have improved to good in the last 10 days.
River and Oxbow's stain increased again over the last week due
to rising lake level. The main lake is still muddy from high
wind. Several River markers remain missing and / or out of place
on the main lake, and Little River. As of Monday 5/8, the lake
level is approx 11-12 inches above normal level and beginning
to fall. Current in Little River is increased, and release at
the dam is 6,973CFS. Bass and Crappie have improved activity
levels over the last few days. Female Bass are beginning to feed
again with some regularity.
The Details:
Largemouth Bass activity levels have improved dramatically
over the last 2 weeks. Some nice, flat belly, postspawn female
Bass are venturing back out of deeper water and beginning to
feed again in the last week. These Bass are fair to good on Senkos
and Salty Rat Tails in watermellon, cotton candy or purple fleck
colors and Zoom trick worms in white ice or bannana colors, and
Bass Assassin twitch worms and wack rigs. Bass Assassin shads
and Horney Toads are taking a few keeper fish around new pad
growth. Lizards in cotton candy/chart tail, watermelon red, or
black/blue in the clearer water areas are working with some reliability.
Dirtier water clarity colors over the past few days are pumpkinseed/chart
tail, chartruese pepper, or watermelon-red/chart tail are working
again in the off-color water. The Bass Assassin shads and trick
worms are working better in the last few days, around vegetation
in close proximity to deeper water or creek channels, during
feeding periods.
Weightless Horney Toads are still drawing a few solid strikes,
but mainly still just big blow-ups in lily pads, not taking solid
hook-ups. Texas rigged Horney Toads are taking a few better size
fish on stumps along the river. War Eagle Spinnerbaits in aurora,
smoke mouse/chart, or spot remover colors, depending on water
clarity and area of the lake or Little River, are still taking
a few keepers around new grass 7-10 foot water. The Senkos and
Trick worms remain best deadsticking weightless, around grass
mats in 6-8 foot water, close to deep water. The jig bite is
improving also, in Texas Craw, black/blue/purple, or black colors.
We are using a Larew Hog Craw Trailer or Uncle Josh #1, black
with blue fleck, no matter which jig color we are throwing. Crankbait
bite is taking a few 14-18" bass, when fished slow in approx
7-10 feet of water around stumps. Key is slow on the crankbait
The water temperatures all across the various sections of the
lake have stabilized this week, and are currently ranging from
upper 60ºs to low 80ºs (approx 68-80º). With the
lake above normal level and falling, the shallow Bass are pulling
out, and working the soft plastic baits in grass close to deep
water is the best pattern we found this week, but the larger
females are beginning to pull back out of the deeper water with
the 3-6 foot water column temperatures averaging in the mid-70s.
The larger female postspawn fish, are still slow this week but
beginning to bite again. The key again, is slow on any swimming
hard bait, and none of the bass other than juveniles, wanted
to chase anything very far. Cordell Redfins and hard jerk baits
are still taking a few 13-16" bass.
Spotted or Longnose gar remain noted very shallow again this
week, presenting very good opportunities for bow fishermen to
take out some really large female gar.
Carp are also still up relatively shallow, thrashing and crashing
about in shallow flats where the Bass and Crappie were spawning
over the last 3-4 weeks. Another good opportunity for the bow
fishermen out there! We have noted extremely large Carp and Longnose
Gar in less than 2-3 feet of water up Little River and in the
Blue Cats are still biting fair on cut shad on trot lines in
10-17 feet depth in Little River and on yo-yos hung from cypress
tree limbs over 9 foot depth.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity in upriver oxbows fair and reduced
again, at approx 1-2 feet, depending on location. Little River
stain & clarity is approx 2-4 inches, again, depending on
location. Main lake is muddy from high wind. As of Monday, the
lake level is approx 12 inches above the normal pool, at 260.22
feet and falling. Discharge at the dam is increased this week
at 6,973CFS. Some floating vegetation and debris, grass mats,
logs, etc. noted in the river over the past week from recent
rise. Use caution in low light navigations!
The upriver oxbows on Little River, have better water visibility,
estimated at approx 2-3 feet in places and further up Little
River, for the most part, better quality and clarity noted. Water
temps dropped a few degrees in early morning over the last few
days due to cold frontal passages and cool rain, currently ranging
between 68º-78º, most locations. We have noticed the
water temps remain much warmer, further up Little River and away
from current, than the main lake body. Differences of up to 3-4
degrees warmer water can be found up river, and back in the oxbows,
as compared to the main lake. Increases of surface temps have
been noted later in the day, depending on area of the lake and
wind and sun.
May 4, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew!
We have been busier than a one-legged man at a butt kicking
contest. Trout fishing has been superb. The white bass are back
in the river and heading upstream above 62 bridge, and the lake
is starting to fire. Another DAM week when too much fly fishing
is barely enough. We have been tying flies to try to keep you
all stocked with the best patterns for the river, unpacking new
stuff into the fly shop, guiding, teaching and above all having
some fun.
The guide trips have been a blast. I think we have four absolute
new comers catch their first fish on fly rods in the past week.
We think they could be hooked themselves and reminded a couple
of others why they shouldn't just fly fish once a year. Think
of it as preventative medicine. You will be more relaxed, sleep
better, eat better, be nicer to your kids and wife _ so finish
the report, take a long weekend and enjoy it.
Beaver Tailwater: Woolly Bugger continue to work exceptionally
well. Try our "improved" white Crystal Bugger or olive
Crystal Buggers in 12s during high sun hours. But BDS olive woollies,
copper brown and black Crystal Buggers, Spirit River Baby Buggers
and Flash-A-Buggers are all doing well. The secret seems to be
short darting strips with plenty of pauses in between to mimic
the movement of the abundant small sculpins. Fish these hard
up and down the tailwater
The midge hatches remain thick and a reliable means of catching
trout. Bryce's TDM red and gray have been hot, smaller Pheasant
Tails or Quasimodos and Charlotte's Redneck Midge on sunny days
have all been doing very well. Cooee Soft Hackles and Red Asses
have also been pulling fish when they are taking emergers, if
you are outside the no bait zone run the wire bodies Cooee ahead
of a Red Ass or Dark Olive Soft Hackle. Razor Midge scontinue
to do well and WD40s or Biot Midges rigged below a teeny micro
indicator, are good fly choices. Parachute Adams and Cream Midges
are also worth a try for those feeding on top.
Runoff from the rain can muddy the tailwater but don't let it
slow you down. Think larger and brighter flies than normal. Fish
the mudlines, where the runoff enters the river. Fish will be
holding in these areas looking for food carried in by the runoff.
San Juan worms can be very effective in these conditions. Egg
patterns or Y2KL bugs can be good or larger woolies. Two fly
rigs, outside the Trophy are, definately the way to go. Think
about a heavier, brighter attractor as the top fly and perhaps
a more natural pattern on the point.
And let the fun begin _ we have them back in the river and now
Beaver Lake is set to fire. One of our favorite coves at this
end of the lake was on fire Wednesday with smallish white and
hybrids demolishing schools of shad. Fair dunkum, it look like
boat wakes as the voracious little beggars chomped their way
through hapless schools of baitfish.
A few bigger swirls out over the deeper water may also have been
stripers. The action was hot enough for use to pin 15-20 fish
in half an hour, and rue the extra hour we spent in bed. But
as funny as tyhis season has been so far we went back 12 hours
later for one smallie and one small male white. If there is one
secret to getting the best fishing this season it is to spend
time on the water. But on the up side we think the action is
about to take off this weekend and through the next couple of
weeks, particularly with with rain fall pushing water into the
lake. So here is our guide to finding White Bass or Hydrids on
this end of Beaver Lake.
Get up early or late. If you like to sleep late on weekends buy
an alarm clock or stick to trout. The most consistent flyrod
action come in the "grey light" period before the sun
climbs over the horizon. And its usually done when the sun hits
the water. Its the same at the other end of the day. Cloudy days
can prolong the action, but not always.
White Bass Cove is well known, and has plenty of shore access,
though make sure you buy a pass to park in the Corp's day access
areas. But there are other places to access the shoreline. Indian
Creek Arm also hold good quantities of White Bass and the waters
east of the Dam are also good. A boat, anything from a canoe
to a bass boat or even pontoon boat can give you many more options.
Just be careful about chasing schools of surface feeding fish
on your outboards. Driving up to a feeding schools is a great
way to send the school down and ruin your fishing. Use your trolling
motor or even paddle when appropriate to a position upwind of
the school and drift down to maximise your chances of hitting
fish. Often it can be a more productive tactic not to chase fish
but hold in a likely spot and wait for the action to start.
Standard tackle can be anything from a 9' 6wt to an 8wt for most
whites and hybrids. Shorebased fly fishers might want to consider
using an 8wt, Steve's gone back up this season, to allow longer
casts with bigger wind resistant flies for his shorefishing.
Along the banks watch your backcasts. Beaver's steep banks and
jagged rocks claim plenty of flies. If you clip a rock too make
sure to check your hook point. A stripping basket (its easy to
make one from a plastic tub and a webbing belt) can be a decided
advantage on the rocks along the edge which appear to have been
designed to swallow flyline, dumping your best cast just past
the rod tip. We are generally using 6' of 3x or 4x Rio Flouroflex
Plus joined by a loop to loop connection to a stiff butt section.
We also like loop knots on most of our baitfish patterns, or
for a stronger knot the Eugene Bend. Reels don't need to be fancy
until you get a big hybrid or striper. We generally fish a floating
line, though an intermediate or sinking line on a second rod
(when the action is hot it is no time to be changing lines).
If your into fly fishing for smallmouth, or just want a great
fly fishing event to attend come along to the 5th annual Smallmouth
Rendezvous and Fly Tying Extravaganza in Tahlequah, Oklahoma
next Friday and Saturday _ May 5 and 6. The Dam Store will be
having a booth and we will be bringing along some of our favorite
smallmouth and warmwater rods, including the amazing TFO TiCR
X 7'6 8wt, the very sweet Sage VT2 691-4 _ In Sage code that
means a 9' 6wt, 4-piece with a fighting butt. A hot rod for hard
pulling fish from the Buffalo to the Gulf.
Steve will be one of a bunch of tiers demonstrating fly tying
techniques and patterns. Steve will definitely be tying his bass
baitfish pattern "The Dame" (you have to see his nightwalker
go in the dark version) plus his Cooee soft hackles and some
other Dam Store favorites.
If you are into fishing emergers you might ask him to tie some
of his foam emergers, either as a midge or your favorite mayfly.
These flies were featured in the latest issue of Australia and
New Zealand's finest fly fishing magazine Flylife. The photography
was stunning.
Steve's also scheduled to give a presentation on Arkansas fly
fishing, at 2:15pm, Saturday, from the perspective of a well-traveled
outsider who has fished everywhere from Australia to Alaska and
a whole bunch out West.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce
May 3, 2006 - Beaver
- Submitted by Jason
Piper - JT Crappie Guide Service - As of Tuesday, the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reports the lake's elevation at
1,109.81 feet MSL.
J.T. Crappie Guide Services said the water is flowing
heavily and is stained. Bream are biting well in 4 to 10 feet
of water on red worms and crickets. Crappie have slowed, but
are still shallow and biting fair on tube jigs trolled around
the edges of the channels. White bass and hybrids have moved
into the river arms and should begin schooling soon.
May 2, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
Overall Picture:
The water temps dropped slightly and range from 69º-78º,
water clarity diminished. The activity levels of Bass and Crappie
remain postspawn, and fair in 1-2 hour feeding periods. River
and Oxbow's stain increased over the last week due to rising
level. The main lake is still muddy from high wind. Several River
markers remain missing and / or out of place on the main lake,
and Little River. As of Monday 5/1, the lake level is approx
11-12 inches above normal level and rising. Current in Little
River is being maintained, and release at the dam is 1,556CFS.
Bass and Crappie are postspawn on most of Millwood. Female Bass
have moved out of the flats during the day and recouperating.
Bass activity levels dropped over the last week due to these
postspawn movements. Very few big bass caught in the last 2 weeks,
as compared to just a few weeks ago, when large numbers of 6-10
pounders were being caught with some regularity.
Folks, it is postspawn, and the Largemouth Bass
and Crappie have the blues. Some male Bass were still noted around
bedding areas and flats over the last week, but most have already
finished up the spawning process and the females are recovering
in slightly deeper water. This condition have the Bass activity
levels have remained about the same over the last couple weeks.
Baby fry of numerous species, are being seen in the previous
bedding areas on Millwood. Largemouths have moved over the last
week to 10 days, and the agressive bite reduced except for a
few males. We are still catching a few decent bass still shallow,
but most remain fat males as last week. These Bass are slow to
fair, good only for a short feeding benge, then fair or slow
again, on Senkos, Zoom trick worms in white ice, and Bass Assassin
twitch worms or wack rigs. Bass Assassins and Horney Toads are
taking a few keeper males. Lizards and baby brush hogs in cotton
candy/chart tail, watermelon red, blue flash, or cherryseed in
the clearer water colored areas seem to work only for short periods
of feeding. Dingier water colors over the past few days are pumpkinseed/chart
tail, chartruese pepper, or camo seem to work better in the stained
colored water. The Bass Assassin shads and trick worms are working
here and there, around vegetation growth in close proximity to
deeper water during feeding periods not lasting more than 45
minutes to an hour then off again and on again. Seems like the
feeding mechanism comes and goes throughout the day for various
time increments. Horney Toads are drawing a few solid strikes,
but mainly still just big blow-ups in lily pads, not taking solid
hook-ups. Depending on water clarity and area of the lake or
Little River, the War Eagle Spinnerbaits in aurora, smoke mouse/chart,
or spot remover colors are still taking a few keepers off cypress
trees and knees with grass growing around them in 6-9 foot water.
The Senkos and Trick worms remain best deadsticking weightless,
around grass mats in 6-8 foot water, close to deep water. The
key seems to be no pre-determined or pre-set particular pattern,
just quick feeding benges for 45 minutes or so, then slow again.
The trick remains in the right place when they turn on for quick
The water temperatures all across the various sections of the
lake dropped this week with a couple cold fronts passing through
and some cooler rain, and are currently ranging from upper 60ºs
to upper 70ºs (approx 68-78º). With the lake above
normal level and rising, the juvenile and some male Bass are
working bait in shallow grass, but the larger females have returned
to deeper drop-offs. The larger female fish, are still slow this
week. The Rat-L-Traps and crankbait bite greatly diminished,
very few in the last week wanted to chase anything very far at
all. Redfins and hard jerk baits are still taking a few fat males
up to 3 lbs each, on points and on edges of flats with deeper
creeks nearby. Crankbaits are taking a few fish on points in
the river, but s-l-o-w is the ticket, and when you think its
slow enough, slow down again. Medium to deeper running cranks,
deflecting of stumps is the best bite, on points from feeder
creeks to drops in Little River with stumps and some vegetation.
Longnose gar remain noted very shallow again this week, and pairing
up trying spawning activities. Good opportunities for bow fishermen
to take out some really large female gar exist now.
Carp are also trying to spawn up shallow, and making huge thrashing
and crashing explosions in shallow flats where the Bass and Crappie
were spawning over the last 2-3 weeks. Another good opportunity
for the bow fishermen out there! We have noted extremely large
Carp and Longnose Gar in less than 2-3 feet of very clear water
up Little River and in the oxbows.
Blue Cats are still biting fair on cut shad or prepared blood
bait, on trot lines in 13-17 feet depth in Little River
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity in upriver oxbows fair, but reduced,
at approx 2 feet. Little River stain & clarity is approx
2-4 inches depending on location. Main lake is muddy from high
wind. As of Monday, the lake level is approx 11.75 inches above
the normal pool, at 260.18 feet and rising. Discharge at the
dam is reduced this week at 1,556CFS. Some floating vegetation
and debris, grass mats, logs, etc. noted in the river over the
past week from recent rise.
The upriver oxbows on Little River, have better water visibility,
estimated at approx 2-3 feet in places and further up Little
River, for the most part, better quality and clarity noted. Water
temps dropped a few degrees in early morning over the last few
days due to cold frontal passages and cool rain, currently ranging
between 68º-78º, most locations. We have noticed the
water temps remain much warmer, further up Little River and away
from current, than the main lake body. Differences of up to 3-4
degrees warmer water can be found up river, and back in the oxbows,
as compared to the main lake. Increases of surface temps have
been noted later in the day, depending on area of the lake and
wind and sun.
Wear that Life Jacket!! If you are thrown from your boat, it
could be your only chance of survival.
April 27, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew!
G'day y'all from the Beaver Dam Store crew!
Anyone know what that funny wet stuff was falling from the sky
this week? Someone called it rayne?
Well, it had been a long time since we got such a decent downpour
here at the store. Bryce nearly was washed away monday as a torrent
threatened to come through the door. According to his description
we could have gone swimming in the parking lot. We are suprised
he didn't get his flyrod out.
Well it certainly hasn't affected the fishing. Steve did a trip
on Wednesday with a Texan first timer who while picking up the
fishing side quickly struggled with keep small hooks in trout
_ and he still stuck a bunch of fish including getting busted
off by a very nice trout on a San Juan. So don't let wet weather
slow you down.
Beaver Tailwater: Woolly Bugger continue to work exceptionally
well. Try our "improved" white Crystal Bugger or olive
Crystal Buggers in 12s during high sun hours. But BDS olive woollies,
copper brown and black Crystal Buggers, Spirit River Baby Buggers
and Flash-A-Buggers are all doing well. The secret seems to be
short darting strips with plenty of pauses in between to mimic
the movement of the abundant small sculpins. Fish these hard
up and down the tailwater.
The midge hatches remain thick and a reliable means of catching
trout. Bryce's TDM in gray, smaller Pheasant Tails or Quasimodos
and Charlotte's Redneck Midge on sunny days have all been doing
very well. Cooee Soft Hackles and Red Asses have also been pulling
fish when they are taking emergers. If you are outside the no
bait zone run the wire bodied Cooee ahead of a Red Ass or Dark
Olive Soft Hackle. Razor Midges continue to do well and WD40s
or Biot Midges rigged below a teeny micro indicator, are good
fly choices. Parachute Adams and Cream Midges are also worth
a try for those feeding on top. We have also heard of one regular
visitor who nailed a 17" brown on a size 16 mayfly fished
tight to the banks in the past week. There have been some larger
mayflies around on warm days, possibly hatching off tributary
streams and dancing over the tailwater proper.
Run off from tributaries has also clouded middle and lower sections
of the tailwater _ smile it brings in some much needed food and
nutrients. Try running brightly colored San Juans (white is goood)
and other attractors through the edge of murky and clear water.
We also found some goodly sized white bass back high in the tailwater
after the midweek rain. This might be what is need to kick start
the run again.
Beaver Lake: White bass fishing has been patchy with limited
surface activity. But you can still pick up one, two or three
an evening or morning. Our best flies have been Crease Flies,
in silver or black back, Gummy Minnows, Burks Hot Flash Minnow
and this week the Pacific Fly Group sinking Shad. We are still
trying to work out what chomped the tail off one on Wednesday
night. It felt big.
Arkansas Game and Fish sent out an interesting email this week
seeking help on monitoring temperatures in our tailwaters, and
particularly any temperature related mortality during this period
of low flows and warmer weather. Certainly the Beaver temperature
is up on normal downstream. We have been wet wading some days
at Spider Creek, something only for the certifiable in normal
years, and the warm water is getting higher and higher upstream
in recent weeks.
AGFC Trout supremo Darrel Bowman indicated that Southwest Power
Authority would be continuing to limit generation, indeed not
run any power through May and June on its tailwaters. While this
means low water wading conditions for fly fishers but the potential
for dangerously warm water for the trout. High 70's water temperatures
were recorded at Wildcat Shoals this week. Only generation can
cool the waters.
"We have also been informed that SWPA will not run any
extra water for trout fisheries, but so far they have run some
extra water at the request of Corps of Engineers (COE) on two
occasions when COE asked for "fish-water to cool the tailwaters.
We appreciate COE requesting water for trout. COE is requiring
a minimum pulse of flow for trout water, but we know that the
amount is too small and usually timed wrong, and therefore will
not cool much of the tailwaters for very far downstream,'' Darrel's
email read.
"We need to document any trout mortality and high temperatures.
We will also be reporting this information to Arkansas Dept.
Environmental Quality (ADEQ) to help them document the problem.
Their "Regulation 2" is the State water law, and it
designates "trout waters" in the state and that they
must be maintained under certain temperatures. So you might want
to report high water temperatures directly to ADEQ as they actually
have the regulatory authority on the matter, not AGFC.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce.
April 24, 2006 - Greers
Ferry Lake - Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service -
the water level at greers ferry is 455.62 feet and rising
at this time
The white bass fishing has slowed some what if you can find the
shad the whites will be close by and can be caught on jigging
spoons and grubs.
the hybrids have been feeding when they generate and earily mornings
and late afternoons and are schooling and some big fish are being
caught on top waters baits and jigging spoons
some of the black bass are post spawn and some are pre-spawn
and the post spawners are back feeding again and even some are
schooling and can be caught with top waters and jigging spoons
as well as rite bite cinkos and lizards in 20-25 feet of water
on points secondary and main lake , jig head worms and c-rig
cinkos and lizards are catching the late spawners in 0 to 10
feet of water and spinnerbaits are picking some up also as well
as dead sticked texas rigged cinkos , green pumkin works well
in low light and watermelon candy is working when the sun is
the walleye are still not grouped up yet and are scattered and
can be caught dragging night crawlers on 1/16 and 1/8th ounce
jigheads on flats in 25-32 feet of water
the crappie are spawned out for the most part and are suspended
in the pole timber and over brushpiles in 15 feet of water over
50-60 feet
the bream action is good on crickets and crawlers in 5- 10 feet
of water.
all the catfish species are on the move and can be caught with
any of your favorite baits
Tommy Cauley
April 24, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service -
Overall Picture:
The water temps range from 72º-79º, and clarity continues
improving and activity levels of Bass and Crappie are [postspawn]
fair. River and Oxbows have again improved stain from the last
few weeks, but the main lake is muddy from recent high wind.
Several River markers are missing and out of place on the main
lake, from between 2 and 6 mile and also Paraloma Trail up Little
River. As of Monday 4/24, the lake level is approx 4 to 5 inches
above normal level and falling. Current in Little River is increased
and release at the dam is 2358CFS. Bass and Crappie beds are
for the most part, abandoned and the spawn is wrapping up on
most of Millwood. Female Bass have moved back out to the first
or second drop in depth and are recouperating. Bass activity
levels dropped over the last week due to their postspawn activity.
Largemouth Bass and Crappie are postspawn on most
of Millwood. Some Bass were still noted around bedding areas
late last week, but most have already finished up the spawning
process. This condition have the Bass activity levels dropped
as they begin to recover from spawning. Baby fry of various species,
are being seen in the previous bedding areas on Millwood. Largemouths
have moved this week, and the bite much dimished. We have been
able to catch a few decent bass still shallow, but most are fat
males. These Bass are slow to fair, good only for a short feeding
benge, then fair or slow again, on Senkos in watermelon red colors,
Zoom trick worms in white ice, Bass Assassins and Horney Toads.
Lizards in cotton candy, black saphire, or blackberry in the
clearer water colored areas; pumpkin- seed w/chart tail in the
stained colored water. The Bass Assassin shads are working anywhere
there is new vegetation growth in close proximity to deeper water.
Horney Toads are drawing a few solid strikes, but mostly just
big explosions, around the new lily pads. War Eagle Spinnerbaits
in aurora or firecracker colors are taking keepers off cypress
trees and knees with grass growing around them. Senkos and Trick
worms are best deadsticking weightless around grass mats close
to deep water. The key seems to be no pre-determined or pre-set
particular pattern, just quick feeding benges for 30-45 minutes
then slow again. The trick is being in the right place when they
turn on for quick intervals.
Most of the larger female Largemouths that were on a feeding
frenzy for the last 3-4 weeks, have been hard to come by this
past week, and we believe the Bass and Crappie spawn is all but
done. Temperatures all across the various sections of the lake
continued rising this week, and are currently ranging from low
70ºs to upper 70ºs. With the lake slighly above normal
level and falling, the Bass postspawn in most areas of Millwood,
they have returned to deeper drop-offs. Texas rigged Brush Hogs
and lizards are still working, but slow for big fish, and females
are far and few between for the last week. The Rat-L-Traps bite
greatly diminished and all but disappeared, very few in the last
week wanted to chase anything very far at all. Redfins and hard
jerk baits are still taking a few fat males up to 3 lbs each,
on points. Crankbaits are taking a few fish on points in the
river, but s-l-o-w is the ticket, and when you think its slow
enough, slow down again. Medium to deeper running cranks, deflecting
of stumps is the best bite, on points from feeder creeks to drops
in Little River with stumps and some vegetation.
Longnose gar have been noted very shallow and pairing up trying
to begin spawning activities.
Good opportunities for bow fishermen to take out some really
large female gar exist now.
Carp are trying to spawn up shallow, and making huge thrashing
and crashing explosions in shallow flats where the Bass and Crappie
were spawning over the last 2-3 weeks. Another good opportunity
for the bow fishermen out there! We have noted extremely large
Carp and Longnose Gar in less than 2-3 feet of very clear water
up Little River and in the oxbows.
Blue Cats are still biting fair on cut shad or prepared blood
bait, on trot lines in 13-17 feet depth in Little River
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity in upriver oxbows fair to good, at
3-5 feet. Little River stain & clarity is approx 5-8 inches
depending on location. Main lake is muddy from recent high wind.
As of Monday, the lake level is approx 4-5 inches above the normal
pool, at 259.67 feet and falling. Discharge at the dam is increaced
this week at 2,358CFS. Most of the floating vegetation and debris,
grass mats, logs, etc. are reduced in the river over the past
2 weeks.
The upriver oxbows on Little River, still have much better water
visibility, estimated at approx 3-6 feet in places. Water temps
are again improved and ranging between 72º-80º, most
locations. We have noticed the water temps remain much warmer,
further up Little River and away from current, than the main
lake body. Differences of up to 4-5 degrees warmer water can
be found up river, and back in the oxbows, as compared to the
main lake. Increases of surface temps have been noted later in
the day, depending on area of the lake and wind and sun.
Use EXTREME caution navigating Little River in low light conditions,
and SLOW DOWN! Careful watch for floaters and debris in Little
River's current, and wearing your PFD is a requirement!!
Don't forget, be safe, and respect the other guy's
right to use the lake too. Release those big bass to spawn and
fight again, and take home those little 16"ers to fry up!
Use caution in low light conditions, wear your Life Preserver
and SUNSCREEN! If you are suddenly thrown from your boat, or
knocked unconscious, your life preserver can potentially be your
only hope to survive.
April 21, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew!
Beaver Tailwater: The fishing is gooooooooood! Find the fish
and you can have a blast. Mornings are generally best though
the evening stuff has been pretty good. Try long downstream drifts,
long leader on your midges for a lot of fun. Vryce's TDM in gray
has been superb, but we have also been doing very well on blue
colored midge patterns, like Poison Tungs and Blackberry nymphs.
So good we are out of them. We have also had good report on other
flashy patterns like Lighning Bugs, Rainbow Warriors and Charlotte's
Redneck Midge.
Generally things will slow a little mid-afternoon. Time to switch
to woolly buggers or sculpin patterns, or mini leeches. Olive
Crystal Buggers have been strong on sunny days, as have white
patterns and the copper/brown. Also worth adding to your flybox
are Spirit River Baby Buggers (now available in black) Umpqua
Mini Leeches, and stay tuned for Steve's new Aussie inspired
Muz fly. A client recently did so well on a prototype that it
stayed on the leader on the way home.
Beaver Lake: Now is the time to start working the lake hard for
whites, hybrids and stripers on fly. We have had reports of stripers
being found at fly rod depths in Hickory Creek and hybrids and
whites in Indian Creek. White bass Cove, abov e the store has
been patchy. A weeks ago there were whites and some pretty good
hybrids busting on top, but that has slowed over the past few
days since we had some cooler nights. Warmer temperatures may
bring that action back. Try Gummy Minnows, Hot Flash Minnows
and Shitlock's Shad patterns subsurface. On top Crease flies
and Clouser Floating Minnows have score plenty of hits. The whites
have been a bit picky late in the week, but there are also some
very nice largemouth and smallies working the banks.
Summer is coming and increasing numbers of fly and other fishers
are hitting the water. Most of us want a little solitude and/or
peace and quiet when we fish so crowds can prompt a bit of a
frown. Don't let a few people around spoil your day, we can offer
you some tips to find peaceful summer fishing and handling the
Don't fish gentleman's hours: If you're fishing between 9am and
2pm on weekends you're in prime traffic periods. Fish early or
late when most of the vacationers are in bed or travelling. Midweek
is the prime time to fish. As we discussed last week night fishing
can be a great way to achieve the solitude your craving and possibly
tie into a fish of a lifetime.
Use your head and your feet: Most of us are basically lazy, wanting
to catch fish as close to the access point as possible. If the
truth be known about 95% of the fishing effort on this river,
comes between the Dam and the Canebreak Bluff. With the low water
and limited generation this opens up way way way more river to
wade and fish in solitude. Bring a friend and fish from Bertrand
to the 62 Bridge, stage a car at either end and its an easy trip.
So don't be complaining about crowds if your fishing at the boat
ramp below the Dam. There's plenty of fish in the quieter stretches
of the river.
Fishing AFTER generation has finished on a hot summer's day,
is not only a great way to find uncrowded water but the cooler
air from generation curbs the heat and there are some great midge
hatches in the top section of the river. IUts one of the few
times it's really worth fly fishing immediately below the Dam.
Don't crowd other fly fishers. Find yourself some space rather
than moving in shoulder to shoulder. Imagine how you would feel
in the other fisher's place. If you find yourself being crowded,
and started to frown there is an easy answer. Move, find some
more fish, forget the rude ones and you will have a better day!
Finally if you have discovered the honey hole of the day, don't
stay on it for hours. Catch some fish, have fun then leave it
for another fly fisher to enjoy. You might just make their day,
their week or even their year. If you hand it over directly to
another offer a suggestion on what you have been using, and share
a little. You never know when you might be having a tough day
and would appreciate the gesture of someone else. And your karma
will be better!
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce
April 19, 2006 - Beaver
- Submitted by Jason
Piper - JT Crappie Guide Service - As of Tuesday, the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reports the lake's elevation at
1,107.69 feet MSL.
J.T. Crappie Guide Services said the main lake
is clear and the upriver arms are stained. The lake is still
very low. Bream fishing is improving on red worms and crickets,
but the hot bite is still a few weeks away. Crappie are biting
very well in the shallows on minnows, Road Runners and Shiny
Heinie jigs in the upriver arms. Largemouth bass are biting well
on shallow-running, square-billed crankbaits and green pumpkin
soft-plastics. White bass, hybrids and stripers are picking up
in the far northern end of the White River around Twin Bridges.
Jigs and Road Runners are working well, as are live crayfish.
April 19, 2006 - Greers
Ferry Lake - Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service - the water
level at greers ferry is 451.51 and has benn falling as some
what after a little rise eariler in the week.
the white bass and hybrids are a hit and miss deal if you can
catch them generating and they have been schooling some eariler
and late in the day up the rivers their are still a few whites
spawning up the rivers and piled up in places because they can
only get so for up with the water being low as it is and as they
move back out in the main lake with the shad the action should
get more consistant.
walleye are being picked up on the flats but are not really grouped
up yet and are also being caught around most of the docks on
minnows and night crawlers as well as pumpkin colored plastics.
in about 25 to 32 feet of water.
the crappie are scattered out with some still spawning in the
pole timber in 2 or 3 feet of water suspended over 50 and the
rest are spawned and suspended in 15-20 feet over 50 feet of
the catfishing is picking up with alot of blues being reported
as well as some flat heads , you can catch them on livers and
night crawlers as minnows and cut shad , the flat heads on bream
some of the bass tried to spawn on the full moon but the cold
nights preceding it have turned them back to deeper water and
some are not ready yet and will spawn on the next months moon
but we have new fish showing up in the shallows all the time
now trying to spawn , most of the spawners are pretty skitish
and have been beat on pretty bad and the new cruisers are pretty
skitish also largemouth, kentuckys and smallmouth acn be caught
with rattle traps, spinnerbaits , rite bite shakey hookers ,
top water frogs and baby spooks , c-rigged rite bite cinkos as
well as texas rigged jighead worms, in depths ranging from 6
inches to 25 feet for the post spawners
we find em you catch em!!!!!! <>
Tommy Cauley
Fishing Guide Fish Finder Service
April 17, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service - Overall Picture:
The water temps range from 70º-80º, and clarity continues
improving and activity levels of Bass and Crappie are good. River
and Oxbows have again improved stain from the last few weeks,
main lake has begun clearing from recent high wind. As of Monday
4/17, The lake level is approx 5 inches above normal level. Bass
and Crappie beds are being seen all over Millwood Lake. Bass
have been noted and caught in very shallow bedding areas due
to the improved spring water temperature and clarity conditions.
Bass activity levels improved again this week. Current in Little
River is again reduced. Gate discharge is 776CFS as of Monday.
Debris in Little River has been noted as reduced from last two
Largemouth Bass and Crappie are spawning at various
locations all over Millwood. Some Bass and Crappie have already
finished up the spawning process. The warmer weather and increasing
water temps have the Bass activity levels again on the rise.
Largemouths are feeding and moving, and the bite much improved.
Bass are good on buzz baits in bubble gum or black colors, pumpkinseed
Rat-L-Traps, and Lizards in cotton candy in the clearer areas
of water clarity; and scupernong or chartreuse-pumpkin in the
stained colored water. Bass Assassin shads are working anywhere
there is vegetation in close proximity to deeper water. Horney
Toads are drawing solid strikes around the new lily pads. War
Eagle Spinnerbaits in spot remover or white/chart colors are
taking keepers off stumps. Cordell Red Fins and Smithwick Rouges
in green perch or gold, continue working in shallow flats on
warmer days around stumps and any new vegetation such as the
dollar pad stems and blooms.
Many female Largemouths are have been noted on beds in the past
2 weeks, and we still do not believe the Bass or Crappie spawn
is completely done yet. Temperatures all across the various sections
of the lake continued improving this week, and are currently
ranging from 70º to low 80ºs. With the lake at slightly
above normal level and stabilized, the bass and crappie activity
levels have returned to a more normal pattern. Texas rigged Brush
Hogs and lizards in candy bug, blackberry or camo are still working
well. Southern Pro Fattbutt tubes are still taking keepers on
trees and stumps, close to deep drop-offs. Best working colors
are bubblegum or bright red tubes for fish on the beds, pumpkinseed
or appleseed for post- spawn bass. The 3/4 oz size Rat-L-Traps
worked very slowly in drop-offs close to the river or in deeper
creek channel swings, in spring bream, or pumpkin-orange colors
continue working well for post-spawned bass hungry for a quick
Blue Cats are biting well on cut shad and prepared chicken livers
or blood bait, on trot lines in 17-22 feet depth in Little River
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity in upriver oxbows improved, at 5-6
feet. Little River' stain improved this week due to reduced discharge
at the gates. Little River clarity is approx 8-12 inches depending
on location. Clarity on the main lake is heavier stained from
recent high wind, but improving. As of Monday, the lake level
is approx 5 inches above the normal pool, at 259.59 feet. Discharge
at the dam is reduced again this week at 776CFS. Most of the
floating vegetation and debris, grass mats, logs, etc. are reduced
in the river over the past 2 weeks.
The upriver oxbows on Little River, still have much better water
visibility, estimated at approx 3-6 feet in places. Water temps
rebounded this past week, and have improved to ranging between
69º-80º, most locations. We have noticed the water
temps remain much warmer, further up Little River and away from
current, than the main lake body. Differences of up to 8+ degrees
warmer water can be found up river, and back in the oxbows, as
compared to the main lake. Increases of surface temps have been
noted later in the day, depending on area of the lake and wind
and sun.
All the best,
April 14, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew!
Ok there is still time to get organised. If you haven't scheduled
in at least one day over Easter on the water _ well get cracking.
The fishing has been so good its almost outrageous. Trout in
Beaver and the other Ozark tailwaters, white bass, and walleye
on the tailwater. We are starting to get some reports of hybrids
and stripers being fly rod accessible on the lake.
Smallmouth streams like the Kings now have plenty of flow and
should be about to fire as well. Its almost too hard to decide
where to go. Hey just do it _ and don't forget to stop by the
store on your way and then let us know how you did.
We have been spending plenty of hours out after dark in the past
few weeks. Night fishing the tailwaters is an experience and
a great way to tie into those bigger trout you often see in the
daytime but can nnever seem to hook
As you probably saw last week, Steve managed a very nice 27"
brown this way _ even if he wasn't really fishing for trout so
we are telling him it hardly counts, though we would take it
ourselves. But Steve also took a couple of Texas clients out
on the tailwater last Saturday night after a very productsive
afternoon trip stripping buggers.
Mike Wyatt had been hot all afternoon, including a nice 14"
brown. But in the evening session his good mate Huntley Paton
was red hot working over the trout in the catch and release area.
Both Mike and Huntley were pretty stoked when Huntley caught
this nice 17" brown amid a bunch of others.
The trick to night fishing is to fish a section of river you
know well, so you are fishing the most productive parts, and
avoiding hazards. be well-equipped, a good headlamp is essential
and never fish alone. We had so much fun last weekend that night
trips onto the tailwater this summer are going to become part
of our regular guide schedule.
You have probably seen this guy's face a couple of time before.
Andy Nichols has won three of our One Fly events, and sent us
an email of a pretty handy bass he caught on a secret location
a couple of hours south. Yeh he won't even tell us! Can't say
we blame him. Here's the story of this great fish, on a 4wt to
boot, in Andy's own words
guys, Andy Nichols here. Thought I'd send you a pic of something
I like to do when I've caught so many white bass and 2 pound
crappie it's silly. This fish was taken on Monday the
10th in the "Van Buren" area (it's Top Secret). Anyway,
the fish was just a shade over 7 pounds at least that's
what my digital rapala fish scale read. Anyway, sight cast to
this fish with a 4-weight rod and 3x tippet with a #6 white/yellow
clouser minnow. After about 40 minutes and seemed like
500 casts he ( I say he because the fish was in a group of others
chasing and biting and "his" tail was chewed
up pretty good) finally took. Imagine the size of the females
that must be in this body of water. may your rod be bent and
may you see miles of backing, Andy Nichols
P.S. Yes, the fish was released.
Beaver Tailwater: Woolly Bugger continue to work exceptionally
well. Try our "improved" white Crystal Bugger or olive
Brystal Buggers in 12s during high sun hours. But BDS olive woollies,
copper brown and black Crystal Buggers, Spirit River Baby Buggers
and Flash-A-Buggers are all doing well. The secret seems to be
short darting strips with plenty of pauses in between to mimic
the movement of the abundant small sculpins. Fish these hard
up and down the tailwater
The midge hatches remain thick and a reliable means of catching
trout. Bryce's TDM in gray, smaller Pheasant Tails or Quasimodos
and Charlotte's Redneck Midge on sunny days have all been doing
very well. Cooee Soft Hackles and Red Asses have also been pulling
fish when they are taking emergers, if you are outside the no
bait zone run the wire bodies Cooee ahead of a Red Ass or Dark
Olive Soft Hackle. Razor Midge scontinue to do well and WD40s
or Biot Midges rigged below a teeny micro indicator, are good
fly choices. Parachute Adams and Cream Midges are also worth
a try for those feeding on top.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce
April 11, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service - Overall Picture:
The water temp continues to improve and activity levels of Bass
and Crappie are very good. River and Oxbows have again improved
stain from the last few weeks, main lake has begun clearing from
recent high wind. As of Tuesday 4/11, The lake level is apprx
at normal level. Bass and Crappie beds are being seen at many
locations on Millwood. Bass have been noted and caught in very
shallow bedding areas due to the improved temperature and clarity
conditions. Crappie are again moving shallow. Current in Little
River is reduced. Gate discharge is 1,156CFS as of Tuesday. EXTREME
caution urged in all navigations on the main lake and Little
River due to debris in Little River.
Largemouth Bass and Crappie are again moving shallow,
with some female Bass having already sat on her bed. Spawning
is in process. The warmer weather and increasing water temps
have the Bass activity levels again on the rise. Largemouths
are on the move again, and the bite much improved. Bass remain
good on pumkinseed/white buzz baits, pumpkinseed/orange Rat-L-Traps,
Lizards in blue flash, blue smoke or black-grape in the clearer
areas of water clarity. Trick or twitch worms in methiolate around
stumps on west end of the pipeline still working. War Eagle Spinnerbaits
in spot remover color with hologram blades are drawing solid
bass. Cordell Red Fins and Smithwick Rouges in clown or green
perch continue working in shallow flats on warmer days around
stumps and any new vegetation such as the dollar pad stems and
Many female Largemouths are resuming bedding activity this week,
and we still do not believe the Bass or Crappie spawn is completely
done yet. Temperatures all across the various sections of the
lake continued improving this week, and are currently ranging
from lower 60ºs into mid and upper 70ºs. With the lake
at near normal level and stabilized, the bass and crappie activity
levels have returned to a more normal pattern. Texas rigged Brush
Hogs and lizards in blue flash, smoke blue, candy bug, or camo
in clearer oxbows are working. Southern Pro Fattbutt tubes are
still taking keepers on trees and stumps, close to deep drop-offs.
The Rat-L-Traps in spring bream, crappie or pumpkin-orange colors
are working well on points.
No report for the White Bass.
Blue Cats are biting well on cottonseed mill cakes and cut shad
on trot lines in 14-20 feet depth in Little River
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity in upriver oxbows improved, at 5-6
feet. Little River' stain improved this week due to reduced discharge
at the gates. Little River clarity is approx 6-8 inches depending
on location. Clarity on the main lake is heavier stained from
recent high wind, increased gate release flow. As of Tuesday,
the lake level is approx one-half inch above the normal pool,
at 259.25 feet. Discharge at the dam is reduced this week at
1,156CFS with 3 gates open at 1 foot each. Due to rapid rise
and fall of lake and river levels, lots of floaters, trees, debris,
grass mats, floating vegetation and logs are in Little River's
Use extreme caution in navigations on the main lake &
Little River channel !
The upriver oxbows on Little River, still have
much better water visibility, estimated at approx 3-6 feet in
places. Water temps rebounded this past week, and have improved
to ranging between 62º-79º, most locations. We have
noticed the water temps remain much warmer, further up Little
River and away from current, than the main lake body. Differences
of up to 8+ degrees warmer water can be found up river, and back
in the oxbows, as compared to the main lake. Increases of surface
temps have been noted later in the day, depending on area of
the lake and wind and sun.
April 7, 2006 - Beaver - G'day y'all
from the Beaver
Dam Store crew! - G'day y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew!
Beaver Tailwater: Woolly Bugger continue to pick off plenty of
decent trout up and down the tailwater. As mentioned Steve's
brown took our "improved" white crystal bugger. But
BDS olive woollies, crystal buggers, copper brown crystal buggers,
Spirit River baby buggers and flash a buggers are all doing well.
The secret seems to be short darting strips with plenty of pauses
in between to mimic the movement of the abundant small sculpins.
The midge hatches remain thick and a reliable means of catching
trout. Bryce's TDM in gray smaller Pheasant Tails or Quasimodos
and Charlotte's Rewdneck Midge on sunny days have all been doing
very well. Cooee Soft Hackles and Red Asses have also been pulling
fish when they are taking emergers, if you are outside the no
bait zone run the wire bodies Cooee ahead of a Red Ass. Razor
Midge continue to do well and WD40s or Biot Midges rigged below
a teeny micro indicator, are good fly choices. Parachute Adams
and Cream Midges are also worth a try for those feeding on top.
Well, if you drop by the Dam Store this weekend
and we are looking a little drawn and haggard, a little bleary
of eye we have a good excuse. The crew has been hard at it on
the tailwater and lake trying to track down the best fly fishing
experiences. Its been a week of little sleep, bent rods, dodging
storms, frantic fly tying, more bent rods, torn waders, and some
big fish. Normals stuff like regular meals, clean clothes, showers
and shaving went out the window. You will all be thankful we
have resumed ablutions for the weekend.
Still we will be able to offer you some pretty good fishing advice
_ hey we certainly aren't here for our good looks
In this week's report we offer up some information on white bassin'
offer some times on how to stay cool, avoid sunburn and look
pretty cool while your doing it, unveil some new reels into the
store and of course the fishing report.
The white bass run kicked off last weekend with some great catches
from some regulars. We even managed to convert some trout addicts
over to the pleasures of white bass fishing. Chris Davis from
Fayetteville, hasn't been fly fishing all that long but has been
hooked big-time on trout and after his 8-pound hybrid last Saturday
we reckon he's good to go on the bass species now.
Oklahoma Bryce, now part of the Dam Store crew, was giggling
like a schoolboy on his first serious fly rod white bass outing,
dragging him away from his beloved trout for a night on the river.
Jeff Davis, christened his new Dam Store XP 7wt, a seriously
nice stick for this kind of fishing, on a bunch of solid whities.
You can check out a whole bunch of pictures of these adventures
by clicking here <>
for our photo gallery _ don't forget you can send us pic to add
your adventures to ourt collection.
Action on the whites slowed towards the end of the week as water
temperatures cooled but they will be back. The best fishing was
below the 62 bridge, with very few whites appearing above this
point yet.
Hit the white bass run and you are in for some of the most fun
an Arkansas fly fisher can have with their waders on. These silvery
little bass hit hard, pull hard and you can catch a bunch of
them. They even taste good. And of course there is always the
chance of better sized hybrids or even stripers among them.
Northwest Arkansas is White Bass central during spring, with
the tributaries of both Table Rock (King's, Roaring River, the
White) and Beaver Lake (War Eagle, Upper White and its Forks)
hosting vast spawning runs, that look like a southern salmon
run. They don't call them Hillbilly Coho for nothing. First usually
come the males, who can be dwarfed by three and four-pound females.
All fight above their weight.
Reports from the Upper White have been patchy, in this low water
year. But with Beaver Lake water levels inching upwards the run
could start at any time. Neill's Bluff, The Dollar Hole, and
Twin Bridges are the most popular access points.
Finding whites is a matter of checking shoals, or holding structure,
along the migration path. White will often hang out in and along
deadfalls and deep holes adjacent to the main current flow. The
tail-out of a pool immediately above a riffle, and any eddy immediately
below a riffle are also likely spots to search. Often those fish
visible on the shoals splashing and holding are actively spawning
and can be extremely hard to hook legitimately, the deep water
staging areas are often more productive.
White bass will hit all manner of baitfish flies, weighted patterns
are usually best in the fast-ish spring flows, and the all-time
killer is a Clouser Minnow. Carry a bunch in size 6, all white,
chartreuse over white (take lots to the Upper White), tan over
white or gray over white are prime colors. All white and chartreuse
Crystal Buggers (size 8 or 10) are very effective on Beaver.
Beaver's low levels and very clear water mean dawn and dusk have
been the most productive times to fish.
Sinking lines, or sink tips, also work well to get the flies
down to where the whites are hanging out. Your choice of rod
really depends on what you prefer to cast these heavy flies and
sinking lines. Most will use a 6wt, 7wt or 8wt. The grunt of
the latter rod can be helpful on bigger hybrids or the odd striper.
While there is no limit on White Bass in Beaver and its tributaries,
and a 25-fish limit in Table Rock and below Beaver Dam, we would
encourage people to catch and release and limit their own take.
If you want to learn more about white bass and how to get connected
come by the shop for a chat. .
Sometimes you just never know what you will catch white bass
fishing. Largemouth, walleye, smallies can all turn up. But Steve
was pretty Dam surprised to pull this very pretty fish from the
A beautiful 27" brown taken on a BDS improved white Crystal
Bugger, St Croix 7"6' 6wt rod; Rio Grand 6wt flyline, Rio
Flouroflex Plus 6x tippet around 9.30 pm on the tailwater below
Houseman. These great pics _ the scruffy human model notwithstanding
_ were taken by Steve's great mate Todd Moncrieff from McLellan's
Fly Shop in Fayetteville. Apart from being a elegant caster,
great fly fisher and damn good bloke, he's also one of the better
fly fishing photographers going around.
But it shows what you can do after dark with trout on the tailwater.
We have had several good reports on after-dark fly rodding recently
including one regular who connected to something unstoppable
and "scary", up in regular trout country. Try white
and black Crystal Buggers, sculpin patterns, zonkers, or even
Steve had also caught several decent rainbows on a size 6 chartreuse
Gummy Minnow, all while targeting white bass. Certainly worth
trying the Gummy for good rainbows, especially early morning
and evening. Just make sure you take a good headlamp and its
safest to scout the areas you intend to fish earlier in the day
so you are familiar with hazards like logs and dropoffs. And
always fish with a partner.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce
April 6, 2006 - Beaver
- Submitted by Jason
Piper - JT Crappie Guide Service - As of Tuesday, the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reports the lake's elevation at
1,107.02 feet MSL.
J.T. Crappie Guide Services said the water is still low and stained.
Crappie are biting well in 2 to 6 feet of water on tube jigs,
minnows and Shinee Heinee jigs. White bass are up in the river
arms and biting well on Roadrunners, curly-tailed grubs and live
minnows. Black bass are anywhere from 2 to 15 feet deep and biting
well on crankbaits and jerkbaits worked along banks with woody
cover. No report on bream or catfish.
March 31, 2006 - Beaver - G'day y'all
from the Beaver
Dam Store crew! - G'day y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew!
We were going to give you a description what it was like here
this morning, but if you were stuck in freeway traffic, breathing
in fumes, or tied behind a desk you might get a little miffed.
So we wont tell you we were in shorts, t-shirt and sandals at
5am this morning. It could be almost cruel to tell you that the
only sounds were the calls of birds, the slurp of feeding fish
and the whisper of flyline through the guides. We definately
won't mention how the mist hung on the river, deer browsed the
new grass, and squirrels scampered along the banks. If you want
to know what its like here in spring, we will let you find out
for yourself
After a long winter, It's pretty damn tempting to bare a bunch
of skin as the weather warms nicely. Trouble is our skin, protected
behind layers of clothes for several months, will cook faster
than catfish at an Louisiana fish fry. And its no good putting
on sun screen after you have turned red.
Staying burn free, an minimising the long term damage, means
dressing appropriately, using high SPF (30+ and better) to exposed
parts nd adding good head gear.
Slap it the sunscreen before you head out on the water, do as
your mommy told you and get the bits under your chin around the
back of the neck and behind the ears _ reflected sunlight off
the water burns as bad as direct light. The back of your casting
hand is another hot spot not to be missed. For serious protection
use Mangrove sungloves, which offer SPF 50+ protection, which
won't get washed off, rubbed off or taint your flies. Lefty Kreh
endorsed. $13.95
Ball caps might keep your face shaded while on the water, but
if your are serious about sub protection, and spotting fish for
that matter then go with a broad-brimmed hat. Add a 10-gallon
hat, straw cowboy hat, Aussie Akubra or one of the other models.
You might not look so pretty but you might save yourself a battle
with skin cancer. Keep the ball cap for other outings.
APRIL 1 might be the day for gags, but you won't be a fool camping
this weekend. Corp of Engineers Campgrounds, and the day access
areas around the lake will all open tomorrow. Choose between
the river or the lake for a great camping getaway, whether you
have an RV or a tent. For more information click here <
Beaver Tailwater: Woolly Buggers are back out of the closet over
the past week. Our light olive BDS buggers have been doing well,
as have crystal buggers in olive and the black crystal buggers
on the dark afternoons before a storm. Flash-A-Buggers also have
some afficionados too. Our new Spirit River baby buggers have
been picking up some followers, they are a pretty good match
for the teeny sculpins on the bottom in droves and would also
work a treat drifted like a nymph.
Midge hatches continue to be abundant through the bright sunny
days, and decreasing size of the naturals are making the better
fish more selective. Bryce's TDM in gray slayed fish last weekend,
and fishing smaller pheasant tails or quasimodos were also profitable.
Cooee Soft Hackles and Red Asses have also been pulling fish
when they are taking emergers, if you are outside the no bait
zone run the wire bodies Cooee ahead of a Red Ass.
Razor Midge continue to do well and we have restocked on the
tying kits or whip up your own in gray or try tan _ we have some
packets of foam available in this color _ which isn't included
in the kit. WD40s rigged below a teeny micro indicator, or Biot
Midges are good fly choices. Parachute Adams and Cream Midges
are also worth a try for those feeding on top.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa Steve, Shirley, Tom and Kevin
March 29, 2006 - Greers Ferry Lake -
Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service - the water
level at greers ferry has came up a little more to 455.02 and
they have been generating and with the cold weather the creek
arms have cooled off to 46-48 degrees and the main lake is 52-53
the bass fishing has been real good until this cold weather and
we will have a steady warm up and thin gs will get back to normal
, but for now the afternoons will be better for bass fishing
when the sun warms the water by mid afternoons, rattle traps
and small crank baits have been the stable of baits with the
shakey hooker still producing the biggests and most fish by for
this past week fish can also be caught with a spinner bait also,
the jerkbait bite is still happening also, try fishing main lake
points secondary points as well as channel bends , until the
fish make a major move to the back of pockets and traditional
spawning areas .
the walleye have done it again to us and snuck up and spawned
long before anyone was expecting since we had such a mild winter
their are very few in the creek arms at present but a few can
be caught their, the best bite will be when they all get ganged
up on main lake flats and do the big post spawn feed in about
28-32 feet of water if the weather will warm that should start
to get good in about 2 weeks
the white bass and hybrid bass really shut down with the cold
rain we had and it be be good in the afternoons as well until
the day time temps are back up in the upper 60's they are still
in all of the creek arms but are biting sluggish at this time
the crappie have scattered after the rain and need a few days
to get settled back in to their regular pattern and it will be
interesting to see where they do spawn in this low water
no-report on catfish as i am sure they have shut down also
no report on bream.
Tommy Cauley
March 28, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service - Overall Picture:
Water temps drastically dropped from last week: 50º - 63º.
The warmer, clearer, water remains upriver than main lake. River
and Oxbows have increased stain, main lake and Little River is
muddy from recent high wind and over three foot rise in lake
elevation. As of Monday 3/27, The lake level is approx 19"
above normal and falling from recent 3 feet rise due to local
rainfall over the past week. We anticipate another 12" fall
by mid-week from gate release. Many cleared beds from Bass and
Crappie were being noticed in 3-5 foot water depths of clear
water, last week, prior to the 3 feet rise and subsequent falling
water. No female fish have been observed on the beds yet, but
were making preparations for it prior to the lake rise and fall
and sudden temperature drop of over 12-15 degrees. Falling surface
temps due to cold frontal passages have pushed the bass and crappie
back out to the drops close to depth of Little River, and forced
them back out of shallow bedding areas. Current in Little River
is greatly increased. Gate discharge is 18,990CFS as of Monday,
with another gate change expected mid-week due to incoming fresh
water from more anticipated rain, from the tri-lakes, and Little
River. Numerous river marker buoys are missing and floating debris,
trees, and vegetation, all along Little River from recent 3 feet
rise. Use EXTREME caution in all navigations on the main lake
and Little River!
Well, it IS SPRINGTIME, folks, and the last week
has been very typical of south Arkansas weather. The Largemouth
(Black) Bass and Crappie which had begun moving slightly more
shallow in the last few days with warmer weather and increasing
water temps, were slammed again with cold fronts, and a rising
lake of over three feet in as many days, then drop the bottom
out from under them trying to shed all the excess inflow of too
much water too fast in the watershed. This will probably change
mid week with more rain coming. Week before last, and throughout
the prior weekend, due to warmer weather, the Largemouth males
were being seen on the beds, waiting. The cold fronts, rising,
then falling lake level, then more cold fronts, have pushed them
back out to deeper haunts in Little River. Black bass activity
levels and feeding were tough over the last week, to say the
least. Many lake conditions change very rapidly on Millwood,
and the recent rise and fall of the level, coupled with the numerous
cold fronts have had their impact on activity levels of Bass
and Crappie. Largemouths are fair on Bass Assassin Shads, hard
jerk baits, War Eagle spinnerbaits. We were having a fair amount
of success in the past week on Zoom trick worms in methiolate
or lime green colors around flooded bushes between Snake Creek
and Red Slough on the west end of the pipeline. We also used
this same tactic on Okay point in flooded trees and freshly covered
vegetation in 2-3' depth sections. War Eagle Spinnerbaits in
white/chartruese seemed to be the only color spinnerblade we
could get them to hit, (maybe they were having a hard time finding
it in the muddy water ! ) until we put on a huge, 3/4 or 1oz,
version, with a huge # 7 helicopter Colorado blade putting out
so much thump it litterally shakes your rod! We did manage to
catch a few nice size 4 to 6 lb bass -- fishing this really slow,
in Little River, around mouths to creeks and in deeper creek
channels outside bends with stumps and anyplace we could find
flooded bushes.
A beautiful 13 pound Largemouth full of eggs was caught week
before last, on Millwood and many more in the 6-9 pound class
were caught in the last week. Keeper size, heavy egg-laden
Largemouths from 3-6 pounds each, are still waiting for the right
moment and water temperature, to return to the spots they left
last week, to resume bed making activity. We had been seeing
male Largemouths making and clearing beds, but it all changed
with the recent rain and cold fronts. We have been using the
trick worms and Bass Assassin Twitch Assassins, rigged wacky
style around any flooded bushes, trees, and any fresh vegetation
in the last week, deadsticking or killing it, for a few decent
fish. Texas rigged Brush Hogs and lizards in chartruese-pumpkin,
blackberry, black neon, are working fair. For visibility, go
back to black or darker colors or chartruese, in the muddy water.
For the clearer areas in the back of the oxbows up Little River,
cherry seed, tequila sunrise, and blue fleck are working fairly
well. Southern Pro Fattbutt tubes on cypress trees, with rattles,
were catching a few decent fish in Mud Lake last weekend.
White Bass' spawn is pretty much done as far as we can tell,
upriver. White or red Little Cleos or Little Georges and rooster
tails were working very well prior to the lake rise between Highway
71 bridge and Patterson shoals. Those fish have dissappeared
in the last week.
Crappie, which were also preparing to spawn, prior to this week's
cold front passage, and to trying to spread horizontally again;
have moved back out to deeper water, and basically, all but completely,
shut off. The cold fronts coming through the region last week
pushed them back out to slightly deeper water again, putting
the bedding fish, another 5-10 days out, again. We are looking
for that to change again late this week due to increased surface
temperatures if the warming trend continues.
Blue Cats activity levels have really picked up the pace, with
the increase in Little River current due to incoming rain and
gate change at the dam increasing flow. Blues are hitting prepared
cut shad and Charlie early in the week in the 16-18 foot depth
ranges along Little River, on trot lines.
Numbers of dead, young, juvenile Drum, and/or carp, from 1-2
pounds each, which we reported and observed, at many locations
up Little River have been assigned a root cause of the death.
A fungal parasite and/or bacterial infection, affecting only
the younger drum, initially appears to be the cause. No large
adults seem to have been affected, only a small percentage of
juveniles. No additional dead Drum have been noted in the last
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity in upriver oxbows remains reduced,
but fair, at 1-4 feet. Little River' stain is worse this week
due to increased incoming rain, current and silt; and is muddy.
Little River clarity is approx 3-8 inches depending on location.
Clarity on the main lake is muddy from recent high wind, rain
and increased gate release flow and siltation. As of Monday,
the lake level is approx 19 inches above the normal pool, at
260.79 feet and falling. Discharge at the dam is 18,990CFS with
all 13 gates open at 3 feet each. Cossatot, Little River, Saline
River current is heavy, from gate discharge. Numerous river
marker buoys are missing or out of place (particularly between
Outlaw Trail and Paraloma Trail; #3 and #6 mile marker, also
between Yarborough and Jack's Isle, and Mud Lake and White Cliffs),
in Little River due to recent high wind. Due to rapid rise and
fall of lake and river levels, numerous floaters, entire trees,
organic debris, grass mats, floating vegetation and tree limbs
are noted in Little River's current!!
Use extreme caution in navigations on the main lake &
Little River channel !
The upriver oxbows on Little River, still have
much better water visibility, estimated at approx 1-5 feet in
places. We have noticed the water temps remain much warmer, further
up Little River than the main lake body. Differences of up to
8+ degrees warmer water can be found up river, and back in the
oxbows, as compared to the main lake. Increases of surface temps
have been noted later in the day, depending on area of the lake
and wind and sun.
Use EXTREME caution navigating Little River in
low light conditions, and SLOW DOWN! Careful watch for floaters
and debris in Little River's current, and wearing your PFD is
a requirement!
March 23, 2006 - Paddlefish, Barling - Hello
my friend and I snagged three paddle fish below the generators
at Lock and Dam 13 in Barling AR.
I caught mine which weighed around 30 thirty pounds on my Rhino
733 combo with 20 lbs Stren and my friend William limited out
with his two on a 16 foot snagging rod. We snagged the last two
at about the same time. The white bass have been bitting fair.
Some people have caught fifteen or twenty fish but they all say
that they aren't the best that they'll get. Crappie where bitting
at Jack Nolen lake in Greenwood but have slowed down. The water
is very murky because of the much needed rain. I have attached
picture files of the Spoonbills that we have caught.
March 23, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew! - Here we are at the end of March
with snow flakes fluttering down outside. Its been a weird winter.
But at least the weather will warm up again over the weekend
and into next week. Still the fishing has been good, but the
warming weather should bring back the whites and walleye.
Beaver Tailwater: Don't step into your waders without some Bryce's
TDM in your flybox. Definately a great pattern during the current
midge hatches. We have our favorite colors in this zebra midge
variant tied by our own Bryce Cadion. Steve likes the red while
the "Bearded Wonder" himself leans towards the wine.
Right now you probably need the gray/silver the most.
Black Zebra midges have also been doing well. Definately pick
up some Razor Foam Midge kits and whip up your own in gray or
try tan _ we have some packets of foam available in this color
_ which isn't included in the kit. WD40s rigged below a teeny
micro indicator, or Biot Midges are good fly choices. Parachute
Adams and Cream Midges are also worth a try for those feeding
on top. Watch your depth closely and as the hatch peaks its often
worth shortening up the distance between fly and indicator.
If you're targetting whites and walleye, you need the Cazzy's
Shiner, Pacific Fly Shad (weighted), Gummy Minnows, and Whitlock's
Shad plus a good handful of Clousers. This weekends warming temperatures
should bring them back onto the shoals
Roaring River: One of our favorite springtime spots, particularly
if you like dry fly action. The PMDs have been very good mid
morning, and dark days could still produce some olives. We have
a bunch of well tested dry fly patterns not available elsewhere.
No Hackles (mentioned above) Snowshoe emergers, Cripples and
others to seduce the bigger browns and rainbows. Come in and
talk to Steve.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa, Steve, Shirley, Tom, Dennis and Bryce
March 22, 2006 - Beaver
- Submitted by Jason
Piper - JT Crappie Guide Service - As of Tuesday, the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reports the lake's elevation at
1,106.27 feet MSL
J.T. Crappie Guide Services said the clarity of the water is
very good in most of the lake. The water level is still low and
many obstructions are just under the surface of the water, so
boaters should be very careful out there. Crappie are biting
fairly well on live minnows and hair-and-tinsel jigs. Bass are
slow, but a few have been taken on spoons in deeper water and
jerkbaits and jigs fished in transition areas. White bass are
slow, with a few being caught on small Beetle Spins and live
March 22, 2006 - Greers
Ferry Lake - Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service - the water
level at greers ferry has came up a little more to 455.02 and
they have been generating and with the cold weather the creek
arms have cooled off to 46-48 degrees and the main lake is 52-53
the bass fishing has been real good until this cold weather and
we will have a steady warm up and thin gs will get back to normal
, but for now the afternoons will be better for bass fishing
when the sun warms the water by mid afternoons, rattle traps
and small crank baits have been the stable of baits with the
shakey hooker still producing the biggests and most fish by for
this past week fish can also be caught with a spinner bait also,
the jerkbait bite is still happening also, try fishing main lake
points secondary points as well as channel bends , until the
fish make a major move to the back of pockets and traditional
spawning areas .
the walleye have done it again to us and snuck up and spawned
long before anyone was expecting since we had such a mild winter
their are very few in the creek arms at present but a few can
be caught their, the best bite will be when they all get ganged
up on main lake flats and do the big post spawn feed in about
28-32 feet of water if the weather will warm that should start
to get good in about 2 weeks
the white bass and hybrid bass really shut down with the cold
rain we had and it be be good in the afternoons as well until
the day time temps are back up in the upper 60's they are still
in all of the creek arms but are biting sluggish at this time
the crappie have scattered after the rain and need a few days
to get settled back in to their regular pattern and it will be
interesting to see where they do spawn in this low water
no-report on catfish as i am sure they have shut down also
no report on bream.
March 20, 2006 - Answer
to Florida Bass question - I've fished for Florida
strain bass in Texas lakes most of my life, and have found that
when the big girls are on the nests, down sizing to a small 4in
lizard with an 1/8 oz. weight is hard to beat. Watermelon seed
or watermelon with red flake is dynamite on east Texas lakes,
especially Fork (cotton candy if the water is unusually clear).
Pitch the lizard in there and just leave it. This takes an extreme
amount of patience, but the subtle movements created by the water
look most natural and will eventually drive them nuts. And remember,
if you can see them they'll likely see you first. So if the fish
are leaving the nest when you make your presentation, mark the
spot, leave, and come back. Sneak up with a push pole and stay
off the trolling motor. Stay far enough away not to spook the
fish (tie up if necessary but don't use the trolling motor);
then, make your presentation. If the water is stained to murky,
and your casting for spawning bass instead of site fishing, a
6in lizard with gold flake in it can be good. Zoom's mossy pumpkin
color will get you tore up on Fork. If you're not having any
luck getting the bedding bass to bite, leave 'em alone. Move
out to 8ft deep in the mouths of spawning coves or secondary
points up the creeks. Tie on a Gene Larew Hawg Craw (the big
one) in black w/ blue claws, fish the trees, and hold on to your
rod. Shorter trees with some broken-off limbs (laydowns) or horizontal
limbs just beneath the surface in 8ft of water are best. This
pattern put a 13.86 in the boat for my partner one early spring.
One last comment- please do not use shiners or other live bait
for bass, especially for trophy bass in the spring, as fish mortality
is higher with live bait rigs. Best of luck.
March 20, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service - Water temps: 58º - 65º.
Warmer, clearer, water remains upriver than main lake. River
and Oxbows have fair stain, main lake is muddy from recent high
wind. The lake level is approx 4-5" above normal and rising
from recent approx 6" local rainfall over the past weekend.
We anticipate another 2-4" rise mid-week from this localized
heavy rain over this past weekend. This rising lake level should
be excellent for the bass spawn, if USACE can just can hold it
another week or so, as the males are preparing and on beds all
over Millwood. If existing water temps hold for another week
to ten days, female Bass and Crappie will be on the beds. Many
cleared beds have been noticed in 3-5 foot water depths of clear
water, in the last few days. No female fish have been observed
on the beds yet, but are making preparations for it. Current
in Little River increased. Gate discharge is 391CFS as of Monday,
with gate change expected mid-week due to rising lake level.
Numerous river marker buoys are missing all along Little River.
Use caution in low light navigations.
Largemouth (Black) Bass and Crappie have began
moving slightly more shallow in the last few days with warmer
weather and increasing water temps. This should probably change
mid week with a huge cold front coming. Last week and throughout
the weekend, due to warmer weather, the Largemouth males are
being seen on the beds, waiting. Numerous female prespawn
bass in the 6-9 pound class with eggs, have been caught and
released up river in the last 2 weeks. A 13 (yes, i said a
THIRTEEN) pound Largemouth full of eggs was caught within the
last week on Millwood. Black bass are actively feeding and
the activity levels are good on Bass Assassin Shads, 1/2 oz to
3/4 oz slow moving Rat-L-Traps in white, spring bream or red
chrome colors, hard jerk baits, Brush Hogs and War Eagle spinnerbaits.
The Rat-L-Traps in white or spring bream colors remain best on
cloudy days, and the red chrome best on sunny days.
Keeper size, heavy egg-laden Largemouths from 3-6 pounds each,
continue hitting slow moving Rat-L-Traps, heavy spinnerbaits,
and "dead-sticking" trick worms or Bass Assassin Shads,
and jerk baits like the Cordell Ripplin Red Fin and Smithwick
Rouges, around vegetation and stumps near drop-offs of water
depth ranging from 3-7 feet. We have been using the War Eagle
spinnerbaits in firecracker, firetiger, aurora, and spot remover
colors, around remaining dead vegetation and stumps and finding
a few decent fish. Texas rigged Brush Hogs and lizards in cherry
seed, pumpkinseed, cotton candy or watermelon are working well.
We are dipping the tails in chartruese in the more stained water
areas for visibility.
White Bass are still thinking it's time to spawn, and remain
upriver hitting white or red Little Cleos or Little Georges and
rooster tails in white/chrome/red. Several schools are still
located up Little River between Highway 71N Bridge and Patterson
shoals, and are hitting with some regularity.
Crappie were also thinking it was time to and spawn as well prior
to this week's cold front passage, and to trying to spread horizontally
again; as they were doing before the last 3 weeks of cold fronts
pushing them back out to deeper water. The cold fronts coming
through the region this week will most likely push the Crappie
and Largemouths back out to slightly deeper water again, putting
the bedding fish, another 5-10 days out again. Currently, depths
for Crappie are ranging 8-10 feet in depth, but closer to shallow
flats with cypress trees. Mid-day has been the most consistent
Crappie bite over the last week or so, due to increased surface
temperature. We are looking for that to change again late this
week due to decreased surface temperatures.
Channel Cats activity levels have again picked up the pace with
the increase in Little River current due to incoming rain and
gate change at the dam increasing flow. Blues were hitting prepared
hot dogs and cut shad early in the week in the 12-16 foot depth
ranges, on trot lines, and under cypress trees on yo-yos, using
prepared blood bait, and dog food baits.
Numbers of dead, young, juvenile Drum, and/or carp, from 1-2
pounds each, have been observed by numerous fishermen at many
locations up Little River and are still visible from White Cliffs
all the way back down river to Jack's Isle. No large adults seem
affected. Locations we have observed are in Pugh Slough, Jack's
Isle, Hurricane Creek, Mud Lake, Horseshoe Lake, McGuire Lake.
Several fishermen have stopped us along the river, to ask what
was going on with the dead drum. We are not sure of the assignable
root cause of this anomaly, but wanted to report it to AG&FC
for further investigation and/or analysis. This, we have informed
the fishermen asking us, we would report.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity in upriver oxbows remains good, at
3-7 feet. Little River' stain is worse this week due to increased
incoming rain, current and silt. Little River clarity is approx
1-3 feet depending on location. Clarity on the main lake is muddy
from recent high wind and rain. As of Monday, the lake level
is slightly above the normal pool, at 259.61 feet and rising.
Discharge at the dam is 391 CFS. Cossatot, Little River, Saline
River current is increased from last week's discharge. Numerous
river marker buoys are missing or out of place (particularly
between Outlaw Trail and Paraloma Trail; #3 and #6 mile marker,
also between Yarborough and Jack's Isle, and Mud Lake and White
Cliffs), in Little River due to recent high wind.
Use extreme caution in low light navigations on the main
lake river channel.
The upriver oxbows on Little River, still have
much better water visibility, estimated at approx 5-7 feet in
places. We have noticed the water temps remain much warmer, further
up Little River than the main lake body. Differences of up to
5+ degrees warmer water can be found up river, and back in the
oxbows, as compared to the main lake. Increases of surface temps
have been noted later in the day, depending on area of the lake
and wind and sun.
March 16, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew! - What is it about spring. So
much fishing so little time, white bass, trout, walleye, stripers,
mayfly hatches, midge hatches, caddis hatches. Rim Shoals, Taney,
Beaver, the Upper White, Roaring River, Wildcat and Bull, everywhere
you turn the spots are firing. Hey you lot are lucky to get a
Dam Report this week at all.
Which also could have been a possibility given the closeness
of Sunday night's tornado which bounced down up near the AGFC
HQ and then into campground D down in the catch and release area,
snapping those big pines like matchstick and tossing around the
concrete tables. The campground will probably be out of action
for a week or two as the cleanup gets underway. Not to mention
Saturday's hail storm unloading on the store. Hey it has to be
Beaver Tailwater: Just so we don't have to mention midges this
week, we'll talk about white bass and walleye. The run is on
on the tailwater. Drag your 6wt out of the cupboard and fish
the deepwater below any runs. They will soon let you know that
they are about. Clousers, Dames, Gummy Minnows, Pacific Fly Shad
should all be great flies and its great fun.
Ok we can't get away without mentioning the midge hatches if
you want to target trout. Definately pick up some Razor Foam
Midge kits and whip up your own in gray or try tan _ we have
some packets of foam available in this color _ which isn't included
in the kit. WD40s rigged below a teeny micro indicator, or Biot
Midges are good fly choices. Parachute Adams and Cream Midges
are also worth a try for those feeding on top.
Zebra midges (black, brown or red); Razorback Midges; Charlotte's
Redneck Midge, Bryce's TDM remain favorites for the nymphal stage
_ watch your depth closely and as the hatch peaks its often worth
shortening up the distance between fly and indicator.
Taneycomo: So many fish it was almost silly. Steve guided Harold
and Eva Beck from Texas on Taney on Monday and despite the howling
wind the couple fished until they could fish no more. After wading
through acres of small stocker the pair finally started to hit
some quality Taney fish which are in superb shape. Even a 14"
fish was strong enough to pull 30 yard's of line of Eva's Ross
reel. A gray Johnny Flash rigged trailing a tan McLellan's scud
was the fly of choice. But Harold did well on a gray Bryce's
TDM and picked up a bunch of fish on a favorite fly a cone head
"Golden Retriever". Both of the Beck's were busted
up by significantly larger fish. Conversation on the drive home
was fairly limited and there are reports that both were smiling
even while snoozing, perhaps dreaming of trout
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa Steve, Shirley, Tom and Kevin.
March 16, 2006 - Answer
to Florida Bass question - My answer will stay simple
since each body of water is different as well as each day and
down to each hour fishing can be different, but there is one
method of fishing that can offer up excellent bass fishing
The secret is to simply fish at night. You only
need to try a few lures to make night fishing a success. One
is the buzzbait, the next will be a single big cupped bladed
spinnerbait, and then you can stick with a big black juicy worm.
And night fishing can be done at the shore. Only thing is it
will be dark, but fishing can be very successful. Bass move to
the shallows to eat, there are very few if any other fisherman
out on the water as well.
Just scope out a good spot that has plenty of weeds
or other cover and fish there. If you don't get a fish in ten
minutes then move on. But once you get a good spot you can catch
fish after fish.
Good luck.
March 14, 2006 - Greers
Ferry Lake - Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service - the water
level at greers ferry is 454.37 it came up 3.32 feet so we still
hyave a little less than 7 feet to go for normal pool the temp
ranges from 50 degrees to 64 in the stained water and it will
cool back down some now with the cooler nights.
the walleye fishing has still not been very good for some reason
but should inprove soon if any are still in the lake.
the white bass and hybrid fishin g is good in any creek you want
to try in and if ya can not catch any with the tradtional lures
you usually use try a blue back rebel jerk bait and paint a little
red on it they will hit that worked real slow.
the bream have moved up and can be caught with crickets and or
night crawlers from 20 feet deep up to 2 feet or shallower
the crappie are reported to be in the shallows in some places
and can be caught as shallow as 1 foot of water and as deep and
40 feet
the bass fishing has been real good on spinner baits , rattle
traps , and firetiger crankbaits in as little a 1 foot of water
and also a good jig bite has developed also , but the bait that
seems to be the catching the bigger fish is the new RITE BITE
BAITS SHAKEY HOOKER some of you have probalily heard of the new
chatterbait well it is the rite bits version of it that he has
been working on a while and it is 75 percent better , action
and everything the chatter bait is not
we find em you catch em!!!!!! <>
Tommy Cauley
March 14, 2006 - Answer
to Florida Bass question - If you are primarily sight
fishing in clear water you need to be able to make repeated 100%
accurate casts. When I sight fish i like to be able to cast to
where the bass can't see the lure comming until it comes in front
of the fishes face getting a reaction strike. you will have to
experiment to know what to use whether it be crankbait, worm,
jig. From my experience, i can usually find a jig that will work
in any condition. you just have to modify weight and trailer
size for balance and drop speed.
March 13, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service - Water temps: 58º - 68º.
Warmer water is upriver than main lake; River and Oxbows improved
stain, main lake is muddy from recent high wind. The lake level
is approx 3.5 to 4" above normal which should be good for
the spawn, if they just can hold it a few weeks. If existing
water temps hold for another 2 weeks, Bass and Crappie will be
full blown spawning. Many cleared and fanned beds have been noticed
in 3-4 foot water depths of clear water, in the last few days.
No fish have been observed on the beds yet, but are making preparations
for it. Current in Little River increased. Gate discharge is
384CFS as of Monday. Many river markers are missing.
Largemouth (Black) Bass and Crappie have began
moving slightly more shallow in the last few days with warmer
weather and increasing water temps. In the last few days, due
to warmer weather, the Largemouth males are being seen in shallower
areas close to deep water drops, running back and forth, not
on the beds full blown yet. Numerous female prespawn bass
in the 6-9 pound class with eggs, have been caught and released
up river in the last 2 weeks. Black bass activity levels are
good on shallower running, slow moving crank baits, like the
firetiger color Baby Minus-Ones, and 1/2 oz to 3/4 oz slow moving
Rat-L-Traps in white, spring bream or red chrome colors and War
Eagle spinnerbaits. The Rat-L-Traps in white or spring bream
colors best on cloudy days, and the red chrome best on sunny
Keeper size Largemouths continue hitting slow moving Rat-L-Traps,
heavy spinnerbaits, and "dead-sticking" trick worms
or Bass Assassin Shads, around vegetation and stumps near drop-offs
of water depth of approx 9-10 feet. We have been using the War
Eagle spinnerbaits in copper peach or firecracker colors, around
remaining dead vegetation and stumps and finding a few decent
fish. Texas rigged Brush Hogs in blackberry or watermelon are
working well.
White Bass are still thinking it's time to spawn, and remain
upriver hitting white or red Little Cleos or Little Georges and
rooster tails in white/chrome/red. Several schools are still
located up Little River between Highway 71N Bridge and Patterson
shoals, and are hitting with some regularity. Two fishermen caught
and released over 50 Whites in just a few hours last week again.
Crappie are also thinking it maybe time to and spawn as well,
and to trying to spread horizontally again; as they were doing
before the last 3 weeks of cold fronts pushing them back out
to deeper water. Currently, depths for Crappie are ranging 6-8
feet in depth, but closer to shallow flats with cypress trees.
Mid-day has been the most consistent Crappie bite over the last
week or so, due to increased surface temperature. Jigs underneath
cypress trees were catching some decent prespawners early this
week, when the daytime highs were in the low 80º range.
No report this week for Channel Cats.
Numbers of dead, young Drum, and/or carp, from 1-2 pounds each,
have been observed by numerous fishermen at many locations up
Little River. Locations we have observed are in Pugh Slough,
Jack's Isle, Hurricane Creek, Mud Lake, Horseshoe Lake, McGuire
Lake. Several fishermen have stopped us along the river, to ask
what was going on with the dead drum. We are not sure of the
assignable root cause of this anomaly, but wanted to report it
to AG&FC for further investigation and/or analysis. This,
we have informed the fishermen asking us, we would report.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity upriver is improved from last week,
Little River has slight stain and the clarity is approx 2-5 feet
depending on location. Clarity on the main lake is muddy. As
of Monday, the lake level is slightly above the normal pool,
at 259.51 feet and rising. Discharge at the dam is 384 CFS. Cossatot,
Little River, Saline River current is increased from last week's
discharge. Numerous river marker buoys are missing or out
of place (particularly between Outlaw Trail and Paraloma
Trail; #3 and #6 mile marker), in Little River due to
recent high wind. Use extreme caution in low light navigations
on the main lake river channel.
The upriver oxbows on Little River, still have
much better water visibility, estimated at approx 5-6 feet in
places. We have noticed the water temps remain much warmer, further
up Little River than the main lake body. Differences of up to
5+ degrees warmer water can be found up river, and back in the
oxbows, as compared to the main lake. Increases of surface temps
have been noted later in the day, depending on area of the lake
and wind and sun.
March 10, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew! - Rain rain glorious rain. Yes we
need plenty more but it was a nice chance to see some of the
wet stuff falling out of the sky. Hopefully that should not only
top up the lakes a little but also get some smallies and white
bass moving in the creek and rivers.
Its a great time to be fishing
Beaver Tailwater: Midge hatches remain as thick as we
have seen bringing many many fish up onto the surface. But if
your not seeing snouts poking through the surface film then you
can try a couple of methods. Stick on a couple of the Lightning
Strike Micro Indicators and run a small lightly weighted nymph
or WD40 subsurface. Or swing a soft hackle. The Red Ass is a
perennial favorite, olive is very good or try some of our premium
Cooee Soft Hackles. These two-tone wire bodies soft hackles get
through the film fast and fished correctly can be lethal. Try
them with 12' leaders, and go for something like 5x on the point
as the takes can be vicious.
Razor Foam Midges in gray or tan are still doing
well try the gray Biot Midges, a Parachute Adams, Light Adult
Might or a Cream Midges are also worth a try for those feeding
on top. Zebra midges (black, brown or red); Razorback Midges;
Charlotte's Redneck Midge, Bryce's TDM remain favorites for the
nymphal stage _ watch your depth closely and as the hatch peaks
its often worth shortening up the distance between fly and indicator.
Taneycomo: Taneycomo remains of the Ozarks hottest waters
right now, with limited generation remains a destinatio n of
choice. Midges and scuds are the hottest flies, and you can rig
them in combination. Try a McLellan's scud ahead of a small midge
in gray or brown. Bryce's TDM in gray/silver version and the
red, green or wine rib are paticularly good. Softhackles in olive,
red, pheasant tail are hot and Steve's red/yellow Cooee Soft
Hackle has also been doing very well. DEon't be afraid to try
them on a Razorfoam midge. The Taney fish are fat, fit and pull
hard. Definately a great time schedule a trip to Branson. Its
only a little over an hour from the store. If you want a trip,
give us a call or email.
White Bass: This week's rain should have the whites primed
to move hard, once the water temp climbs back into the low to
mid 50s. Chartreuse Clousers, jiggies, even chartreuse woolly
buggers will hammer these feisty and prolific game fish. You
might even pull a walleye as well. Again is your interested in
discovering white bass on a fly rod, schedule a trip with Steve
to show you the best spots on the river, the right flies and
techniques and you can set up hours of spring fun.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa Steve, Shirley, Tom and Kevin.
March 10, 2006 - Answer to Florida Bass
question - try to use a big shiner on lite line and
a bobber if you are in thick vegitation use fire line 15-25 lbs
test also try plastics with a lot of salt jiging for them if
they are agressive and not much vegitation try a rattlie trap
March 9, 2006 - Beaver
- Submitted by Jason
Piper - JT Crappie Guide Service - Black Bass: Conditions-
Water level is low and water color ideal: Weather has
made fishing tough--cold front after cold front. Tough to
identify a pattern. Jerk bait on chunk rock producing best. Pig
and jigs on deep flats (15-20ft)- inside river bends also good
but fish smaller. Weather pattern not helping consistency.
Striped Bass: The Stripers are here. Water temp is 44
degrees F. Fish are scattered roaming finding schools of shad.
Tip, look at every sharp bend in the river near a flat. Shiners
and shad equal success. Fish 20 to 30 feet deep on edges of flats.
Fish are in different locations daily. The full moon has not
been a friend to daytime fisherman. Wind a key to fishable water.
Umbrellas are producing well due to the scattered nature of the
fish. Slow is the operative word. Some fish caught "way
up" the river, but they are in small groups trying to spawn.
"Here one day, gone tomorrow"
Crappie: Crappie bite tough. Most fish being caught along
drop-off in 6 to 15 feet of water. "Spider Riggers"
are having poor luck in open water at the mouth of coves. Best
fishing within "brush piles". Many new brush piles
starting to produce. Big Hickory, Eden Bluff, Mouth of War Eagle
popular. Use your electronics. Many good reports from using Shinee
White Bass: Whites have been caught in the back of Monte-ne
on warm afternoons, as well as up the rivers. Try small spoons.
March 8, 2006 - Answer
to Florida Bass question - what about water clarity?
If it is very clear maybe they are getting to good of a look
at your bait. if this is the case i would probably use a mostly
clear bait and fish a little faster possibly getting more reaction
March 6, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service - Water temps: 50º - 54º; normal
stain, lake level approx 3" above normal. Current
in Little River reduced. Gate change is expected mid-week.
Largemouth (Black) Bass have been holding in deeper
water along Little River for the last 2 weeks, due
to reduction in shallow water temperature over
the last week from cold frontal passages. In the last few
days however, due to increasingly warmer, more temperate weather
changes, the Largemouths are beginning to venture out again into shallower
areas close to deep water drops. Numerous bass in the
6-9 pound class have been caught and released up river in
the last 4-8 days. Black bass activity levels are good
and improved on shallower running, slow moving crank
baits, like the Fat Free Guppys, the Baby Minus-Ones, and
1/2 oz to 3/4 oz slow moving Rat-L-Traps in spring
bream or pumpkinseed or black-shad and red colors. Keeper
sized Largemouths are responding favorably to carolina
rigged, short leader, lizards in same areas around stumps in
the river. Our best color choices for soft plastics in
the last couple weeks are green pumpkin, scumpernong, or
blue fleck.
The oxbows along Little River remain several degrees warmer than
the main lake or river channel and bass are slightly more aggressive
in those areas. Keeper size Largemouths continue hitting slow
moving Rat-L-Traps, heavy spinnerbaits, and "dead-sticking" trick
worms or Bass Assassin Shads, around vegetation and stumps in
drop-offs of water depth of approx 9-12 feet.
In addition, as of the last few days with the increasing surface
temps, Southern Pro Fattbutt tubes have been taking very nice
keepers in the 6-8 pound class pre-spawn conditions.
Best color of the Fattbutt tube we have found to work best as
of lately, is either appleseed or bluegill.
Some of the Kentuckys (Spotted Bass) and White Bass are
thinking "tis time to spawn", and remain improved, along
the river on small, white or chartruese rocket shads,
H&H spinners in yellow/white, and Little Cleos or Little
Georges in white/chrome/red. Creek channel arm swings,
slightly shallower water, yet close to the river, are holding
the better size fish. The White Bass schools were
found by several fishermen up Little River between Highway 71N
Bridge and Patterson shoals by trolling with rooster tails, and
Little Cleos and RoadRunners.
Crappie remain improved, within the last
week, but are also thinking it maybe time to pull up
and spawn as well, but retreating back out along the river
early and late in the day but beginning to try to spread
horizontally again; as they were doing before the last 3 weeks
of cold fronts pushing them back out to deeper water. Currently,
depths for Crappie are ranging 8-13 feet in depth, but closer
to shallow flats with cypress trees. Mid-day has been
the most consistent Crappie bite over the last week or so, due
to increased surface temperature.
Blue Cats are biting well on chicken livers, cottonseed
mill cakes, and cut shad on trot lines; minnows working best on
yo-yo's in 9-12 feet.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity improved from last week, Little River
and main lake normal stain and clarity at approx 2-4
feet depending on location. Clarity on the main lake in
the northeastern sector of the lake around Okay Landing
and Cottonshed, is heavier stained. As of
Sunday, the lake level is slightly above normal (259.2)
at 259.45 feet and falling. Cossatot, Little River,
Saline River current is slow but decreased from last
week's discharge. Numerous river marker buoys
are missing or out of place and noticed up on the banks, in
Little River due to recent high wind. Use caution
in low light navigations.
The upriver oxbows on Little River, still have much better
water visibility, estimated at approx 5-6 feet in places.
We have noticed the water temps remain much warmer, further up
Little River than the main lake body. Differences of up
to 5+ degrees warmer water can be found up river, and
back in the oxbows, as compared to the main lake. Increases
of surface temps have been noted later in the day, depending
on area of the lake and wind and sun.
With the onset of cooler weather, and cold fronts, hypothermia
can set in on a person in less than 5 minutes in water temperatures
around or below the 50º mark, so wear that Life Jacket!!
If you are thrown from your boat, it could be your only chance
of survival.
March 3, 2006 - Beaver - G'day
y'all from the Beaver
Dam Store crew! Wooohooo spring has spring. White Bass in
the rivers, hungry fish at Taneycomo and midge mani at Beaver.
Beaver Tailwater: And we thought the
midge hatches couldn't get any thicker. But we have seen blanket
hatches of an evening on Beaver this week. Stacks of fish were
lined up slurping and gobbling in the runs. The fish were mixed
some taking emergers and others adults off the top. Pick your
target, deliver the appropriate fly and good luck. With so many
naturals on the water it can be a tricky affair _ but that is
part of the fun. Sometimes its worth trying a fly slightly larger.
Definately pick up some Razor Foam Midge kits
and whip up your own in gray or try tan _ we have some packets
of foam available in this color _ which isn't included in the
kit. WD40s rigged below a teeny micro indicator, or Biot Midges
are good fly choices. Parachute Adams and Cream Midges are also
worth a try for those feeding on top.
Zebra midges (black, brown or red); Razorback Midges; Charlotte's
Redneck Midge, Bryce's TDM remain favorites for the nymphal
stage _ watch your depth closely and as the hatch peaks its often
worth shortening up the distance between fly and indicator.
Taneycomo: There was no way to describe
it but insane fly fishing. Steve and Bryce Cadion slipped up
on Monday, and despite the howling wind had a big day out. Bryce's
TDM picked up a bunch of fish, particularly the gray/silver version.
Softhackles in olive, red, and Steve's red and yellow wire version
stuck a bunch more. Steve also struck a patch of good sized fish
feeding in a windlane on top and proceeded to slay them on a
Razorfoam midge fished downstream.
The Taney fish are fat, fit and pull hard. Definately
a great time schedule a trip to Branson. Its only a little
over an hour from the store. If you want a trip, give us a call
or email.
White Bass: Warm weather, shallow river
has kicked off the white bass season a little early. Steve did
an exploratory trip onto the Upper White on Thursday and after
a slow start found these great little fish in droves. For an
hour it was a fish a cast until he lost his last McLellan's jiggie.
Teach some people to check their tippet after catching a bunch
of fish.
Again is your interested in discovering white
bass on a fly rod, schedule a trip with Steve to show you the
best spots on the river, the right flies and techniques and you
can set up hours of spring fun.
Tight Lines from the Beaver
Dam Store staff,
Lisa Steve, Shirley, Tom and Kevin
March 1, 2006 - Greers
Ferry Lake - Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service - This morning
at 5:30.
March 1, 2006 - Beaver
- Submitted by Jason
Piper - JT Crappie Guide Service - As of Wednesday, the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reports the lake's elevation at
1,105.39 feet MSL. Water is low and very clear. Crappie are biting
well in 15 to 20 feet of water on chartreuse-and-red tube jigs
and minnows. Stripers are slow, but a few have been taken on
large shad or shiners where the river arms meet the main lake
body. Bass have been fair to good lately. Most of the bass are
holding near bluffs and biting vertically jigged spoons or jerkbaits
cast parallel to the rocks. A few fish have been taken off submerged
cedar trees as well.
February 22, 2006 - Greers Ferry Lake
- Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service - THE WATER
February 20, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service - Water temps: 45º - 52º; normal
stain, lake level approx 4.25" above normal,
& discharge = 391CFS with one gate open. Current
in Little River slow. Gate change is expected mid-week.
Largemouth (Black) Bass have remained back in deeper
water along Little River for the last week-10 days, due
to reduction in shallow water temperature over
the last week from cold frontal passages. Largemouths are
fair to good on medium to deeper running, slow moving
crank baits, carolina rigs, 3/4 oz slow moving Rat-L-Traps
in red chrome or white. Jigs along the river next to stumps
in pumkinseed/ chartruese, or black/blue/purple continue
working well. Nice sized keeper bass are
responding favorably to carolina rigged lizards in same areas
around stumps in the river, as the jigs are working. Our
best colors in the last couple weeks are cherry seed, scumpernong,
black neon, or pumpkinseed.
The oxbows along Little River are several degrees warmer than
the main lake or river channel and bass are slightly more aggressive
in those areas. Keeper size Largemouths are hitting slow
moving Rat-L-Traps, heavy spinnerbaits, and "dead-sticking" trick
worms or Bass Assassin Shads, around vegetation and stumps in
drop-offs of water depth of approx 9-12 feet.
Kentuckys (Spotted Bass) remain fair, along the
river on small, rocket shads, H&H spinners, and
tail spinners like the Little Cleos or Little Georges in
white/chrome/red. Creek channels, slightly deeper
water close to the river, are holding the better size fish.
Crappie are improved, within the last week, remain
pushed back out to deeper haunts along the river. Best
depths are 17-18 feet. The best bite has
shifted from mornings, to mid-day on white or pink
jigs and shiners.
Blue Cats are biting well on chicken livers, cottonseed
mill cakes, and cut shad on trot lines; minnows working best on
yo-yo's in 9-12 feet.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity improved from last week, Little River
and main lake normal stain and clarity at approx 2-4
feet depending on location. Clarity on the main lake in
the northeastern sector of the lake around Okay Landing
and Cottonshed, is heavier stained. As of
Monday, the lake level is slightly above normal (259.2)
at 259.6 feet. Discharge at the dam is 391CFS with one
gate open. Cossatot, Little River, Saline River current
is slow but increased from last week's discharge. Numerous
river marker buoys are missing or out of place and noticed
up on the banks, in Little River due to recent high
wind. Use caution in low light navigations.
The upriver oxbows on Little River, still have much better
water visibility, estimated at approx 5-6 feet in places.
We have noticed the water temps remain much warmer, further up
Little River than the main lake body. Differences of up
to 5+ degrees warmer water can be found up river, and
back in the oxbows, as compared to the main lake. Increases
of surface temps have been noted later in the day, depending
on area of the lake and wind and sun.
With the onset of cooler weather, and cold fronts, hypothermia
can set in on a person in less than 5 minutes in water temperatures
around or below the 50º mark, so wear that Life Jacket!!
If you are thrown from your boat, it could be your only chance
of survival.
February 8, 2006 - Beaver
- Submitted by Jason
Piper - JT Crappie Guide Service - As of Wednesday, the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reports the lake's elevation at
1,105.47 feet MSL.
J.T. Crappie Guide Services said the lake is low and the water
is clear. Crappie are biting well on minnows, tube jigs and marabou
jigs around brush and stumps just outside of the river bends.
White bass are biting well in the river arms. The best lures
to use for the whites has been a red-and-chartreuse tube jig.
Black bass are biting fairly well in 3 to 10 feet of water on
crayfish-colored crankbaits. Stripers are fair on large live
shad and minnows near the deeper water of the rivers.
February 7, 2006 - Greers
Ferry Lake - Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service - the water
level at greers ferry is 452.16 and temp is 47-50 degrees
the water has came up about 2 feet but the temp has fell some
the bass fishing is hit or miss they are getting more active
at first light but after that it is hard to get bit sometimes,
the jerk bait bite is improving some and they can be caught with
a crank bait and rattle traps are working well , and if ya need
to go deep a small grub texas on a jig head or a c-rig with a
lizard cannot be beat.
the walleye have slowed down some what with the influx of the
colder weather but they are soon to return to the shallows and
be ready to get their eggs laid and get back out before most
fisherman even get on the water.
a few crappie are showing up pretty good again but not in large
the hybrids and whites have slowed and are only feeding about
once a day now but the sunshine will help improve the bite again
, they are still in about 50 feet of water unless they have the
shad pushed up on the bank and again watch for the birds , but
it is a good time of year to learn to use your lcr and
find the bait fish that way you can stay out of the crowds and
enjoy catching fish and no-one else is around .
no report on the catfish as well as the bream
February 6, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service - Water temps: 49º - 56º;
normal stain, approximately 3" above normal,
& Discharge= 804CFS with gate number 1 open 0.7 foot. Current
in Little River increased, but slow. Gate change is expected
mid to late-week.
Largemouth (Black) Bass patterns are relating to the increase
in water temperature over the last few weeks. Largemouths
are good from 2 to 5 pounds, on Bass
Assassin jerk baits, Cordell Ripplin RedFins, Rat-L-Traps, and
Power Worms in blue fleck. Jig bite on a pumpkinseed/chartruese
or texas craw color, is improved, using Unc Josh pork chunk trailers.
War Eagle spinner baits in copper-peach or spot remover colors, and
the Rat-L-Traps in red-chrome or white colors, remain
working well. Largemouth bass males are running up shallow to
flats adjacent to creek channels and close to the river,
on the warmer days. Over the last few weeks, these
fish continue feeding shallow, on sunny days, then
retreat to the warmer depths and drops in Little River. During
the heat of the day & on bright, sunny days, we are
catching keeper size (16" length), and smaller, black
bass up shallow in depths of 1-3 feet in the lily pad stems and
grass on 1/2oz Rat-L-Traps, Bass Assassins and spinnerbaits.
Slow down your presentation of spinnerbaits and Traps,
and fish the Rat-L-Traps another 2 feet deeper, parallel,
right on the drop offs. Middle keeper sized, 2 &
3 lb black bass are hitting Fat Free Shads in brown craw/orange
belly and citrus shad colors. Additionally, in
some of the backs of the oxbows, several nice keeper size Largemouths
are hitting lizards in cherry seed, scumpernong, and chartruese-pumpkin
colors, around vegetation and stumps.
Kentuckys (Spotted Bass) remain good, along the
river on the small, 1/4oz Rat-L-Traps in white or chrome/chartreuse colors
and tail spinners like the Little Cleos or Mepps and Little Georges
in red. Creek mouths in 9-12 feet depths, where
they dump into Little River has been the best location lately.
Crappie are good, and within the last week, have
began spreading out horizontally, recently changing from their
vertical stacking along Little River. Crappie are
moving slightly more shallow, approx 4 - 5 feet deep, in
close proximity to cypress trees with the increase in suface
temperature. Bite shifts daily, the last
few days is on jigs. The best bite mornings,
and by afternoons for the last few days, the bite is pretty
much over.
No report on White Bass or Blue Cats this week.
The water (surface) temps have stablized
over the last week. Differences in water temps from last
week remain close to the same, depending on location. In
some of the oxbows, we are seeing low 60º
water temps.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity is consistent from last week, with Little
River and main lake normal stain and clarity at approx 2-3
feet. Clarity on the main lake in the northeastern
sector of the lake around Okay Landing and Cottonshed, is
heavier stained. Lake level is slightly
above normal (259.2) at 259.45 feet. Discharge at
the dam is 804CFS with one gate open 0.7 feet. Cossatot,
Little River, Saline River current is slow. Numerous
river marker buoys are missing or out of place and noticed
up on the banks, in Little River due to recent high
wind. Use caution in low light navigations.
The upriver oxbows on Little River, still have much better
water visibility, estimated at approx 5-6 feet in places.
We have noticed the water temps remain much warmer, further up
Little River than the main lake body. Differences of up
to 8+ degrees warmer water can be found up river, and
back in the oxbows, as compared to the main lake. Increases
of surface temps have been noted later in the day, depending
on area of the lake and wind and sun.
With the onset of cooler weather, and cold fronts, hypothermia
can set in on a person in less than 5 minutes in water temperatures
around or below the 50º mark, so wear that Life Jacket!!
If you are thrown from your boat, it could be your only chance
of survival.
January 25, 2006 - Beaver
- Submitted by Jason
Piper - JT Crappie Guide Service - As of Wednesday, the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reports the lake's elevation at
1,105.39 feet MSL.
J.T. Crappie Guide Services said the lake is very
clear and low. Crappie have made a move shallow and are biting
well on minnows and jigs fished close to the brush. Bass fishing
has been good on crankbaits, spoons and jerkbaits. Stripers are
biting well on large shiners.
January 24, 2006 - Greers Ferry Lake
- Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service - the recent
rains have raised the lake somewhat from 450.15 to 451.47. ,
the temp is about the same at 45-50 degrees.
The hybrid fishing and white bass fishing continues to be good
from 6 inches to 53 feet-in places the fish will have the shad
ran up on the bank and alot of them are 15 - 18 lb. hybrids,
follow the birds or find the bait fish and you will be
able to catch some -in-line spinners , jigging spoons and the
best bait i found this week is a rite bite baits hair jig white
and gray with a stub tail grub either hopped or swam.
The crappie are good around the pole timber and brush piles in
about 18 feet of water.
no report on the catfish at this time
the bass fishing has been good and easy after the rain the run
off was warmer and some bait fish and fish moved in-to
them and you can catch them real good on a rattle trap and spinner
bait as well as a small crank bait otherwise try fishing about
40 feet deep witha c-rig and or bluff ends with a grub or jerk
the walleye have slowed , not that they were real hot but they
have not picked up any more but some males and a few females
are being caught up the rivers , really the length of the day
is what matters most on their spawn in stead of water temp, they
will and can spawn in water between 45 and 60 degrees.
January 23, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service - Happy New Year for 2006! Dress
warm & get out there! ....GOFISH<º)))><{
Water temps: 45º - 50º ; approximately 3
inches below normal level, & Discharge= 155CFS with
gate number 1 open 0.37 foot. Very little current
in Little River.
Largemouth (Black) Bass patterns relatively unchanged over
the last couple weeks and are good from 2 to 4 pounds,
on 1/2 oz Rat-L-Traps, Bomber crankbaits, and Southern Pro
Fattbutt tubes in pumpkinseed/chartreuse or black/red
flake. Best crankbait bite has been on firetiger colors
due to increase in wind and heavy stain conditons. War
Eagle spinner baits in white/chartreuse, Berkley Power
Worms in black, and the Rat-L-Traps in red or white, are
working well. Largemouth bass are relating to the
deeper drops in Little River, yet nearby to flats and creek
channel mouths. Over the last couple weeks, these fish
are feeding shallow, on warm, sunny days, then retreat to
the warmer depths and drops in Little River. During
the heat of the day & on bright, sunny days, we are
catching keeper size (16" length), and smaller, black
bass up shallow in depths of 2-3 feet in the lily pad stems and
grass on 1/4 to 1/2oz Rat-L-Traps.
Keeper sized, 2-3 lb black bass are hitting Fat Free
Shads in brown craw/orange belly, and firetiger colors due
to recent high winds muddying the entire lake. Points
on the main lake were yeilding some nice 2-3 pound black
bass along Little River using the larger sized 3/4oz Rat-L-Traps
and medium running crankbaits. Slow the crankbait to get
it deeper.
No report on White Bass or Blue Cats this week.
Kentuckys (Spotted Bass) remain good, along the
river on the small white Rocket Shads, 1/4oz Rat-L-Traps
in white or chrome/chartreuse colors. Creek mouths
in 6-9 feet depths, where they dump into Little
River has been the best location lately. Kentuckies remain
stacked up in the mouths of Snake Creek & Hurricane
Creek this week.
Crappie are very good, but tapered off from last week,
with the recent muddy water and heavy stain from high winds over
the last couple days. Crappie have moved slightly deeper,
approx 14-17 feet deep, along Little River with the recent
decrease in suface temperature. Best bite over the
last few days is on shiners, in contact with planted
brush piles and tops. The best bite remains mid-day and
afternoons. Use caution in navigation along Little
River as many Crappie fishermen and boats are anchored along
Little River during the heat of the day.
The water (surface) temps still remain
much warmer, further up Little River than the main lake body.
Differences in water temps up to 8 degrees, can
be found up river, and back in the oxbows, as compared
to the main lake. Mud Lake, Horseshoe, McGuire Lake, and
other oxbows, were in lower 50ºs this week,
while main lake was a chilly mid- 40ºs range.
The activity level of the bass in these different areas of Millwood
is dramatically more aggressive. This week we have noticed
decrease in surface temperature by 3-4º, due to recent cold
frontal passages and ambient conditions being in the
40º range.
Huge numbers of ducks and a lot of duck hunters, have
been noted on Millwood in the last 3- 4 weeks.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity is poor, due to recent (muchly needed rain &)
high winds, in Little River and is approx 4-5". Clarity
on the main lake is also poor at 2-4". North
eastern sector of the lake around Okay Landing and Cottonshed, is
muddy. Lake level is just slightly below normal (259.2)
at 258.96. Discharge at the dam is 155CFS with one gate
open 0.37 feet. Cossatot, Little River, Saline River current
is slow to non-existent. Numerous river marker buoys
are missing or out of place and noticed up on the banks, in
Little River due to recent high wind. Use caution
in low light navigations.
The upriver oxbows on Little River, still have much better
water visibility, estimated at approx 2 feet in places.
We have noticed the water temps remain much warmer, further up
Little River than the main lake body. Differences of up
to 8+ degrees warmer water can be found up river, and
back in the oxbows, as compared to the main lake. Increases
of surface temps have been noted later in the day, depending
on area of the lake and wind and sun. Over the weekend,
the main lake surface temperatures ranged in the mid 40º
range, and we found water up river in McGuire in the low 50º
range later in mid-day.
With the onset of cooler weather, and cold fronts, hypothermia
can set in on a person in less than 5 minutes in water temperatures
around or below the 50º mark, so wear that Life Jacket!!
If you are thrown from your boat, it could be your only chance
of survival.
January 20, 2006 - Beaver
- G'day y'all from the Beaver Dam Store crew! email - Phone 479-253-6154
- G'day y'all from the Beaver Dam Store crew! - What a weather
forecast. Dark and gloomy conditions will prevail this weekend.
Yippeee!!! Drag out the raincoat _ dust it off _ I'm sure you
have barely worn it for the past six months and go fishing. The
Midge hatch this weekend should be a "bottler" according
to the Aussie _ apparently that means very good Down Under (see
the things you learn subscribing to this email). If its particularly
gloomy, try a 6wt rod and a sinking line, fishing sculpin or
crawdad patterns across the bottom in the deeper holes. This
is a good way to find a genuine trophy. There might be a little
lightning Saturday morning so play it safe.
Sneaking away midweek is also a good bet at
this time of year if you want some real solitude _ plus
its good for your health!
How many times do you watch a new arrival
on the stream hurry up to the waters edge and immediate wade
out as far as they can and start fishing to the far
bank. As if the fish are always thicker on the far side. Steve,
the house guide, received another lesson in look before you wade
this week. We finally thought he had qualified for a day off,
and like any guide would immediately took off fishing to Taneycomo
for a change of scenery. While most others were finding the going
tough as the water levels dropped Steve found fish stacked up
in the quiet eddies along the close bank, out of the main current. Delicate
presentations with barely 10' of flyline out of the tip were
eagerly gobbled.
Beaver Tailwater: Not that we are complaining about
the midge hatch but it would be nice to write about something
different. The midge hatches have been reliable and some
great fun on a dry fly _ if you haven't tried this style of fishing,
or want to learn more, give us a call about our dry fly classes.
There is a strong hatch coming off daily around 11am, and
another around 4pm. During the hatches a Parachute Adams
(20-22) is a great all-rounder, Adams (20); Midge Adams, Cream
Midges, or our newly unpacked Adult Midge Light, Snowshoe
Midge Emerger, or Parasol Midge Emerger have all had some success.
With so many fish up on the surface, picking a target fish and
aiming for the best presentation is often the best approach.
We have Wapsi's Razor Foam Midge tying kits
($8 each) to whip up some of Pat Neuman's great little fly. Tie
it as a pupa or an adult. Its simple fast and effective. If
you don't fancy dry fly precision try swinging a soft hackle,
Olive Submarine, Dark Olive Dun and Peacock and Patridge and
in deeper or swifter sections try the new Fulton's Tungsten Wired
Red Ass.
Before the midge hatch try Zebra midges (black, brown or
red); Razorback Midges; Charlotte's Redneck Midge, Bryce's TDM
and other midge pupa imitations. Subsurface
sowbugs remain the fly of choice through much of the upper section
of the tailwater. Try our gray sowbugs 12-18 or the sweet
McLellan's Woven V-Rib sowbug. Olive Woolly Buggers, and
Egg patterns are performing well particularly in peach colors,
Umpqua's superb low water Flashtail mini eggs, and the bead head
Veiled Eggs for faster runs. We have also been able
to finally get in some teeny size 18 Flashtail Eggs which should
be gobbled up.
As the cold weather increases watch for more early morning
water releases, particularly on weekdays. Generation has been
starting in the evening on dusk. Call 417 336 5083 for a
real time recorded message (after the Table Rock report)
on water releases.
Taneycomo: Fishing well with scuds and midges predominating.
In low water try a McLellan's Hunchback Scud trailed by a gray
Johnny Flash or Gray Shuckin Midge Dun. Small dark Kaufmann's
Scuds are also working well. Bryce's TDM in wine also fooling
fish, Flashtail eggs 16s and 18s were scoring fish. In low water
6x is the minimum requirement and even 7x is worth trying on
tough days, go for the smallest indicator in your box. If its
sunny try a Charlotte's Redneck Midge.
Soft hackles can be good producers and its worth keeping white
woolly buggers in the box in case the long awaiting shad kill
gets underway
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa Steve, Shirley, Tom and Kevin
January 19, 2006 - Beaver
- Submitted by Jason
Piper - JT Crappie Guide Service - As of Wednesday, the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reports the lakeâ¤s
elevation at 1,105.5 feet MSL.
J.T. Crappie Guide Services said the lake is low and clear. Crappie
fishing has been good on jigs and minnows in 5 to 15 feet of
water up the river arms. Bass are biting well on chartreuse or
shad-colored jerkbaits and crankbaits. Catfish are fair on cut
shad. Stripers have been biting well from Perry Creek to Eden
Bluff on umbrella rigs baited with curlytail grubs and live shad
suspended under a balloon.
January 18, 2006 - Greers
Ferry Lake - Submitted by Fish Finders Fish Service - the water
level is 451.08 5tenths above 10 feet low.
water temp is 45-50 degrees at best now.
the hybrid and white bass fishing is great, the birds and fish
are both feeding alot and the fishes eggs are not for from being
ready to lay right now aliilt more warm weather and you can not
hold them back, it should be a great catching year as the water
is so low ,it will be like fishing in a barrel , if ya go out
watch for the birds as the fish are moving alot , the other day
the birds are so thick a fisherman even caught one of them.
The blackbasses are hit and miss with all the cold fronts now
but is typical this time of year, wiggle warts , rite bites special
spinner bait and jigs are accounting for all the fish on 45 degree
banks with chunk rock and jerk baits and jigging spoons are the
best on bluff ends now.
the crappie are so so , in about 18 feet of water on jigs and
no- reports on the catfish
the walleye are being caught up the rivers and not only males
but some females are their allready biting walley divers and
jerk baits as well as grubs and jigs fished deep you can catch
them real good shallow on a stormy night.
January 12, 2006 - Beaver
- Submitted by Jason
Piper - JT Crappie Guide Service - As of Wednesday, the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reports the lakeâ¤s
elevation at 1,105.5 feet MSL.
J.T. Crappie Guide Services said the lake is low and clear. A
few people are buying crickets to fish for bream but arenâ¤t
having much luck. Crappie fishing has been good next to brush
piles on the river arms using minnows and jigs. Bass fishing
is good on vertically jigged spoons around the main lake and
crankbaits upriver. Stripers are busting large shad and shiners
all over the lake, but the surface activity has been limited.
January 11, 2006 - Greers Ferry Lake
- Submitted by Fish
Finders Fish Service - The water level at greers ferry
came up to just a little over 10 feet low now after the rain
from 450.92 to a whopping 451.05, we need rain, the temp is still
around 48 to 50 on warm days.
The whites and hybrids are still biting pretty good in the mouths
of creeks and following the shad around , watch for the birds
and you can catch them and then all of a sudden they will be
gone , but usually they will be back at the same place the next
morning spoons and swim baits working best, in about 50 feet
of water
The bass are biting right on the bank if the sun is high with
spinnerbaits and if it is cloudy and cold go deeper with crank
baits and bigger spinnerbaits on chunk rock 45 degree banks and
also drop shots -grubs and c-rigs in about 45 to 50 feet on main
creek and river intersections deep fish you really have to slow
down and on some warm windy days the rattle trap or spot is working
well on steep banks, the winter here is the time to catch a
big black bass.
The crappie had been going pretty well but no reports this week,
continue trying the standing timber and brush piles in about
18 feet od water.
no catfisherman out at all.
the walleye have disappeared with the cold front , but look for
the males up river on the next warm up.
January 9, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service - Happy New Year for 2006! Dress
warm & get out there! ....GOFISH<º)))><{
Water temps: 45º - 55º ; approximately 2.2 inches below
normal level, & Discharge= 158CFS with gate number 1 open
0.37 foot. Current in Little River is non-existent.
Largemouth (Black) Bass are good between 2 &
4 pounds, on War Eagle spinner baits in Aurora color, 7"
Berkley Power Worms in tequila sunrise, or blue fleck, and
Southern Pro Fattbutt tubes in smoke/black-red flake or
purple smoke, along the pad stems in Little River,
paying particular attention to points and parallel to the
drops. The patterns are relatively unchanged over the last
couple weeks and Largemouths are relating to the deeper
drops in Little River, yet close to flats and creek channel mouths,
where they are grouped up. On warm, sunny days, these bass
run up shallow on these flats and points, to grab a
quick meal, and retreat to the warmer depths and drops in Little
River. We are fishing a lighter weight spinner
bait slower and deeper for the past few weeks. Using a
1/4oz or 3/8oz size spinnerbait, we are clipping on weights to
the arms or hook shanks of these smaller lures to slow them down,
thereby allowing fishing deeper in the strike zones
where the Largemouths have apparently dropped to, for the
marjority of their daytime hours, in the last couple weeks.
During the heat of the day & on sunny days, we are catching
keeper size (16" length), and smaller, black bass up
shallow in depths of 2-3 feet in the lily pad stems and grass
on the Rat-L-Traps. Good areas are Pugh Slough, Hurricane
Creek, White Cliffs, Jack's Isle. Work all these area's
points where they intersect Little River.
Crankbaits and Rat-L-Traps in orange/brown craw
or white shad patterns, remain taking fair to good
size black bass and Kentucks between 2-3 pounds. Keeper sized,
2-3 lb black bass are hitting Fat Free Shads in brown craw/orange
belly, Norman DLN in suncraw, and the Bandit crankbaits in the
brown back/orange belly craw patterns. The 7-9 foot depths
of creek mouths around Snake Creek, Mud Lake and Hurricane Creeks
in the last week seem to be holding the crankbait fish.
Points on the main lake were yeilding some nice 2-3 pound
black bass along Little River using the larger sized 3/4oz Rat-L-Traps
and medium running crankbaits.
The Black Bass jig bite continues improving. Swimming
a white jig with pearl zoom chunk trailer is imitating shad
very well, and catching keeper bass around grass or lily pad
stems. Texas Craw or pumpkin/ watermelon rind, using
Larew Hawg Craws in pumpkinseed, Zoom black or green pumpkin
chunk trailers, continue working on Largemouths around 4
pounds each around stumps and timber.
No report on White Bass or Blue Cats this week.
Kentuckys (Spotted Bass) remain good, along the
river on the small white Rocket Shads, 1/4oz Rat-L-Traps
in chrome or chrome/chartreuse colors and carolina
rigged, green pumpkin 4" mini-lizards are working .
Try around creek mouths in 8-12 feet depths, and where
they dump into Little River. Kentuckies remain stacked
up in the mouths of Snake Creek, Hurricane Creek and Mud Lake second
entrance this week.
Crappie are excellent, with many limits of huge slabs, coming
in daily. Crappie remain approx 15-19 feet deep
along Little River. Best bite is using jigs, in
contact with planted brush piles and tops. The best bite
remains mid-day this week. Use caution in navigation
along Little River as many Crappie fishermen and boats are anchored
along Little River during the heat of the day.
The water (surface) temps still remain
much warmer, further up Little River than the main lake body.
Differences in water temps up to 8 degrees, can
be found up river, and back in the oxbows, as compared
to the main lake. Mud Lake, Horseshoe, McGuire Lake, and
other oxbows, were in mid-to-upper 50ºs this week,
while main lake was a chilly mid- to- upper 40ºs range.
The activity level of the bass in these different areas of Millwood
is dramatically more aggressive.
Huge numbers of ducks and a lot of duck hunters, have
been noted on Millwood in the last 2-3 weeks.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity is excellent, in Little River and is approx 5+
feet. Clarity on the main lake is also very good
at approx 2-3 feet. North eastern sector of the lake
around Okay Landing and Cottonshed, remains stained but
improving. Lake level is just slightly below normal
(259.2) at 259.02. Discharge at the dam is 158CFS with
one gate open 0.37 feet. Cossatot, Little River, Saline
River current is slow to non-existent. Numerous
river marker buoys are missing or out of place and noticed
up on the banks, in Little River due to recent high
wind. Use caution in low light navigations.
The upriver oxbows on Little River, still have much better
water visibility, estimated at approx 5-7 feet in places.
We have noticed the water temps remain much warmer, further up
Little River than the main lake body. Differences of up
to 8+ degrees warmer water can be found up river, and
back in the oxbows, as compared to the main lake. Increases
of surface temps have been noted later in the day, depending
on area of the lake and wind and sun. Monday the main lake
surface temperatures ranged in the mid 40º range, and
we found water up river in McGuire above 50º later
in mid-day.
With the onset of cooler weather, and cold fronts, hypothermia
can set in on a person in less than 5 minutes in water temperatures
around or below the 50º mark, so wear that Life Jacket!!
If you are thrown from your boat, it could be your only chance
of survival.
Thank you to the USArmy Corps of Engineers and AG&FC
personnel who are currently in process of evaluating the increase
and spread of various aquatic vegetation species on Little River
and Millwood Lake. A recommendation & report is pending,
on potential control measures which would be the most physical
effective manner of the vegetation growth explosion in all the
creeks, oxbows, Little River and the main lake; as well as which
methods could be the most cost effective to maintain.
Use EXTREME caution navigating Little River in low light conditions,
and SLOW DOWN! Careful watch for floaters and debris in
Little River's current, and wearing your PFD is a requirement!!
Don't forget, be safe, and respect the other guy's right to use
the lake too. Release those big bass to spawn and fight
again, and take home those little 16"ers to fry up!
Use caution in low light conditions, wear your Life Preserver
and SUNSCREEN! If you are suddenly thrown from your boat,
or knocked unconscious, your life preserver can potentially be
your only hope to survive.
January 2, 2006 - Millwood
Lake - Submitted by Millwood
Lake Guide Service - Happy New Year for 2006! Dress
warm & get out there! ....GOFISH<º)))><{
Water temps: 45º - 51º ; approximately 1.75 inches below
normal level, & Discharge = 158CFS with gate number 1 open
0.37 foot. Current in Little River is non-existent.
Patterns for Largemouth (Black) Bass are relatively unchanged
over the last couple weeks. The bass are relating to the
deeper drops in Little River, yet close to huge flats and creek
channel mouths, and they're up shallow on warm, sunny days. Largemouths remain fair
to good between 2 & 4 pounds, on War Eagle spinner baits
in copper-peach and Aurora colors, along the pad stems
in Little River adjacent to creek channel swings and mouths,
on points. We are fishing a lighter weight spinner
bait slower and deeper for the past few weeks. Using a
1/4oz or 3/8oz size spinnerbait, we are clipping on weights to
the arms or hook shanks of these smaller lures to slow them down,
thereby allowing fishing deeper in the strike zones
where the Largemouths have apparently dropped to, or pulled out several
feet, in the last couple weeks. During the heat of the
day & on sunny days, we are catching keeper size (16"
length), and smaller, black bass up shallow in depths of
2-3 feet in the lily pad stems and grass on the Rat-L-Traps.
Good areas are Pugh Slough, Hurricane Creek, White Cliffs, Jack's
Isle. Work all these area's points where they intersect
Little River.
Crankbaits and Rat-L-Traps in various craw or shad patterns,
remain taking fair to good size black bass and
Kentucks between 2-3 pounds. We are catching
fair sized, 2-3 lb black bass with the Fat Free Shad in brown
craw/orange belly, Norman DLN in suncraw, and the Bandit crankbaits
in the brown back/orange belly craw patterns. The 7-9 foot
depths of creek mouths around Snake Creek, Mud Lake and Hurricane
Creeks in the last week seem to be holding the crankbait fish.
Points on the main lake were yeilding some nice 2-3 pound
black bass along Little River using the larger sized Rat-L-Traps
and medium running crankbaits.
The Black Bass jig bite continues improving. In
the last few days and week, a white jig with pearl zoom chunk
trailer is imitating shad very well, and catching keeper
bass around grass or lily pad stems. Texas Craw or pumpkin/
watermelon rind, using Larew Hawg Craws in pumpkinseed,
Zoom black or green pumpkin chunk trailers, continue
working on Largemouths around 4 pounds each around stumps
and timber.
No report on White Bass this week.
Kentuckys (Spotted Bass) remain good, along the
river on the small white Rocket Shads. Carolina
rigged, green pumpkin mini-lizards are working, and
small Rat-L-Traps in chrome- blue or chrome/chartreuse colors.
Try around creek mouths in 8-12 feet depths, and where
they dump into Little River. Kentuckies remain stacked
up in the mouths of Snake Creek, Hurricane Creek and Mud Lake second
entrance this week. Recent cold frontal passages have slowed
the aggressive bite.
Crappie are excellent, with many limits of huge slabs, coming
in daily. Crappie remain approx 10-15 feet deep
along Little River. Best bite is using jigs, in
contact with planted brush piles and tops. The best bite
remains mid-day this week. Areas working Crappie well are
along Little River in front of Mud Lake oxbow, between White
Cliffs and McGuire Lake oxbow, and between Jack's Isle and
Mud Lake along Little River. Use caution in navigation
along Little River as many Crappie fishermen and boats are anchored
along Little River during the heat of the day.
We are still noticing the water temps
remain much warmer, further up Little River than the main lake
body. Differences in water temps up to 8 degrees, can
be found up river, and back in the oxbows, as compared
to the main lake. Mud Lake, Horseshoe, McGuire Lake, and
other oxbows, were in mid-to-upper 50ºs this week,
while main lake was a chilly mid- to- upper 40ºs range.
The activity level of the bass in these different areas of Millwood
is dramatically more aggressive.
Huge numbers of ducks and a lot of duck hunters, have
been noted on Millwood in the last 2-3 weeks.
Millwood Lake & Little River Conditions Report
Water clarity is excellent, in Little River and is approx 3-5
feet. Clarity on the main lake is also slight
improvement at approx 2-3 feet. North eastern sector
of the lake around Okay Landing and Cottonshed, remains
stained but improving. Lake level is just slightly
below normal (259.2) at 259.07. Discharge at the dam is
158CFS with one gate open 0.37 feet. Cossatot and Little
River current is slow to non-existent. Several river
marker buoys are missing or out of place due to recent high
wind. Use caution in low light navigations.
The upriver oxbows on Little River, still have much better
water visibility, estimated at approx 5-7 feet in places.
We have noticed the water temps remain much warmer, further up
Little River than the main lake body. Differences of up
to 8+ degrees warmer water can be found up river, and
back in the oxbows, as compared to the main lake. Increases
of surface temps have been noted later in the day, depending
on area of the lake and wind and sun. Monday the main lake
surface temperatures ranged in the mid 40º range, and
we found water up river in McGuire above 50º later
in mid-day.
With the onset of cooler weather, and cold fronts, hypothermia
can set in on a person in less than 5 minutes in water temperatures
around or below the 50º mark, so wear that Life Jacket!!
If you are thrown from your boat, it could be your only chance
of survival.
December 30, 2005 - Beaver
- G'day y'all from the Beaver Dam Store crew! email - Well 2005 is
almost done, and what a year its been for us and everyone else.
Lots of changes around the store in the past year, most notably
the retirement of Charlotte and the new ownership. And plenty
of exciting times ahead. We have also been through the development
of a new management plan for the Tailwater, which of course brings
new rules from January 1.
These changes are also accompanied by a major reduction in stocking
numbers, to try and balance the food resource with the fish population.
Yes fishing Beaver is going to be different and for the better.
But the long-term need is still for a hatchery on Beaver. We
have been promised it for 30 years, we have the land available
and the water supply, all that is needed now is the funding.
Speaking for most anglers we don't believe where the money comes
from is important, Federal, State, local or even private resources.
But we want that money provided now. We, all of us who fish this
tailwater, have waited long enough.
Beaver Tailwater: Fishing is getting better once
the day warms a little. Before the midge hatch try Zebra midges
(black, brown or red); Razorback Midges; Charlotte's Redneck
Midge and other midge pupa imitations. During the hatches (mid-morning
to early afternoon) particularly on cloudy days try Parachute
Adams (20-22), Adams (20); Midge Adams, Cream Midges, or our
newly unpacked Adult Midge Light, Snowshoe Midge Emerger, or
Parasol Midge Emerger.
We have Wapsi's Razor Foam Midge tying kits ($8 each) to whip
up some of Pat Neuman's great little fly. Tie it as a pupa or
an adult. Its simple fast and effective. If you don't fancy dry
fly precision try swinging a soft hackle, Olive Submarine, Dark
Olive Dun and Peacock and Patridge and in deeper or swifter sections
try the new Fulton's Tungsten Wired Red Ass.
Subsurface sowbugs remain the fly of choice through much of the
upper section of the tailwater. Try our gray sowbugs 12-18 or
the sweet McLellan's Woven V-Rib sowbug.
Olive Woolly Buggers, and Egg patterns are performing well particularly
in peach colors, Umpqua's superb low water Flashtail mini eggs,
and the bead head Veiled Eggs for faster runs. We have also been
able to finally get in some teeny size 18 Flashtail Eggs which
should be gobbled up.
As the cold weather increases watch for more early morning water
releases, particularly on weekdays. Generation has been starting
in the evening on dusk. Call 417 336 5083 for a real time recorded
message (after the Table Rock report) on water releases.
Norfork Tailwater/Bull Shoals: Low, low water over the Christmas
break meant plenty of fishing and catching.Similar conditions
can probably be expected this weekend. Olive midges, gray sowbugs,
olive/brown scuds all were working well on Norfork on Tuesday
when Steve guided three generations of the Lenard family. (We
will save the tale of Dry Run Creek for when the photos arrive).
Lots of midging fish from McLellan's downstream, great time to
try soft hackles or dries, mentioned above. Sunny days try the
Pearl submarine in particular. Overcast days have seen nice blue
wing olive hatches on both the White and Norfolk. Small pheasant
tails, or the many micro mayfly variants can be effect in the
early stages of the hatch.
Egg patterns have been very effective, particuarly around Wildcat
Shoal and Rim Shoal has also been fishing well
It seems a long time since March when we first
started telling you about the proposals for Beaver Tailwater
to get its own management plan, and better yet drafted with input
from those fishing the river. Well finally, on January 1 the
new regulations underpinning the plan will come into effect.
If you're a catch and release fly fisher currently you probably
won't notice much difference at all. The main changes only really
affect those taking trout or bait fishers. But everyone should
support the goals of the new plan _ top produce better sized
rainbows and more trophy browns.
To that end stocking levels have basically been halved and a
slot limit introduced to allow fish to grow, relatively unmolested
from 13" to 16", replacing the existing minimum size
Bait fishers will have to use barbless hooks on the whole river,
from the Dam to Houseman Access. The current Catch and Release
Area has become a "no bait zone" which will carry pretty
much the same rules as the former catch and release area, including
single barless articials and no chumming. The final management
plan, which will run for 5 years, will not be finalised until
early next year.
The regulation changes are:
13" to 16" slot limit for all trout All trout between
13" and 16" must be released immediately..
Daily creel limit remains 5 trout but only one trout may be over
Single barbless hook restriction on bait fishing to reduce hooking
mortality of released trout, hooking point barb must be mashed
down or removed. Bait holder barbs on hook shank are allowed.
From Beaver Dam to Houseman Access, possession of trout within
the slot limit (between 13" and 16") will not be allowed.
The current Catch and Release Area has been converted to a no-bait
zone where only single barbless artificial lured may be used
but the same slot limit harvest rules apply. Chumming is not
allowed in this area.
A Trout permit is required to fish Beaver Dam to Houseman Access,
or to retain trout from any state waters.
Other statewide trout regulations are unchanged and still in
place. See the Trout Fishing Guidebook or Fishing Guidebook for
those regulations.
Tight Lines from the Beaver Dam Store staff,
Lisa Steve, Shirley, Tom and Kevin.
Source: Arkansas Anglers like you.
Send us a report.
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